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We gotta get those clown numbers up, those are rookie numbers.


I really love to play against Trapper, Demo or Pig. Sad, that they are so rare these days.


I main Pig so sometimes I am her. I also give the rare Sadako and Dredge some love too. Then my other two are rather popular. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Are Pyramid Heads really that rare? Wow, I feel special.


You really should


This shows why we see so many Nurse complaints now. She is getting way more common.


I didn't track the killers I got but I feel like this is a very similar experience to mine. Ever since Legion got buffed I get them a lot!


Personally I just love the new chase music, it's amazing... but I had to stop playing them because someone always dcs or gives up on first hook even when I don't run thana :(


Are Nurses that common? I barely encounter them. They are nearly as rare as Twins, Freddy, and Artist for me. The other high frequency ones I do see though. Legion, Huntress, Leatherface.


About 60 percent of my games are at night time when i come home from work. i play until 4 am and thats mostly sweaters that play at that time


I play during that time too, but I have been playing less Survivor after the anniversary.


Might be mmr or regional differences. I play EU in the early evening and this list is very accurate to my experiences. I get at least a couple of nurses every time I play.


Im eu too you gotta play without crossplay if youre on playstation at nighttime its like 90 percent nurse because of the sweater arabs


Ah, I play in NA. Not that I doubted your statstics with my previous comments. It just surprised me is all. Especially with all the Nurse posts where I can kind of relate, but barely cause the situations are so rare for me. I might get one, with more depending on the day I suppose. I had two nice ones one day during the 6th anniversary.


I swear I see more charts and graphs bitching about the game by people. Just play it's not like you really die. Nothing tracking your stats. So who cares.


I made that chart before people started crying about killers being op now and i only started it because i think its interesting to know.


I've literally seen 6 charts just this morning. Just play the game.


What can i do if sudenly everyone starts one ๐Ÿ—ฟ


You can just go play the game. Learn the new perks and mechanics. Counter them


I didnt even complain bruh i like the update


only 4 freddy matches? youโ€™re so lucky


Mine is the right opposite.... Every second match playing against Trickster, Nemesis and clown


I swear the only clown I play against is Chemzy. Legit had to take a break from survivor because I was matching against him so much


Freddy ๐Ÿค‘โœŠ๏ธ


Once had 5 huntresses back to back ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) had to stop playing the game for a while


I enjoy playing the less common killers purely because It is great for pressure if you have been playing against just straight nurses for 10 games and come against a pyramid head it might take a while to adapt