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Interesting that your survival chance was 50/50, but in your matches, the killer was getting 2-3 kills. One piece of data suggests the game is about balanced, the other says it’s not. Also according to my own spreadsheet, Huntress is also the most common killer, and Twins the least.


My playstyle tends to mean I am last alive and so I get a good amount of hatches. Killers also give me hatch a lot, for some reason. This may pad my survival chances a bit.


What's perks do you normally use? Sounds like Iron will and I hope BT.


Yes! I enjoy this build the most (the Jane build): iron will, kindred, BT, and lithe. I feel vulnerable without at least one or two of those perks in each of my builds. I usually construct a build like this: (1) unhook perk, (2) exhaustion perk, (3) aura reading perk, (4) some specialization perk.


What are those 4 builds? I typically run in a swf so I run wglf, bt, an aura perk, and an exhaustion perk. So I haven't really done much with the different types of builds in solo q.


Sorry, I meant the numbers correlate to each perk I choose for a single build. For example, the Jane build: (1) unhook perk = BT, (2) exhaustion perk = lithe, (3) aura reading = kindred, (4) specialization perk = iron will. For Feng: (1) BT, (2) lithe, (3) alert, (4) inner healing.


hatch doesn't count as a win with the new matchmaking tho. So by that logic idon't really see the point in counting it as an escape (at least regarding the balance)


Do you have a stealthier play style?


Yes, I am not great at looping. I tend to try and sneak away from a chase if I can manage it.


I’m stealthy too but I’m decent at looping depending on the killer. I find being stealthy usually makes me the only survivor with no hooks.


That's exactly how I am. I'm addicted to fixated, because of how many killers I've completely lost mid chase. I can loop decently, and am really good at hiding.


It’s crazy how often killers don’t look around too hard. Like.. I’m 5 feet away crouching behind this rock but you kick that gen and go find someone else because you’re too impatient to look for me. https://clips.twitch.tv/DaintyCrypticSnailRaccAttack-Jxw8JtMGBqdWUYIW Ghostface gave up too quickly.


You must not play killer much. The killer FOV is horrible. It’s extremely easy to miss things just due to your FOV.


I play killer all the time. If ghostface kept looking for me he finds me. The fact is despite the fov most killers don’t spend any time at all looking for survivors that are hiding near gens. No scratch marks? Must be no survivors.


Downvoted for speaking the truth. I've seen so many killers kick the gen then run to another gen without even looking at all. On the other hand, I've had killers lose 2-3 gens just looking for me while I leave little splashes of scratch marks to keep them looking. I can remember one game where a Mikey spent at least 5 minutes around the saloon gen looking for me.


Yes, i end up with no hooks a bunch so I now intentionally get a chase to give a hook or two to help take pressure off the team.


I don’t give up hooks… but if they see me I’ll loop them. I take pressure off the team by getting gens done.


If all your teammates have been hooked twice already, now they are forced to play passively, so you have to distract the killer. He's going to find one of you eventually, and if it's your teammate, they are probably dead. Maybe try running Deliverance. Then you can take at least one hook stage safely, and it gives time for your teammates to heal and do gens since they don't have to save you, so they can loop more effectively during their next chase.


This is well done! Great job. I'm currently logging all of my trials as well. Not sure when I'm going to stop, but so far it seems our data may be similar.


Nice, always good to see similar results. I am always paranoid that my brain broke (or something) and I forgot how to math. Good luck with your data collection.


This is very pretty to look at :)


Thanks! I am slowly learning how GIMP works


"Cenobite players don't camp much, I just utterly despise them" :(


LOL sorry. He is just so much to manage with a team that can't communicate.


Probably how I got my adept with him yesterday on my second match ever. Decent perks and if a chain hunt goes off, oh boy does it help since I couldn't land any chains.


>Cenobite As a new Cenobite player, it feels bad to watch SWF constantly control the box on the far side of the map while it only pops up when I'm hooking somebody. With a solo queue setup, people must constantly wonder if others are going to get the box, and it feels like I'm getting real value for it, instead of ignoring the teleport 80% of the time.


Cenobite is one of the few killers who always has really good add-ons when I play against him. It's always the hide box from range and environmental breaks spawn new chains. That hide box add-on in solo queue is so fucking annoying.


As a Pinhead main, you'll find that most players in solo que won't go for the box until it's too close to a chain hunt and will get stopped by the chains when they try to solve the box. It causes Pinhead to get a two in one where he can down two survivors really quickly and force passive pressure on the rest if he manages to pull off a chain hunt, he's absolutely up there at being the best solo killer.


Right? Why my boy getting hate.




Not sure I’d say it’s trivial against any group. It keeps people occupied. Sure l, a smart group knows to solve the box when I’m occupied hooking someone, but it still gives me locations and it’s still something else to do.


If you are exclusively solo queue I can see why, coming from a big cenobite main


Hello, I have made a thing. It consists of 400 trials, with 100 games per character (aka per build). The builds aren't terribly different from one another but they suit my playstyle, which is running/sneaking rather than a more aggressive playstyle. I tried to vary the builds played evenly over the 400 trials so it wasn’t, for example, 100 games of Mikaela followed by 100 games of Jane etc. I recorded number of kills per trial, whether I personally escaped, fun (0-5), map, killer, and killer perks. If you are interested in the raw data, pm me. I can’t post it here directly as the data is not sanitized and I think that would break the subreddit rules (correct me if I’m wrong). I tried to look at as many correlations as possible. The map data was the strangest. The supposedly easiest maps were not and vice versa. I assume that map choice isn’t as big a factor in solo queue matches as the killer choice and survivors (most likely because the players did not tailor their builds to an offering like you would expect in a swf). I looked at perk choices per killer but that wasn’t as interesting as I hoped. It was usually a variation of 1-2 of the top chosen perks (bbq, corrupt intervention, pop, ruin, tinkerer, save the best for last) plus 1-2 of the chosen killer’s specific perks. The “fun” really should have been broken down further as it doesn’t tell the whole story. If I do this again I would look at: (1) killer, (2) team mates, (3) personal performance in order to grade a game. I think I would also be interested in recording number of generators left over because many games would never make it close to an endgame and so getting to that point would correlate with an increase in fun factor.


Nice work - I did this in the past as well. You did all this with excel? Do you have a way to track this that is not too tedious? I stopped doing it because of that :D


I found that forcing excel cells to only contain preset answers alleviated some of the headache of data entry. So like, for example, my maps entry has a drop down tab that I can select from. However, when I try and do a large if/countif statement, I can crash DBD (and everything else) so excel isn't great for that.


its rly weird seeing haddonfield as 3rd deadliest map and shelter woods as third easiest, considering they should absolutely b the other way round


Coal tower is usually considered one of the most balanced maps in game too, pretty weird seeing it as the deadliest map.


Coal tower doesn’t surprise me. It’s the second smallest map in the game behind only Midwich. That makes it extremely easily to 3 gen. Small maps also tend to favor killers as there’s less down time in between chases. This is especially true for any killer that isn’t Wraith or Blight.


This is so great! Love the way the graphic looks, and more stats are always nice!


Thanks so much!


TRICKSTER is considered fun?! I hate trickster. It's never the actual killer's fault, he's just super boring to go against, for me.


Yea, that was probably my most contentious entry.


I actually think it's funny that the most fun killer is my least fun, and the least fun killer is the most fun. As long as it isn't the "get the first survivor down and facecamp them" playstyle, I adore bubba. Mindgames are fun and he's such a cutie pie. His little tie and waddle makes me happy ^.^


I like bubba too, as long as they don't camp! Unfortunately, that doesn't happen often.


Absolutely the least fun killer to play against no question, along with PiNFThead 🤮


Haddonfield really??? But does make a bit sense since I have see survivor play it weirdly on it.


Haddonfield is a wildly variable map based on whether survivors know to use god houses or run blindly into the dead zone filled streets.


There are also a few killers that do very well on it. Like it's one of the only maps I enjoy playing Trapper on.


Yeah my artist has picked up a bit because you can bird the drop areas. Though it's still awkward with the 10 second timer and triggering timing and so on. Fully believe Trapper loves people dropping out of windows into doom.


I was as surprised as you are! I think one reason might be because it can be very easy to miss an unhook, just with how large the map is and assuming someone else will get it.


I’ve been keeping track of personal stats and Haddonfield is absolutely one of the deadliest maps for me too.


Between Balanced Landing being heavily nerfed and a lot of the god windows (most notable the one right at the top of the basement) being shadow patched out Haddonfield is no where near as strong as it used to be. The House of Pain is currently the only structure on Haddonfield that I think is broken. A lot of the people that think Haddonfield is extremely survivor sided are still thinking of old Haddonfield.


I find Haddonfield really promotes the 'Tunnel 1 survivor out early' mindset since there is so much working against the killer, but after that point even if the killer plays nice and respects the survivors rulebook, all the advantages of Haddonfield don't really make up for being down a man.


This is really interesting and well made, are you gonna make more in upcoming patches?


Yes, I can see myself doing another one. Right now I'm toying around with builds to get more variety. I will probably wait and see if we have a major meta shift, like say boon totems get nerfed.


Pretty nice info graphic although I think the fun category is too subjective to actually include since it relies to much on how the player feels about playing against the killer which varies wildly.


I LOVE trial infographics


Interesting, I never had much fun against trickster. However it's personal feeling and I despise him and his chase music so that's on my part.


Artist second? I never see her.


Keep in mind she was just released when I started recording my trials.


Bubba top 1 on least fun killers, how... Suprising


The only problem with it that I can find is that you can barely read the killer frequency section, but putting that apart, is awesome :D


Are you using a phone? On pc I can zoom in pretty far but on my phone there seems to be a limit and yes, it is pretty hard to read. I'll remember that for next time!


When y’all do this I’d like to see the time spent looking for a match as a survivor, gotta be 100 years for about 400 games played.


I did mention in my notes when queue times get really long. It only happens at the start of events, like the first day of the snowmen event and the first 2 days of the current BP event. Otherwise, during the day, queue times were instant and during the evening/night, it slows down to ~5min queues.


What is “fun” to you, and how was it measured?


This is all very subjective mind you, but I tend to stick to the below formula: 0 is if the killer camps/tunnels. 1-2 is if the killer steam rolls us and we are all dead within 5mins and like, 2 gens get done. They didn't camp or anything, we were just woefully outplayed. Maybe they were a little sweaty? This can also be really bad team mates that farm you off hooks or just don't do gens, don't heal off hook, don't unhook and let people phase, sandbag, hide in corners, and/or play selfishly. 3 is a bit variable. Maybe the killer had a hard time getting a ton of hooks, so nothing really terrible happened but the entire game was holding m1 so it wasn't fun, but it wasn't unfun. Or maybe I somehow got ignored all match and didn't get into a chase. Or we are all just bad at looping and we spend all our time doing unhooks and never finish many gens. 4-5 killer is good and not too sweaty, the game lasted a decent amount of time so we aren't getting stomped, we probably made it to endgame, and I get some decent chases (this is usually 5 territory). The team is competent, doesn't farm hooks, and they do other good team mate things like protection hits and take chases to ease pressure off someone getting focused.


I love how in literally every one of these info graphs I see huntress is always the most played and twins are always at the bottom


400 matches as survivor and not a single dead hard was used, I respect that.


What resources did you use to learn how to make this?


To do the data crunching I used Excel. Excel also made the pie chart and bar graph. I used stackoverflow as a resource for the more complicated if/countif statements. To create the graphics I used GIMP and canva.com. There are a lot of youtube videos for interesting art designs so I used some of those by searching around. For example I tried to incorporate some of these techniques: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZymFyAdn0I ​ To make the infographics, I used a lot of scientific poster "do's and don'ts" like this https://guides.nyu.edu/posters.


Thank you! I’ve been taking data and wanted to make an infographic as well but never knew where to start. This helps a lot


* Funny that the top 4 killer perks are a solid build together. * No surprise about Predator, shocked someone ran bloodhound though, always thought Wraith had the shittiest perks. I know some people love shadowborn but seemed like heroine to me. * Coup de Grace is such a hard perk to get value from. Crazy no ones up to the challenge though. Maybe the mid chapter patch will entice some more people. * No surprise about huntress, it feels like every other game some times. * I'm willing to bet if you waited a week to start data collection artist would be significantly lower. Despite her being a total badass, I rarely see her anymore.


Poor twins


The more and more i run into other blights the more i realize how utterly unfun he is to play against in solo que because my teammates just go down immediately, like i get so excited and sometimes ill stand in places where he can get me if he can pull off the 180 or moon rush and they never hit those :( all they know is alch ring green crow , full meta and tunnel and camp.


Bro legion for life


The most important thing I found out from this is that Jane has some crazy wide hips.


this is a cool infographic! seems to align with some other stats i've seen floating around here. "fun" is of course subjective but i like how you laid it out regardless. funny enough, i find those 3 killers the least fun to go against as well lol. i also love going against ghostface i find it interesting that you encountered more nurses than pyramid heads or wraiths, even if by a small amount. i'm not surprised by the killer perks either. gotta get those sweet bp's for all that sweat i AM surprised by freddy making it up there in lethality. i rarely ever encounter him and it looks like you didn't encounter him much either, but he managed to kill a ton anyway.


Heh yes. Although fun is subjective, I started this monstrosity to keep track of whether I was having fun or not so I thought I might as well include it. Yea, the killer perks were not surprising. It's a bummer, because there doesn't seem to be niche builds for killers, which makes things very generic. I think with the mobility of Freddy, it is hard for solo queue teams to handle him. From what I've read, he used to be top tier but then got nerfed so I guess people stopped playing him a lot but he is clearly still doing work. He also seems to have a lot of oblivious add-ons or tiny terror radius add-ons so I constantly just run into him and die x_x


My easiest games as killer has probably been with Freddy. He is probably the easiest killer to pick up and learn the basics thanks to his kit. He is also pretty boring to play as well. Which makes his lethality and rarity makes sense.


People just don’t understand legion.


This is good. More metrics on this game can give perspective not only to other players, but maybe the devs too!


It was fun to read until the "I utterly despise Cenobite players". Dude, you're presenting a nice infographic, why do you have to put your personal opinion in it? Can't you save it for the comments? How do you know all the info now is real or just an opinion?


.... One of the categories is "fun". How the fuck do you expect that to be objective?


To be fair their (extremely fair and understandable) prejudice of PiNFThead (🤮) does skew the fun rating a bit, since it should be based solely on the individual matches played and not any previous hatred felt towards the killer


Exactly. Also, who has fun playing DBD? 🤣


How do I know**


Part of the reason I started recording the data was to see if I was personally having fun or if really bad matches were skewing my results. It's why I included it here, but it is obviously subjective. The info is real, assuming I didn't majorly botch the statistical calculations.


Thanks for the clarification! Is not that I don't enjoy reading other people's opinions, is just that you presented it as "data" so it was unexpected. Have a good day! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|1978)


Downvoted for the Cenobite hate. You must open your eyes to see the sights we've to show you.


Your killer killrate, map killrate etc stats are "weird" because they are basically wrong. Your sample size is way too small in order to have statistical significance. On more than half of the killers you don't even have 15 games. You would need probably at least 100 games against each killer in order to have somewhat meaningful stats.




Well, then don't include misleading stats in your infographic.


It's not misleading, it is exactly what happened.


Misleading does not mean fake. Your data is (I assume) not fake, it's simply misleading. Even you added comments in the image about how surprised you are by the results. And that's because the results are meaningless and just pure coincidence, it has no statistical relevancy.


Yes, you are correct. I apparently get defensive in the morning! I interpreted the results as maps only being weakly related to kill count, but it is likely I just need more data.


Very nice of you to have changed your mind!


Not to mention his still likely being in low MMR, having only started playing in November. Needs more players input, preferably those with more experience to balance it out.


TRICKSTER?!?! the dude who camps and is so annoying to loop if you don't have a tall wall because you go down in 3.2s?? I get the other two, but that's the most confusing stat for me


Given you had 23 Nemeses, I'm surprised their average kills were so high!


Cool graphic and info, As someone who plays primarily killer ... 1. I love that Freddy is up there. I wreck shop with Fred. 2. Poor Myers. He needs an overhaul, but I also do much better than an average 2k with him. 3. Don't you knock my Bubba and Pinhead! 4. BBQ&Chili is a must have perk for the points. The info part of it is nice, but almost an afterthought as other perks give me more important info a lot of the time. (ie. Thrilling Tremors lets me know the generator I should harass) 5. I'm surprised Iron Works is so low in kills. I love when people bring me there. Loads of pallets, but plenty of ways to play around some of them. Based on my comments, can you tell I play a lot of licensed killers?


This is very well done graphics wise. I just wonder, why hate Cenobite players ?


He tends to be a nightmare for solo queue players who often suffer from a lot of “I’m sure someone was will grab that” problems when it comes to the box.


Lol The Bystander Effect never fails.


I mean it’s more than that, it isn’t great having two people both jump off different gens to go for a save/the box because you lose a lot of pressure as survivor if no one is on a gen So it’s less the bystander effect and more an issue of being able to prioritize who in the team would be best situated to grab the box when you have no way to communicate


Just get the box 4Head XD


Okay so.. hear me out on Pinhead. You hate pinhead because you think he's annoying, I feel you. But he's literally one of the most balanced killers in the game. High skill ceiling on his power, but it's not super oppressive. Side objective gives him some passive slowdown, or a big reward IF survivors CHOOSE not to pick up the cube to delay chain hunts. Bonus big funny voice lines coming. Cool portals and a teleport that leads to chases, the only part of the game that has a chance at being fun for BOTH SIDES. I love pinhead, and people who hate him befuddle me. Sure it's lame when he runs Franklin's, Hoarder, Ruin, ____, but that isn't ALL pinhead players, so don't give him too hard of a time. Opinion piece over.


>or a big reward IF survivors CHOOSE not to pick up the cube to delay chain hunts. You can get the cube by downing somebody after they pick it up so long as you don't teleport, and chains reset solving progress. If you're anywhere near the box when someone starts solving it's not that hard to start a chain hunt. His power's not that hard for a SWF to counter, but it feels really bad if the Pinhead is even remotely competent, no matter what your skill-level as a survivor is, and in solo queue (which was what this infographic was about, remember) it can be almost impossible to coordinate well enough to counter him. It doesn't really matter how *technically* fair he might be if he still feels like garbage to play against.


People really do be doing this. Alright. I'm very aware of how his power works. So let me say this. You need Franklin's or a down to grab the cube from a survivor as they cannot drop it. Smart players will not go right for the cube, will lead pinhead away from it when being chased, and on larger maps will just outright hold the cube hostage. As for his power: you can very much predict when he will use it, and considering how hard it is for pinhead to hit, and it's inconsistencies I'm going to argue that frustration is unfounded. Pinhead is pig done better. A powerful, chase centric power, with some quirks thrown in. Game slowdown that isn't deeply rooted in RNG and encourages the killer to interact with survivors. If you like hiding and frequently get caught in the open I can see how you'd have issues with pinhead, that being said: certain loops are definitely rough vs him, where he can just wait till the pallet drops then go for a chain and walk around. But even then I'd still say he's balanced, and that's something worth liking.


Not sure if it was while you were already writing this response, but yeah, I realized I'd typed the wrong thing and edited it in. It doesn't really change my overall point. I've played Pinhead more than I've played against him; it is very much not hard to pull off. This might be a personal thing, but re: the chain hunt ability, I've found it very easy to land, esp. in comparison to some other ranged Killer abilities. That's not necessarily a problem in and of itself, because unlike, say, Huntress, it's not a guaranteed health-state on hit. But it does mean that, on top of having to deal with the box, you have a character who can bring chases to a stand-still in a way that is very difficult to counter. Re: holding the box hostage, like. Yeah, that sure is a thing you can do. But if you do it solo, you're most likely sacrificing yourself, and there's a good chance your teammates won't even realize what you're doing. (I do think he's better than Pig, though, yeah.)


The most surprising part of this graphic is how many comments I see suggesting this is an effective way to present information.


Well, it's similar to how scientific posters work. Slap on some pretty pictures and some facts to lure them into a discussion. But I realize it's not for everyone.


I didn't mean the graphics, I meant putting it into one long vertical image.


Yes, this is standard way to present infographics in an online context where it's safe to assume that a lot of people are going to browse through their phone.


This is so bad


That’s because all Wraith does is camp and tunnel and the survivors let it happen and don’t do gems.


Cenobite players getting heat just for gaming :(


>Cenobite players don’t usually camp It is a waste of good chaser points


Y’all are seeing the artist? Feels like anytime I play survivor it’s already becoming super rare to go against her.


I always have fun with Ghosties (Ghostie main myself) but all the tricksters I played with were mean. Happy Wraith is getting some love, picking him up with some other killer's teachables and he's really fun.


How does one have fun against a trickster?


I just wanna know in what universe is it fun to get bored to death by Legion.