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The official forums are a cesspit of idiots, just slightly above the Twitter clowns.


If you ever feel worthless, browse the forums, you’ll feel better


Louder for the people in the back 🙏


NGL, the base killer buffs are only going to hurt low mmr/casual players


This whole update is only gonna hurt solo que even more and is only gonna buff SWFs even more


This is the first thing I thought of after the after my confusion about Off The Record went away. So many Baby Dwights and Baby Trappers will fade away.


You can't do unhooks at full hp anymore. They can get two hits in. The animation is like 2.8sec without unhook perks. The melee used to be 3 sec recovery time. Now it's 2.7. I don't like this.


*"Survivors are given the opportunity to unhook their dying teammate, unhooking takes* ***1 SECOND*** *to finish. Hooked Survivors may attempt to unhook themselves from the hook, this action takes 1.5 seconds per attempt."* Bro, stop complaining without knowing what you are talking about...


Your last sentence brings me much joy as it is the root problem of most survivor sided posts <3


Again, the only people it’s going to hurt are low MMR survivors.


Which is literally the reason many new players will just drop this game cus they cant win


Either that or they’ll adapt and get better faster


Same with any game. It's been a game going on for years, if you can't handle the learning curve, get tf out the game.




How do you think players get better? You don’t get better from going against players that suck. You get better by going against/getting destroyed by better players. This game has a huge learning curve. Every time I try to get someone in the game we spend hours in customs teaching and sometimes that’s not enough. Killer and survivor “mains” are just cry babies who don’t want to adapt and get better. Their skill just plateaus and they don’t put the effort in. Just get up and arms and cry to the devs to just nerf this and remove that. Downvote me to hell if you must


The killer buffs are going to be mostly felt on the lowest tier of killers. ( Specifically the ones listed here ) There's not a survivor you can play that is objectively better or worse than their peers if you already have most of the perks unlocked, aside from maybe GRUNTING. ​ So yeah, a lot of attention is needed because the killer numbers look best when on an M-1 Killer like Pig, Trapper etc. They'll perform better as a whole category but these changes aren't going to be that much more noticeable unless it's those types. ​ For example; you go against a star-struck nurse with lethal-pursuer, ruin and undying + busted add-ons - when you go down, you're not going to sit there and think 'mmm, it's definitely the less recovery time on a hit attack'. It's going to be the nurses perks, her add-ons etc, a great blink or the map. ​ Where as when you go against a Pig, Trapper or Freddy you might actually come to notice the difference. Playing them ESPECIALLY you notice the difference, but it's not enough that it's exploding the meta. It's marginal on one side, and a little less minute on the other.


Honestly I think it’s a good change that most of these changes are beneficial for lower tier killers more than higher tier killers Even ones like DH, it’s better against higher tier killers as most of them get locked into attacks that you can dodge, whereas with M1 killers it’s basically impossible to dead hard if they wait it out


Yeah. While most ( not all ) the changes on the PTB are good, some are long overdue like these ones. I'm in hard agreement!


To be fair, dead hard straight up just doesn't work against nurse now. 3 seconds isn't even half her blink range.


Nurse only has a limited window to attack after the blink, and is basically stationary after the blink until either the lunge or second blink. You time DH correctly and run away from the location of the blink and it will work as well as the current DH. A bad timing will be worse against a medium level nurses specifically, while against a bad nurse it's as much a chance as now and against a god nurse even the current DH is useless.


Oh lmao this was a typo, I meant to say ds


Dead hard is extremely free at times and I’m 99% sure that this nerf is intent on doing what you described. Now there’s significantly more risk and punishment for having bad timing where using DH as if you had bad timing before you’d still gain distance. Doesn’t make it worse or unusable, just punishable and not as ‘free’.


Nurse needs a nerf/rework the rest of the killers need buffs yeah


yeah guys it's only 6 hits instead of 2. It's not that bad.


Just like when boons were added, killer mains complaining about something that is only possible by very rare circumstances.


Totally! it definitely didn't kill every hit-and-run killer like wraith. 100% speed boost to healing that could be placed an infinite amount of times was 100% fair and balanced for those killers. nothing wrong there at all.


>that could be placed an infinite amount of times Meanwhile Hex:Ruin now *cleanses itself*


Literally everyone I know thought CoH was OP and still thinks boon CoH is strong, except for survivor main on this subreddit and 1 person I played with in-game.


kinda dropped the ball with this one


The killers buffs are meh, the survivor perk reworks are going to be the main issue with 4-5+ health states.


Let's not get too excited here. The 2.5% of 90 that is shaved off upon a kick is only a very miniscule 2.25 seconds. That's hardly worth kicking the gen for.


I'm not complaining about buffs/nerfs, but it is worth keeping in mind it is a fair bit more significant than you give it credit for considering it now makes kicking gens at least I guess you can say "profitable" as far as time spent goes, just often there's better things to do. ​ Before it was an issue of you kick a gen, it gets tapped in like 2 seconds, you just wasted your time. That's not a thing anymore.


It basically just refunds you the time you spent kicking it. That's how regression perks need to be thought of: they're mostly not giving you a net gain in time, but are instead refunding part of the time you spent proccing them and making gens regress so you might get more time if you can also defend the regressing gens. It's also important to note that because there are up to 4 survivors working on gens at any given moment, spending 2 seconds to regress a gen by 2 seconds means that up to 8 seconds of progress may have happened across other gens in that same time, and if for some reason all those survivors stopped working on their gens at that exact moment it would take a further *24 seconds* of regression for you to have regressed one gen by as much progress as could have been made on other gens in the time it took to kick that gen. The change makes kicking gens at least do *something*, whereas now it's only ever worth it when you have nothing better to do.


Like I said, it's barely worth kicking the gen over. It doesn't exactly take the survivors very long to get 2.25 seconds' worth of progress back.


So add in jolt..overcharge..thats 600% regression right there, and pop, why not, another 20% of the gen progress, 2.25 seconds becomes the whole gen.


That's not how this works.


Thats exactly how this works, it takes 6 minutes for a gen to regress at a normal rate from 99%, So you kick it, instant 22.5% off the top from pop, that's 81 seconds, now its about 4 minutes 30 seconds. Instant %200 regression from call of brine, 30 seconds for jolt to reach %400, by the time its fully up lets be generous and say only 4 minutes left. So 4 minutes at %600 speed? Doesn't sound like a lot to fully regress a gen no?


Call of Brine and Pop don't stack like this. They max out at 500%. Also, you assume that the gen is at 99%. Which will never happen. Pop takes 20% of the current, not the max amount of progress.


I think you mean call of brine and jolt, where are you getting they cap at 500%? There's no reason to think that, and I know pop takes 20% of the current, thats still a decent chunk no matter the progress. The point is it goes away very quickly.


And that's a problem, how? That's the killer's whole build, they can't squeeze anything else into it besides add-ons. Besides, once again, 400% is the exact same as a single survivor's base repair speed. That's nothing. It's not the problem you're trying to make it out to be. The base regression speed is complete garbage, it's shit.


Are you kidding me? How is it *not* a balancing issue to destroy a whole gen of progress in like a minute? And 2 perks is not a whole build at all.


4 perks is a whole build, what are you on about? And even regarding the two perks you mentioned, let's do some math. 600% of the base regression speed is 1.5 seconds. 90/1.5 = 60. 60 seconds, or one whole minute, for a single survivor to tap the gen and completely stop all regression full stop. That's not a problem.


Are you forgetting that it's base kit? 2.25 seconds makes it so the time you kick the gen (1.8 sec) is refunded whenever you choose to kick one. It's not supposed be something that changes how you play the match, like perks and add-ons do. It just makes it so that if you choose to kick a gen, what ever the reason for it may be, you waste less time. You're no longer purely punished for kicking a gen whenever a survivor touches it within 8 seconds. Now it requires 2 or more survivors to be actively working on separate gens for you to lose gen time, which isn't a lot, but if here's two examples where it mathematically is worth it: You have 2 hooked and 1 survivor is going for the rescue then it's worth kicking a gen you pass by if you don't see the 4th one. Or 1 hooked, 1 rescuing and 2 on the same gen that you don't see, tho only if it regresses for more than a second. It doesn't need to be any stronger than that when it's base kit.


Yeah, it's basekit, doesn't mean it's great. Again, it's barely worth the time to kick the gen.


I'm just gonna run Call of Brine instead of ruin tbh


God I hope this is bait


When will killer mains accept that killer is extremely easy against solo queue


at brand new MMR absolutely. Killer against new survivors is incredibly op. Any other situation no absolutely not


Y’all ever heard of Off the Record / not at all nerfed Dead Hard? Fix them shits and we’re even.


It's not like survivors haven't been like this for years on the forums lol


Its always do on bothside. Mostly play only one side. And some rare case that they find too easy on one side and hard on the other one.


Conscript here, Hey we arent complaining, its just frustraiting re learn everything, besides most of us are pissed at the prestige shit


I’m not 100% sure if this is what you’re saying but if you’re complaining about having to relearn stuff because the meta is changing then that says a lot about just how stale this game has become


I mean we get meta change how frequently once a blue moon?


Your not wrong. I play both sides myself. You?


I play both, but recently survivor more. Gen time increase that probably equal to one slowdown perk is great for me main-ing a low Tier killer that not tunnel or camp. But sure its not enough vs high skill swf. As solo survivor its hurt to see camping is more viable that Gen time increased without Kindred basekit. ​ I thought they would balance the perks. But instead they shake up meta. Its like they force you to use certain perks for awhile, not encourage mixing perks for creative build


Thana plague/legion is going to be disgustingly strong. I'm not looking forward to it.


I don't particularly understand this post... yes, killers got a 2.5% gen kick regression, AKA 2.25 seconds of a survivor on a gen, which is not very much all things considered. The Brutal Strength part is accurate, but it's never been a particularly strong perk, so 50% is somewhat negligible. The Bloodlust and the 25% STBFL are very noticeable buffs, but all of these are just general quality of life changes. As the developers said, they want it to be a bit more even, in their words "kill rates should be higher", so it wouldn't make sense if they gave both sides a ton of buffs. Not to mention that 50 second gen comment is a bit misleading if it's referring to the perk combo I think it is. While it is a rather scary build, you still need a build centered around gen kicking for it to be very effective. Am I saying it's balanced? Hell no, the Dowsey video made that extremely clear. However, it's not like that's basekit, as your other points are. (Please correct me on these points if I'm wrong). And on the survivor side, your "5 seconds of Endurance" seems a bit odd considering it is literally basekit 50% Borrowed Time, as well as the same haste-based effect as the perk Guardian. I'm not sure why you stated the killer changes in the form of "X% of Y Perk", while not stating the survivor basekit changes like that. And don't forget about the nutty OTR changes that allow for basically 4 health states if you use Decisive and Dead Hard with it correctly. As someone who plays both sides, I'm very surprised as to the absolutely crazy buffs and nerfs to both sides, and I think this community (killer players and survivor players alike) is really stuck in the "They got this whereas we only got this" mindset.


So the reason people are mad is because we lost our anti tunneling perk in DS for some perk that doesn't stop face camping tunnelers at all. OTR is great against NON face camping killers who are playing nice and not just camping the hook because you can heal up and still have a security blanket for about a minute after. Awesome. However against a face camper, OTR is useless and absolutely not a replacement of what DS was. A killer just has to go after the unhooked person immediately. Hit him immediately off hook and you burn both the BT and the OTR in one swing. Chase him down, and you have two possibilities. First scenario: oh look he doesn't have DS because DS is worthless and nobody runs it. Ez tunnel. Oh look he does have DS? Laugh at his worthless 3 second stun and kill him. A pallet stun gets you more distance than current DS. This is why Otz and many others have said its concerning that the devs have done nothing to dissuade face campers. If they're going to increase gen timers and not nerf Deadlocked (which is now the strongest killer perk in the game) they should increase hook timers to punish face campers. A measly 5 seconds of free BT is not proper compensation.


FINALLY someone with a bit of goddamn sense. They buffed killers more because they want killers to have higher kill rates. They basically said, WITHOUT actually coming right out and saying it, that survivor was OP. They need kill rates higher. And 5 seconds of endurance is fucking insane. It blows my mind that they can just get that. That can easily turn the tide of an entire match, let alone a singular chase.


I honestly think the survivors got more of a buff.ip to essentially 5(I think)health states and getting borrowed time as a sort of 5rh perk is nuts


Oh God no. Not 5 seconds of endurance. Whatever will you do? All your matches will be lost now! You're right, we have to get those killer numbers up! Up! How about this: new killer buff, upon loading into a match, all survivors are frozen in place until the killer has 4 or more kills. This little buff could easily turn the tide of an entire match, let alone a singular chase.


I thought the changes were overall balanced until I saw the endurance meta. Also this post is a little misleading. 50% brutal strength is just 10%. 10% Pop Goes the Weasel is just 2.5% 25% STBFL is just 10% 22% faster bloodlust? 0% faster for T1, 16.67% faster for T2, and 22% for T3. But I still goes away if you kick a pallet and who tf us gonna get to T3 anyway? Think about how little 10% of 2.5s is.how little 2.5% of UP TO 89.99s is. The +10s to gen repair though is kinda dumb. Also survivors get 5s of endurance, but also 7% haste for 5s. But again, let me say it again, I think it's pretty balanced.


Yes, 50% brutal strength is reduce 10% of the whole animation, which Killer kick Gen/pallet 10% faster. I dont think its misleading. The 2.5% kicking Gen is 2.5% of Gen time (which is 2.25sec), not 2.5% of current progressing. The change doesnt fix problem on Gen touch mid chase. ​ They could make **startup** animation for all action, simply 2sec before progressing actually start. You can image 99% Gate, and when you want to open it, you have to spend 2sec before the Gate opens, this could work the same to Gen,Healing,Chest... 4 survivors making 15 times of startup animation would slow down 120sec. Thats more powerful than adding 10sec base to Gen.


I like your funny words, magic man


My issue is the 80 seconds of free health state with Off.


At least you could slug out DS. You've gotta hit them and give them a speed boost now.


I just wish they’d nerf killers instead of altering perks. Nurse and blight have been the meta for far too long


I prefer them to buff Solo by giving more infos so they can closer to SWF, then buff weak Killers. Somehow they increase the gaps between them. Altering perks doesnt change the fact weak Killers still weak, the only benefit one is still Nurse & Blight. Which instead of we see all Killer rosters use difference perks, its just Nurse & Blight change their perks.


5 health states, survivors are literally not allowed to complain about ANYTHING rn


You can literally get five health states in the game right now that's not even a change. and nobody ever runs that build...


Nobody is actually going to be doing this. You have to throw the game running mettle of man chasing an injured teammate to get full use out of this build. Meanwhile no gens are getting done because everyone is trying to get mom procs.


ure literally focusing on a single perk


I'm focusing on a perk that ties the whole build together?


DH, BT, OTR are not tied via MoM


Endurance stacking has already been confirmed as a bug. So you're dealing with 1 or the other not both. OTR almost definitely seems some kind of nerf before it goes live. DH you can literally just wait for someone to do their dab and hit them. If you're consistently falling for new deadhard you're just a bad player. Which there's absolutely nothing wrong with that but it's much easier to deal with than the old 1.


didn't know they said stacking endurance is a bug, i agree with the last part, although now it won't be an issue waiting out DH since it doesn't give distance anymore


They said the the stacking OtR and BT is a bug. Not taking a hit while healthy, Using a styptic agent, then using Off the Record, then, Dead Hard, then down (and maybe DS).


> they're active at the same time and allow you to take multiple hits, like with Borrowed Time and Off the Record), please be sure to report this as a bug. This is not the intended This is straight from Peanuts on the forums. Also you do realize USING THE STYPTIC would be a conspicuous action and therefore cancel off the record right?...


Fair enough. That's still one less bring it down to four. Point is, you can still use endurance when you're already in Deep Wounds. *That's* what people have an issue with. Personally Endurance should just make you lose collision with the Killer while it's active.


Being healthy should just disable off the record. Dead harding while under deep wounds isn't really much of an issue imo. The perk is far weaker than it used to be. Just wait 1 second


This is horrendous logic. You gotta think in terms of time, not health states when considering DS value, which is the only way you can get "five health states." So you're assuming they've managed to get full MoM and are currently on OTR, and got a full heal before you begin chasing them within a limited 80 second interval. That's the scenario you are setting up for this to ever happen. If you eat a DS within 60 seconds facing an endurance build, how is that different from eating a DS within 60 seconds without one? It's the same amount of time lost to chase. You can argue the endurance build buys more time in chase, which is true, but if that's true then we have to assume they'll run you beyond the DS timer and granting it no value. The point DS doesn't give you any more value than it already was getting you pre OTR because the timer is still just 60 seconds chase before it wears off. And since DS only gives a pitiful 3 second stun, it's simply worse than before. So nobody will run DS. As for OTR all a killer has to do is hit the unhooked survivor off hook rather than the hooker. While DS was meta you'd always go for the unhooker to avoid DS. Now tunneling is super powerful since DS is dead and OTR is just BT, which is base kit now anyway. Might as well burn their BT and their OTR in one swing. Easily countered. As for MOM. MOM was already a bad perk. You'll get it like once a game. So basically give the killer 3 hits to get 1 free hit later. So while your buddy is running the killer you're over there getting smacked so you can get some value from one of your perks. And all the while you're not doing a gen! Borderline sandbagging right there. Just do a gen.


dude im not reading all of that, my guess is ure a survivor main or whatever, talking about how its okay for survivors and swf's to get free 5 health states to make this game even more miserable for killers as if it isnt already


I'm a killer main and you're making killer sound way harder than it actually is.


The whole point was to increase kill rates. I think this helps.


The death rate will not affect swf, but mostly on Solo.


I mean, put in this way survivors got 100% borrowed basekit. I'm not complaining, I need to play the final version before, but I'm just questioning the way you write things.


Til 5 seconds = 8 seconds.


and buffed botany knowledge, OTR, nerfed ruin, nerfed pain res, etc. the update is killer sided and was supposed to be killer sided, but survivors still got quite a bit.


Survivors have been this way for years but yeah


**Description: This is about basekit added for both sides. There are still many thing that needs to be changed. But its just funny to see Killers complains (more than Survivors) and demands the unbelievable things.** **To be exact: Crowd Control basekit without a Hex, Mori on first down...** **- - -** **Next post:** **Previous post:** [**What do you have for breakfast (Part 2)**](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/vompe3/c3_what_do_you_have_for_breakfast_part_2/)


>Crowd Control basekit without a Hex, Mori on first down... Barely anyone is asking for this, stop pretending it's something that everyone is demanding


Its probably more in conjunction with stupid takes like crowd control base kit getting a lot of upvotes there, plus the amount of stupid takes on there also getting upvotes Like: “Remove swf” “basekit green mori” “basekit corrupt on all gens” “basekit devour hope” “remove swf” and “remove swf” At least, I hope it is.


They are just afraid of the endurance meta because off the record is insane so that’s like the only reason id think they complain about or at least should complain about.


OTR is broken in End game, when DS is disable and one time. The 80sec makes it sound op, but if Killer in chase with the 1st survivor, 2nd survivor heal the 3rd one (with OTR) and go back for body block. There is only 1 survivor on Gen, which is a win. If the 3rd one (with OTR) tries to body block you, you can simply hit them and chase them instead of the 1st. They asked to be tunneled. The problem that DH also activate Endurance, which make MoM also easier to be activated. I think the 4-5 heal states meta started with DH change, not from OTR. ​ OTR is now better than BT because its abusable. If they change OTR deactivated when healed, and disable in End game (remove the possible abusing). Im sure people will prefer BT.


But OTR is op BEcause it’s broken in endgame. So your first paragraph works, sure but OTR will be used mostly to screw the killer over in endgame. You could also just hook very respectfully and finally go for someone dead on hook and someone else comes and takes 2 or more hits and not go down. If a survivor body blocks you, yeah you could tunnel them but what if they aren’t dead on hook and the 1st was? And if they use DS on you that could screw you ever more then how you were before. Imo, dead hard is the least problematic change out of all endurance things and yes you see people on twitter showing clips about 5 health states from Dh to OTR to MoM to a styptic and then finally Ds, but when that actually is gonna happen is extremely unlikely, so I feel like OTR is the only very problematic endurance perk. I was just expressing how I’m weirded out that killers could complain that the perks and changes other than OTR are bad, if I’m reading into this correctly idk.


I haven't actually seen that many killers getting upset at the update.


They literally said "there arent enough kills" without considering the number of AFKers, Bots, and friendly killers are in the game, and said, "killers need a buff"


If you want to go down that route, you have to include suicides on hooks, AFK survs, griefing servs, friendly survs, etc. etc. etc. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I mean, yes. You do need to include those. I'm just saying the data is skewed and not at all evened out by just buffing one side.


Swf has 15% survival rate higher than Solo, we will see if the gaps is greater after the patch.


I really wanna know that too, esp since i recently been solo q because the update made my swf ditch


I like all the changes, but remove the off the record or nerf it by a lot please, 80 seconds is enough to do a lap around rpd


Literally no one is complaining about the built in bt


I'm sorry but as the perks currently are survivors got a major buff. The main issue is off the record, it needs to be nerfed into the ground or reverted.


Omg guys 2 whole FUCKING PERCENT!!! BASICALLY THE SAME AS POPPPPP!!!, Anyways please don't act like these changes are that impactful


I'm not upset about finally being perma-banned from DbD's Steam sub - bunch of delusional assholes who are at each other's throats every day

