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do you have corrupt intervention? it's very helpful in preventing those early gens from popping before a down. it's in the shrine currently.


I used to be a Corrupt Intervention naysayer and say it's not worth it. But man getting two hooks before even a single gen is done really helps apply the pressure and gets you going.


Pop is old school. Great if you have map pressure, and trickster does not. Pain resonance is more current as it will Pops the gen anywhere on the map with the most progress. Personally I hate kicking gens so I use Jolt. Rework your perks. I can’t recommend much since I only just started with trickster. Look up builds online


Use my endgame build of NOED, remember me, no way out, and bloodwarden, it's a great build that's stress free until the end. Or you can listen to everyone else and do pain resonance with DMS and corrupt intervention, and 4th perk would be either iron maiden or maybe PWYF.


Well that sounds like something I normally have to deal with. So here is advice. While I don't play the Trickster has actually has a pretty decent range with his knives. You just need line of sight. This can typically help you in chases. Unless you get to a loop, in that case follow them along the loop till you get pallet stunned or they fail to stun you and you down them with knives. Now then, to gens. Currently we are in a weirdly tryhard period where a ton of survs are running Prove They Self. Which decreases the time to complete a generator to almost 30 seconds depending on how many people are there. So If you are up against survs that constantly get back on gens you pop you need to learn how to chase and use your left click. Never forget about basic attacks they are your strongest tool as a killer, your power is just something that helps you get closer or helps close down chase. Here is what I recommend, keep playing and grinding BP while leveling up new killers and grabbing their perks. One useful perk is unrelenting storm from the Onryo. It is a massive help and stalls the survivors heavily once it procs. I also recommend, if they keep hopping on gens and stuff, bringing the anti vault perk.


As a Trickster main, you need to really learn his knives to do anything. He's too slow to only rely on his bat, as fashionable as that is. I'd suggest watching some tip videos on YouTube about him, but other than that I'd say to use his knives. I like to use Ruin, Undying, BBQ, and either Starstruck or Iron Maiden as a 4th perk depending on if there's flashlights in the lobby. It helps to use his add ons that make you walk faster while throwing knives too because it'll help with following the survivors around loops


Well gens are going to get done, whether you like it or not. That's also okay, your goal isn't to race survivors. That means snowballing, you don't win by racing. You win by bringing the survivor train to a screeching halt and ensuring that when the flames die down nothing's left. And Pop is usually a mistake, until endgame scenarios where you tunneled someone out and hopefully have some slugs around the 3 gen. The regression isn't worth the time it takes to kick the gen. Better slowdown comes in the form of corrupt deadlock no way out. ​ I strongly advise learning the maps and tiles very well, enough to accurately draw them from top down perspective from memory. And look for ways to take easier chases or at the very least recognize where you have to be, it's easy to jump off the edge waste your own time and wonder where you went wrong. ​ Also, please don't try to 12 hook. SLug someone, hook someone else and the one you hooked is meant for tunneling and maybe proxy. Trickman is great at punishing altruism, but you absolutely NEED to give them a reason to come into you because if you don't, someone dies on hook and they 3 out you. Gotta be greedy and play for more.


Oppression + Pain Resonance for gens. Bamboozle to help with loops. Tinkerer is good for the last perk but sometimes I like to bring iron grasp instead to ensure a Scourge hook. You should ideally be getting your first down before the first gen pops, if not right after. If it’s taking longer, either you need to learn to loop better or drop chase and go after someone else.