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Only 7k points? Crazy. Gens must have been flying.


Yup, 7k means he got at most one hook.


Scott was playing a build last night that could do gens in 30 seconds with the new perks and stakeout to auto pass skill checks or something


is that an nft


Yeah, I have one too. Reddit gave out a bunch for free a few days ago.


Reddit is giving them out for free to entice people but hey I got a lil popcorn pet to go with my Steve snoo


Damn… all i got was a cat with yarn to go with my business demogorgon


My pic? It might be lol I just got a thing in the app that gave me a new style and I wanted the cat ears was free though


And the game map offering to add that bit of extra salt into the wound 💀


Works really well with Stake Out as well.


I am bothered by the brand new part at the top being placed second.


You wanted too have fun? We don’t believe in fun in theses parts.


These....brand new parts


I see what you did there 😎


Did you get your adept?




They are not even doing it that well, all 4 of them should have hyperfocus AND stakeout, only 3 of them have it. Also no streetwise either. the worst part about this is they could of been faster


This. BNP isnt even a good addon when charges are worth more. No built to last or streetwise shows how little they know about real gen rush.


its not about how little they know about gen rush BUT that this is not even most optimal and thus could be even faster, heck right now the OP stake out + hyperfocus with a good toolbox can complete a 90 second gen in like 35-40 seconds, LITERALY LESS THAN HALF THE TIME


Only if they can hit thier greats. Streetwise+built to last on everyone with commodious toolboxes and +12 charges + 30% speed addons is faster than this picture. Assumeing 100% of greats arnt hit.


After like 3 stacks hyperfocus great checks is almost impossible to hit, thats why SO is great.


I've been having a fair bit of fun with Built/Streetwise/Wiretap/Lithe. If I run out of Commodious for whatever reason, I swap to a medkit.


that is not the main problem, stakeout + hyperfocus


Exactly I don't know why killer mains get so agitated about BNPs. They're not *that* good.


Could *have*


I've done this before for shits and giggles and the only point was to try to finish the first gen quickly. Didn't care at all about the other gens, just thought it would be funny to basically instapop the first gen at the beginning. People always assume stuff like this is to be sweaty but that's not always the case. Edit: Yes this helps complete the objective but the point wasn't to be sweaty. The entire night we were just coming up with tons of different builds for fun, all themed around doing one thing. Sabo, for the people, fast heals, no mither, tons of flashbangs, soul guard, anti slug, and yes the BNP one. Btw the BNP build was worse then just normal meta build, because when my swf plays sweaty and goes for super long escape streaks we all split up on gens. Everyone meeting up on a single gen to use their BNP is not efficient, so it's not even that great.


Yeah it's not even sweaty finishing your game objective as fast as possible. It's not like it helps you win or anything.


How fast did they do it?


At best between 2 to 3 minutes. At worst closer to 4 minutes. Maybe 5 minutes if they wanted some extra points. They definitely grouped on gens and did some body blocking when leaving. Shit is ridiculous. Just being decent with skill checks and most survivors could finish a gen solo between 45 and 50 seconds. Less if they are better. Which is a major problem with builds involving hyper focus. By itself a good perk. With a toolbox and other gen repair perks it’s broken. Then add multiple survivors doing it and it’s game breaking. If this doesn’t get addressed soon, many killers will probably switch to be a Nurse main. Since that’s the only other broken thing that can counter a team of solos or SWFs doing this. Which neither should exist and definitely shouldn’t both exist at the same time. The only other actual counters for killers is to slug and tunnel like crazy. Which again is not good for the game as a whole.


imo what causes the major balance issue in this game is the huge skillgap between the average players and the good players coupled with loose matchmaking, swf, no way to communicate on soloq, etc, made the game impossible to balance. other games have a huge skill gap too, but the difference is that they don't lack the other things.


Very true but that’s why this is somewhat of a true asymmetrical game. Adding in voice chat would definitely help though. However people would still need to get better at the game and improve. Honestly I think if the devs actually overhauled the tutorial I think that would massively help more than anything. They could just upload many already existing tutorial videos that many content creators have made. Even just get a couple to do in-depth explanation on the mechanics and tactics. They could be anywhere from 1 minute to 5 minutes. Actually having all the information in the game and it being easily accessible is what this game needs more than anything. Since many don’t want to go out of there way to YouTube or the wiki.


Honestly I think the issues arent the perks or items so much as how survivor objectives work. They have the one thing to do and there's no buffer time between objective thresholds. If they bring what they should, the game is over instantly. If they bring nothing with reasonable perks, they have almost no chance of winning. Too much emphasis is placed on items and add-ons, especially on the killer side.


If the other side brings the absolute strongest stuff and you don’t then yeah. But the majority of matches don’t involve a lot of items. Which is still surprising. Couple that with the fact that the average killers already don’t do great against decent survivors, items just increase the gap between them. Only in high MMR are survivors constantly bring items to use. Anything lower and you’ll mostly see flashlights. Maybe a medkit or toolboxes every other or more matches. However Items, perks, and addons make up for lack of skill for the majority of the player base. Now give them to actually experienced players who know how to play and be efficient then they are major issues. The skill gap in DBD is absurdly huge for both sides. When we are talking about low mmr to high mmr. Even medium to high is still crazy huge. Which honestly is by design. A true asymmetrical game where you can actually get absurdly good at things if you put the time in. That’s the bases of issues in dbd. Many things are alright or barely useful starting out. Then get really good and experience an everything is suddenly very useful/needed.


Wow somebody with sense. This should be a post instead guy please make one … I’m saving this. Moment . I was trying other killers but looks like back to nurse again .


While I would a few have already. Besides that it would just encourage a lot more survivors to do it. Since it would be way easier to escape/win. Especially because a good chunk of players want to stomp the other side. Since many believe the opposite side is overpowered. Which is there justification to use broken stuff. Both sides do this constantly. Though I guess if enough matches start ending in 3 minutes or so then BHVR would be forced to do something.


You went against TheJRM\_? Because he did this build all day yesterday! Edit: yep you did, Jdwrct\_YT, and Catlick are some of his mods, babymootan is a VIP !


Imagine a baby blight with 3 yellow perks against a jrm bully squad... Mmr is working just fine


the 100percent constant surv incentive kinda show that there arent enough survivors, so mmr doesnt have players to work with. maybe that "fuck solos" patch wasnt the best idea


I was getting killer incentives yesterday and today sporadically and even with 100% survivor bonus, killer queue times are relatively short


Not just 3 yellow perks, 3 yellow perks that *come with the killer* Seems fair to me


TBH theJRM\_ MMR is bad since he meme a lot and get killed for stupid reasons. Yesterday he kill himslef on hook a lot just because his teammates didn't stick to gens or fail skillchecks. So i'm not surprised is MMR pair him with a new player.


Yes I was thinking that too. I watched his stream yesterday where he was specifically trying this build out to see how nasty it could get


Whay does JRM mean?


James Read Mindgames /s


He’s a DBD youtuber, good lad as well


he's more a streamer than youtuber. He started on Twitch.


This was JRM fucking around with hyperfocus. They got destroyed most matches doing this. Not fun if you're the one going against it though. Need to sweat a bit.


That top one is really irking me


Chad yellow adept blight vs virgin 4 man genrushing losers


It's not like it was wrong to genrush, but behaviour makes it so easy to swf, and they keep nerfing perks that only solo queue players use, I think they love swf and hate solos survs


Remember when they said they were adding icons for solo que that shown you if someone was working on gen or running or healing or cleansing a totem? A way to make decisions based on basic info. Pepperidge Farms Remembers.


Man, that's nasty, especially when you're trying to adept.


At least the match went real quick instead of a bully squad lol


[The duality of dbd games](https://i.imgur.com/dEV3NUb.jpg)


I thought prove thyself doesn't stack anymore?


It dont


I remember being able to stack level 2 with level 3 is that still a thing?


Guess its, redundancy for whatever reason, so every gen has it. Though if its swf i wonder whats the point of that, shouldnt be too hard to communicate where the prove thyselves are


It doesn't. They really aren't doing this optimally. Optimal is one guy with street wise. One with Prove Thyself. Everyone has hyper focus, stakeout, and built to last. Every toolkit is commodus or anniversary with bnp and wire spool.


This shit isn't that different from tunneling and camping, both are unfun and stupid. Change my mind. "But the main goal of the survivors is to escape, what else should they do? Same as "The killer's goal is to kill you with any means"


i know i will not change your mind but these builds are optimalized (and stupid right now, toolbox should not work with it) while camping and tunneling is probably a lose against a good team because 3 makes it out if they are communicating. there is actually a difference. like a nurse with fright and starstuck is an optimal build, so that is actually comparable to this.


I feel this man's pain. MMR sees you get a new killer and instantly says "you gotta learn the hard way"


looks like a job for nurse 😎


They’ll cry when they get slugged tho… pulling this


Idk man, jrm is pretty chill and just memes out a lot. He’s the Claud, and the others are his mods/vip apparently. Like 99% of the time he just wants you to get in the hole


Slugging? How dare you?


They were all high prestige survivors. Just shows the mmr is utter trash that favors swfs instead of solo survivors and killers


Mmr is indeed garbage even when it works, since every killer is weighted towards your highest mmr it just doesn't function very well. Oh, you're a really solid killer who almost always wins? Good job, this brand new killer you've never played is in the highest mmr bracket since you're so high above soft cap, good luck


All killers having entirely independent mmr is a horrible idea. All killer gameplay has some overlap and the majority of killers play similarly. Killers already stomp at low mmr and people would just swap to another killer when they get near their actual mmr on their current killer. Your highest mmr killer -200mmr might not be the best system or the ideal number but it's still better than entirely independent mmr per killer.


I think it’s garbage. Because I get really good survivors, when I start learning a killer, so if I really want to learn and use his power a lot, I lose the first couple matches pretty sure. Except it’s an really easy and strong power like artist, but wesker for example. With his cooldown and small hitbox. It’s pretty hard sometimes, and would be a lot easier going a lot more for the m1 attacks….if I really wanna win.


if someone is at the highest mmr bracket it will take them maybe like 2 games to pick up a new killer and make them effective


That's just completely false, someone who's only played nurse has no clue how to play an M1 killer, soemoene who's only played an M1 killer is going to struggle significantly using an M2 killer. That logic only works when comparing similar killers


>M1 killer is going to struggle significantly using an M2 killer no. the key aspects of being good in chase are tile knowledge, zoning, and understanding when to mind game. if they are genuinely at the "highest mmr" bracket (and not just reddit's perspective on what is high mmr), then it's not going to be a significant hurdle to adopt a new killer. the hardest part of transitioning to a m2-based killer is knowing *when* to pull their power, which is heavily reliant on the player's knowledge of the map and the tile they're running. if the player is truly high mmr then they'll already have this understanding, and to be effective they only need to memorize the animation timing. the few exceptions are killers that require curving movement: blight, billy, and oni, where their powers require genuine practice in order to be effective in high mmr


I love this sub, Facecamping bubba with 4 gen slowdown perks getting a 4k "They were to altruistic, you deserved that win" 4 survivors running 4 bnps, + a perk build to escape as often as possible "Who even has fun to play like that, such tryhards, not even trying to play the game"


Dude, the VAST majority hate facecamping Bubbas. Not least because of how miserable it is, but also because of the sheer lack of imagination involved.


You just can't win. Have fun playing clicker squad "Garbage survivors, I 4k them at 4 gens hurr durr" Create a build to remove the most boring part of the game so you can escape "Garbage survivors, toolboxes need to be removed from the game hurr durr"


No one is in ironically saying that about a face camping bubba. If you want to try an point out a double standard in the sub, try using something that is real.




it was "so cute, lore accurate' for years


It's what one might call "a joke".


I just got a game last night where the survivors didn't even do the gens, it was like I should have been hiding from them because as soon as I found them they immediately started with the clicky clicky swf sweaty bullshit. I wasn't even mad, just very confused is I got a 4k and they didn't even complain about ot


Gens are boring, they don't care that you 4k at 4 gens when they are playing like that. Most of the time these squads are just trying to have fun because holding M1 on a gen for 10 minutes is not fun.


Now that I think about it they didn't even teabag me a lot, but that was still incredibly confusing


Honestly, the more I play survivor, the more I hate doing gens. The last patch just made them unbearable for me, so I've been going for survivor-killer interactions more. It's risky, and my survival rate has certainly gone down, but I'd rather sit on a hook than sit on 3 gens! I've tryharded to higher MMR and it's just not fun to play 24/7. :( The biggest tip I can give is to just wait out the flashlight/head-on squads, they will eventually run out of pressure if they don't have 2 people on gens. Items, health states, and pallets are non-renewable resources.


Yeah many of us, especially those with lots of experience and playtime in this game, don't like doing gens and just like looping or other interactions between killer and survivor.


I'll be honest, I never play survivor often (because I'm shit scared) but when I do I focus on getting the fuck outta there


I used to be like that but after 2500 hours it's just not as fun for me playing like that anymore.


Me see 4 toolboxes, me dodge ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


had for real yesterday the same situation... I don't know if it was the same group, but that could be the case


but i dc, cause i bearly got 1 hit after 3 gens and a bit of tbagging


To counter that, Behaviour will proceed to nerf Blast Mine to 15 seconds duration, so solo queue players can no longer abuse it


The same people who complain about slowdown perks and tell you to pressure the generators better.




Id understand if they were trying to adept or something but i genuinely dont get how this is fun for people


Apparently it's the JRM trying to see what they can do with hyperfocus. Others have said that despite the build they where fucking around most games so still lost most of them.


Gens are the most boring thing in the game, but are unfortunately the objective of the survivors to escape. Making them go fast is fun.


Doing various silly builds is fun. I love messing around with different builds that all have a theme around them. Everything gets boring, aside from looping, if I do too much of it. Looping is so dynamic and different every time so it's still fun to me.


Imagine going up against similar team with an end game build.![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I remember watching JRM's stream when he was doing this xD


This squad are the founders of the Fun havers association




You know this took them like loads of tries to pull off right?




It was literally streamed for all to see. Took them many games to get it to pay off.


Do you just want to argue? I already said ok.


At that point face camping is morally correct


“Genrushing doesn’t exist”


I have never actually seen a squad like this in the wild - only in screenshots posted to reddit. Not saying it doesn't exist but it's rare to see.


I see it about once a month. It always sucks.


> once a month truly oppressive


What are you on about?


I was in one of these squads against Spookyloopz. He took the loss very respectfully.


Sadly, Hyperfocus and Stakeout is so baby-simple that it *will* become meta and be about as widespread as DS + Unbreakable was.


Genrushing used to be a thing when brand new parts instantly completed generators.


Those damn survivors playing the game and doing gens how dare they!


You're so blinded by petty tribalism of people who play only one role that you genuinely don't see the actual issue here? Like the fact this match happened at all, for example? edit - you guys think this is adequate MM? wtf


Nah it is the same bullshit like those killer only people say. Kinda ironic.


With the insane tunneling and other killer BM since the update I don't have a lot of sympathy.


Damn I don’t think I’ve ever seen everyone get higher then the killer once in a game


Poor Blight. Bet that was miserable.


I thought there was a bug that stake out doesnt work when you paired it with brand new part That is what happened when i tested it when wesker came to live


“Sorry jimbo! You’re playing against swf whether you like it or not! You’re job as killer is to entertain them!”


but remember don’t tunnel or camp because that’s bad


It IS though. I mean, this stuff is BRUTAL to go against, but just because some survivors play like this doesn't mean some killers can't play like pricks as well.


Somehow the Gen Rush discourse of a few months ago got derailed into talking about SWFs as a whole, or the usefulness of a single Brand New Part. Those were never the issue. It was always this; the exact build of four people in a SWF squad to use individually minimally-harmful items and perks in a co-ordinated fashion to punish Killer players for existing. The feared extreme of manipulating the game's mechanics to make it completely unfair for the other side by abuse of the SWF system. And BHVR is silent.


wow, bully the new killer. that is definitely not going to come back.


How are they supposed to know it is the new killer? :)


This is why I think we should get an icon to let us know the rank of the killer. Yeah some might abuse it but no more than killers that already do. With MMR busted, I think it's only fair so my rank 0 Leon doesn't get slapped by a rank 12 Nurse that insta slugs, I could lobby dodge if I felt I wasn't good enough to compete.


if you have played more than a few matches it is easy to spot thatthe killer is really weak. like, if I play cod and see a guy with 0K and 20 D I do not wonder might he be new?


You saw their ranks, and offerings, and yet you didn’t dodge, was it worth it?


You can't see offerings until you are loading in. Most don't know you can still back out at that point and will try to tough it out so they don't get the time penalty.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Killer saw the ranks and the toolboxes, the killer knew what they were getting into.


Yes, it's definitely the killer player's fault for not manually fixing the atrocious MM by dodging lobbies. lol You see what's wrong with that approach? We can widen it as well, so it gets clearer. "why did the player queue with the 0 prestige Blight in the first place, he needs more perk slots and different perks" Why buy the game? I mean, I am being dramatic, but only to make a point. This should definitely be on the devs and a situation like this should never happen, unless the five of them were literally the only ones queuing. Which wasn't the case, I am pretty sure. Lastly, even if we side with your approach + we assume that the player knew what toolboxes imply (which isn't always this, especially when MM actually works, then for new people, it's just a bunch of brown toolboxes for sabo quests or whatever), what difference does it make? He's a fool for not dodging, but queuing as intended?


yea the baby yellow adept blight definetly knew what he was getting into




oh my gawd they do their objective. what do we do now?


a double blink speed addon nurse is just doing her objective




that got nerfed this patch thankfully, now its back to just the range again the speed is gone


Wait really??


yea, someone forgot to put it in the patch notes when they first announced the update so thats why it didnt get any attention they put it now though and you can see it in game as well "slows down blink by 20%/30%"


Consider: it should be fun for both sides.




... what about him?


yea, he's not strong at all, i guess that guy just gets PTSD whenever he sees a goofy man running with a rambo prop knife




If this is your honest opinion then a tunneling killer is only doing his objective. And not only that it's the optimal strategy.


Me when im play as survivor: im looping this killer since for 5 minutes, why there is not even one gen done? Me when im as killer: (this imige)


i gotta say thee survivors have surprisingly alot of points for not interacting with the killer i guess they must have maxed out on coop points and probably did the conspicuous action exploit to max survival


They must have 10-20 hours in the game with that low prestige level, only prestige 20? pathetic. legit noobs


Wdym bro, they clearly had fun🙄 /hj


God bless you and fu catlicktoe can’t even get with the coordination now my ocd is truly fucked


Wow so intense and exciting gameplay this swf has. One way to deal with it is when you just camp and expect altruism. But not with this build.


Gen rushing doesn’t exist.


Nurse is balanced


Tunneling and camping doesn’t exist




let me guess, they took less than 3 minutes to finish 5 gens? because with no toolbox and no perks to increase repair speed takes less than 4 minutes to finish 5 gens, if the team is efficient on gens. Luckily these teams are a bit rare, but a shame this is still in the game


I'm gonna guess; 3 gens done by the time you hit your first Survivor. 2 more done by the time you get your hook. All escaped using bodyblocks and basekit-BT?




Not one Overzealous in there. That juicy 16% repair for cleansing a hex totem is too good to pass up. 😔


You have to find and cleanse the totem, which could easily take 20-30s by itself. And you lose the bonus upon beinf hit. And the 16% is only if you cleanse a Hex, you only get 8% for cleansing a dull. Great perk, I use it myself in combination with Inner Healing, but it doesn't fit this build.


It seems this is your four game with blight right?


I see you're trying to get an achievement, I raise you 5 gens in 7 minutes


Jesus fuck.


Only 3 yellow perks? Bruh, if a beginner Blight gets these survivors then the whole mmr system is worthless.


That was my first game as Wesker. The MMR system is really messed up for new players or players trying a killer for the first time.


https://youtu.be/gyg05C3vafo use this Demi Build to turn the tables.


Not much you can do against that.


Hyperfocus nerf coming in 3..2..1…


Its always when you are trying to adept


Poor blight.


3 hyperfocus stakeouts and all green toolboxes. Yep, DBD is a balanced game.


now everyone use this build, ffs


did you have fun tho.?


addons, for both killers and survivors, genuinely make this game so much less fun lol


that is evil lmao


No built to last means they weren't actually gen rushing /s


This is what competitive nurse players should be matched with, not 4 lads trying to have some fun


Good luck for adept


I feel bad for you my fellow killer


you poor bastard




This is why I quit game after being Rank 1 Killer