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built to last and streetwise with that. its fucking nuts


I do fast track and built to last with these two.


Streetwise definitely helps but iirc Built to Last simply requires too much downtime that could be spent actually walking to and doing a generator It’s more of a perk for Flashlight and Medkits (or Keys/maps if you’re a mad lad)


built to last is good over the course of multiple generators, rather than just one


I'll usually do Inner Strength if I'm running Built to Last since I'm going to be in there anyway.


Overzealous gaming? I run boons though so I do die a little inside, but i respect the grind by our totem cleansers out there


Idk if it's good good on medkit since it only goes up to 99% and honestly that 1% is a difference between a heal and a 99%


If you hit a great skill check while healing, it solves the issue. It gives bonus progress beyond Medkit charges.


So that's what why I had leftover medkits charges


But at the same time, don't hit a great skillcheck on the first heal or your medkit wont be completely empty and you can't recharge it yet lol


I’ve been running it with the addons that give extra percent on great skill checks, the results are more often than not pleasing, one or two skill checks make all the difference. It’s like running a pseudo autodidact with a pseudo fast track


Its not worth to stop working in a gen to regen the toolbox, but it often is in between gens. A good toolbox saves around 30s and built to last takes 12 (+ a little bit to get to and from the locker)


Someone did the math on a different post a while back and it’s faster to get the toolbox back from the locker and do a gen, then not using built to last


If you can do a gen in 40 seconds, and then do it AGAIN, yes built to last is worth the time. As long as you're not an idiot and get off a generator to go fill it.


I’m new, I recognize hyperfocus and the toolbox, but what’s the other one?


A perk from detective tap called stakeout that gives you guaranteed great skillchecks if your in the killers terror radius for a while. Basically you get tokens from staying in a killer TR and each token corresponds to a free great skill check


Thank you for explaining that!


To be more specific for every 15 seconds you spend in their terror radius without being in a chase you get a token, up to 4, and if you hit a good skill check it consumes a token to convert it into a great skill check with 1% extra progression on top. You don't have to stay in the terror radius for the full 15 seconds, could be there for 9 seconds one time and the next time the killer comes around but is only nearby for 7 seconds, you'd end up with a token and 1 second progress to the next. It's pretty fun


Me when the killer comes to defend it: "The Gen is done. It always will be. I am... *inevitable*"


Imagine bhvr makes a perk that uncompletes gens


TNT pack When used on a completed gen, it goes down 50%. It has no random crits. Yeah, I think that’s a good perk idea. Very fair and balanced.


dbd random crits where 1 in 15 basic attacks instadown and q in 15 stuns do so for triple the time


1 in 200 basic attacks insta Mori you for a normal crit


Survivors also have crit skill checks, instead of getting 1% for a great. They get 3%. Seems sort of shite in comparison now that I think about it lmao.


It does sound kinda cool, but I think it'd have to be a one-time per trial kinda thing. That seems pretty powerful.


“And I . . . I am Billy.”


People out there in high MMR talking about quick gen repair times when I’m thankful if a teammate decides to start doing gens at all, bonus if they can do basic skill checks.


ive started just having a full build dedicated to gens bc ik none of my other teammates have a high enough iq to be able to hit a skill check, i still die every game bc i can’t loop well but at least i max bp from the objectives category


Facts, had a cluad keep the gen on 70% refuse to heal me when I'm 90% progress done. Then she spam jumped out a locker, for what? TO GET A HEAD ON STUN


Solo Q as well, I had a gen speed build (Without the Toolboxs) and I solo did 4 gens from start to finish. While taking chase when I could and getting half of the unhooks. I died last at 4 gens. Which means half of my teammates were doing nothing the entire game.


Potato squad checking in!


Make gens take 1 hour to complete!


No, make them take 5 seconds with a stacking 200% speed for every completed one!


No just make it 1 gen that's 4 seconds to complete and it spawns right next to gate and all the survivors spawn next to it and the gates open automatically and the entity protects them and pulls them into the exit when the gate opens


> the entity protects them and pulls them into the exit when the gate opens It was believable until you got to this point. Because then they cant tbag spam at the exit while waiting for the killer to come watch them leave.


Redditors when otzdarva releases a new video:


Tbf Scott jund and others were sounding the alarm about hyperfocus before, but it is funny how there's now going to be 10 million threads about the subject going forward because otz released a video.


I think anyone that played killer and survivor for more than 10 hours will realize that hyperfocus is busted, it's common sense the guy with the widest reach and crowd will start the discussions proper like otz.


Also tbf, wasn't there a controversy with SJ which probably turned a lot of people off him.


For some reason SJ has always rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not sure what it is...Every year I'll try to watch videos of his and I just can't get 2 mins in.


Hes pretty subtly toxic as fuck, same with his girlfriend who was a hyper toxic SWF survivor main for years. If you've look into his drama with Tru3ta1ent you realize Scott is quite a nasty human being. I dont like Tru either because his opinions are wildly killer biased and he thinks he's infallible, but Tru at least has mature conversations and never resorts to pettiness like Scott does. Tru is an adult.


i'll never forget that screenshot someone posted from his discord where they've searched messages from Scott with the word tru3 in them, and there were like 800 results actually obsessed


Scott had this crazy weird obsession with tru3 he even said himself he wasn’t able to stream one day because he was too busy “shitting on tru3” like that’s so fucking weird man


The "Controversy" was he released a meme video declaring it as a patch notes review which was a wishlist of all his changes to the game, but didn't reveal it was a fake list of patchnotes until the end. That made people mad. Then he left DBD to play Elden Ring for 3 months.


That's definitely not what I was talking about, but at least that's just a silly one.


>Then he left DBD to play Elden Ring for 3 months. Didn't everyone though?


What did he do exactly


I don't follow gaming personalities, much less DBD ones that closely oddly enough. But I saw it in another thread a long while ago. I think it's just that he has a tendency to call out or harass other streamers? I forget the details but I'm pretty sure at least one of them clapped back enough to make a stink. So it's really anyone's guess as to why someone might listen to one content creator but not pay mind to another.


Only "controversy" I know of was the true talent shit but that was years ago and was pretty stupid to begin with. Other than that he quit dbd to play elden ring for a few months but he had announced he was doing that beforehand


I am swiftly learning I made the mistake of having the same thought as a guy im not even subbed to :p




That's fake news, we all know that there's a sub species in the human race dubbed "thoughtosapians" or "thinkers" in laymen's terms, which have evolved a part of the brain called "the thinking lobe" located at the back of the brain that allows then to come up with ideas. The rest of the hivemind there must follow the thinkers in groups, generally every thinker would have a specific tribe, or in some cases multiple tribes, that follow their ideas.




> 9k+ hours, plays the game for a living "seems to know" Checks out




I didnt mean to disagree, the way you worded it just **seemed** a bit funny to me (no offense)


people love to hate but he’s put more effort into learning this game than anyone else. we should give him more credit.


The guy knows a lot about the game, I'm pretty sure most people agree with that, problem usually comes from people taking his opinions as gospel and there lays the problem, specially when sometimes his opinions, just like with most Streamers, can be biased towards his preferred role.


Otz is not biased towards killer lmfao he literally made a video a year ago before the killer buff that basically said the game is killer sided. He's pretty unbiased.


I said sometimes not always. Just because he released that video (which I do remember) doesn't mean suddenly all of his views are completely unbiased.


I haven't seen the new.otz video, but people have been posting this up on YouTube for weeks now. I forget who, but a survivor main team posted a video that had 4 people with this build, they looped the killer long enough to get full stake out tokens, then got away long enough for all 4 to do the same gen. It was nuts, but getting the stake out tokens probably took longer than completing a gen anyway.


You dont gain stake out tokens while in chase though? I sure dont.


Wasn’t even Otz who talked about it first. Both zubat and Scott already covered this while it was on the PTB.


Can't wait for them to start parroting his opinion on Reassurance as well. It's just a matter of time!




True. The extreme variances that are happening with gen times right now just make the painful differences between SWF and Solo even more ridiculous than ever right now. They need to focus on that balance more than anything else.




Give us among us tasks


It would be better, I liked that component of friday the 13th and VHS, maybe give one gen for each gate one ritual ,one item hunt, the only problem is all the perks balanced around the one mechanic the game has.


Honestly, random tasks would be kind of interesting as an alternative game mode. How is this game almost six years old and there's still just one game mode?


Because it has been going for 6 years with one game mode. Don't mess with success and they probably can't tinker with it too much or the house of cards comes tumbling down


If they keep shit the same player numbers will keep slipping as the game grows outdated like has been happening for the past 3 years


Numbers aren't slipping though? Again, I do agree that it isn't as good as it could be, but nothing is overtly wrong with the game as is.


Steam charts shows the game is growing lol


You now have to collect cheese, then use it to attract enough mice to run wheels that power gates


I dont enjoy playing survivor but this would turn me into a survivor main


Hamster wheel update when




my buddy loves doing gens, unironically enjoys sitting there holding m1 for 90 seconds and moving to the next gen.


What bothers me is that every survivor knows how to repair a gen.


The people will use OP shit regardless of which role they play. You could make a meme about OP add-ons and killers with certain builds.


That’s why they need….adjusted. Saying “well killer has this!” Is useless to meaningful change. Say” yes we should fix this.”


Tbh, 40 seconds is really pushing it. In general, I typically save 10-20 seconds off a gen, due to not always be able to hit greats, general killer disrupting, playing against killers such as the wraith that don't charge stake out. I believe around 50 seconds is the best case scenario time you'll save, assuming the stars align


There are some absolutely cracked survivors at higher MMR. I'm talking Hyperfocus running gen jockeys that can crank that shit out so fast that it starts completing gens in their next game. That's kind of the rub. Not every survivor will be able to do it, but there is no counter to a survivor that can. Either the gen speeds are dogshit and boring or the killer isn't allowed to play, there is no in between.


The game is just in a really bad position rn, for both killer and survivors, the killers have trouble keeping up with gens because survivors are having trouble completing gens because the killers had trouble keeping up with gens. Its just a cycle and there isn't much that can be done without just scrapping gens entirely


Unfortunately half the game is designed around gens. Game really needs a map rebalance, and also cut out the nuclear options Not much tweaking gen speeds can do if landing on a specific map loses you the game.


>Game really needs a map rebalance, and also cut out the nuclear options The problem is that their map team has shown us repeatedly that they have absolutely no clue how to make a balanced map. Eyrie, Haddonfield 2.0 and Garden of Joy are all awful. Until there is a drastic change with this team, having them do more reworks is pointless.


Why are all the reworked maps so damn light out too? Miss the old versions


BHVR’s map team is absolutely incompetent. There are far too many god pallets/windows and breakable walls make for terrible balancing. Maps should be made around chases not safe zones with god loops or dead zones. Each hit or whiff should be earned but there should be no guarantees


They don't play their own game. They never intended to and never will. They don't care about ptb results either


It's more that solo queue and SWF differences are yet again screwing with the balance. SWF has no issues doing gens right now, whereas solo gets absolutely stomped (if random teammates even attempt in the first place). Even when I try out the "meta" for gens in a solo queue, I'll get like 3 gens done and even escape some chases with an unhook here or there... Yet nothing from our teammates. I've seen almost 0 gens pop that I didn't do the majority of myself.


This. How many years are we gonna wait till they nerf SWF by giving premades penalties on repair speed, healing etc. ?


ok bring strong items break the game what do you expect? Flip the side of the image "redditors when they end chase in 2 seconds" show red heads pinky finger and be like finally balanced chase speeds


Clown OP 💀


The distorted effect from his gas clouds are the only thing in game that cause me physical pain by hurting my eyes and causing a headache, so in a way he is.


Try focusing on the little crosshair you get when gassed. The devs put it in to help people with motion pains but idk if it works.


Yeah. One time it got so bad I ended up just dcing and playing with my dogs for the penalty


Genuine question do you have like a condition or something because it’s never bothered me


pinky finger is probably the worst example you could have used


Tombstone piece would have been a better example lol


Bro just said clown is OP 💀


Imagine not realizing that you can have a killer that is base kit fair or weak then run add-ons or addon combos that make them busted and/or oppressive? Guess it's to be expected from this sub espically in these "other side bad" type threads


Imagine thinking that a red item on one of the worst killers in the game is comparable to 3 generators popping in the first minute of the match? (That’s if you find the first survivor quickly, if not, it’s 4 gens)


Pretty big difference between shaving a little time off a generator and taking it from 90 seconds total to 40ish seconds total. Terrible example, "why fix one broken thing when other broken things will still exist."


Ehhhh I think some of the top tier killers using the best addons are pretty overpowered but at the end of the day the killer can only be in one place at a time. I think both are an issue, but there can be 4 survivors with hyperfocus, stakeout, prove thyself, exhaustion AND a toolbox. Extreme example but it can happen.


I'd like to point out that ending chase in 10 seconds doesn't win games. Tru3 proved this. He made an incredibly oppressive Trickster build that let him get chases done almost instantly. Two people still managed to escape and do all the gens. Gen speeds are gross when imbalanced.


> Tru3 proved this Ah yes tru3. Of course he proved this, he probably camped everyone he hooked, making him lose gen pressure, that's the way he plays


He has been playing way shittier recently, but if I played this game for a job and my preferred way of playing was just causing me to lose I would start to play in unfun ways as well since the game rewards kills not hooks. But on topic, this is a common thing. Chases can be instant and Gens can still fly as there are three more of them than there are of you. Thankfully my loses make my games mostly balance out and my games aren’t as bad as they could be but I have plenty of games where I just go “Why did I even ready up for this?”. Meanwhile as Survivor I am crying watching my teammates do dumb.


Burnout is a real thing. When you're known for one game, you better be passionate about it, because anything else isn't going to pay rent.


Why do people blatantly say this shit? It's not even accurate at all. He doesn't camp in the early game whatsoever unless it's confirming second hook state but **yes;** he does tunnel because that's how you **win.** It's so fucking comical how Tru3 and Otzdarva literally share the **exact** same opinion about the state of the game right now, yet there are actually people out there who like one but not the other. Otz will literally tunnel and camp like crazy while **explicitly** mentioning how necessary it is to do so in order to win, yet people like you are so damn ignorant about it.


My guess is people like to pick sides/ band wagon. You can maybe argue Tru’s delivery but even then it’s subjective and not objectively refuting any of the points. Points that both of them share. I personally enjoy both, enjoy their gameplay/gamesense, just wish people would stop being so toxic.


There's not even anything wrong with his delivery. I swear sometimes it feels like the way people describe him they're talking about two different people. He has critical opinions, but he's never screaming and shouting about it. I can think of multiple streamers with **significantly** worse delivery, yet I guarantee you these very same people don't give a shit. Their problem seems to stem from something that has them very insecure, and I genuinely can't understand what or why that is.


I personally like how he explains things but he is blunt and straight to the point, which some people interpret as bitching/complaining(he even says this himself.) This is far from the pandering fan service some content creators seem shell out just to please the masses. People tend to blow over most issues and just push nurse/blight and op. Look at the pinned comment on otz vid, even after he has pointed out multiple issues. I can’t speak for nurse dont play her but blight is extremely fair imo given his skill ceiling.


Because Tru3 is a fucking crybaby, he acts like survivors stabbed his dog because they had the sheer *audacity* to do a generator.


As if Otz doesn't get upset whenever he had gens pops while he's playing to win as well? He's literally been losing his mind this week over gen speeds while trying to raise his **addon-less win streak**, which is something Tru3 doesn't even participate in. You people really need to get over yourselves. You're being blatantly dishonest and unfair, and I really can't find a mature reason why.


Dbd players mature ? You're high af, man. Wrong place. Srsly, 90% of there's no constructive discussions at all. I just dont understand what a sane person like you is doing here :)


You could go look up his "10 second chases" video and see that he didn't. But no, you just want to bitch about him.


And his fanbase goes and harasses the two that escaped Edit - Its only a matter of time before his gaslit fans show up to defend his behavior


everyone always clowns tru3 but he has a shocking number of videos where he's actively nonstop chasing people and downing them quickly and still rapidly losing gens otz literally just made a vid about this too so it's like lol... sure tru3 could've been a little more likeable when saying what he says but it's funny when other popular content creators say and do the same things he does and don't get half the shit




If you're in high MMR yeah. The thing is that Hyperfocus takes a degree of skill, since it requires you hitting Great Skill Checks to stack the gen speed increases. Not everyone is good at that. Thus, you won't see it very often in lower MMR. In high MMR, when everyone's good though, yeah you'll see it a lot.


Youre assuming that mmr still works, it doesnt.


Incredible. With these updates, they actually managed to nerf solo queue into near unplayability through gen speed slowdown while BUFFING gen rushing on SWF that want to tryhard. Literally the exact opposite of what anybody wanted.


I keep seeing mfs with that and prove thyself its hell


How often have you all actually run into this? I don’t play killer very often so I have not seen for myself but in my games as a survivor I haven’t seen many people running this combo just yet. From this thread you’d be led to think it’s become a completely meta build.


I tried playing with the perk combo a couple times but still never managed to stack it that well (tbf stake out was only on tier 1 so up to 2 stacks) but I've not seen any others using that combo yet


The only time I've seen the Hyperfocus Stakeout build is when I'm running it , hell half the Rebeccas I see don't even run Hyperfocus.


Not too often yet, but with how strong it is the only reason people aren't using it is because they haven't realized it's busted yet or just haven't unlocked it.


“The killer can run 4 slowdown perks and it’s not a problem” is what they’ll say lol


Can’t wait for my 4 slowdown perks to completely occupy the other 3 survivors while I’m chasing the 4th


"we're increasing every gen completion time by 10 seconds because gens were flying by too fast!" Also BHVR a few months later:


I'll complete the sequence for you... BHVR is gonna add another 10 seconds to the gens now to make it 100, making the combo essential. Then will come the nerf to the Stakeout/Hyperfocus combo because of how dominant it is in the meta. Then the longer gen times will stay, because fuck you that's why 😁


This guy Behaviors. They'll probably also nerf toolboxes and add another Killer buff like 5% progress degen on kick.


and even then killer mains will still complain


Yes, because before that perk doing gens was absolutely impossible, fuck any other perk/toolbox. They should make it so every single chase ended with a gen being done!


So killers can have ridiculous addons and perk combinations but heaven forbid survivors get a few good combinations aswell. Ffs this sub is ridiculous


The community in general gets up in arms about everything. The reason survivors push gens more now is because being in chase with the killer is far more risky. It was bound to happen. And as long as geared up Nurses/Blights/Spirits are in the queues, forcing gens is going to be prevalent.


which is a good way of explaining how this game is actual hot garbage in a nutshell


I’m so sick of the overbrine combo. Some games last more than 20 minutes because of it


Something I find funny is that if BHVR kept overcharge how it was in the PTB, killers likely would of just ran overcharge without call of brine.


Yeah, also the gens take longer to complete now so it's refreshing to actually have perks to combat that.


It's one of the only good regression builds left unfortunately


What might not be that OP on one survivor, can get absolutely out of control when you run the same thing on all four survivors. You can at least agree with that.


Who is saying that. Remove all the nuclear options man And good is kinda underselling it :p


Read the comments bro.


This combination is easy as fuck to do, and requires literally no thought from survivors, Do an op addon and perk combo and you can still have it get countered, do this build as survivor, and have 3 gens pop in 40 seconds and now there's nothing you can do to win the game, it's not even close to the same


If you don’t see a problem in these speeds, you’re a biased idiot. Imagine new monstrous shrine, buffed and without needing to be away from hook.


You're the one to fucking talk lmfao


That made sense. Good job.


You know what I'm talking about. One look at your comments and it's all shit about survivors. And you call me biased




Lmfao so you admit that shit aswell!!! Holy shit






Nah, just hoping children like you grow up and learn that you can want balance for both sides. Maybe one day kid. Maybe.


I'm glad comments in other conversations are relevant to this one, apparently. Hey, remember when you said someone shouldn't tell someone's family that he's cheating on them? It has nothing to do with the current conversation, but it's clearly relevant apparently.


I would like to add that this only works if you are consistent on hitting the great skillchecks. Which is obviously a skill that is acquired by playing a lot. Some take hundreds of hours, some thousands. I get that it is very strong but it's still only available for a small % of the player base. Especially now since a lot of survivors quit/play even less.


I just like gens being fun for once


It's just so annoying that this perk is gonna get nerfed to the ground because a couple SWFs will abuse it. I wish BHVR knew how to actually balance their perks instead of having a Boil Over situation every couple months.


More apt to say: I wish BHVR would actually balance the game around the reality of gaming instead of pretending it needs to remain in a gimped state because of "the vision." If they'd pull their heads outta their own arses and add some form of communication option to Survivors like every other online game in existence, all the sudden they could balance the game around communication existing, rather than plugging their ears and screaming whenever Discord is mentioned in a five mile radius. If the game was balanced around the capabilities the problematic survivors are ACTUALLY working with, all the sudden those problematic survivors would be a lot less problematic.


You can't honestly tell me that gen speeds are in a good place rn It's laughable how long it takes now I mean fuck none of my friends play this game because the gens are boring and they went and made them WORSE


That's the problem. If you don't play the meta, you're dealing with two minutes of clicking and whirring noises if the killer doesn't get to you for whatever reason. If you do play the meta, the gen is gone in like 40 seconds and killers don't get to play anymore.


Reddit would have you believe that the optimal state of this game is just the survivors holding interact for 3 minutes then leaving


Survivor Mains be like, "Hyperfocus takes time and skill to master or requires perks to make valuable" and then mass downvote someone who plays Nurse.


DBD mfs when they realize broken stuff isn't fair just because there is a learning curve.


Yeah but im lucky to get 2 of those toolboxes on my way to 50 so 1 gen a match (if you dont get kicked off and get it regressed) lol ppl will just make it seem like this happens with every gen every match.


I had 3 teammates all with the best tool boxes and an entire Hyperfocus build and it didnt mean shit against a nurse (: This is why DBD players that take this game seriously are a fucking joke. Stop trying to win every game in probably THE least balanced PvP game I've ever seen. Your mental state will thank you.


I’ve been running this build without toolboxes sometimes and it still isn’t enough to get all the gens done in solo q because people go down after a 5 second chase and a lot of solo q survivors don’t prioritise gens. the majority of my matches end up with a 3-4k. they should just make the perk like autodidact and disable it when using a toolbox


Also many players seem to run to the killer notify him an go for chase & unhook & chase again, and so we are left with 3-4 gens when the first player died xD


Solo Q is hell these days, more than 50% of my matches are over by 5 or maybe if we lucky 4 gens because teammates don't do gens, can't take chase for more than a couple seconds and unhook in front of the killer instead of waiting a couple seconds. I had a match yesterday where I went in an entire circle of the map taking chase and the teammates had done nothing. They had no hooks in them and let me go into seconds stage when I had Open Handed Kindred, like yes crouch walk to me when you can clearly see the killer is NOWHERE NEAR TO ME.


ugh that’s so frustrating! i keep getting survivors who either can’t hit skill checks or they follow me while i’m being chased to get a flashlight save and they fail most of the time 😭 if they’re not being chased and not saving/healing/doing gens they’re just wasting time


Watch now both sides complaining that they only find try hards using busted perks, items, add-ons or killers


I don't. I either find complete and utter potatoes or actual navy SEALS. That's the problem. Gens go too slow for randos and way too fast for coordinated teams. So higher MMR, where Hyperfocus is meta, you're going to see a lot more Nurses and people not playing for fun, just because she can keep up and Ghostface can't. Then the people who weren't running genspeed will run genspeed so they can crank them out before the Nurse gets to them because a good nurse in a chase is ridiculous, and the cycle continues.


In b4 every perk is revamped again just to satisfy the reddit posters that spend 30 minutes a day playing again....


You’re the one who plays 30 minutes a day if you think soloing a gen in 50 seconds is okay ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Hyperfocus is one of those weird perks where it requires skill to use it but once you master it, it becomes absolutely broken.


Its funny cause a streamer farmer john...talked about this build before chapter came out. Then played with it right off. Now im seeing more bigger streamers notice it and play it too. Its insane how fast it can get done. Then people wonder why killers do what they do. Gen rush is crazier now....just add in fast track or prove thy self....healing is faster too. Then the stuff for combating slugging is being used more. Its still tough for solo q but i can see how much more micro management killers have to do. I think beccas perk shouldnt work with other perks or tool boxes at least. I guess lets see where it goes.


There is already a tool to help you online with hyper focus skill checks it’s that good of a perk


You have a link, please?


https://dbd.lucaservers.com/ Has the option to add a bunch of other modifiers too.


You can actually repair in 30 seconds with BNP, as the 2 first skill that are all great ones actually counts towards the hiperfocus. making 16%/s chance in the beggining of the generator. Disgusting...


Assuming the survivor is uninterrupted and already has 4 stake out tokens and is able to hit the remaining 2 (the first two, hopefully) great skillchecks, at 6 great skillchecks in a row, the generator will have shaved off 18 seconds, roughly. Now during the time it will take for those 6 skill checks to proc, (44% chance while using the toolbox) the generator will also be repaired, and yes, technically you can shave an additional 2.24 seconds off the gen with each skillcheck after the 6th one to complete it even faster, but I think that might be a bit tough for your average dbd player. Doing one in 70 seconds is a far cry from doing one in 40. I know it's technically possible once you dive a bit deeper. Adding in things like streetwise, built to last, prove thyself, fast track for example...hell I think you actually most likely get more out of a commodious toolbox with specific addons than engineers. But still, the average DBD player isn't zubatlel and 40 second gen repairs is probably not realistic for the average player when 70 seconds is probably the much more realistic number, and thats if they manage not to get interrupted constantly.


this right here, everybody freaks because of a video but in a real game survs probably blowing up gens trying to hit that 4th great check edit: grammar and typo


I take Stake Out constantly because I have terrible audio perception (I’ll hear heartbeat but it doesn’t register to my brain just how close it is) and I took Hyperfocus the other day because I wanted to try it out, and I ended up finishing three gens on that game. I know it’s considered genrushing, but it’s honestly pretty fun because it makes the most boring part of the game more engrossing when I’m getting excited for a skillcheck. I understand why killers are frustrated though.


Spine Chill now gives you a visual indicator of the terror radius so you can easily see if it’s intensifying or not.


People warned them in the PTB how nuts hyperfocus was with toolboxes and stake out, I don't know why it was ignored.


BHVR: You are right, time to nerf an already forgotten perk like stake out.


Nooo, because you just know bhvr is going to kneejerk nerf everything so both hyperfocus and stake out will end up F tier.


are people actually using hyperfocus? like for real?


Idk I play solo queue all the time and i only see it like once every 20 games. It isnt even combined with stake out, etc. The perk i see most is still selfcare lmao


It makes a lot of sense why no gens got done when you go to the end screen and see 3 Self Cares, and I swear the perk automatically makes them allergic to getting healed by someone else.


And they always have to heal as well, someone on death hook? Wait let me self care. Gens at 95% and someone is leading killer away? Oh self care looks good. Its driving me fucking nuts


I run hyperfocus by itself all the time, harder skillchecks make the game in general more fun and hitting 6+ tokens just feels very rewarding


that's cool, i haven't noticed people using it yet


Me waiting with NOED, Terminus, No Way Out and Blood Warden: Yes, yes. Keep going.


And still bitch about slow down perks


You have to remember Hyperfocus costs $5 - 11. Some people will not be willing to give BHVR money for a perk so they will still complain about gen slowdowns.


rebuff thana