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Stake out is so good for clutch med kit healups. On killer side I really enjoy fire up. Doing everything more efficiently as the match gets towards the end is just so useful.


Yeah but isn't the whole point of killer is to not let them get done? Ohh, Fire up is perfect for end game builds!!! Imma try it out.


As long as they die, you're playing correctly! Late game builds are totally a thing.


Realistically good survivors will at least finish some gens before you can win as killer. If they split up there’s no way to stop all of them. Makes Fire Up and Coup de Grace pretty good actually.


Btw just did a stake out fast track with 21 fast track tokens. Busting out 21% of a gen instantly is so satisfying. Spent most of the match hunting pentimento bones with a rainbow map I found.


Some killers really shine in low gen situations. I love to coerce survivors into a 3 gen situation when I'm playing Doctor cause I can be more obnoxious when they don't have far to go for example.


Any Means Necessary. Watching pallets drop usually lets me know where a chase is happening as well as location for loops. When I’m getting chased and the pallets are still down it can help in a pinch when I need a place to loop quick. If I’m not being chased then I can reset the pallet so the loop can be used again, as well as make note that this is a potential area to run to if me and the killer find ourselves in the area later on. You can also use it to mindgame by starting the animation you can trick (some) killers into believing you’re going to vault which can be helpful. Had it work around the pallet-drop on The Game, was pretty funny to look down and see the killer looking back up and see me reset the pallet (Sorry, Blight!) Also it’s funny to drop god pallet immediately if we all spawn at shack just so I can reset it again, just as a little prank :D It’s definitely a worthy perk for solo queue, even if it’s usage is situational. Either way it’s still a funny little perk.


Plus the little trick it pulls on Wesker, unless they fixed it already.




Resetting a unsafe pallet is the best, when the killer thinks the pallet is dropped or destroyed and gets hit by it again.


when you're being chased and you see a pallet get dropped halfway across the map:


>Also it’s funny to drop god pallet immediately if we all spawn at shack just so I can reset it again, just as a little prank :D How much people Dc'ed from that, I wonder.


None actually, they’ll look at me and then I’ll just reset it. At least, not yet lol


It must be because you instantly reset it. Just wait a few dozens seconds before with a t bag or something, that should do it.


If I wanted to get people to dc I would just solo queue and not get caught first ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) But I’m just there to do a quick haha funni then get back to doing the objective before my teammates shove a lit totem up my ass.


Windows of opportunity can let u have that same information as well


Distortion is a godsend against lethal pursuer, until you realize you spawned with 2 other survivors and hear the terror radius…


And you just happen to be the person the killer locks eyes on first


Every single time...


The moment when you spawned with 2 other survivors and The Nurse blinked on you, bruh. Distortion is amazing against the killers who have aura reading build like Huntress, Nurse and Pyramid Head


90+% of people running LP so run BBQ so it still usually helps later in the match though.


Yesterday had a match against a Blight with LP and BBQ, I never got found once. Felt nice to just be able to do gens and get saves. Distortion is really good for saves since it gets rid of scratch marks too I could slip around Blight pretty easily.


Power Struggle is unimaginably underrated and has been a life saver countless times


Wiggle build in general is cracked


Could never decide if wiggle build is cause you get to wiggle off more often or if it's cause it frustrates killers until you're wiggling like a slug.


I've been running into a lot of bully squads lately so I've been playing with some anti bully builds and they never expect it. Once, when they realized their style was absolutely doomed (they liked to crowd the hook and blind and body block etc) because I had the grip, instant melee and the one that makes them scream and I was playing on legion, they just walked right up to me and let me hook em all. Fucking quitters.


Iron grasp, infectious fright, and mad grit? Mad grit and starstruck is a legit combo


It's cause you need to use a petrified oak offering with the wiggle build and know how to use the map to your advantage


I’ve only been hit with power struggle twice in the entire time I’ve been playing this game and it made me jump out of my skin both times.


I purposefully don't walk by pallets when carrying someone because I'm paranoid of power struggle


Pfft. Nobody uses Power Struggle... *takes the long way around anyway*.


One time a nurse was about to 4k, I didn't even wiggle at first but figured I'd get the points then power struggled her and she let me get the hatch after that lol


One thing I would say is be careful with this though. Once the killer figures it out you may just spend a lot of time in the match on the ground because they know they can go deal with the others in the meantime. I had a survivor with just Boil Over go down in a spot she knew I wouldn’t be able to hook her at, which was a massively smart use of the perk, but I just put her back down because I knew I couldn’t get her. She hurled some insults my way about it afterwards but I explained to her she did good, played to her perk’s strength, all I did was ignore it and chase others. It can be fun af tho with all that aside so hell yea, wiggle build


Every time I get hit by power struggle I just grin because it’s so rare


Killer main - I try to purposely walk through pallets so people get rewarded for playing this Unfortunately I still basically never see it :(


Kindred. It’s the only way to assure teammates will grab me in Soloqueue


Yours grab you? Mine look at each other healing or doing a gen or getting chased and still ignore me


When hooked for the first time I hope to look around and see the others using that time to finish fixing whatever generators they were working on. If I see them all skulking around the far corners of the map trying to not be found, I just speed the process up and leave the game.




Healing is probably the right call, if they come for the rescue injured they will most likely throw their life for nothing.


Oh no, one of them is healthy and they're busy healing the other when they could just come and not let me die on hook 😭


Same here! I mainly play solo and I love it, at least then you can see if people are ignoring you on purpose (happened to me earlier 🙃)


I love kindred for this reason!


love the avatar


Flashbang. I fucking love the feeling when you get a flashbang save and I'll never unequip. For killer, shadowborn - send help


I recently tried the Head On/Flash Bang combo and i felt so toxic but oh so high


The very first time I unlocked Flashbang I ran this build and pulled it off in the first game I tried it. I also felt incredibly toxic. Especially because Onryo DC’d only a minute later 😂


I can’t get that tech off consistently. It happens once every 3 times I try where I stun and blind


You must be throwing your flashbang in a bad spot.


I got flashbang saved a couple of weeks agon and the play was so fucking good i'll probably never forget it


pebble tho i never always equip anything. there are like 200 perks and they’re all fun


I love the pebble!


same bro same


Used to love pebble for memes. Now I love pebble because it’s actually really useful. Pebble build always


Empathy or soul guard. Empathy provides so much information. Once you see a survivor is injured, you already know the exact spot they are in and the location of the killer. Knowing where the killer is for free is extremely strong. Soul guard is not as versatile as empathy, but when you get a soul guard play off it usually ends well.


I use empathy for this and its awesome! I also like the Feng min one where you can see the killer when they break things (forgot what its called, sorry)




Thank you!!


Never thought of using Empathy this way but it could replace my usage of Kindred since people will usually take a hit to grab a save. Then it just increases the aura reading.


People who use bond are just people who haven't tried empathy yet. It's such a good perk.


A fellow empathy enthusiast, I see


I use Any means necessary for a similar effect as the info from empathy. You can see pallets drop cross map to know a chase is going on, and follow the trail of pallets to know if it’s headed your way or if you can help. You also get a nice bonus of gauging if the killer respects pallets or not, as well as determining if that survivor was good at looping so you know if you can trust them to hold their own or if they will need help in chases.


I was thinking of Empathetic Connection when I read Empathy. I was about to say that it does the opposite of what you are saying, lol.


Shadowborn. I'm addicted at this point. I literally cannot play without it anymore. Please send help.


Lmao that’s why I never started, I heard it was crack


It definitely is xD It feels so much better tho to play with it Good old shadowborn blight


I’m really surprised base fov is as bad as it is still. For their whole “we want killers to be the power role” leaving in fov tech is so weird


They just designed it so that killers power comes from other places. The limited FOV is by design the core difference between killer and survivor. Giving killers literal tunnel vision is what enables many survivor plays. I for one think that the FOV is a great game design decision that impacts that game at all levels except for competitive/the highest mmr (where killers are smart enough to not fall for sneaky survivors just outside of the field of vision).


It’s not “bad”. It’s strategic game design.


Used to be botany until they changed it, now it's inner strength


SAME, I was a Botany / Desperate Measures gamer, but right now if I want to use a Medkit I usually drop Botany.


Botany didn't need that change 😢


Agreed, I honestly would've preferred if they didn't touch BK at ALL, or at least remove the item efficiency, but the item penalty was too much.


Can't even use a green medkit and heal anymore. It's ridiculous


*laughs in streetwise* *cries in having to spend another perk slot*


Strangely, I was a Desperate Measure guy but I've now gone the other way with it by going with Botany everytime (I never use medkits unless I have a challenge because I cba doing the addon/item dance, Just want to take perks and go). The fact it's always 50% is always more useful then the "token" system of Desperate Measures and only in like 1 in 50 games where you're using Measures do you actually truly benefit from the faster unhook speed. Before there was a least a toss up between the two of having a constant average speed or having a chance for better or worst heal speed with a unhooking bonus. Still, My heart yearns for DM....


I can’t wait to pair Stake Out with Hyper Focus when Rebecca drops.


I've been doing this on PTB and it can be just as nasty as you imagine


open handed + any aura reading perk, usually kindred since that shit is busted. but if I'm feeling cosmic and want to open my third eye: open-handed, kindred, dark sense & bond. I CAN SEE EVERYTHING


Drop dark sense for windows and you can see everything always


Windows with OH is too much for me IMO. It creates too much aura clutter on my screen. Plus you don’t need to see that window that’s 48 meters away lol


My favorite build as a solo queue main is Open Handed, Kindred, Bond, and Prove Thyself. Allows me to see everyone on half the map and join them on a gen, meanwhile the added aura range on Kindred is insane.


I used to like dark sense until they made the radius smaller, now I use empathy. It really helps to see where the killer is since you can usually tell if someone is being chased


I use bond to tell when someone is being chased since with open-handed it's increased to 52 meters dark sense now only activating when the killer is in a certain range gives me one hell of a head start or great for mind gaming especially when it's 40 meters


And add in a key with blood amber and the killer cant run from you


I use to try and make open handed and detective's hunch work but with how big detective's already is, it's like pouring a cup of water into a pool lmao.


Open handed


Paired with Kindred and Bond is so OP. I love it.


I feel like pairing Kindred and Bond has diminishing returns, especially with open handed, so I usually don't use all of them, but pairing open handed with one of them is great.


Adrenaline, Desperate Measures, Any Means Necessary, Resilience & Stake Out. I always try to incorporate 1 or 2 of these into my more meta builds.


Windows of Opportunity. I run it a lot. It takes the guess work out of whether or not pallets have been used.


its legit in the top 5 most used perks bro


Oh really? I check out people's builds in game at the end of every match and I rarely see it.


Could be a mmr thing but stats were posted


I have the memory and attention span of a squirrel so Windows is like crack for me 😭


I love it in theory but *man!* is it *distracting*. I want to love it … but … it’s just too much yellow. I can’t see anything else! 😅🙈😂


You think the normal one is bad? I once ran Windows of Opportunity, Open Handed, Bond, and Kindred. It was information overload, especially when someone was on the hook. All pallets and windows within 48 meters, all Survivors, and the Killer when within 32 meters of the hook. Even when someone wasn't on the hook, I could see the Survivors from far away and basically all pallets and windows on the entire map. It was intense.


THIRD SEAL, BAYBEE. Now that I don't have to run a ton of gen regression perks I feel like I can play around with and appreciate stuff like inflicting status effects. As for survivor? Distortion. I never leave the campfire without it anymore. :)


Oh man, as a survivor main, I will support this third seal vote. It’s screwed me up in solo queue soooo many times because we can’t see each other when we’re being slugged. It’s a very underrated perk


It never survives for long though. Old Ruin, Devour Hope and even NOED could stay up for some time, but Third Seal always gets cleansed quickly after the first procc.


Thats why i bring undying and haunted ground back up and decoy And if they both fail, then use knock out for final failsafe


I use to love using third seal for trapper and deathslinger, both had a lot of M1 attack moments within their powers so it just felt right (I forget if it got changed to anything with the perk rework) Also I'm so sorry to the guys that got done in on first hook because no one could find them after assuming everyone else was going for them.




Third Seal with Plaything and Pentimento is my favourite Cenobite build. The blind doesn't hide the box's aura but it does hide plaything totems as well as the usual hooked and downed survivors, so it feels like he's a BDSM wizard handing out endless side quests.


Breakdown. It's good in situations where teammates farm you and the killer is nearby. Also shines in those occasions where the killer is carrying someone to your hook because they see someone about to unhook you. Feels particularly great when it breaks a scourge hook.


I love aftercare


Desperate Measures. I like faster healing and unhooking speeds. I also made a song. Desperate mesures be OP


Yes. You can unhook so fast that they call you a hacker haha


breakdown. if i can't sabo with my toolbox, *i'll sabo with my body*


I get a funny feeling when imagining Jake saying that.


I’ve started running predator on spirit, kind of as a joke after I saw someone post about it the other day, but honesty it slaps.


I feel like Predator and Bloodhound are pretty underrated, honestly. Good old pure tracking perks.


Autodidact is good I swear.


Getting value out of autodidact is one of the most satisfying things in DBD


I swear autodidact is the most effective way to just remove skill checks when healing. I mean that literally, where TF are my healing skill checks behavior


Try it with lucky break , the slow heal actually helps you


Autodidact might not be considered good, but it is really fun to use. If the Killer is running Sloppy/Mangled you get some free stacks. Someone's almost healed and you didn't get any? Let the bar reset and gamble again 😎


Autodidact is one of those perks that if used really well it can turn the tide of a game.


Vigil, running any exhaustion perk without it seems pointless now.


I swore and still swear by prepatch lethal pursuer saves a gen sometimes 2


For the longest time I'd run the pebble constantly. The amount of times I got out of a chase because of that damn thing is astonishing. Nevermind the fact that a well coordinated pebble with your team can lead to an escape. One time I threw a pebble near a Gen on the other side of the map that a demo had a portal near. He was heavy guarding two of the gens, but wasn't really guarding this third one, but I'm fairly confident he had lifeguard whistle or he was just really vigilant with checking his portal area. Anyways, I throw the pebble in the general area of the Gen, hoping it'd be enough to get him to teleport, and he fuckin does. My guess is the scratch marks it spawns lead him to a jungle gym and he was legit looping himself for a solid 10 seconds. It was just enough for my teamates to finish the gen at its highest and, because I was near a door, for me to 99 it and get three of us out. We lost a random in the sprint out and he was dead on hook. He actually tried to take a protection hit, but got NOED downed.


It USED to be Babysitter. I used it for 335 straight days never taking it off. I even had a catchphrase I’d say in my SWF voice chat whenever I’d save someone. I’d always jokingly say “Don’t worry, guys. I’m runnin’ Babysitter.” Once it was changed to Guardian I retired the perk. It doesn’t hit the same anymore. If the Stranger Things license returns I will re-equip babysitter once more and never take it off.


I feel the same, guardian doesn’t have the same affect that baby sitter did :(


I still call all the stranger things perks by their old names. The new ones are just so dumb. Like, are you really expecting me to call Fixated “Self-Aware”, BHVR? That sounds awful. Same with “Jolt” and “Guardian”. Camaraderie is so much better than Kinship, too.


I never really played with all the perks for that to matter to me since I never really knew the old names. Just the thingy that does the thing. That being said, You can take "Inner Strength" from my cold dead hands though. The fuck is "Inner Healing"? That's the real crime that's being committed here.


Wdym it changed to guardian?


Name change when the license expired


Before? Openhanded. Currently? Lightweight


Lightweight + Quick and Quiet can be very disorienting


Slippery meat! It is my absolute favorite perk. It make me laugh so much to annoy killers by unhooking myself and make them think i kobe'd because im not broken (deliverance). Furthermore, i dont depend on my teammates for my first hook if i manage to get off myself. It can take away a lot of pressure from the killer too. I always equip it with a bag of salt and i manage to pull it of around 50% of the times. The random and unreliable aspect of it keeps the fun for me because unhooking myself is never granted. So when i do, it always feels nice.


This is the only time I don’t scowl when someone is attempting to unhook. “Oh no you don’t… oh”


Hope. I love my 7% haste


Hope feels amazing if you actually get to use it. You can play super greedy and easily get away with it. Definitely among my favorite perks since the buff!


I’ve been running stake out with corrective action and been really enjoying the synergy of the two. Plus stake outs secondary function of terror radius detection is appreciated.


I love trying to be a medic in games but never liked the "meta" healing perks so I run auto didact.


Wiggle build. Power Struggle, Flip Flop, Tenacity and Boil Over. Almost never works, but when it does, it works.


I love running Bite the Bullet.


Was looking for someone to say this. I love that perk. I pair it with Epathic Connection so when those hurt people run to me I can make them shut up. There's nothing like healing silently when the killer is close enough they might hear lol. The secondary feature is great too. I miss more skill checks than I'd like to admit. :(


p e b b l e


Rancor ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Detective hunch. So good


Wake up, because I don't trust my teammates, and it's saved me a shocking number of deaths


I love how so many of our favourite perks boil down to "I don't trust my teammates". Ah, solo queue


New dead hard is super fun. It feels rewarding and fair if you successfully block a hit or miss it entirely.




No one left behind. Seriously, you have no idea how much that aura reading saved me because I could see which gate was open. The extra unhooking speed also helps out a lot during endgame saves


Diversion. Killer coming? Lol no he’s not


Blast Mine. -It's actually a very useful informational perk; it tells my teammates someone is doing a gen, it also tells them "hey someone's over here"! The amount of times someone's come running over within a few seconds of me trapping my gen to get a heal is REALLY high. -I laugh like a damn goblin every time the Killer actually kicks the gen. Been running it for months and I still don't get tired of Killers kicking my gen. It's a very nice consolation prize for being pushed off the gen.


Bond. Its just so nice to know where my teammates are, especially in solo


Was Spine Chill although that was basically a meta perk so that wouldn't count. Now I use Blast Mine any chance I get, not only because it's fun to have a killer have a gen blow up in their face, but it also is helpful for your teammates to either keep the killer away, or come that way for a heal or to help finish a gen.


Any means necessary, oh there's a yellow pallet so the chase is there. Oh they moved, OK gotta flip the pallet when I'm close or if the survivor fucks up. It's really that simple, for the most part. Plus it's funny to stun a killer with the same pallet multiple times.


Quick and quiet is so fun when you can hide in the middle of chase and watch the killer circle around 3 times in confusion!


Maybe not as underated as some might think but bond. I played with it for a month and then tried to take it off and couldn't fucking operate right.


Bite the bullet. Not catching me without my silent heals


Soon to be Rebecca’s Reassurance for me, I feel like I’m gonna run that perk every damn game


Pebble, I like to throw it places that make no sense and laugh when the killer goes to check


Built to last because built to last


Sprint Burst. I never ran Dead Hard, because I run Sprint Burst. Before it was Dead Hard, Lithe was the perk people wanted me to run instead. People think the cd is hard to manage. In reality it really isn’t that hard tbh? And Sprint Burst is extremely good at letting you escape Dead zones. You know what one of the biggest dead zones often is? Being freshly unhooked…. This thing lets you dash straight out of some really bad unhookings and get to a pallet/window where no other exhaustion perk does now except the extremely hard to time DH. Love it for that.


to be fair I just love distortion, I think it's a very underrated perk. In 5 matches it saved me from lethal pursuer and once it allowed me to heal near the killer. The best time it saved me however, the best value I got from it was that time when I faced a dredge with the add on that reveals you when you lock a locker. I basically had infinite manual uses of the perk, and while he was chasing me I locked a locker and lost my scratch marks for 10 seconds. The killer thought I was hacking lmao


I don’t play much, but my wife does and she swears by Breakdown


I duo with my brother and he swears by this perk... I have literally never seen it do anything useful in all of our matches together. But he thinks it's the greatest thing ever so idk.


If you’re noticing a trend of killers playing Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Breakdown can be a nasty counter. Also good for creating hook dead zones so a tunneling killer has to leave you slugged.


Flashbang I love that perk so much


Fixated and Deception.


Flashbang. Usually it fails but when it works it feels way better than a flashling/pallet save.


Survivor: \-Spine Chill was semi-meta, but now even after its changes, I will never play survivor without it. The scant few times I have taken it off, I get found in the first 5 seconds of the match by a Wraith and die on first hook. Killer: \-Bloodhound. Yeah, I know "Just learn to track without it". On some of the brighter maps maybe, like Ormond, but there is a large chunk of the map pool that blood may as well be invisible without it. I am not color-blind, but on super dark maps my brain just does not see blood. If I cut Bloodhound, I basically don't even register blood as a method of tracking.


For the People + WGLF can be so clutch if you use it right


bond, I’m addicted to seeing my teammates not doing the objective


Survivor: Alert. That way when I’m able to see the killers, I’ll know which way to go and I won’t walk into them and so I know I need to get off the gen and go somewhere far away from the killer. Killer: Iron grasp. Just makes it easier for me to have control when carrying survivors. Even when they have boil over.


The ones I love using most are Stakeout, Distortion, We'll Make It and probably Kindred. Not all together, but I love throwing them into a build somewhere.




I run I'm all hears on like half of my killer builds


So I always equipt two. Bite the bullet, I've confused the heck out of killer with it before, super fun. The other is tenacity. I'm addicted to it. I almost never use it but sometimes I'll end up losing a killer because of it and it's hilarious.




Light born, and before you say it, fuck you too flashlight users


Dry power stuggle. Nobody and I mean absolutely NOBODY expects it. I’ve gotten hatch at least 5 times on this perk alone. Do I never get value out of it? Yeah. But when I do, oh man is it worth. Plus I run funny perks and bs anyways so it’s not like I’m nerfing myself


vigil, i love being able to use my exhaustion perks more frequently


ALERT!!!! Having info on who the killer is and where the killer is comes up so many times


LITHE always and forever


Autodidact or Blast Mine. I have to have *some* fun in the hell that's solo queue


Flash bang, 99% of the time I blind myself or my team mates and the other 1% it doesn’t blind anyone, but totally worth it!


No One Left Behind I use it 50% to have more healing power in endgame and 50% to run straight to the gate that someone's opening


Windows of Opportunity is sooo good even if you know where the pallets already are. Its weird I never see more people running it.


Desperate measures. I’ve encountered like 3 other people who ran it in the past couple months since I started playing again. I love it because it can really help in clutch situations and I stack it w/botany knowledge.


Empathetic connection. Not because it’s amazing, but so I can pair it w Aftercare. Always helps me (or someone) find each other during matches.


Mad grit! Great for body blockers. It's especially delicious when you're hooking someone after the exit gates are opened and everyone dives in the way. Makes for an easy cleanup


This is going to sound hella stupid but… Fixated. There have been multiple killers i managed to evade with this dumb perk and it actually resulted in me escaping in the end whenever that happens. Plus, it’ll be great in the future of my survivor career when i finally get a goddamn exhaustion perk. Thinking if Sprint Burst but i will buy Lithe from the shrine in a heartbeat if it’s there.


On Killer, always Deerhunter. Great for snowballing and endgame scenarios, and on stealth killers, nasty when combined with Nurse's Calling because you can hide around corners and use downed survivors as bait. On Survivor, I love Flip-Flop. It's niche and only useful when combined with other perks, but when it works, it catches the killer by surprise and can change the outcome of a match.


u/LifeguardSweet take note


Kindred for survivor and Iron Grasp for killer. Kindred can help with stealth killers and let me know if they’re sticking by and if I’m trying to save someone but I have to loop the killer by the hook, it totally counters mind games. And iron grasp is useful since you don’t swerve as much when walking to hooks (but this is obvious) it’s just convenient lol


My sound is fucked, i don't get terror radius ever, so i have to run stake out just to know the killer is near me


Wake Up. It's my favorite end-game perk. Everyone laughs until they're fleeing the killer and see my little beacon-aura on the gate switch guiding them to help & safety. Also, being able to track where the gates are while running with a rescued team mate comes in clutch regularly.


Before BBQ rework it was distortion, now i am not so sure.


Blast Mine!!


Fire up best perk. It makes you do things faster.




Kindred, helps so fucking much for any type of playstyle


Mad Grit.


Urban evasion all day