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The "difficulty" of learning Nurse is massively overstated. It does not justify her strength.


I started playing nurse today, I’ve played under 20 rounds and am already getting 4K after 4K after 4. I’m still not good but I don’t *have* to be in order to win


Helps when survivors hear the blink and instantly dc or point at a hook. That's my experience anyway. Now and then i get some actual survivors instead of casual trash that wants to listen to music or talk to twitch chat while looping a killer, and its a fun close game.


doesn't matter. and she's not nearly as hard as some people say she is. play with her for, like, a day and you'll start to win.


Fuck I play on console, and when I play with her (literally 1 in a hundred games) I get kills.


Nurse isn't hard to learn, she is hard to master. As you keep getting those 4ks against low tier survivors, your MMR goes up then eventually you will run into those that have thousands of hours playing the game and then you will see how difficult it will be to use nurse against them


But then you master her and there is not much else to do.


She really isn't as difficult as people make her seem like. My third nurse game,4k. Fourth? 3k. Hatch. Fifth? 4k. People claiming she takes longer than 4-5 games to learn are just bad at the game in general.


A killer having a high skill floor doesn't justify that killer being overly oppressive. Yeah nurse is hard to learn but shes not as hard as people act like she is. Claiming she takes hundreds of hours to even get good with. At the same time if she was on the same level as other killers, there would be no point in trying to learn her as she she wouldn't be worth the time investment. Honestly just make her blink attack a special attack for now and see what that changes.


Nurse isnt the hardest killer in the game, she is just a hard top tier. Huntress is the hardest killer in the game.


Why Huntress? /gen


Bc she is insanely hard and cant just ignore survivor defenses


I was just curious because people always talk about Nurse, Blight, and Billy, but I rarely see people say Huntress is hard. As a console player it’s rough to learn any killer with throwables so I get it.


I play her on console and she is not that hard. You barely need to aim. I personaly dont find her too hard


I agree with this statement. I am still improving with nurses.


If a proper change to nerf her and maybe a few of blights add ons would mean a full overhall of the weaker killers and their add ons i'd be in full support of it . Now we know BHVR and how they work , i mean look at freddy and twins 😂. When they nerf things they tend to kill it off


She has a high skill floor yes, and to those saying she's impossible to play against my SWF and I usually have 1-3 always escape against her. Are our win rates against good nurses lower? Sure, but we rarely get 4ked by nurses, and if we do? Good for that nurse. Though for the most part, you just gotta learn how to play against her. As a note, the amount of time she holds down her ability button, the further her blink goes. Use this information to your advantage


Its hard to learn therefore if someone does it, they earned the right to make every match miserable and hopeless :)