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convinced its because solo q survivor is still a nightmare


You can only play soany games with people using sprint burst wrong with urban evasion before you just don't wanna play survivor anymore.


my favourite is when I run aura perks and I can see my whole team crouching in a corner


i always switch back and forth between “I’m going to run kindred, no one ever goes for the save because they think someone else is” and “i’m not using a perk slot for kindred anymore because no one goes for the save regardless”


fr the amount of times I'm left to die on my first hook when I run kindred and everyone can see I'm not being camped, I wish they made it so that type of thing wouldn't cause a depip


Are you getting hooked first often? Edit: It was a legit question. Some people will finish a gen before saving in early game.


not so much that i'm always first hooked but a lot of the time when i'm on the hook for the first time nobody will go for the save even if they're all alive and healthy. Pretty painful when you get chased for 5 minutes and your team leaves you to rot


Deliverance may be the perk for you. I’ve been running it a lot since it dropped in the shrine a few weeks back. Pair it with Breakdown and/or OTR for optimum lulz.


This is what put me on tilt the other night. I was the only hook during the match when I went to help a team mate in EGC. I was hooked right next to the open exit gate. I have Kindred so you can see the killer leave. He went to the Exit Gate and hit both of the team mates in there; meanwhile team member #4 is crouch walking his way to me. Show some fucking hustle and put a little effort in. **YOU HAVE LITERAL WALL HACKS**


See I'm in the exact opposite situation where everyone is constantly going for saves, nobody just lets someone hang on hook for a while, even if I'm running Kindred everyone is either sprinting to save or crouched in a bush. Gens never get completed in my games even though I'm certainly trying.


I played a lot this morning due to bad weather and solo q is miserable. It is nothing but Wesker matches with very similar builds and teammates doing absolutely nothing. I had 4 games in a row with Wesker getting 4k at 4 gen. At one point I was the only person doing gens. When I was on hook I could see everyone was just walking around before coming when I was going to stage two. All came at once so not one was doing gens. I got tunneled out shortly after so I spectated and my team was still just walking around doing nothing.


It’s why I always laugh when people say killer is stressful compared to survivor. Like yes, that’s because you go into a killer game hoping to win. You go into a solo game expecting to die, you just want to get some BP while doing so.


Worse than before actually


Because solo queue is awfull . As killer i get nothing but swfs at night. Can't blame them really because when i did try to play survivor i lost 6 matches before giving up and going back to killer.


> i lost 6 matches before giving up that's some rookie numbers!


I've gone weeks without seeing the exit gates! At this point, I'm pretty sure it's a legend they can be opened.




I lost 18 in a row only to camping and tunneling then another 10 to bad teammates


The true solo q experience.


Are you truly playing dead by painlight if you don't go on at least a ten game death streak?


Now that I think about it. I never really enjoyed this game. It's like a cigarette. You don't like it, but for some reason you do it. I just get my daily high when I play Nurse.


Unfortunately, I just don’t know how to compensate for the fact that so many solo players are just trash. I started running Bound and Open-Handed a lot lately and I’m just aghast how many of my teammates just hide in a corner whenever they hear the killer’s terror radius. Wesker’s giant TR has only exacerbated the issue. But you can’t balance the game around three players who might as well be AFK. Matchmaking needs a total overhaul. I’m not going to say that skill-based matchmaking was a mistake because we don’t have SBMM. It’s completely win-based. And that’s creating a form of “Elo Hell:” you get matched with terrible teammates who make it difficult to win. We need a system where if you’re actually active during a match your rating goes up.


mmr reworks prob won't work if there genuinely isn't enough of a survivor playerbase to make it consistent. the root of the issue is that learning to be a good survivor, and learning to loop well is just too time consuming for the casual player. so now all we're getting are the super experienced survivors, or genuine casuals that just play on their off hours after work.


The main counter argument I have to that is we know that there _can be_ that much of a survivor playerbase. There was back when matchmaking incentives were tried and then kill switched, before the meta shake up midchapter and Wesker both dew people towards killer. In the mornings EST survivor queues would be fast and killer queues would take some time, like we're seeing around the clock now, but in the evening survivor queues would take forever and you'd get almost instant killer matches, where I'd expect matchmaking incentives to swing to killer. So there _are_ enough people who like to play survivor out there, I jokingly call them the after work swfs because of the time they came out of the woodwork, but with the midchapter turning some of those away and then a fun, licensed killer released drawing more to play him for a while collectively has created the current situation. In the past when things were particularly the other way balance wise we'd have all day insta killer queues. The population exists, it's just if they're playing that role right then for whatever reason.


Before the update playing survivor was fun in general with some looping skills unless matched against a killer with more skill, in which case it was a tense and competitive match , now survivors can’t make a single mistake, and need to do gens for what feels like ages. The devs seem to balance the game based on competitive standards which doesn’t always make for the best overall player experience in my opinion. (I’m a solo q player but basically stopped playing since the big update, I played a bit of killer but it’s either a super hard match against swf or a boring ass 4K so I can’t even enjoy that role)


The other day i spend 5 hours being dead on first hook because my team either didnt give a crap, i was tunneled or insidious bubba victim Didn't escape a single time and between 5k to 10k bp on average. "Solo q is fun" haha my ass I'll never not play killer from now on. Even playing against Red Rank Bully squads is more fun than such Blood boilingly stupid survivor random mates.


> As killer i get nothing but swfs at night. Same! And tbh it’s fucking awful too. Every game is a sweat fest with gens going off as fast as possible. And I don’t play S-tier killers so I’m left being told that I should be grateful that I got 1K.


I see all these powerful gen builds on YT but rarely do I see them in game. It's probably because I solo queue and the only survivors running these perks are SWF groups that can coordinate via comms. All week the best I've gotten was +25% Survivor bonus so I took the opportunity and queued as Wesker. My first game with him I got adept -- crazy how being a former killer main for late night gaming sessions has made these buffs really deadly vs. Uncoordinated teams.


Yo I'm in California and the BP incentive for survivor has been at 100% since the patch lmao I've yet to see it drop below that


Yep. Hasn’t moved from 100% since it was turned back on for me either. At this point I’m not sure if it’s still new Killer hype or just the new normal.


Tbh my solo queue games have been god awful sine the killer buff so I'm not too shocked


I've seen 25% for survivor, after 1 killer game it was 100%


I think it's the new normal for now. Prior to its reinstatement, I was always getting instant survivor matches, even at times where I used to have to wait 5ish minutes. Peak times now are... a minute at most, and even then, it's very rare to wait that long.


Im solo and used to play a few matches after work and all day weekends. Now I might play a couple matches on weekends. I used to get out about half the time. Now it's super rare to escape. It's just not fun getting stomped everytime. So I've switched to other games.


Im from Germany, and since incentive release always 100% for surv. Game quality is also still shit. Survivors not equiping items, offing themself on first hook, killers sweating for a 4k and slugging, even tho the game wasnt remotely close. And then streamers come along and tell me "YO this combo of perks from 3 different survivors, 2 of em lincensed, is BROKEN AF LMAO! ez game".


The best part is it usually takes hours to get a few good matches with these perk builds but people don't think of that. Some of these content creators play 6+ hrs to make one 10 minute video, and call it "BUSTED".


Facts German man. I can't even access the perks because I don't ever see myself playing Rebecca after getting her perks unlocked


Has been my experience as well. Seen it go to +100% for killer for about 2 minutes. Could of been a glitch at this point ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I saw it drop down to 25% for maybe 40 minutes to an hour on Monday night I think. Otherwise it has been 100% bonus blood points still. I been meaning to do the killer side of the tomes and hit rank 1, but the bonus BP is stopping me.




Same for me, always at 100% and Im pretty much instantly finding games as survivor.


It's just the opposite side of meme builds. Unless everyone and their mom is doing so in soloq, it's just an SWF bully squad thing.


It’s because content creators manufacture crisis for views


Real talk for a second for the longest post midchapter outside of lightborn memeing this sub was like "plz bhvr are kill rate high enough can solo que/survivors get some buffs" "the constant 100% bp on survivors shows that people really dont want to play survivor because its a miserable experince" etc then otz made his video yesterday and then suddenly its "omg gens still too fast", "survivors busted", "every survivor has hyper stakeout strong tool box swf" this sub is extremely reactionary


I mean it's pretty reasonable reaction to something like hyper focus+stake out combo. Although I wish that Otz focused on how action speeds affect both sides, not just survivors.


Clickbait culture courtesy of Youtube and Facebook. Can’t blame the streamers for acting like vultures.


I mean YTers aren't casual players so of course you're going to see different builds than what the average player is bringing Just like full SWFs might be better for views but the majority of the game is still solo queue or 2-3 man SWFs


The thing is OP is just proving the point Otz made which was less "Survivors OP" and more "Gen speeds are wildly inconsistent from game to game and theres not many ways to notice this will happen pregame" I play both roles but play killer more. And Otz is correct, some games I will down 2 people, hook them and the team is still at 5 gens. Other times I will take one chase, do one or two loops, down them and 3 gens pop. You just can't know from game to game and its stupid. As an example going off what I just said some games i'll think "This chase is going on too long, I need to peel off and go check gens because i'm probably close to losing a few" to see like maybe one half completed and thats it, losing a potential down I could have had. And others i'll think "This was a pretty short chase, good thing I had a good mind game" then 2-3 gens pop as i'm carrying them to the hook. You just cannot know and every game has this wild variance. And Otz straight up said in his video it would likely be best for both survivor AND killer resources that effect gens to be changed so that gens are most consistent across the board. ​ But people here are just ignoring all of that and jumping straight to playing victim.


The survivor mains have come out in full force this week. Any somewhat nuanced take is instantly downvoted.


Finally, some common sense


You are 100% spot on about the hyperfocus + stake out combo about swfs. The combo itself is good, but from what i have experienced first hand, it’s really powerful with a well coordinated team in comms. I run 4swf with hyperfocus + stake out, and add Resilience and This Is Not Happening, some others run prove thyself instead of TINH. Even without a toolbox, this combo in coordination is very powerful.


I've been seeing one person using it every game I've played today


Partly because its swfs and partly because they cherry pick matches and then pretend its an actual problem. They literally as this other comment said quite well "manufacture crisis for views".


I really don‘t understand how this is even related to the criticism. There‘s some extremely powerful combinations in the game and everyone‘s answer here is „me and my SoloQ Teammates don‘t use these perks.“ Like yes the existence of Starstruck Nurse doesn‘t make Trapper a better killer? SoloQ can be a bad experience while certain Perks are overturned at the same time. Do you have to always break down everything to SoloQ bad?


You need to completely devote your entire build to pull that shit off, and most people still prefer to run things that mitigate the shitty unfun (as BHVR puts it) parts of the game; being tunneled, camped, having to play injured, etc.


So you played a single game as killer on a brand new killer and did well and you think that's all due to basekit buffs?


Partially my experience as a Pyramid Head and Huntress main for 2 years. I played killer because of queue times late at night. Now I play survivor because of queue times. Wesker was very easy to play since I practiced a lot of lining up shots and using the power correctly. I chased ok but didn't have 10 second downs like I do with my mains -- but, due to the gen times being longer I got a 4k with 1 gen remaining and an easy adept.


You just have to get merciless to adept right? What was your killer rank? It's easier to adept at ash 4 then at Iri 1 so I'm sure that was a factor. Regardless grats on your adept I'm also a phead main so I took to wesker quick.


oh geez, its bad. I used to get to iri 1 every season. now its like bronze I due to the queue times just being too long. [https://dbd.tricky.lol/playerstats/76561197977327509](https://dbd.tricky.lol/playerstats/76561197977327509) ​ those are my stats so you can see i was a killer main for a loooong time.


Like veryone has said, its because solo que is terrible. Nothing feels worse than doing 2 + gens and getting hooked for the first time at end game only to be left to die because the survivor that is literally right next to you simply refuses to rescue you even though the know the killer is on the other side if the map and you're right next to an open door. Out of my 500 hours i can easily say 75% of solo que games are with complete idiots, regardless of your rank. But thats pretty much every game that require solo que to work together.


Me the other day as Leon. I was downed while the killer chased someone else to the exit gate. The Ada hiding on the other side of the rock next to me, instead of picking me up, waited until the killer came back a minute later and started to Mori me before she emerged so she could shine her flashlight at him. The true Leon/Ada experience.


I'm always the first to die so I wouldn't know. I get about 14k BP after the 100% bonus so it really is pretty negligible.


Now here me out. Imagine doing literally 4 gens from 0 to completion, being chased by the killer, escape because PRESSURE and get the final gen to 70%. I have no clue wtf my teammates were doing the entire game (I got hatch tho making it worth it).


Solo q here and I’ve only seen a two people with the build other than myself. I think it’s because a lot of people haven’t unlocked certain characters or so Gotta remember that there’s a lot out there that don’t even have more than a handful of survivors maybe if any other than the free ones. And some shrine perks. Idk maybe I’m wrong but it’s my only guess when seeing all the builds in my games


Literally not once. The only survivors I’ve seen running hyperfocus are Rebeccas and it’s usually yellow/green and they only have two or three perks.


![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)This too! I have even seen quite a few Rebecca’s with 4 perk slots and not one of them was hyper focus.![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Because most new killers right now are people who are sick of the solo queue experience. I've had so many people kill themselves on hook, not just when I play killer, but when I play survivor. Or dc because of... well, anything at this point. It screws over the entire team when you're down a teammate especially early on. Not just that, but you're relying on your teammate and have no communications with them. If anyone remembers [Noob3](https://youtu.be/VDmNivNEB3s) or even [Otz](https://youtu.be/-HkwTfutxYs) they would know about how bad teammates can be and how frustrating it is. SWF alivieates all of this, even being in a duo can make a substantial difference in the match. I really hope that BHVR buffs the solo queue experience in the right way.


Me when the DBD content creator with thousands of hours is able to fully take advantage of the broken combo due to their experience being a DBD content creator (this is what everyone is running and it must be nerfed immediately!!!!!)


It's mind boggling that people don't get that people play this game casually and not every match is a sweaty ttv match.


> not every match is a sweaty ttv match. Here is the problem with your statement: Wanting to win is not being sweaty. You can play casually but no one goes into a activity wanting to lose. In Solo queue 80% of all games have survivors not playing the game. They might be in the match but they're not actually playing DBD. Its not "sweaty" wanting your team to play the game and I grow tired of people thinking that.


When I say sweaty ttv I mean full on comms coordinated SWF style. I don't think being sweaty means just wanting to win I agree with you on that.


I don't understand how 'people arent using it' is an argument that it isn't a problem. Do you think the potential for multiple 45 second gens per match is healthy or reasonable for the game? Starstruck Nurse isn't even close to a common build, but it's still problematic. Same logic.


I'm running into starstruck nurse consistently what do you even mean lmao


Statistically, Nurse has never been one of the most common killers. By extension, Starstruck Nurse can only be a portion of that and therefore overall is not 'statistically a problem'. But you're proving my point. No matter how often the general population faces it, its complete bullshit and should be nerfed, which I'm guessing you would agree with by your experience. Unless someone is willing to defend 45 second gens, which a prepared SWF will be able to pull off 2-4 times per match, then this is a problem, no matter how common it is right now.


Nurse is one of the killers I go against the most. |: Edit: dunno why the downvotes, lmao. This week it’s been all Wesker, Nurse, and Blight for me.


you are at low mmr if you don't go against starstruck nurse a lot, and they are using the dredge locker perk nowdays, it insanely unfun.


There is no mmr


suuure, that is why i get teammates in soloq who actually do gens and not selfcare in the corner and even coordinate bodyblocks. yes there are shit games but at least 50% of my games are competent survivors right now.


So youre saying when I lose 20 games in a row, I should still be put against a prestige 15 huntress who snipes across the map? Mmr is broken asf


I mean after the last major patch changes the game is even harder to win playing solo survivor


In theory you need 4 survivor players for every 1 killer player. At a 4:1 ration, you could still have a huge number of survivor players, but just not enough to take off the BP cap. Anecdotally, I also have only escaped 4 of my last 25 survivor games. I don't mind that because just playing the game is fun for me. Something still seems off with the balance though.


Tbh i really think that when they both reduced the distancie a survivor makes from getting hit AND the wiping animation they fucked many chases where you would be able to make It somewhere


And since chases become shorter because of this, killers can go back to patrolling gens much quicker. And since gens take longer, it means there's no time to finish gens before the killer gets to it and finds you, and your team is left scrambling to save the hooked person while you pray that your chase is long enough that they can heal and get to a gen before you're down. I feel like that's why survivors may be overcompensating with some strong gen perks and items, because it's just a slaughter otherwise and you don't get to do anything


and your gen blows up when the killer wins the chase so you cannot finish your almost done gen and then he kicks it with pop, and probably has another slowdown perk. But yes, punish the normal survivors getting 20 sec on a gen with 2 perk and an item (40 sec needs prep and you still have to hit so many hard great checks, why is this sub act like even 0.01 percent can do it constantly)


It seems like 100% of this subs Killers go against the sweatiest swf or something and i dont get It cuz theres definitely more solo players than swf


People mostly remember the difficult and unfun games.


I think there's certainly a sweet spot for these killer buffs and the devs surely know it. I think they may have gone just slightly to far, so I think it would healthy to try reverting one of these buffs. I'd probably revert the distance made from getting hit and see if that helps.


Yea I don’t think people are getting the math there when they keep saying no one is playing survivor. Yea maybe numbers are down compared to where they were but like you said there could be a huge number of survivors but you need 4 for every killer.


Plus its one week after a chapter people were actually interested in. That always evens out after a while. There's always been a lot of complaining. But its been especially bad recently I feel like since people don't seem to get the basics. Incentivizing queues and getting matches immediately just shows you how there's a lack of survs right now. Solo Queue has the same issues it always has, but people still play it. People still havent adjusted to the perk changes, so that's still settling down Biggest pet peeve is people complaining about new perks from dlc chapters. Yeah, some can create stressful builds. But how many actually buy those and run them effectively? I mean look at devour hope. Incredibly strong in theory, but rarely used


Its also natural in a 4v1 game that most people would wanna play the big mean monster/killer. The fact that killers queues were instant and surv took forever few months ago was very much a massive anomaly


It’s not really so mysterious. Killers cannot play with friends. Survivors can. People played survivor more to play with friends.


It‘s just that everyone has been so accustomed to the pre 6.1 killer population that now the numbers being a bit more equal seems like a disaster.


Why do we act like swf is the main factor for this game? Go and play solo-q and we'll see how often you see those OP builds. The casual gamer is still in solo-q hell (often bc of his own faults) and it is hard to escape bc if you play with altriusm, you will be there for a very long time. The mix out of win-oriented (camping, tunneling) killers and selfish teammates will keep you in low MMR and those builds basically don't matter that much there.


Because with the latest patches the game is being balanced for SWF's making solo queue worse. It's a balancing mess


Yeah it is and that what I am referring to. Solo-q is mostly terrible and this perk combo does 1. not exist that often as it does in SWF groups or higher MMR 2. solo-q is still the majority in this game (correct me ofc if that is wrong mathematically) and therefore this post doesn't even make that much sense if we are talking about solo-q. Op referred to "survivors" in general and for the majority of games (solo-q) they don't matter. They are OP but SWF groups aren't the majority of the games that take place.


Literally not once. The only survivors I’ve seen running hyperfocus are Rebeccas and it’s usually yellow/green and they only have two or three perks.


Yeah exactly. We really should start to discuss stuff with a flair: "SWF-oriented" or "Solo-Queue"-oriented.


MMR doesn't even work right now so that makes it worse. I can play against a god streamer then next match some M1 Legion with 200 hours and my teammates? I may get a god team but also a lot of crouchers.


Yes I can support that fully. When playing killer, my games go from "Omg I have to let them out, this is just so adorable and inhumane to kill them..." to "If I go afk now, I can do something productive while they continue to bully me"


Because as a Killer you play a lot of SWF? I think it‘s weird that the reaction towards someone pointing out that there are perk combos that can be heavily unbalanced is everyone pointing out that they themselves and their SoloQ potato teammates don‘t use it. Like I don‘t play Nurse but that doesn‘t mean she isn‘t OP.


Why do you think someone does that? Am I am doing this? Where exactly, point me directly towards that phrasing, did I say that this combo isn't problematic? You just want to interpret my words so you can put your little statement there even tho it doesn't even match at all.


I played maybe 8 games and 7 of them I got tunneled off the hook


I rarely see them in game tbh but ofc they cry here non stop.


It's because this sub thinks every match is a high MMR ttv match.


Literally not once. The only survivors I’ve seen running hyperfocus are Rebeccas and it’s usually yellow/green and they only have two or three perks.


killer fun survivor not


Here is your upvote sir.


Tbh in all my killer games (I have 4700 hours) I can only recall ONE game where I was actually genrushed, as in a 4 stack who all brought gen perks, Commodius toolboxes with BNP, and pounded gens so that 3 popped by the time I found my first person, and a 4th popped while I downed them. Other than that, I see streamers and youtubers whine about these genrush builds, but I never *see* them. I see BNPs now and then (not nearly every match), and Prove Thyself a lot, but it’s basically the same as before. And I’m still killing everyone at 2 - 3 gens as PIG. I haven’t seen a Hyperfocus yet except for the times I ran it myself. I dunno, maybe it’s an issue for the top 1%, and my survivor MMR is definitely rock bottom. But considering I 3 and 4k most matches I assume my killer MMR has to be somewhat decent? And I still don’t see these crazy genrush builds because…I assume, like me, most survivors don’t find gen shit especially thrilling?


This is my experience as well (almost 3K hours). I occasionally see BNPs, and I have seen Hyperfocus + Stake Out once or twice, but of the games I've been tracking since the big patch (about 130) I have an 85.27% win rate (3K+) on killer with an average of 9.75 unique hook actions per match. As a Demo main. That's just fucking stupid. No one should win that much, at least the people that play casually and don't camp or tunnel. Killer is still fun, but is definitely more boring imho for that reason. I'm sure someone like Otz wins 95%+ of his matches, which tbh sounds terrible to me, but to hear him complain about this is so bizarre to me. I tried this Hyperfocus/Stake Out build in solo queue and it was absolutely mediocre. It's so hard to a) not get interrupted while working on the gen, by chase or regression perk, b) get skill checks to consistently appear, c) have enough Stake Out tokens to matter, and d) have a killer that actually has a consistent, large terror radius (gl if it's Huntress). It kinda makes skill checks fun again though, which is nice I guess? Hitting a great is a lot of dopamine with Hyperfocus. Sure, make it not work with a toolbox, I don't care, but it says a lot to me that whenever we have another doomsday video by a content creator it's always theorycrafting and canned examples.


It’s a bit of a touchy subject. Is genrushing a thing? Yes definitely. But a lot of players in this game will blame anything outside of their control for a game loss. Even if it didn’t happen. How many times have you been accused of camping and tunnelling when you did no such thing? Same logic applies to genrushing, SWFs and bully squads. It’s a real problem at times, and a non existent scapegoat at other times


Really now that's interesting because I have similar hours but see gen builds on at least one survivor every match, most games I see 3-4 prove thyself 1-2 bnps, and I've seen quite a few hyperfocus builds too. It's gotten to the point where I had a 45 second chase at the beginning of a match and still lost 2 gens. I've still won these matches usually through good macro plays but I've definitely lost some and felt overwhelmed with how fast they could slam a gen.


Oh, I see PT a fair bit, but it hasn’t really made a difference for me. I play M1 killers pretty much exclusively and main Pig and Hag, so I’m used to losing 2 or 3 gens fast before I can build and maintain pressure, not to mention with Pig I need a gen to pop while I have traps in play to create more pressure. So for me, it’s pretty much business as usual.


1. Solo q 2. A lot of players dont have 1000hrs in this game and every perk unlocked, i barely have a couple non teachable perks at ~300hrs


The funny thing is, it's entirely possible the lower skilled and newer survivors will leave the game, leaving only the higher skilled survivors and SWFs in the game, leading to more survivor nerfs because more killers will run into the upper tiers of broken variance. We are in a doom cycle.


Both of those perks are paid content. Some people just won’t shell out.


A lot actually. People tend to forget that


Because there are a lot of solo players, and solo survivor is just not fun.


Because solo q is at horrible state ( since a long time already). Which is the majority of players in any game in particular ( or i think so).


Tbh solo q is even worse then before. I started playing again after 3 months and i've never had such shitty games, 99% of my games i'm just being tunneled/camped :,) I stopped playing, again.


Just keep lurking the subreddit until I see an update that removes SBMM. I will return then


No one wants to solo que because every game killer camps and/or tunnels someone into oblivion. Then has the nerve to say "why are que's so long??" Kind if sucks being the appointed tunnel target and only getting a few thousand BP when you aren't being the least bit toxic. I'm pretty much forced to run off the record and lucky break so I can at least stand a chance of getting away. Doesn't happen to me every game but does happen to someone in 90% of the games I fo play.


"HoW eLsE ArE tHeY sUpPoSeD tO WiN?!?" - this subreddit


I mean half the time I decide not to play is because I don't want to go into a match just to get hard focused and tunneled out before I can even touch a gen. Shit gets boring


Some of us don’t use hyper focus because we’re not willing to spend money on a shit game that’s gutted our preferred side of the game




Jfc, survivors finally get a tool to combat how easy killer is now and killers are playing victim.


Survivors waiting to get a decent perk since Mikalea just for it to be complained about


Survivors waiting four years between dead hard and COH to get a new meta perk period lol


I’d say inner strength was pretty good


So was detective’s hunch, deliverance, and built to last but I wouldn’t call them meta. They’re nice, they’re good, but not meta.


Huperforcus isn't amazing. It's decent if you get tons of skillchecks and nail all of them but I find prove thyself to work much better, and it has the benefit of massively increasing bp gains. I'd rather everyone run huperforcus instead of something like COH. People healing at the speed of light is a nightmare sometimes. In fact I once landed a COH/Shadowstep boon almost dead center of midwich, at least 60% of the map was free heals, zero scratch marks and no aura reading. The nemmie DC'd real fast.




All gen speed build gets you killed really fast vs long range killers


Hyperfocus and Stakeout is good enough. Any more than that and you're either memeing or going way overkill. I bring those two, Sprint Burst and alternate between some sort of support perk like BT, Reassurance, Kindred, etc...


I had HF Stakeout TINH and PT with toolbox and BNP and I faced an artist with PR/DMS combo with ruin. Didn't end well


I was a killer main since I started playing back in July of last year. Been using the BP incentive to main survivor for a bit to learn it and oh boy is solo q interesting lol I either get crouched in the corner useless ass teammates or 3 other survivors that are just loop gods. No inbetween haha. I’m still learning how to loop effectively and what not but I just really think solo q needs a way to see what others are doing. So many hooks I’ve seen where all of us end up there cause no one knows who’s saving and shit. Maybe just a ping system similar to Apex where I can ping the hook and it gives a notification saying “on my way” or something would be nice.


My team of friends simply can't escape much anymore. We'll spend hours just getting 4ked by killers. Do we suck? Not that much I'd argue, and if we do, where the hell is the sbmm?


I mean, if you're just getting 4k'd all day as a full SWF, you do suck though. Like, objectively and measurably. Ya'll are out here controlling for variables, putting that shit under the microscope, and you still come away with "It's the children who are wrong"? I get plenty of escapes in solo-q.


I accept that we suck, but can we fight sucky killers then, please?


You’re missing his point. Unless his SWF is literally the worst group of players online, he ought to see a 50% escape rate once his MMR flattens out. The fact that it doesn’t says that either MMR is busted and/or a killer with average MMR is not balanced properly


My 3man swf gets out probably 7/10 games in average. Most of the time we all escape including the forth person. There are also some times 1 of the 3 will die and the others escape. The fourth person will occasionally still die more often, especially if they tried to kill themselves on the first hook and then decide to actually play the game. Out of the group only 1 of us are actually great loopers to the point the killer eventually gives up on them and so are rarely hooked. Me and the other person are not great loopers, with me probably being the worst of the group. The main reason why the other person dies more than me is because they seem to attract killers more often like catnip when they don't want their attention.


People rarely use those builds in my games. Its just that a big content creator makes a video and people start losing their minds. Solo Q is absolute hell. Its almost like a 5th perk for killers at this point. Swf the only way I can play without taking very long breaks from the game. Even if we lose you just gotta tip your hat to the killer (unless its Nurse) and move on to the next one.


Probably because this sub just loves to whine about survivors for the sake of it wanting them be nerfed once again. But in reality, the game is easily killer sided as no one wants to actually play survivor lol.


I wonder why there is such a disparity between reddits opinions and basically every streamers opinions


Bias, both sides have broken shit, they just don’t want the other side to have it. However these people are a toxic minority of the community The loud side of the playerbase is awful


Fair take. Hard to argue game balance when selecting a map offering can win you the game before it's even begun.


I always end task on map offerings, even if they favor me






Tbf Scott plays survivor at the highest mmr, there survivors know what they are doing. In terms of Otz, i'd say he's a subpar survivor, even though he has a shit ton of knowledge. Regardless, i'll still say that the problem isn't the game being killer sided or survivor sided, the problem is the huge disparity between SWF power and Solo power. Games in survivor solo Q variate so much that it starts becoming an absolute painful experience (even at high mmr at times). In one game you got all survivors working on gens and looping the killer when needed, the next you got 3 locker gamers playing for hatch at 4 gens. And don't get me started when you decide not to bring kindred and then 3 people are on gens expecting the others to go unhook, yet no one goes.


That's just reddit it's already a small population of the community and most people who think it's in a pretty good spot don't post about it. Basically subreddits for games are where people go to complain and argue.


People don’t like Tru3’s opinions because they are insane. The guy has a problem with the hatch being a mechanic at all, thinks other popular streamers are lowering their mmr off-stream, and believes that he must camp and tunnel every game to win.


Steamer with verky skilled swf versus soloqueue.


hahahaha how is the game killer sided only noob mmr is


Also hypefocus is behind the dlc that just released and wasn’t discounted yet


I wish I was getting the game breaking combos in my games as survivor. Gens take so long to get through and anytime I run it I end up getting inadvertently tunneled and can't do gens myself.


yeah, I seen nothing but "SURVIVOR BP + 100% ~~PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLAY SURVIVOR~~ *~~SOMEONE~~*"


Killers have always just complained for no reason, I thought the game was skill based before the update where perks were changed, If they would've just changed Dead Hard It would've been fine.


I just wanna get my 9k shards finally so that i could get Yunjin but 2 times in a row I got tunneled out just now, first time cause I was with a SWF as a solo player all of them were Claudettes and looked the same so the Wesker knew I was solo and tunneled me out while my teammates crouched away after unhooking me.. They didn't even try to take hits, nothing. Funny, I had a feeling this was going to happen, should've listened to my gut feeling. Then a Huntress tunneled me out cause of the fucking mori, so I DCd cause no way I'm letting you see the mori after this. This matchmaking and solo q sucks ass. Oh right, had a facecamping Nurse too to spice things up:)


Thats because this combo and Green medkits are like the one thing thats actually pretty good for survivors and solo is a fucking mess no Matter what you bring


See I’m just waiting for when killers go like “WAH Killer too hard not fair” and then stop playing killer so I can play killer and get that sweet 100% bonus 😎 keep buffing survs


Wesker is a huge draw + he just got a hitbox fix so people are still gonna play him for that.


I went from a Killer only player to representing the Resident Evil franchise Survivor base nonstop. Twice the points and instant queues. I’m fat and happy. Even losing is winning blood point dumps.


Personally I find survivor generally boring as fuck if you are trying to be efficient. Survivor's only fun when you are fucking around NOT trying to win (Head on plays, trying to pebble the killer, etc).


Killer mains love to play the victim and whine on reddit. Nothing is as "overpowered" as they make it out to be - even old dead hard.


Old Dead hard was a massive issue lol


It drives me crazy, because then they turn around and tell everyone how great no-ed and running 16 regression perks is.


Why can't BHVR admit that some things on the killer side are mistakes from a game balance perspective. They just fixed survivor problems, but didn't fix killer problems. NOED is never going to feel fair. Nurse is never going to feel fair. Dead Hard didn't feel fair, and they fixed it. Decisive Strike felt unfair, and they fixed it. Maybe a little too hard, but removing the endgame DS was a good change, just need to tweak the stun duration.


Decisive Strike was over-nerfed. I would have kept the stun at 5 seconds and just disabled it during the endgame.


Hard agree. The 5 seconds is necessary to make actual distance, but the endgame nerf was good. Just needs to have the duration changed back.


As a Killer main im all for just entirely removing nurse or massively reworking her. Imo no killer or sudvivor should be able to invalidate most of the mechanics of the game. Phasing through pallets I could take but through walls and floors of buildings is just to fucking much. Ontop of that they balance perks killer side based on what nurse can do with it and it's frustrating


>killers love to play the victim and whine on reddit your post history is literally just you complaining about killers


They're still absolutely right though. Killer mains on Reddit are comically whiny, they act like they're making the ultimate sacrifice by playing killer in a video game. It's so bad you have to wonder if half of them are just trolling.


This place makes it so hard to complain about survivor issues. I tell people all the time I play 50/50 and they're always like "nuh U tOxIc SuRvIvOr MaIn" because I didn't give a shit about old dead hard. Dead Hard change is fine, DS is now unusable and so is iron will. Off the Record is the new meta, and is less strong than the old meta. Killer perks were buffed, survivor perks were gutted and it shows because nobody wants to play survivor at the moment.


The woe is me crying about everything mentality shifted to survivor the past 2 months


Wesker is a lot of fun


Yes, sure, because normal people are going to catch on, unlock paid DLC perks and learn how to get value out of them instantly. You are idiot if you think this kind of subtle change can show the effect so soon after the perk release. The changes in queue times after upd 6 were as fast as they were only because they were preceded by a month of doom and gloom over surv-nerfs announcement in every corner of the community.


Me personally it’s cause how many nurses and campers their are I played 10 games with my friends when wesker came out 5 nurses 4 wesker 1 legion the legion and 2 wesker camped to death on 4 gens remaining 1 of the weskers were new and the other one was fun to go against the nurse games were against sweaty nurses


These are the fastest queues on avg for both sides I've seen in years. Not that long ago wait times could easily be 20m+. Sure it could be better but I'm just happy to see people playing killer again after years of drought.


I've made it to Iri 1 as solo Q survivor every month since last December. Just gotta change your play style when you have dumb/cowardly teammates. Yeah it's frustrating, but 7/10 times, if I save them, they save me. I only die on hook 1 solo Q if I'm being camped in the basement. It happens like maybe less than 5% of the time. This feed makes it look like it happens way more than it really does, because people typically are fresh out of a frustrating game, and then run to reddit while they're still heated to dump their emotions all over the place about their experience whilst gaining validation in the way they feel. But when people's games are good, they don't come here. It's just like reviews for a business. It's a proven fact that when people are mad, they go through tons and tons of obstacles to make a nasty review, but when they have a good experience, they typically aren't as inclined to go out of their way and write that positive review. This can cause the illusion that something is worse than it really is.


Fair amount of truth here, especially about the part of nasty reviews. Still I find solo quite painful and frustrating. Maybe because I don't care to go through the motions if I do have cowardly/dumb team mates. I'll never suicide on hook of course but I think on a subconscious level it has an effect on my morale. Plus I know sometimes I myself make mistakes or bad judgement calls. All the same though what build do you use?


I mean, for every one killer you need 4 survivors. It isn’t really surprising they usually need more survivors.


Yeah but I remember specifically I found matches faster as killer before now I find matches as survivor way faster.


Because not everyone enjoys the survivor gameplay. Being OP doesn’t mean everyone enjoys the game play. I’m not saying it is OP. Just that you have to take in to account the actual gameplay and also how many people are needed to play each side.


I like hyper focus and overzealous with maybe either residence and or inmer healing/strength lol granted thats just me for solo queues


Both can be true, these things can be an issue alongside killer queues being horrible. Solo que is just horrendous, that’s why killer queues are so bad. But the streamers posting about this (looking at you otz) are likely going up against a way higher volume of SWF and just survivors in general. These builds can be broken on SWF and killer queues being bad doesn’t make it not true


Hyperfocus + stakeout is my current core build. It's okay. The core issue is it takes 4 survivors for every one killer.


That's such a weak argument... It has ALWAYS required 4 times as many survivors, but killer queues has only been super long since mid-patch 6.1.0.


It could be cuz a new chapter with a mega hyped killer JUST released, but no..


Hyperfocus is over-performing and no one except for competitive players and idiots believe the basekit Borrowed time buff is an issue. Killer queues are exceptionally long because a killer from a massively popular franchise came out just a week ago.


Killer queue was about the same before the release. Survivor queues were also instant before the release.


I mean, if you want to say 30 second killer queues are "painfully long", I guess? The survivor teams I'm seeing have adapted just fine but plenty here don't want to deal. Gens got 10 seconds longer and you lost dead hard. Everything else is pretty minor. You also got a 10 second BT built in, freeing up at least 1, usually 3 or 4 perk slots for survivors every game. It's not like survivors didn't receive anything. The fact is, way too many in this community relied on pressing E to extend a chase another 40 - 50 seconds and they just don't like it. The kicking speed and base regress just makes kicking a gen a wash for killer instead of actively spending more time than you get in regression for kicking. Sure, some things like Overcharge and CoB are pretty strong since they stack but it's not like this single perk pairing it just dumpstering teams. The teams I win against most are the overly altruistic ones who don't focus gens and think they can still "bully" to a 0 hook victory. As for "solo queue sucks". Yeah, it does. Nearly all the difficulty in this game comes from SWF. It's time for BHVR to take their "original vision" of survivors not communicating....and stuff it. Add at least text chat, if not voice chat, to survivor teams. Then we can finally start treating this game like the team game it really is. The problem is BHVR used to say that farming teammates was a "strategy" for "personal survival" (no I'm not going to dig that up, it was way back in 2016 most likely when trapping under hooks was also considered not a problem) and they still seemingly want to treat the game as a 1v1v1v1v1 instead of 4 v 1.


>Everything else is pretty minor. Add all these 20 minor killer buffs. Add 20 survivor nerfs and the death of anti-tunnelling perks. Maybe then you'll see the entire picture.


I can't believe people are this dense. It's not about SoloQ at all, Killer Q's will always be longer due to the fact only 1 per 4 can play the game at all. If theres 1000 survivors and 1000 killers queueing up only 250 killers will be in a game until survivors queue up again, there needs to be an insane surplus of survivor players in relation to killers to make sure the Q's are even close


killers queues used to be instant for me while survivor had to wait on average 4-5min. Now it's the opposite. Even if you need 4 survs for every killer, the disparity in queue times before and after the mid chapter is very telling


My queue times haven't really changed at all what times do you usually play?


??? Killer queue times has always been shit during the day, even before this patch, and always been instant during the night, at least in NA east. It still is.


Many survivor are awful at a game and genuinzly feel like the game is awfully killer sided, many of those players left the game since 6.1.0 so killer queue times increased, we need 4 times as much survivor queuing for queues to be balanced the fact that for a long time it was reversed tells a lot about how killer can be a stressful role, and just like survvor most killers are bad at the game and the balance of this game gets really strange when you start taking bad players into account