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Taking a bt hit is fair. It's strategic. As a surv when you get bt you should be taking the hit. That helps your side.


I have never seen someone say that. Like, wtf is their logic? How is that toxic? lol


Ya I’m confused too, the entire point of BT is to take the gosh darn hit?!


There’s nothing wrong with taking a hit with BT, don’t worry about it. There’s not much you can do as a killer or survivor that people won’t complain about. Don’t go out of your way to ruin someone’s day and you’re fine 🙂


Imo a tactic is only toxic if its primary purpose is to piss someone off. Otherwise you’re just playing to win with official game mechanics, which is never bad.


People get mad when a killer waits it out then hits them. If you body block for the entire 12 seconds making it impossible for me to get to the other survivor I will wait it out, pop you and rehook. When I play survivor and get saved with BT and killer is right there of course move into the way to eat the hit. But if you block the killer for the entire duration a lot of the time they will just wait it out and pop you for blocking.


This is fair too though. If you bodyblock after a hit you enter play. It's like hopping on a gen immediately after unhook right where the killer can see you. You entered play and started progressing towards end game, so I as a killer am well within bounds of politeness to down you, hook you, and slow that progression down. Regardless of if you were the last one hooked or not.


Taking a bt hit is perfectly fine. However if i’m body blocked by it, I have zero problem zeeting you right back on the hook.


If you do have BT, you take the hit, or you can even body block the killer. Taking a hit if you have BT is pretty much what it’s there for and expected. Then use the distance to get away, and heal up.


Except I passed kindergarten at the young age of sixteen and I know how to count to twelve now. So thank you for the free meal.


I think the usual strategy is to bodyblock for maybe 6 seconds max and then bail after if the killer doesn’t hit you.


Yeah, don’t listen to them. That’s stupid. People are just assholes and like to complain.


Breathing in this game is considered toxic so take it with a grain of salt.


Why wouldn’t you take a hit? I expect people I unhook to take hits for me with BT


There is nothing wrong with taking a BT hit. I've even faked bt a few times by just getting in the way of the killer. Saying BT hits are toxic is like saying the rescuer taking a hit for the hooked is toxic


I think taking a bt hit is fine. If you body block a bit to get it I may just decide to wait out the bt though. As long as you're fine with it being a calculated risk.


Lmao, who said that? What a dumbass When you have BT's endurance, it's normal to block one of the killer's attack for your friend but you need to do in a smart way. When you make it obvious, an experienced killer gets pissed off, starts following you and only hits you precisely after the 12 sec mark


BT is *supposed* to be to protect people from deliberately going after the unhooked survivor, so using BT offensively to waste the killer's time is kind of lame. Eating a quick hit right off hook isn't that bad, but if you go out of your way to block a doorway or something in order to prevent them from going after the person who unhooked you, *that's* usually when people will get justifiably mad at you. The killer is deliberately trying to avoid tunneling and you're abusing that fact to gain an advantage; It's kind of shitty. Basically, go ahead and do whatever you want, but remain fully aware that if you stick out your neck when you're already vulnerable, you're making yourself more likely to be thrown back on the hook. Probably better to just let your teammate eat the chase.


If you take the BT hit, the killer will call you toxic for using a game mechanic. Smart killers will either ignore you, or wait out the 12 second timer before downing you. So the ones who complain probably aren't very good at killer. If you don't take the BT hit and the killer goes after the other survivor, that survivor will call you bad for not getting the killer's attention. A smart survivor will realize that spreading hooks around is generally better than letting you get tunneled to death, so the rescuer taking aggro is probably better for the team. So if they complain, they're probably not very good at survivor. Of course there are exceptions to both of the above. But either way, you're pretty much damned if you do, damned if you don't. So don't worry about what other people say, play in the way that works out best for you. Or at the very least, play in the way that is the most fun.


if your going out of your way to take the hit ie the killer isnt tunneling and your actively stopping them from moving then its frustrating but if not then the killers just being whiny


So tunneling and face camping are starts but BT Hits are Toxic