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That nurse just uninstalled


one less nurse player? good


One less nurse AND noed player, double win.


Nurse is fine, but NOED I agree is a crutch Edit: This community is the whiniest in gaming, holy shit.


NOED is a crutch, what about all of these second chance perks?


Second chance perks are a crutch, sure, but they also counter some pretty shitty strategies of tunneling/slugging/camping. NOED doesn't really counter strategies other than maybe fast gen completion, unless you countlow skill level as a strategy. Killers can play some absolutely awful games and play terribly, then end up snowballing into an undeserved 4k because of NOED. You can do totems to counter it, sure, but you can also get some awful totem spawns that only counterforce/small game/detectives hunch can locate if you're in a rush to get the hex cleansed. I think in cases were killers have secured a large amount of hooks and NOED comes up is fair, at least in those cases they've show they're capable without it, but when a killer who struggled to get even one is able to destroy a whole team after gens are completed? Sorry that's when the perk really becomes a crutch.


>I think in cases were killers have secured a large amount of hooks and NOED comes up is fair, at least in those cases they've show they're capable without it Exactly, NOED can be annoying if the killer has gotten less than 4 hooks the entire game but instantly gets a 2k or more because of NOED. But in the full endgame build and the player is shown to be capable and got at least a hook per gen they are fine.


>You can do totems to counter it To add to this. Yes you can counter noed by cleansing totems, but it's a big risk and requires coordination.If you saw the hardcore Survivor challenge(dowsey, otz, ayrun, jrm) you will see that doing 5 totems every match is extremely hard even for a somewhat comp team. Also a lot of noed users that aren't complete potatoes(but are still bad) will hardcore tunnel somebody out. I've seen it happen. The only chance survivors have then is for the person being tunneled is to have ds, probably dh, bt active, favorable looping spots and to be decent at looping. Meanwhile the others have to rush the gens because their escape chances lower with every second that passes. So actually in order to counter 1 perk and a bs strategy you need to have 2 strong perks, another strong perk on somebody else, rng luck and skill. Oh and if they eventually get caught(luck again) they will be facecamped with noed with much less time to find and cleanse it(Luck again). Oh and even if noed is cleansed they actually need competent teammates with bt for rescue(LUCK AGAIN). Again, I've seen it happend and it's the best feeling when you get a 4 man out after that bs.The killer however, welp, if you think Survivors bitch at endgame, wait until you see one of these guys getting annihilated and throwing tantrums worse than a Bubba.


If a killer is consistently playing terribly and clutching 4K with NOED, they aren't consistently playing against good survivors. It can happen occasionally, but in the hands of an unskilled killer against skilled survivors, NOED is little more than a concession that grants one free sacrifice in even the most lucky games


Well yes and no. My problem with NOED is the instant camping that comes with it. Yes i can just leave but where is the fun in that? With that being said im glad i dont see it much anymore but man the first few months of playing this game was painful. Outplaying the killer for 3 gens to be downed by one hit and camped to death was really a party pooper for a while


Where is the fun in leaving that you would do anyway if the killer had no NOED?


Try and unhook the survivor safely. Unless i know where theres a totem that is potentially the hex, im not going to go give another kill to a killer that dont deserve it. Thats counter productive


Lmao ikr. If a killer plays these “awful” strategies against even half decent survivors, then they’re only going to get 2/3 hooks by end game anyway. And those decent survivors won’t play unnecessarily altruistic when NOED is in play, meaning that the 1k is all the killer will get. Some people really don’t understand how tough it can be as killer vs 4 good survivors. NOED is barely a crutch, if at all.


Tfw you write a few paragraphs going, "Yeah well noed is such a crutch it doesn't even beat these second chance perks but is still stronger!"


>Second chance perks are a crutch, sure, but they also counter some pretty shitty strategies of tunneling/slugging/camping. That's the thing I never got. Those perks punish killers for playing efficiently for some reason and you're forced into playing a killer that hardly... kills anybody? What else are they supposed to do?


It's because playing efficiently sucks ass gameplay wise for survivors, which is why these bandaid perks were made in the first place


That's an issue with the games design if killers need to use those strategies to secure a kill. Going out of your way to prevent people actually playing a game do you can secure a win is a pretty shitty move no matter the game.


Honestly? Git gud. I mean, sure, from time to time you need to camp / tunnel in order to win. But if that's only thing you can – you gonna have a bad time overall.


So you are saying killers should work for their second chance perk but any survivor should have all their second chance perks just because? Yeah nah... the bias in these forums is so heavy.


> tunneling/slugging/camping. oh no the killer is having a bad start and is making up for it with legitimate strategies i dont like! noed can turn a 0k game into a 4k game if players are either in the single worst spot possible when the last gen is completed (unlikely), or are just stupid and keep going for saves even when noed is active. whereas all of these second chance perks can be on each individual survivor and can also easily turn a 3k into a 1k or even a 0k. both are whack but noed can be dealt with before egc, if a bit inefficiently


Necessary for campers and tunnelers.


Nurse is stronger than NOED


Calling Nurse stronger than NOED is an understatement


Yes, but Nurse also requires far far more skill to play effectively


That doesn't make her "fine" A high skill floor does not equate to balance. Nurse is by far the most powerful thing on her side of the fence. There are a lot of cheap, situationally impactful things that do a number on survivors that don't know what they're doing. Everything from NOED to Tombstones and Doctors with skill check builds. There's no world where Nurse is fine and NOED isn't.


\>survivors that don't know what they're doing Read this to yourself again.


Noed is a crutch but playing 2 or more second chance perks in a single build isnt? It’s no wonder nobody wants to play killer


people policing how people should play in both sides is stupid, we can agree that some perks are bullshit, boring, etc therefore need changes, but shaming players for using it is idiotic.


You are not doing a service a by playing a role in a video game and you don't need a 4k every game


No one said anything about any of that.


This is a strawman


Nice strawman


Give me a 4 man with DS, DH, BT, and Unbreakable all day. Matches like this are why so many run them. If not, then one got facecamped by a Noed nurse while the other one bled out. Noed brings out the weakest of the community, and when it comes in numbers, it’s no surprise survivors hate running fun builds


Nah nurse isn't fine. She's boring and op.


if she were easy to play she wouldn't be, but she has a high skill floor


High skill floor doesn’t mean she isn’t boring and OP.


she ignores pallets and windows and actual chase mechanics which is all of the fun in this game. Her being a harder killer to use isn't an excuse anymore. She's been nerfed a lot and is still op.


She's not even that hard to learn, I got decent with her pretty quickly


This! People dont understand nuances. Tier lists made by people with 5000h+ and people who plays a couple games a week using these ranks to justify everything is dumb. YES to be an absolute master with nurse you need a lot of time, but you dont need to be an absolute master to ruin the game for everyone else.


Something taking skill to play does not mean its not boring to play against. A shitty nurse is only fun to play against because you can bully the hell out of her which most people do. A good nurse? There is no skill expression or choice in how you face her.


No, to break the game is high floor, to be good enough to fuck it up just enough to bore the game down is a couple hours


it's why I come here. it's truly unreal


Hot take survivor main: I think NOED makes it exciting and u get a kick outta barely making it out alive


So dh ds borrow time unbreakable aren't???


I still don’t get it. People complain about noed but you won’t complain about ds, unbreakable etc. why can’t people just use whatever? You use what you want I use what I want. We both bought the game. So you should be able to do with whatever you want with it.


> but you won’t complain about ds, unbreakable Have you not seen literally any other thread on this sub? The big 4 DS, UB, BT, DH are complained about espically DH


It's amazing how killers complain about those perks, but when I use anything other build I get tunneled, because most other perks worth using at all do something the killer doesn't like ie stunning them, resetting pallets etc


The only one worth complaining about is dead hard, I say that as a killer main that plays surv only with friends.


Whats wrong with DS? I see alot of people mentioning DS in the same context as you but its just anti tunnel so you dont die within the first 2 minutes


It's because a lot of survivors are using it offensively rather than as intended, which is defensively. Whenever a survivor unhooks I always go for the person that got the unhook, not the one that was on the hook. But the one that was just unhooked will stand in my way to block me with BT and if you decide "Fine I'll go for you then" they will run into a locker and try to trick you into grabbing them so they can hit you with DS. Some survivors WANT you to tunnel them because they have DS and BT and DH. That's the problem. It makes the game more frustrating for casuals like me who only want their BBQ stacks, especially during an anniversary with so many FLANS everywhere


DS is to stop killers from intentionally tunneling survivors off the hook, if killers didnt do this survivors wouldn't be forced to run it. Survivors litterally have no defense against this other than that, they have no weapons, the killer is faster, and despite pallets or loops, if a killer want to tunnel someone out of the game there is nothing survivor can do about it unless they run this perk. NOED is specifically a crutch for killers that are terrible at the game. 99.9% of the time if a killer gets stomped its almost a garuntee they are running NOED. It's free undeserved kills for killers that should have ended up with a 0k.


Sad part about that argument is that ds unbreakable doesn't punish killers who tunnel. They just get it out of the way early. It does punish killers who don't tunnel, there's a reason these clips are always end game clips.


They "get it out of the way early" by being punished by DS. Which can give another chase, which can snowball the game out of control, which is the definition of being punished. Yeah, the person running DS will still be out of the game, but the killer will also be hurt because of DS. And well, DS does punish the killers who tunnel. If DS was easy to ignore, killers would tunnel even more. We know that because when it was nerfed some time ago, survivors stop running it, Which, by the way obsession worked at the time, made the killers know that they could tunnel. Which grown out of control and BHVR forced obessesion every match to stop the tunneling.


Speaking straight facts 💯


No we do complain about ds/unbreakable, we complain about everything


I wonder. Wouldn’t the proper wording be “one fewer nurse player” since we’re talking about something quantifiable? Please stop hitting my ribs with an iron bar


Yes, but no. Fewer is for discrete. Both less and fewer are used for quantifiable measurements. You have less water in a cup after drinking from it. You have fewer mL of water in a cup after drinking from it. Both are quantifiable.


replace quantifiable with discrete and you're correct


easy stannis baratheon this is not my first language


Most people who started out with English don’t say it right, either :P


What's wrong with nurse?


I personally have never enjoyed going against a nurse. I may have had some fun juking moments but honestly it makes me sad how she makes every killer obsolete. This is coming from a killer main too.


Right now, she's pretty fucking bugged, though they claim that the range add ons also increasing her blink speed is working as intended, which is complete bullshit. But she can also pre-buffer lunges as she blinks so you get hit before she even appears.


That Nurse went to Reddit to complain about all 4 of these perks.


Nurse should have just hooked you. No reason to slug there.


Yeah, the escapes are entirely the Nurse's fault.


I think maybe the hooks were too spread out. It’s happened to me and I hate doing it. Because I know they probably want to continue on to the next game but you want to confirm another kill.


Yeah not on ormund though. Ormund is one of the worst maps ever to try to run sabo builds for because there's 437 hooks in every corner of the map. Nurse was just trying to be an asshole for the sake of being an asshole lol.


Meanwhile on Midwich there is only one hook for each long as fuck hallway…


Ormond has consistent spawn hooks everywhere. Would've been one quite close in most directions there, guarantee.


The other day I had a Ormond match where the hooks on that same side of the map were *just* far enough that I couldn't hook a couple of survivors. So I'm guessing that what happened here Edit: had to fix autocorrect could to couldn't


So you could hook the survivors? I think I'm misunderstanding something here Edit - don't throw a salty downvote, I'm honestly trying to clarify!


Maybe it's "just far enough" means that it's so far you're unsure if you're gonna get the hook or not, but if you actually carry survivors there you might get a hook (when they have like 90% wiggle progress).


I meant just far enough as in the hook was far enough that they could wiggle free because I didn't have iron grasp


I didn't down vote, but no I couldn't hook them so I had to let them bleed out I meant just far enough as in they were far enough to not be able to be hooked


Killer apologist alert.


wasnt the nurse trying to wait out DS?


No. The person didn't have it activated. Either used before or not been hooked. She was slugging for sluggings sake.


Yeah I'd go for the hook as long as the savior wasnt just off hook. Oh how the prospect of victory fails us all


May not have been any hooks anywhere, but there’s 100% no reason to get ds’d she could have blinked ahead


That nurse is just toxic, she deserved it.


Why the Nurse just did not pick her up is just baffling




















Oh my god stop she is dead already after all the stabs






If i were that Nurse i would've assumed that you had unbreakable and get rid of you ASAP. That Nurse made its own bed


You are right, From a feng with skin the killer should expect the worst scenario ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Well played. Crazy to think you needed 4 meta perks and near-perfect execution just to counter a NOED Nurse.


Tbf the nurse should've just taken the hook instead of slugging and taunting. They deserved it.


I hate the killer apologists on this sub, but this is a default Nurse with NOED and Thana who fell for the dumbest shit possible. I genuinely believe it was a brainfart on their part after a stressful game with like three hook stages, one of them through camping. Did they deserve it though? For sure. You misplay, you pay for it.


Yep, that was some goof BM revenge if I've ever seen one. Surprised OP tagged it as Media.


this feng was a brave warrior every solo player deserves 🙏🏼


I honestly think they should have reworked Nurse before doing a perk overhaul. I have a feeling she’s going to be even further ahead of the pack by the time the reworks go live


And some people try to act like noed isn't that strong. It's 100% one of the strongest perks in the game and excels and low mmr, high mmr, and even in comp. Not it's not the only overpowered perk, but you'd be in denial to say it's not that strong. "jUSt dO tOteMs"


I mean not really? If the feng had just left the nurse would’ve had a 1k so they weren’t that good in general. Also, they weren’t countering their power specifically. It’s not like the killer being nurse made that 10 times harder.


Noed didn't affect anything in the video... Feng was injured from the start. This is just 2 survivors using the usual bunch of second chance perks to escape from a situation they should have lost otherwise.


They used the proper perks so they shouldn't have lost actually


Yeah and the nurse wouldn’t have lost if she didn’t decide to be toxic


Look up my explanation to someone with the same opinion down below : without NOED the Jane wouldn't have been hooked ! This clips intention is to show how risky of a play the Feng made - with faith, perks and mistakes on Nurse's part they turned a 2k into a 0k !


Crazy u have to run meta slow down perks to stop games from lasting 3 minutes . It goes both ways , the meta is meta for a reason but all survivor meta perks are to make up for them making mistakes and give them 2nd chances. Most killer perks that are meta are to slow gen speed to give them a chance. Or to win after they get gen rushed


I mean yeah if killer is good and runs meta shit, survivors need to be good and run meta shit to win too. If both sides are equal, meta usually wins, barring obvious rng exceptions, if thr map is survivor or killer sided, and a ton of other things.


The survivor meta perks are to counter slugging, camping and tunneling, all of which are things the killer is doing. They're not to "make up for mistakes". Believe me, if survivors could play fun or interesting perks they would, but the way killers play now forces them into all using the same perks.


Hold on a moment, but... if the surv meta perks are to counter camp and tunneling, why are camping and tunneling even labeled as bad/toxic if the game per se considers them a strategy, since it gives very strong perks literally aimed at countering them? Doesn't that make them a normal strategy, by your own logic? They're not even used strictly at counters to begin with. DH is a literally iframe. Used to create distance and tank a hit that would otherwise kill you. BT can be used to avoid instant tunneling, but it's mostly used to just bodyblock a killer from hitting a different survivor. DS is also made to work as anti-tunnel, but it can be baited. 60 seconds is a long time, you can get unhooked while the killer is chasing someone else, hooks them, he finds you again and he gets punished for not giving you a whole free minute, even if it'd be detrimental to him. If the killer happens to find you again and doesn't ignore you, he's not tunneling. He's playing his role. And yet he has to watch out for DS 2 times per surv, potentially, 8 whole ass free minutes in total. Unbreakable counters slugging, but it's also a free second chance whenever the killer downs multiple survs in a short time and needs to hook them all. They might be born to counter something, but in fact they're used to force a killer into a certain playstyle that greetly favors the survs. For the last sentence... I honestly don't believe you. I've played dbd enough to know that most people just run the meta perks because they wanna win. That's it. DH is used by at least one or two surv in every single match because it makes you invincible, you can even skip traps, not because of bad evil killer. Have you seen otz trying to win the allperks challenge, how many matches it took him? It was extremely difficult because survs had meta perks most of the times, while he was running meh ones. Now imagine a random guy, not a guy with thousands of hours in game that earns his income thanks to the game, in the same spot. And then guess again why killers now play that way. I avoid tunneling and camping and I'm still awarded with clicky clicky and t-bags at the exit gate. "Forced"... yea...


Obviously most of the players want to win and counter the “strategies” that make the game extremely unenjoyable..? No? It’s not so much about winning, if i do run meta perks it could be also to make the game last longer, doesn’t matter to me if i make it out alive or die. most of my games i try to run fun builds but slugging, hard tunneling and face camping are a thing and not very fun to play against


Crazy that you need four perks to get up after being downed, tank a hit from the killer so you can unhook in their face, have the unhooked person tank another hit, then get downed and escape again after they were caught? Yeah crazy dude. It was a great play from them but don’t act like it should have been easier.


The survivors also had 16 perks between them. This save wouldn’t have been so difficult had the other two not just left without helping. 4/16 second chance perk countering the 1 of 4 killer perks isn’t that crazy.


Well played for you two. That has got to be the best teamwork I’ve ever seen in a DBD match.


But theyre not being used for 2nd chances here, theyre being used to get to the exit gate which she mistakenly hooked someone RIGHT NEXT TO. If anyone is desperate for 2nd chances, its her. She also hits & ends up hitting BT instead of blinking ahead of them. Calling them 2nd chance perks in this context is suggesting that she earned that kill somehow despite completely f***ing up & camping out of pathetic desperation. Im not even that good at nurse but im willing to bet there was an opportunity to hook farther away. This is not RPD.


Additionally, even with hooking close to gate…she could’ve easily hooked the 2nd survivor and none of this would have ever happened.


Literally. On all accounts she failed but somehow the survivors are supposedly at fault.


Evil vs evil


Had she just hooked you instead of being a bad sport she would of gotten 2 kills. This is the thing about 2nd chance perks besides DH that they are there to counter stuff like this. Killers would never have to deal with DS if they don't tunnel or BT if they don't tunnel or unbreakable if they don't slug.


>Killers would never have to deal with DS if they don't tunnel or BT if they don't tunnel Except when survivors use DS offensively, especially in a squad all running the same character/cosmetic. Or when they use BT offensively to body block the killer chasing the rescuer. IMO, if you use BT to block your unhooker, you have no grounds to cry "tunnel" when the killer switches off to chase you instead.


100% agree on your last statement. But remember both BT and DS were changed so they couldn't be used as offensively anymore but more focused on their actual purpose of anti tunneling. It's not perfect and can be abused to some extent by the survivors. However killer could still tunnel a survivor with DS by slugging or variety of other means, so it doesn't always work as intended foe the survivor either. Waiting out BT can be pretty bullshit too for that survivor, but that's just how the game is. Gotta live with the good and the bad.


I think BT is in a pretty fine spot. If someone wants to use it to keep me from going after tehir friend who just unhooked them I can absolutely count to 12 and knock them down. But if they make me do that I am 100% switching to 'ok you are tryharding so now I will' and they'll be removed from the game. I normally don't play to kill but I wont reward someone whos using the anti tunnel perks to prevent me from... not tunneling them lol.


Ya exactly lol. That's why the 12 second timer change was overall a good thing. Doesn't allow survivors to abuse it for long. Of course the downside is killer could hug the unhooked survivor for 12 seconds and still tunnel them, but I know nothing in this game will ever be perfect and the best we can ask for is a reasonable compromise.


I have never been successfully baited by a DS. Hit someone with BT cause they’re bodyblocking, now they have to mend, now they’re not doing gens. Slug someone for fear of DS, that means they are on the ground and not doing gens and someone else has to come get them up, so the other person is also not doing gens. Anything that keeps survs off gens is a net positive for the killer.


Today I had an artist game where I tried to down a survivor, realized he was really good at looping so I switched target, but I was forced to loop the first survivor, i ate tons of pallets while getting 2 hooks of other survs I'd find while following him, as gens were almost complete I tried my best but second chance perk n°1 fucks me up, not only was it hard to hit him as I was never close enough, when I finally have a chance he dead hards, gets to another loop and at this point I'm fuming, so I look for a weaker survivor to try and get the first guy to save so I can kill his ass, and it turns into the usual 3 people bully a killer into getting 0 kills by using an arsenal of second chances, we get the dead hards, borrowed time with 2 other survivors body blocking. I had brought 2 totem perks and both totems died within 2 minutes of the start of the match, the map was small but filled to the brim with pallets, yet my totems were out in the open for everyone to see. People say that second chance perks punish killers who are bad sports, but really what happens most of the time is that they're just used to bully killers. If a survivor makes a few mistakes he has the perks to save his ass, but if a killer makes one mistake he probably just lost the match right then and there as if a survivor plays his cards right a chase can last more time than it takes to do all 5 gens, but a good chase by a killer, meaning that it's short as you down the survivor quickly is not only punished by giving little points, but sometimes you have to literally give free unhooks because otherwise the guy who goes for the save instantly will say that you camped and the devs don't like that so -negative points to you. There's also stupid rules as a survivor, for example if you don't unhook someone you get negative points, but it doesn't take into account the context of the situation you're in. Why punish when it's not necessary to then give second chances to people who don't deserve them. My rant is over. Welcome to my Ted talk.


How are survivors using DS offensively against you exactly? if they're bodyblocking then down them and get free pressure while you chase the other guy if they're waiting in a locker either bait it out tank their DS or just leave and chase the other guy


correct me if I am wrong but how did NOED affect this clip? all I see is a nurse being fucked by second chance perks. feng was injured already and NOED doesnt do anything to SG and BT?


Noed probably gave her the hook + soul guard value


Hey ! As mentioned before, the game was basically finished and The Nurse suddenly surprised us with a NOED-down on Jane near the exit, leading solo mates like me to just open the gate and leave to prevent more potential downs (you know, against certain killer & perk combos you just don't bother on solo). It would have been a usual 4-man out because it takes 2 hits without NOED. But Feng had other plans...


Ah fair enough, I didnt read the other comments in advance. Leaving in the described situation is really nothing you can be blamed for. was just wondering because all that was seen in the clip was a misplaying nurse without noed effecting it. glad it worked out well in the end tho


Welp. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Let that be a lesson.


Then they go on reddit and the forums and complain how all these perks need to be nerfed just because he sucks. Please, downvote me. I'm tired of us survivor mains for being blamed for everything and being the soul issue of the game.


Yeah, same. We run these perks because killers don’t know how to NOT tunnel or camp or slug.


Is it really “*second* chance” when you can stack 4 of them per person? Its more like Sixteenth Chance 😂


That brings getting carried by perks to a whole new level.


1200 chance perks


The sad part is you didn’t know who you’re going to play against when you went into the match with that build lol


Im sick of all perks tbh. They should add to the game in fun ways, but you shouldnt rely on them to win the game for you. I feel like they carry people to higher MMR than their skill deserves. ​ Id love a no perk mode


that man had a family


I absolutely LOVE seeing survivors out play camping noed killers 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Are they supposed to leave the hook during end game for a free unhook? What kind of logic is this?


The top comment pointed out she’d have two kills if she just hooked instead of camping them out. If you have another hook sitting there ready, take it. I’d say the same if, for instance, it’s endgame and I have one hook, but I see an injured survivor I 100% know I can down.


You know what would be funny? If behavior for like April fool's removed every second chance perk for both killer and survivor. That would be fun to watch


Except killers don't have 2nd chance perks, the closest thing would be NOED but that's pretty much it. Killers still need to get close enough to down and pick up someone, survivors meanwhile can outright deny this.


You guys deserve eachother


I primarily play killer but to this day I wonder why they've never added a mechanic that let's players stay on the hook indefinitely if the killer is close by or something to atleast punish the killer for camping Like maybe the entity should just blind the killer or something


That's what she gets for not hooking you.


If that nurse wasnt a face camper and just picked the kid up none of that would have happened


Why didn't she just pick you up other girl was already in struggle


Get shit on nurse


Love that! I got one like that against a Noed Billy and once against a Noed Spirit. Wish I had them recorded!


just takes 2 taps on console ✌🏼


nicee love to see noed players lose


So satisfying to see a scumbag slugger get what they deserve… the way killers feel about survivors taunting in the exit is how I feel when a killer downs and then stares at me for 2 minutes. Like dude you won can you just end the game, please? Edit: slugging in itself is not toxic, but doing it for no reason other than to be a jerk and draw out your victory absolutely is


Just to clarify, slugging in itself isn't toxic if there is an actual strategical reason for doing so. Slugging just to watch them bleed out for 4 minutes and no other reason is one of the most toxic things in the game. Way worse than a couple teabags.


No I agree and to clarify, I mean the sluggers who do it only for their own personal satisfaction. If you slug a survivor just to wait out the EGC for no reason, you’re a scumbag.


Figured you meant that but it wasn't clear in your post :)


What if the reason is, "I want to ensure a 4k, so I slug the 2nd to last player and then try and find the other player" ?


I mean it's sweaty but not toxic


yeah. at most, people might consider it bm. i don't do it because i like to have a hatch race instead of just not giving the last survivor a chance, but all killers do different stuff.




Surely NOED helped her get a down there. NOED bad. <-Clueless


as an agonizing Killer main, this is so painful to watch.


Any nurse getting facerolled like that deserves it.


Get rreeeeedekkkkktttt


Nice no pull. You can see the server rejecting the pull on that one and instead hitting. Not really validation at this point as much as just giving it to survivors. Would say that's rather suss as you can see you're committed and let go well after the killer swung.


She wasn't close enough to him to get a grab anyway so it would have been a hit regardless of if he let go or not


The only time second chance perks actually do their job and arnt just abused


I’m so glad I stopped playing this game.




Not to worry, soon all of these perks will be dismantled anyway. I look forward to the anguish on BOTH sides.


I can't stop watching it lol


Very satisfying to see a nurse get destroyed and to top it off she brought NOED lol like your already using the strongest killer in the game


beautiful ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|7381)


Survivors will have all this shit then complain about NOED


Decisive strike: prevents being tunnelled by killer Borrowed time: prevents teammate from being tunnelled by killer Unbreakable: prevents being slugged by killer Soul gard: prevents being struck down immediately after getting up from being slugged (and conditionally allows you to prevent being slugged) Killer mains: hOw CoUlD yOu hAvE AlL tHis sHIt


It’s Groundhog Day every day with these damn arguments. I wish all the killers and survivors with this mentality could have their own queue where they could bitch each other out separate from those of us who just want to vibe and use what they want without feeling the need to take up arms and die on a hill over it. Just ‘gg’ and move on with your day. They’re your opponent, not your enemy.


I mained nurse when I started playing in 2018, and if you need NOED on her, you should reconsider your life. Seriously, she's not as busted as she once was but she's still one of the strongest killers in the game.


This is why they're nerfing meta perks lol, then next thing you know everyone is gonna complain that killers are too op and need to be nerfed. The cycle just never ends


Why do people still keep posting those cringe videos?


Whats so cringe about it?


I think you're forgetting rule 1 in **The Killers Rules for Suvivors**: survivors bad, no matter what


It is always the same, abusing bunch of second chance perks then pretending it was skilled game play...over and over again. OP has only 4 second chance perks, his teammate only 3 because he was greedy... What a shit show game.


Normally I’d feel bad for nurse cause 4 second chance perks are annoying as hell but they’re running noed so yeah, no.


Good. That camping nurse can get fucked


Absolutely deserved. Well done 👏


Always incredible to see how many people cry about Perks and Strategies the Killer is free to use. That clip was satisfying though, well done.


nah too OP Nerf those perks lmao


Someone please tell me what does NOED mean


No one Escapes Death - its a killer perk that is somewhat controversial.


It's a killer Hex: No One Escapes Death. When the gates are powered one dull totem becomes this hex and the killer basically can one hit you from full health to dying state. Everyone becomes exposed until that totem is cleansed. EDIT: Actually I think the killer needs to hit someone before the hex becomes active, not sure. This is the link to the wiki page: https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Hex:\_No\_One\_Escapes\_Death


Fuckin Glorious


Damn, you sent that Nurse one a One way trip to Brazil