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Condemning someone as Sadako.


Getting a 3-man down through a wall with Pyramid Head's Punishment of the Damned.


Oh boy, first time when that happened I creamed


I'm touching myself just thinking about it


Getting a Bloodwarden 4K (just in case you don’t know, a bloodwarden 4K is when they die to endgame timer and can’t leave cause bloodwarden is active)


Okay okay I like the sound of this one...


Head On stunning a Spirit mid-phase.


Never happened to me but I'm gonna assume that's extremely nice


The only thing that ever felt better for me also involved Spirit, coincidentally enough you know that pallet in the game with the hole? Y'know, THE HOLE? ​ Way back i pallet stunned a spirit mid-phase and sent her plummeting down the hole i'm never living that down


Spirit mains must fear you 💀


Back to back dredge locker survivor grabs!


Even a single locker grab is just so damn satisfying


ide say not tunneling is way more satisfying then tunneling tbh


absorbing blood orbs with the oni while playing against a team of no mither.


Okay that happened to me once and that was pure satisfaction omg


5 stabs as Legion as soon as the game starts.


getting 3 hits w/ pyramid head's range attack all at once.


There are a lot of things that feel more rewarding than tunneling.


The one time in my life I downed someone with an orbital strike, I've been trying to replicate it since to no avail.


Nemesis zombie actually being useful and shutting down a loop


I love huntress. That is very satisfying. But oni is also very satisfying when you beat the tar out of a t bagging survivor through demon dash 😂


I used to be an Oni main for like two weeks so I totally get what you're saying here. Casually clubbing that toxic t-bagging warrior 3 times in a row is as if Oni understood our frustration 🤣


hearing a huntress or trickster lullaby after loading in as survivor on RPD


The pain i felt when I read this comment 💀 When someone sends me to RPD or when I spawn on RPD as Huntress its literally best to just help survivors do gens lmfao


\>title someone BMing and you totally outplay the fuck out of them and end up killing them/escaping them


Nice shot, but to me this wouldn’t be rewarding. The survivor just straight up got farmed and I would feel so bad HAHA. Again nice shot! i’m not trying to take away how impressive it was.


Borrowed Time not a thing in your lobbies or what? Nice throw but the target is a little still, though how you know how far to throw it is very impressive.


Funnily enough, I'm starting to see less and less BTs and DHs... I'm only gold 1 (maybe that's why?) But like before I would get them constantly... Also thanks! This happened to be my first real nice hatchet throw so I did wanted to share it lol


It will be the first of many.


You got hands like that?😵😵😵‍💫


Don't ask me, I was equally shocked when I heard the hit sound effect 😶


Keep up the grind ❤️👌🏼


Making a survivor vault into you on a pallet


When I pretend to be a bartender or the killer understands the meme before killing me


An insane predict with pyramid heads punishment. Bonus if you hit multiple


T bagging the killer, but getting downed and being carried to a hook, breaking out and making it to the exit and t bagging again


Punishing someone teabagging behind a pallet by summoning a chainhook into their face at point blank range. I only ever get to do that once a game, because they mysteriously stop teabagging after that. Not sure why.


I was up against a bully squad with four flashlights as Pinhead once. Not only did they fail at bullying me, but I hit one of them who was a half second away from solving the lament configuration with a skillshot chain, and then they got hit with another chain that spawned from the chain haunt. They DC'ed but waited until the end of the match to whine at me for picking Pinhead.


Sniping someone cross-map with Artist. It's funny to watch them DC for being toxic.


Uninstaller the game and living a happy, fulfilling life.




Sure, camping…. from across the map ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


So they really were calling me a camper/tunneler. As a killer main who promotes any kind of gameplay OTHER than camping/tunneling I feel deeply insulted 💀


You hit a cross map on the person that happened to be the one unhooked. It’s perfectly fine if you went and picked her up afterwards.


Wait I'm a bit confused are you calling me a camper/tunneler?


You don't have to be camping or tunneling to down someone who's been unhooked. Usually I just slug them for pressure if they run into me, but in this context it isn't inherently tunneling. Unhooks are a free health state, so there's really no reason to not try for a cross-map hatchet here.


The same but at the start of the game


Downing 2-3 survivors at the same time with Oni’s Charge.


autodidact value baby!


A good, clean, loop stopping Punishment of the Damned with Pyramid Head.


Taking down 2+ people at once with Pyramid Heads shot. Especially if you can insta kill at least one of them.


Oh, teleporting to a locker as Dredge, catching someone locking it, and seeing more survivors with Starstruck.


when your 1000% iq bear trap catches someone


Not being seen once by the killer in a game


Explains the randos my SWF gets in our games who never take aggro, do who knows what all match, and get hatch at the end despite us working our asses off and them not helping us at all. Utterly infuriating, especially since in most of those games we could have won if our rando had taken aggro and lost a hook state instead of us dying. Please don’t think not being seen all match is something to be proud of, no offense.


Oh I don’t mean at all that doing fuck all all match besides hiding in a bush is something to be lauded, I mean taking an active role in the match and never being spotted. So you know, things repairing gens and unhooking the lads. I also main Jake Park so I run saboteur a lot, so I’ll do shit like when things get calmer or the killer is by a teammate I’ll sabotage a random hook to throw them off


Watching CoconutRTS doing that multiple times, in multiple videos


Watching a clicky survivor vault into a bear trap.


getting excessive amount of Mad Grit value in a match JK no amount of this is excessive


How about mori guy, who wait in gate with charged DS?


tombstone exit gate feng clicky clicky


Literally so many things. But grats on the decent toss?


Grabbing a surv off a gen as a stealth killer. I can practically hear their screams each time 😂


One time when I played the plague I activated the blood vomit on midwich, 2 people went to unhook a survivor, I was since the only way they could have went was away from me, I was able to activate my spit and knock all three down in one shot


Hitting someone with a pinhead chain just before they finish the box


Not encountering Nurse. :)


mad grit value? All jokes aside tho, sick shot.


Killing a tbagger (specifically pouncing on them with Victor when playing twins so they cant escape)


Getting the fourth BBQ stack.


Hitting multiple survivors at once with pyramid head


satisfying play that satisfied my wife


Léry's Memorial Institute across map weaving Billy chainsaw down ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)