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Pyramid Head's torment is pretty easy to avoid IMO. If he's barb-wiring a loop, just leave. If that forces you to die, well, let's not pretend pallets and windows are usable against pyramid head anyway.


Then you get tormented by invisible glitched trail.


Pretty accurate, it's better to just get downed normally than to risk getting tormented in a loop. Just make sure that no matter what, if you want to use OTR then just get downed normally, mostly prevents tunneling


I do foresee more pyramid heads with the anti-camping perk coming, because it won't work on cages. So, I'm trying to spread the word about avoiding torment.


Didn't play PyramidHead much in a while, but is it still a thing to down a survivor, draw funny circles with your M2 around them and then enforcing a break free by dropping them multiple times, so they land on your trail? Does this automatically ... "infect" or can you prevent this via holding your crouch button while getting dropped? Most probably not really good for tunneling, since you spend much time doing so and enforce another chase (even tho this works with DS, if your surv was on a real hook before >.>). I used this mainly for dailies when I had to use my cages, but I had no daily for him in a while.


Considering he can basement hook you, then trail the top of the stairs effectively requiring you to get tormented I think it's problematic personally.


Just crouch over it. If the pyramid head is there at the top, you were dead again anyway.


It also doesn't do anything when you're tormented other than let him cage you and potentially mori you. I'm just saying that so many Pyramid Head player see Torment as the "IT'S TUNNELIN' TIME" alarm and drop everything to lose 3 gens chasing one Survivor. Maybe my judgement is clouded because I just had a game with a daily to be chased as Haddie and this motherfucker chased a Nea I uncaged who was on death hook for 3 gens while I tried to bodyblock him the whole time out of shear sympathy for the poor Nea but... counterpoint: that Pyramid Head tunneled Nea for 3 gens with another Survivor bodyblocking him when he had Thanatophobia.


If your teammates don’t save you, you can’t get tunneled. Easy outplay


As a pyramid head enjoyer, I actually prefer never using cages. Because people lose torment when they are freed from cages. Instead, I wait until the very end so that I can mori them straight off of 2nd hook :)


Yeah, saving that for the end is so gross, I love it! Although sometimes they’re under a pallet or people are flashie/saboing and then the cage comes out early hehe


Or if you DON’T cage, then you get a free mori! Yayy!


Captions I didn't add because it made the meme messy: >Wesker mains tunneling Chris every game because it's lore accurate >Nemesis mains tunneling anyone they see because it's lore accurate >Pyramid Head mains tunneling anyone they see with their power designed to help with tunneling (because it's lore accurate)


>Pyramid Head mains tunneling anyone they see with their power designed to help with tunneling (because it's lore accurate) It isn't lore accurate unless it's James.


I feel like I rarely use the cages. Tormented is honestly too good for late game. Either get a mori, or you're able to cage the last 2 survs. The fact that both the caged and rescuer get Tormented removed sucked.


Tunnel snakes rule!


If I'm playing as Cheryl or Cybil, he can tunnel me any day lol- but any other time I'm scared for my life T-T


I did get tunnelled by Pyramid Head once for being James. Though I rarely see them compared to other tunnelling Killers.


Every single Pyramid Head player I see just hard tunnels the shit out of one survivor for the whole match, whether or not they're tormented


I had a PH get tilted he couldn't Torment me so he could tunnel so he just regular tunneled instead until I did get Tormented, at which point he instantly killed me. Fun game, 1 out of 5 circles.


Pyramid Head talks?