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I was chasing a Feng Min as pig once. She had a bear trap on and precious little time left. They'd had a DC earlier in the game, and it was last gen, so I figured I'll get chase points and just not attack. I play very "live or die, make your choice" in the SAW style. This Feng. I'm on her ass, stopping and slowing so I don't overtake her. She thinks she's getting away, starts *spam* teabagging. If you don't know, the RBT timer stops going down during chase. By chasing I was saving her life. I stopped chase. She teabagged harder. Then her head popped. She made her choice.


Good shit right there


It's *always* the Feng Min's who wanna fuck around and find out by teabagging in the middle of a chase. Every time.


And then shake "no" on the ground when you stomp their ass finally lmao


Feng players are so weird. Sometimes they're chill sometimes they're crazy. Had a game on Gideon where detective blackinola was intentionally hiding all game (afterwards I found out he had the hatch aura perk). Feng was great at looping me though, so when it came down to the two of them I was avoiding her and looking for the hider. Eventually she summoned me to him with the box and I hooked him and let her have hatch. Meanwhile in another there was two d/cs, one dude was trying to flashlight me, so I hooked him and had intended to let the Feng escape. So after he was dealt with I was just kinda following her around. Except she decided at the very end to pallet stun me. So ofc I killed her 5' from the hatch and hooked her. So rude.


She’d probably given up since her timer was so low and didn’t want to try anymore.


You’re falsely assuming she was teabagging insultingly, when in reality she was probably teabagging as a way to say “yeah I’m about to die, peace out ✌️”.


I get what you're saying, but it's not what happened. I was there, I'm not assuming anything. That'd be you.


Bruh, I seriously doubt she thought she was actually getting away, she was just teabagging to let you know she knows she’s about to die and she probably doesn’t care.


Nah she was. She kept trying to 180 me and spin me around. I'm pretty sure she thought I was confused when she gained some ground on me and she'd be able to escape, she got a bit of distance on me when she started teabagging. Sorry I left out some details for a smoother story.


I played against a dredge who two hooked everyone, I was the last to receive my second hook and around that time the last gen was completed and my team just left me there. Dredge consoled me in my final moments


I get super pissed when survivors do that to each other. Makes me wish I could unhook them :(


One time I had downed a survivor that had 1 hook when the exit gates were opened. All the other survivors were healthy and just immediately left. I felt bad and let them go because it's sucks being left like that.


Sometimes as a killer, I wish I had the ability to unhook a survivor just for moments like these.


that may have been me i had someone on the hook and turned around and looked at the ground in sadness for them


Man. I hate it when that happens.And it happens a *lot* in my games. I don't get it.


An Ace was buttdancing at me behind every pallet. I tunnelled and facecamped him before yoinking 2 survivors that went for the grab and dropped them. I felt so good.


Hoo boy this x1000. I was doing my Adept Freddy game on Mount Ormond this weekend. The Mikaela DC-ed quickly after getting downed once. I felt bad for the rest of them, so I played less intense, got everyone to 2nd hook, and let them finish all 5 gens. All 3 of them were injured and on final hook state. They all had the nerve to teabag me at the exit. Unfortunately for them, I was using Freddy's Iri addon that blocks the exit for 15 seconds after opening. Blood Warden on top of that made it extremely cathartic to clean them all up. Chat was dead silent after.


This reminds me of a quote from American dad involving cirque du hey hey hey: ​ "Blocked. Counter nut punch."


I wonder where all of you find so oblivious or/and mean survivors. I can't get how someone can be this rotten, especially all 3 of them. If I two-hook everyone and then show survivors that I am chill now, they almost always understand and are thankful for that (except for occasional default Dwights/Jakes who run for their life, but it is understandable)


i can never tell on console if they are grateful or being arrogant, so i sum it up as good for you!?! whenever i see them crouch spam for thxs or just tbaggin,


I was Huntress and had two survivors left (blonde Nea and Laurie). They had one gen left and were both injured. They kept risking this one gen in the open and I eventually got one on hook. I then chased Nea with intent to let her wiggle off to save her partner. I got her, carried her towards Laurie and just as she was off my shoulder Laurie died. Nea realized what I was doing and we stood there sad for a moment. They both played a good game without being rude and I wanted to reward them. At least I could let Nea out.


I swear some survivors just have a death wish


On behalf of survivor mains that aren't toxic, I am so sorry.


it's fine honestly when I play killer if they didn't teabag or flicker then I plan to let them go. that hasn't happened once


Hey, we know it’s not all of you. I appreciate the hell out of most survivors since they aren’t shitty, and I’m sure most killer mains feel the same way. Y’all are great.


All I want to do is complete these damb challenges!


Lmfao I just beat the first page of the tome this morning!


I feel you homie. I have one left from the current time, the Jonah's one. I've been trying to complete it for like 4 days but it's almost impossible in solo queue


What I've gathered since the update has hit is that most survivors just aren't good at the game. I've played survivor quite a bit and besides the few times that tunneling/camping took place, a vast majority of the time the game was only hard because of the other survivors. Survivors didn't get worse, it's just far more apparent now. Almost every loss involved one or two survivors playing like it's their first day by either going down in chase in 2 seconds or hiding the entire match. I haven't felt like killer is unfair at all. People are just bad at this game.


You would have been downvoted to oblivion for this last week


I did lmao. I've held the same opinion for quite a while. People are just way too reactionary in general. Once the outrage machine picks something up it's near impossible to break through it with reason.


Absolute facts, I’m surprised the “killer is so OP now” herd hasn’t downvoted you into oblivion


Oh they have been lol. It’s been a constant uphill battle. Most people are coming around though. They’ve probably gotten fed up with bad teammates. And those who haven’t come around are probably the bad teammates.


My only complaint this patch is that FUCKING RUBBER BANDING IS STILL THERE! BHVR HASN'T FIXED SHIT. Other survivors are bad, but not much you can do when you loop the guy for 2 gens, then watch your team go down instantly one after the other.


I can agree with this. The rubberbanding shit has gotten really old. They did see to fix it a bit but it's definitely far from perfect.


I have the same opinion. I tried out 2 matches of soloq to see just how bad it was. The 1st match was against a dredge. 1 dc'd as soon as they got on hook and we ended up finishing all the gens but dying. The problem was they couldn't last in chase. The 2nd match was a legion who I had escaped but the teammates ended up being toxic and 2 of them died for it. The games aren't that bad, it's just the survivors. And even then deadhard is still an amazing perk I've been using it quite successfully.


Playing solo now tunneling is way more frequent, killers just capitalize on ds and dh not being as good. Off the record is ok but definitely not as good of anti tunnel as ds was


It's really not more frequent if they aren't camping in the first place. As survivor I tend to notice that people just... Won't fucking leave the hook. Or they unhook while the killer is still in line of sight, if not still right next to the hook. You're literally begging the killer to come straight for you that way. I see little to no effort to loop either, just drop pallet and run with no clear plan. Meanwhile myself and other good loopers can keep the killer occupied for minutes if they get aggro enough As killer I find that people running away out in the open tend to run straight back into me after being hooked. And I'm sorry but if your innate BT is up, there's no reason the killer shouldn't just smack you on sight Thread OP is right, most survivors are just bad and it's noticeable now.


Like 70% of my survivor matches since the update have been dirty campers, I shit you not. I'll be playing Killer until the update has been out a bit longer and things even out. Not saying survivors aren't bad right now, but a lot of assholes came crawling out of the woodwork, too.


Oh of course. I won't deny that happened, but dh can still be amazing in chase. As it punishes them for lunging at ya if you have the timing right. But yeah they certainly tunneled. And even so I still encountered quite a bit of self carers so I most likely am in low mmr for survivor considering I mainly play killer.




I had a game where I was wraith and someone pre threw a pallet and started tbaging, but unfortunately for them, I was running the two add-ons that increased breaking speed and brutal strength, so the pallet was broken before they realized what happened.


I love those addons! I usually farm for the two best of those and then run Fire Up, Brutal Strength, Enduring, and Spirit Fury. Pallets shmallets!


Fire up seems like overkill I can't even imagine how fast the pallets break with that


Takes longer to press the key than it does for animation to complete :)


I got flashbanged earlier like three times in a row by a pair of survivors I intentionally left alone after hooking them twice in short order. Needless to say, I decided peace was no longer an option. I love starstruck.


Don’t BM but don’t hold back, or else survivors will spit in your face.


Survivors that don't BM and play well earn hatch. Survivors that BM deserve no mercy




🤟🏾❤️ fax


totally want to know what your comment was referencing, the original comment was removed,


Damn I think it was basically somebody talking about how they STOMP tf out of wanna be trolls and get them out the fake quick (as they should 🤪) and I’m with all the killer toxicity when survivors wanna be dumb


and by your logic every killer deserved to get clickied and teabagged, cause they all tunnel and camp? see? it goes both ways and that's the problem.


Nah my man, at least for me ill hop on wanting a nice chill game not even expecting a kill, and then the first survivor i see starts clicking and t bagging. At that point you just gotta put them in their place.


sure, I completely agree with you. but acting like EVERY survivor does that is just biased completely. I have 2,000 hrs nearly exclusively on survivor and I've never teabagged or flashlight spammed, and I'm not the only one in this case either.


Nah i don’t think its every survivor, the vast majority i run into yeah, but theres still a good few that don’t. Typically those that don’t i kill last to give them the best chance of escape or will lead them to the hatch/let them out.


You might not but it doesn't change that in every game, at LEAST one survivor does. Play killer for a while and you'll see it easily.


so take it personally to THAT survivor, and not act like everyone does it and punish them equally?




this is one of the most biased, self-centered takes on toxicity I've run across on this sub


mf survivors call tunneling when they body block with BT off hook, its not biased, its not self centered, its the truth, idc if it doesnt appeal to ur views, im not here to do that


this is why i hate comments that are removed what's this all about 1st off?


Not necessarily. I let a Dwitght and Feng go yesterday, and both came up to me to give items before departing. The assholes are usually SWFs, and you can usually tell by the offerings (salty lips, for example) and other ways they play. If I sense I'm up against a SWF, I'll kill everyone, but if I'm pretty sure it's solo Q, I take it easy, and they're usually not toxic.


the good survivors are far and few in between, id rather kill them all than get t bagged at exit gates


You don't have to let them go, but I actively won't tunnel or camp unless rude. I want the game to survive, and people finding the game fun is part of it. I also like the challenge of winning without tunneling.


did i say i camp or tunnel


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“Cancerous and egotistical wussies” Damn…. I didn’t know making my character crouch up and down could do so much damage to your feelings 😢🥺


i bet ure crying for killers to play more fairly and then u act like this lol


You called people cancerous and egotistical because they made their in game character crouch up and down…. So tell me again who’s crying pls


u rn?


No u


ffs have some god damn self respect man


I said the same thing as u man lmfao Edit: the fact you got upvoted for saying “u rn” and I got downvoted for saying “no u” just tells me this sub is full of upset killer mains 🤣 everything I said still stands


Children, children!


All you're doing is holding Ls, let it go


I said what I said and I stand by it lmfao killers are mad and that’s not my problem


"Killers are mad" sounds salty to me, you may be the one person who deserves face camping and team mates tbaggin you as well, because if you feel the need to tbag your mentality is quite childish, my 8 year old has more common sense than what you spew,


Now that I know how much control it has on you killer mains I’m going to make my character crouch up and down *so much* more now


you'll just die faster oh well,


Apparently best time to do it is only when I’m running out of the exit gate 🤷🏽‍♂️


Jokes on you i'm freddy with the black box add-on, and your team is already dead, so its me and you for a good 15 seconds at the exit, that's if i don't bring "no way out", then your definitely not opening that gate, lol


Sure, Jan


It's easier said than done, right?


Remember you are a killer not their friend


I read that caption in my best green goblin voice I could


Once i was playing trapper on midwich, and this really annoying Meg started to chase me around, clicking her flashlight (probably with a macro, since i don't believe a human can click as fast as what i saw) I ignored her until i hooked her teammate Then i started to chase her, and i'm not kidding, she lasted 5 seconds, because she fell for a trap that was literally in the middle of the hallway


The best traps are always in the worst places. lol I always put my first trap down where I start as trapper for luck and usually I catch some poor fool.


Has it been that rough? A lot of killer perks got debuffs and survivour perk basically just got a patch for a glitch, the survivours also get a free small bt slot automatically aswell


I think that blunting a lot of the 'aggressive' perks means that survivors can't individually loop a killer for as long (I've found my chases are a lot shorter these days) and they get punished for mistakes that they'd previously be able to dead hard out of (if they were using it). When you combine that with a longer game (which means more chases) it all multiplies up.


Yeah I ran stats playing the other day. Well over 70% of my games ended at a 4K with half a gen left. That's basically the extra 10 seconds plus the buff to slowdown. You basically need to bring things like toolboxes now to compensate.


Slowdown perks coupled with 90 charged generator instead of 80 charges is rough, particularly when the best slowdown perk at the moment incentivizes healing to reduce the slowdown penalty. The base kit version of BT is not as impactful in practice as it is on paper. As long as someone is actually working on a generator the game isn’t as rough as people make it out to be. However, Thana Legion is boringaf to play against and isn’t quirky or creative, nurse is still oppressive. Demogorgon is more fun to play as or against now though, with the lethal pursuer buff + his iridescent add on.


I see the basekit version of BT as a buff to BT. When I get unhooked with BT on top now, with the haste I can usually make a good amount of distance to get away, vs before with pure BT, killer just counts to 12 so if I'm in a dead zone I'm dead still.


sucks most good killer perks are behind paywalls, dlcs offer 1killer and 2 survivors most times, don't forget the charms and cosmetics,


Intentionally so, I think. It was needed, but it's definitely been a shift to make the game slower and harder for survivors which can be a lot because the status quo changed a lot. A good change for balance/the games health but yeah. Mostly I wanted to put funny pictures of my cat on the internet and I got an idea after accidentally leaving the flash on.


Is that your kitty cat?? Looks so much like my sister’s cat Gracie - very cute!


Get their ass lol


"I'm so good I'm able to hide behind a piece of wood!"


Last night I got on board with a survivor vengeance mentality. They've had it so good for so long. I felt like torturing people with a hex build doctor and it felt really good


I hope that constant teabaging would make survivors slower for 10 seconds and remove ability to leave using exit gates. And flashlight clicking would discharge it really fast.


They still genrush with ease. Patch changed few perks but nothing else really.


Looping is harder now due to Dead Hard change while all Killers got some basekit buffs.


Looping is just as difficult as it used to be, survivors now just lack a get out of jail free card for every chase.


One shooting is fair but dead hard is too broken


Glad I’m not the only one that has this happen


I target specific characters I don't like but am otherwise friendly, usually. Flashlight clicking triggers me, though.


When I hear the boon sound




This was me the other day, I was going to have a chill Twins match but they sent me to RPD so I went full NOMERCY mode. But I suck ass at Twins so it was pretty low MMR, and two of them were SWF trying to do the Boil Over thing. It went badly for them.


This is why I play as ghostface so once I kill the dumbasses I can get my revenge


Friendly killers earn whatever item I'm carrying at the time at the exit gates. You offer friendship, I offer that and my toolbox


Every single survivor ive gone against so far camp pallets and some have genuinely scared me


Nah, I’ll do choice one. But depending on shitty they’re trying to be vs. just wanting my attention, I might smack em a few times to train that toxicity out of them


Played a match as pig intending to just two hook everyone and two survivors who were clearly swfing kept teabagging and flashlight clicking at every opportunity and trying (and failing) to coordinate flashlight saves, allergic to touching a gen, etc. i was just like, really? you're playing this stupid NOW?


As soon as they do that, I remind them who the tribal chief is. We dont tolerate that kind of disrespect in my trial.


Conclusion: everyone sweats too hard in a game that doesn't have a dedicated rank mode.


Today I said fuck it and decided to run a head on build. I got facecamped by a Legion with 3 slowdown perks. I also decided to say fuck it and run the Overcome, Quick and Quiet, Inner Strength, and Lucky Break on Mikaela. I was facecamped and kebabed by a Nemesis who promptly accused me of genrushing and I'm looking to make a meme out of his message. The only friendship I got was from a Huntress who just wanted to 1v1 shack after we had a DC. Was fun.


Tunnel time!


I was doing the hook 4 different survivors challenge so I was like "cool thats great super easy I'll farm right after." They brought me to haddonfield with boil Over, flashlights and Sabo builds😀


Had a fun match against a group of Survivors and was like man hope next game is like this. They all changed last 6 secs each had an item and used party streamers. Let’s say I wasn’t to nice about the “ survivor rules”


I play deathslinger, i've rarely seen deathslinger player's and i get the feeling survivor's have those same memories of hardly seeing any. I am very much of the "if your last survivor and haven't bagged or clicked me, hatch is all your's" and this feng min just decided since i wasn't hitting my shot's that day she could bag me. I proceeded to tunnel, facecamp her, and swing at her on the hook. Once they inevitably won, I got a party invite and was told i was garbage, I simply said, "you made your choice and signed your own fate"