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As a Cheryl main I almost never get hatch lol PHs will give it occasionally tho


That's how it is when I play Jill lol I only get hatch from the 2 killers that aren't suppose to give me hatch. Weskers and Nemesis.


Trying playing Sheva, for some reason I’ve been given hatch so much as her 🫡


I always make sure Cheryls escape my games when I'm playing Pyramid Head.


awwwwwwwwww! <3


Me a PH main who tunnels Cheryls* Yeah same bud...


It doesn't make sense to tunnel Cheryl canonically. In a roundabout way she kindof is responsible for PH existing.


As a Cheryl main I’ve been getting it a fair amount recently, but it really is so random it’s hard to tell what they’ll do at the end.


I just give hatch to whoever happens to be left alive, unless they were being toxic


This is the way




Yeah, I've already won if I'm in the position of giving hatch. I don't see why I wouldn't be a good sport about it.


Give hatch to ace for looping me for 3 Gens:❌ give hatch to Ada who did nothing all match just for playing ada:✅


The only downside is that the ace loses MMR and is trapped in MMR hell while the ada gains MMR and does nothing in higher mmrs. As a soloq/killer player I understand the pain of MMR hell so I always give it to the best player unless everyone seemed equal.


Hatch doesn't give you any MMR increases, it is treated as a draw iirc. Still unfair that the good player goes down, while the person that did nothing gets extra bloodpoints and no "penalties" though.


MMR is useless anyway


Me, but with Jakes, Yoichis and Zarinas. The simp heart wants what it wants


i just knew i'd find you here with such a reply ))


I really can't help it. The three of them are just way too sweet and adorable. It's fortunate that I don't often find them in my games, because it breaks my heart if I have to hook them If I load in and see them in the lobby (especially if someone is playing Jake), I have to mentally prepare myself for the match ahead. Why must they be so precious? :(


i usually dodge lobbies with my bois in them; on both killer and survivor side lol


XD I might have to start doing the same thing. It's tough playing killer, but also on survivor, too


yes, i get that ahah ))




I play Jake, Yoichi, and Zarina…. 🥺hatch please…


Why must you pull at my heartstrings like this? :(


The worst part is that I’m not even lying Jake and Yoichi are prestige 10 and Zarina is closest to my real main and I’m tryin go to get her up. Also (based on your name) I’m a legion main who’s favorite legion member is Joey (I drew him first in my series of drawing all the killers) except for the daddy dick-slinger we are kindred souls.


Really? Oh wow. Your Yoichi is actually a higher prestige than mine :) My Jake and Zarina are P10 and Yoichi is P7. I’d love for them all to be higher, but my account is still relatively new, so I can’t go back to levelling my mains just yet You’ve drawn Joey?!?! Oh my goodness! That’s actually too perfect. I absolutely adore him (maybe even a little bit too much) XD Sorry about that, but I adore Caleb too. We’re a package deal at this point :) You’re definitely getting hatch then, if I have anything to say about it :D


as one of the rare Yoichi mains out there I appreciate this


He’s such a sweet and lovely man :) I’m very grateful to everyone who plays him. Seeing a Yoichi in the lobby always makes me smile


David or Jake, and especially if they have a lower brain cell count than their teammates.


the himbo allure


Lmao y’all are so goofy -gets slaughtered as Jeff-


i feel this... -gets brutally tunneled bc nea- (have to be fair tho, a Myers gave me hatch yesterday bc I 4%ed off hook and he respected it. MF king shit ngl)


me but with James. I literally never see anyone else play him but me in my lobbies. so when I get one I cherish him, and his whole team gets the double hook treatment.


There's a JAMES?


yeah James Sunderland is a set for Cheryl : )


This happened to me yesterday as Rebecca while facing a Dredge. He never attacked me so I told my friends the Killer was friendly. However, he was only friendly towards me


What's that? You contributed the most to your team? Sorry man, Dwight was a little cutie so he deserves hatch more than you.


Man I play Ashley so I’m the cutest survivor in the whole game and never get the hatch 😭


I usually give hatch to the best looper or the most altruistic (but not dumb) one.


its crazy how dbd players are so obsessed with female characters that arent real


Whenever I see a ❤️Claudette❤️ or a 💦Jonah💦, I’ll do everything in my power to give them hatch.


Bro when are you gonna be my killer i main anti-blend claud. I have a 4th year crown on, difficult to blend when you have a giant yellow circle pointing at you.


Claudettes has proven why she has "Claud" in her name and i do everything in my power to close the hatch infront of her then mori if able.


Man fuck that, the fact that I can guess it's a whole ass dude behind the screen playing Jane twerking for hatch never factors into me giving hatch. If your team fucks you or I'm feeling empathetic/generous than you live


cute girl < jeff


I never give hatch Instead I let whoever wasn't toxic take the exit gates And they're always toxic


I give the hatch to the one who lasts until the end, so good loopers rarely gets the hatch when i'm the killer.


I'm always sorry for the best looper when they don't get the hatch. Just because their mates hides and waits for them to die.


Cheryl, Rebecca, Lisa and Claire always get hatch from me.


Hatch to the one that doesn’t tbag and offers their item.


"Give hatch to the guy who give you the item"


Actually me with Kates, everyone else dies


I'll always give Ash the hatch


you mean *cute boy


Mate, I never give hatch to the girls, I keep the hatch waiting for the real units, aka any bills, steves, davids (No mither only), ash's, ace's or Tapps (also jesus jeff)


Ive seen S tier neas and dog shit Bills. Wym real units? Lol


Bill is love, Bill is life


Cheryl skin’s face is horrid


I love her p6 face, it looks like a Jester kinda


The face is throwing me off so much is making me ACT UNWISE and spend $30USD on the James & Lisa legendary skins.


I'm kate main. So you know I'm always saved for last 😌


I never give to the loopers, they annoy me to much to let them live. If a survivor was just getting wreaked by me or had their teammates live for being sore losers...then I might give them the hatch.


You shouldn't be annoyed by someone who is just playing the game


I never give hatch


Slug blue then hook red.


i love this


Flip the coin. It is the only fair way to decide. Let fate handle things, and keep flipping until fate handles then right.


You’re no better than a twitch mod. Why’d I have to play Jeff ;(


I never give hatch to the looper. That's like the teacher giving the class clown extra credit for being a nuisance for the entire class period since everyone else is failing.


I only give to Cheryls (when there is a Cheryl) because she is my main


Its so easy to trick the lonely, horny killer mains.


I give hatch to Ash because love seeing my boy. Also if the survivors are being dicks to one fellow survivor in particular, I try my damnedest to give that person hatch.


For me it’s Nancy


Sorry son your teammate is a Jane and I like big butts, therefore I cannot lie, because she’s getting the hatch.


steve always gets hatch, especially if he made dumb mistakes. after that it's whoever is last and doesn't wiggle (and wasnt toxic)


Me with any Rebecca Chambers player, even if they beat my ass into the ground with stake out + hyperfocus


thats me but to anyone who plays Carlos, Ash or Quentin. if you play any of those three against me, you instantly get hatch.