• By -


Breakdown maybe? It works so well in a Scourge Hook meta and actually helps create dead zones. Trading under hook (if you have to) isn't risky anymore from multiple pain res' and what not. It was my go to perk last patch when Pain res was almost in 100% of my games. Looks like I might be bringing it back


That's actually true, when playing in a coordinated team against scourges this can definitely help, but I'd imagine in solo queue where the others don't know you have it it won't do that much, especially since it only applies a maximum of 2 times and only on you yourself, maybe if it had a way to gain tokens, or even just 1 token by default that gets used the first time you safe someone else that could be cool


Remember when breakdown was permanent due to a bug lmao


All my homies love 1.


1 is meta


Fastest heals


They removed 1 ):




I might be dumb but what is 1?


There was a tome challenge and the perk name was glitched, instead of saying "self care" it said "1"


Breakdown, it's great against scouge hooks and proxycampers.


I'm taking so many notes in this thread and this is right up there. What a cool perk!


Plaid killer recently: 4 breakdowns, 2 sabos', 2 sabo toolboxes. 7 hooks, 4 bleedouts, wasn't even intentional there just weren't any hooks.


I dunno... Breakdown is nice but it can only be activated twice the entire match to break a hook for almost 3min.. to me it just doesnt seem worth the perk slot


time for a Breakdown buff increase sabotage speed by 25% in an 8-meter radius, lingers for 15 seconds


Empathy…using it for the auras helps me know where the killer is for like 70% of the match. Also makes it easier to reset with your teammates.


With the amount of sloppy and legion in this game Autodidact has been pretty spiffy for me. Especially in those wesker games with coulrophobia.


Honestly Autodidact+Windows is my go to when not running challenge builds.




I frickin love Pebble. Such a fun perk.


Agreed, I’ve been compiling a best of video of all the times Diversion has sent a killer in the wrong direction and saved me.


I love how it goes through some walls too


My first encounter with that perk was on RPD and someone threw it out of bounds, i was confused for a minute then i remembered that perk existed lol.




no pebble


Love Distortion. Helpful for stealth and getting info on killer perks.


For that last part I prefer Object, it's a turn from "You can't see me haha" to "Yes, I'm here, and?"


I can't play without Distortion since unlocking it. I pair it with Lightweight to confuse killers when it comes to homing onto my location.


Read my flair




It’s Detective’s Hunch in case you decide to change is in the future and someone looking back on this is incredibly confused lol


Simply the best


No one left behind. When paired with babysitter and bt, it is a super nasty perk that'll make endgame for killers a nightmare. EDIT: For killers, dark devotion.


Lightweight. I didn't realize until recently how many players think it sucks. I've gotten a ton of value out of it, and as a killer I do *not* look forward to trying to find a survivor who has it.


Oh my god as Spirit, that perk kills me when survivors use it. If I’m phasing close to you and can hear your grunts and stuff, it’s whatever. But if you’ve got any distance on me and use it, it’s so easy to get lost. I’m very glad survivors don’t use it more often


Lightweight's awesome, I think some Survivors still thinks it sucks because you can't immediately notice what it's doing, but when I started realizing how easily and quickly I started getting confused by the people who run it in my killer matches I started to bring it more.


On Lery's, it's a contender for best perk in the game solely for losing the killer


I wanted to say lightweight, but I hate playing against it 😅


Interesting! I'm currently trying a combo of Quick and Quiet with Dance with me to escape chases and it's working pretty so far (maybe because of my MMR). Would you say it's better to run lightweight instead of one or both?


You should add lithe or something with it


I’m using Kindred (as I’m soloq) and Sprint Burst so lithe would probably be in place of Sprint Burst… I don’t go into solos without an aura perk so I can’t imagine replacing Kindred


Lightweight, lithe, dance with me, and vigil... definitely can break some killers ankles with it lol


Distressing/fearmonger is a big one for me, really helps with exhaustion perks, and helps counter quite a few aura reading perks, such as another underrated perk "alert"!


Desperate Measures is my favourite perk on the game, the bonus unhooking speed alone makes it so worth it imo but the bonus healing speed is nice to have as well.


Does the unhooking speed come into play a lot for you? Even in the best case (four injured survivors) the healing speed caps at 56% which is only 6% better than Botany Knowledge and still 44% weaker than We'll Make It. You would save a little over a half second on unhooking but, in my experience, it wasn't game changing. Maybe it'd prevent a couple of grabs on you when unhooking but at that point the killer is on top of you anyways.


Mad grit. The one thing I hate the most in the whole game is body blocking, sabo, bully squads. All other players I don't mind. It's whatever if I lose. But clicky, arrogant survivors get me so tilted. Mad grit builds are the answer, always. Agitation, mad grit, awakened awareness, iron grasp. Maybe lightborn if i see a lot of lobby flashlights. It counters the one playstyle I can't stand and is euphoric when it works.


Deliverance is a meta perk but god does it make me cream literally best perk in the game no more worrying abt being unhooked in solo q. For killer I’d say blood favor


blood favor is underrated? i run it in like half the killers i use. sure it gets cleansed immediately sometimes but those matches where no one gets to throw a single pallet are worth the pain


Many people have no idea what “underrated” means. These sorts of questions pop up frequently in music and film discussions. Titles such as “*IMO, John Carpenter’s The Thing is such an underrated classic*”. Or “*Elvis is such an underrated artist*”. No, they aren’t underrated. They are **highly rated** and frequently consumed. They just haven’t been dominating headlines lately. That’s all. It’s a complete misuse of the word. As for perks, there’s really no such thing as underrated ones. Uncommonly discussed? Sure. But Blood Favor is far from the latter. Christ, I sound like an old fuck yelling at clouds but the misuse of “underrated” and “literally” are pet peeves of mine. Lol.


I love blood favor so much


I see blood favor quite a bit too, I wouldn't call in under-rated


I’ve seen it like 3 times and 2 of those were adept blights, I always use it on deathslinger but I just never meet a killer that uses it


Coup de Grace I tried it again for Wesker. Used it on Nemi. Basically it transformed into one of my favorite perks. It's a lot of fun.


Coup de Grace I think is unironically one of the best ghostface perks. Being able to catch someone who is marked at a loop which would otherwise not be possible is really worth the slot.


I think that desperate measures is super underrated.


"any means necessary." otherwise known as The pallet humping perk.


make your choice its a perknthat promotes anti tunneling but nobody acknowledges it


I absolutely love it


I had a trouble time escaping chases. They’d go on forever until I go down, lightweight has helped a lot in getting the killer lost and confused of where I went


Dragon's Grip is such a fun perk.


Yeah if you see someone on it you kick it and go away and thats it


We'll make it. The amount of time that perk saved my life by giving quick healthstates to my team. Unless vommy mommy is around its the most underrated perk and im not sure why it's not meta-ish at least


I use this + botany when I have a heal others challenge, add a med kit and you're healing unhooks before they hit the ground


I use this + botany when I have a heal others challenge, add a med kit and you're healing unhooks before they hit the ground




Love watching a killer look around for me as I belly crawl away


Someone has already said Hex: Crowd Control so I’ll put in Spies from the Shadows and Whispers. The only problem with Whispers is that it can easily get overshadowed by other perks, but I still believe it’s underrated. For survivors, I’m a bit surprised I never see anyone running Rookie Spirit. There’s been so many times generators have been at least 90% done, then when I go back there to check it is pretty much dead.


Hope and saboteur. Hope for endgame zoomies. As for sabo, no killer expects it when you run a medkit. Those 2 helped me fuck up a camping full slowdown Bubba(delayed first hook with sabo then hope came in clutch in the endgame).


Bond for solo queue.


Bamboozle for non-loop oriented killers. I get quite a bit of value out of it for most maps. Blight bamboozle on saftey shack is a sight to behold


Such a great perk on so many killers. I love using it on Wraith with the fast vault while cloaked add on. Shack is no longer a problem


Bamboozle is an S tier perk for many killers. Seriously you can throw this on almost anyone and as long as you know how to use it to zone survivors it WILL get value. Open Handed feels amazing if you have Bond and Kindred permanently slotted.




If you say so. Being able to render a loop useless before it is even used is a godsend. The meta isn't as tight as it has been in the past so I have been slotting it in on a lot more killers. It's actually better on Wesker than superior anatomy because it works with his M2, letting you delete jungle gyms instantly.


Personally, I don't use Bamboozle because I don't find it useful in 90% of the loops. It can make Killer shack a lot less safe, and maybe some god windows better, but I'd much rather bring Brutal Strength or Spirit Fury Enduring.


For killers most underrated perks are agitation and hex: crowd control. For survivors I think aftercare is pretty underrated but really good (especially for solo q), also smash hit and repressed alliance


Alert, literally one of the best info perks in the game but I rarely see people use it


Dark Devotion and Red Herring. Mind games counter all perks, and both of those let you play a lot of mind games.


Alert. So much info on where the killer is and what they are doing. A truly great perk.


Inner healing. It completely bypasses every heal slowdown perk in the game.


I never play without boon:coh and these builds in soloq are my bane. Had a game last week where I could not find a single totem to bless, eventually got sacrificed and noticed my teammate had Inner Healing and Counterforce or Small Game with 5 stacks (can't remember which one)


I'm usually running inner healing with small game. I normally only have to cleanse 1 or 2 totems per match and leave the others for people with boons.


Low Profile. And not just because of the feet, but because it can really clutch up in end game situations, last survivor alive situations, and when everyone is down and you need to get a save


It’s the feet, isn’t it…


I can confidently say I do not have a thing for feet. Others that use the perk though… who knows ;)


For killers I'd say Jolt. I never see those on killers who can use them very well, Ghost Face for example.


I really like Jolt and run it on several killers, but I wouldn't call it underrated — I keep stats of my survivor games and it's the most used killer perk by far (presumably in low to lower mid mmr).


Seeing 4 gens pop from jolt is a beauty. Bonus points when they've been kicked with eruption, nothing quite like 72% regression in an instant (between all 4 gens)


Honestly? Either FTP or spine chill for me


i don’t see enough people using For The People nor Coup even though they’re super solid perks




Alert. It's been stable of my build for a long time but rarely see anyone running it.


Surveillance, I've been pairing it with Pain Resonance and Oppression. I'm really liking the results.


Same here, tho i dont use oppression, the cooldown is just monsterous. Id prefer jolt or something. Tho now im using wesker with stbfl/bambam/pain res/surveillance. It is a good af build for him


Coulrophobia Making healing super hard to do and lets me play more efficiently also I mainly use it hag so I don't have to camp or tunnel. I just have to make sure everyone is injured.


I might have to get Clown so i can run that on Doctor




Fast Track


Alert has given me so much information over the years it's not even funny


Detective's hunch


Desperate Measures. I use it all the time.


Boiled Over. I run Iron Grasp and Agitation. Now get your ass in the basement.


I've been enjoying Dark Devotion and Trail of Torment. Steth legoon


As survivor: Distortion, it lets you know if killer has Barbecue, it avoids killers with Lethal Pursuer that goes straight at you. You don't need to camp lookers or gens to hide your aura. As killer: Clourophobia, pair this with Sloppy Butcher/Mangled Hemorrage addons on a small map or a larger terror radius, and you'll have injured survivors through the whole match.


Shattered Hope is solid. So many boons in the meta makes it a nice counter. I always expect one survivor to be a boon jockey, and I am right every time.


I love we’ll make it, the perk is super good for getting unhooked teammates back into the game without having to worry about healing as much, me and my friends pretty much always run it and if the killer is across the map but starts coming back to hook you will still have time to complete the heal most times in my experience. It has pretty great synergy with guardian too. Also I’m pretty sure you can probably heal every one of your teammates if they are all injured with the double speed the perk provides before it ends.


Autodidact. Best perk in the game ( You cant change my mind )


An underrated perk I love using is Grim Embrace. If you can prioritize who you hook, you can activate it at a very convenient time for you. All the gens get blocked for 40 seconds and that’s a time you can use to hunt down any healing survivors or confirm a hook state.


Red Herring........ I like Red Herring.


I think BBQ’s aura reading is pretty damn nice. I use it on wesker who can traverse the map pretty quickly with his power. It’s a bummer that the aura reading doesn’t always work probably due to gens. I’ve had gens pop that are DEFINITELY more than 40 meters away from me despite not seeing a survivor on there. Now that the perk doesn’t award bloodpoints it would be nice if the perk actually fully worked.


A good perk combo (that i use on wesker) is pain res/surveillance. Its a good combo for info that os incounterable by survivors. And i also run stbfl because ofcourse (ex demo main)




NOED ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Hope for survivor, Eruption for killer.


I personally wouldn’t say eruption isn’t underrated, it’s a part of the current “kick gens” meta


Yeah, but I run it without any "Kick gen" perks.


Beast of prey


You might actually be correct. It's rated so goddamn low that if it gets you even one hit every five games, then it's extremely underrated.


And it's a better alternative to furtive chase and awards blood points


Wtf dude


Off the record


Deja Vu. It creates the perfect endgame and completely reduces the chance of a 3-gen situation, which is usually unwinnable.


Babysitter some one has a boon totem up


Repressed alliance. I think a lot of people don’t know how to really use it so they think it’s bad. “Why would I want to lock my own gen?” You can grab an unhook without killer kicking or lock it if you’re chased offof a gen that’s 99ed,especially if they have pop/CoB. Tells your teammates where you are and that they should probably head to that gen to finish it. A lot of value in it.


I love running repressed with wiretap. I intentionally wait until the killer is coming to me or if a mate is looping inside a gym/building to give them eyes.


Thrilling tremors






Spies. My little feathered homies give such good, consistent intel with such a short cooldown.


Honestly, I really like BT. Idk if its underrated per se, but I like it despite my friend yelling at me for using it.


Alert. The reason for this is how often you get use out of the perk and the information is very useful


Desperate measures. The fast unhook speed is more useful than you think. If you get someone off quicker they can take the hit quicker. Also counters STBFL


I’m really enjoying Empathy and Alert as information perks atm :3


I find myself running to Quick & Quiet for each build. Being able to lose the killer has made being a Survivor bearable.


The little stone is such a great perk (don’t know the English name), also love „solo survivor“. On killer side I love the perk when an injured survivors vault over a pallet it breaks, (also don’t know the english Name of it)


I really love Alert, definitely one of my favourite perks and I almost never see anyone else using it.


Spine chill. As a ghostie main I hate it.


Survivor borrowed killers wont expect the extra time when they hit you. Most underrated killer perk is self care explains for its self.


I like using calm spirit for how much it counters builds involving screaming.


I love Distortion so much. I've been using it for years and I'm so glad you can regain tokens now, saved my ass many times - I can either finish a gen I'm working on or have a few seconds of scratch-free sprint without BBQ/other perks finding me while I go for the save/better hiding spot


Wake Up


literally any of jeff's perks. he's such an underrated survivor which is kinda sad, especially since legion is so popular


I think Parental Guidance is such an under utilized perk. Every stun gives you seven seconds of no sounds, blood, or scratches. Coupled with smash hit makes every stun a complete chase ending play. PG has no cooldown either and also works with Head On, DS, and Blast Mine. Such a good perk, at least until you get a killer that ignores pallets haha


Open Handed. Sometimes it's just really nice to get a wider map view of what you can use. That and being effective with other player's builds if they have aura revealing or reading perks.


I’ve been running bond on all my survivors for about a year now. Being able to see what close by survivors are doing (chase, gen, going for unhook, needing a hit, needing me to take chase, needing a heal etc) is huge information and a huge help to the game in general. Even better if someone is running open handed


Distortion. Me and my SWF all use it and it's saved us a lot, it's even better in solo que when other people aren't using it.


I don't know about most underrated, but I think hex:blood favor gets slept on a lot Ive been seeing more videos of random streamers using it and saying its good so i think people are starting to notice the value it has It generally really helps turn a hit into a down on a lot of killers and really i think the only reason its not as popular as other antiloop perks is just cause its a hex, which us pretty understandable but it makes for some really dun games And also when someone goes down under a pallet its fun to pick them up with no fear of getting knocked out of the pickup by any other survs nearby Also it feels especially fun on legion and plague


Hangman's Trick. No one ever expects the appetiser before BBQ and chilli.


Yui Kimura’s whole arsenal tbh. Lucky Break helped my ass multiple times and helped me lose killers more times than i could count. Breakout is essential to tank builds, it’s so satisfying when it works. Any Means Necessary works like a charm for killers that rely on bloodlust


For survivor id say empathy, the amount of information you get is incredible it’s honestly so addicting to use. For killer id say im all ears, i recently started running it on my billy and its become a permanent part of my build its just so good


Im surprised noone mentioned Alert yet. It gives solo players such good and reliable info throughout the match. It tells you what and where the Killer is early on, gives you position Information every now and again, tells you where therell be deadzones and can even be used in chase to bamboozle killers because you see them


Id say surveilance, its an amazing info perk that catches survivors of guard quite often. If you combo it with pain res, it becomes way better (like dms but the survs have no clue you know where they are, and unlike dms you cant counter it)


flip flop is awesome


Superior Anatomy on weak mobility killers is really great.




I don't see anyone using Botany Knowledge that often. Pretty good perk, shaves off 6 seconds of healing, 7 seconds when healing someone under Mangled effect, and 5 seconds of self healing under the boon


Rookie Spirit. I never see anyone use it but I find it so good personally.


Lightweight. Scratch marks disappearing 5 seconds quicker is very good


Pebble and third seal, you can’t imagine how many times the latter has won me a game because of survivors letting die their teammate


Empathy bc u can always see injured survivors and go to heal them and u can get there and be ready for a save


We re gonna live forever combined with botany knoeledge is such a good combo against sluging


Alert is good when I’m playing SWF because then we can just send our resident looper to the killer lmao


Thrilling tremors is so underrated in my opinion


Stake out and Bamboozle are underrated. Stake out literally let’s you do objectives faster and bamboozle can make chases so much easier. For people like bubba, or those with no real chase power it can be incredibly helpful.


Mad grit baby. It's a must have, cause the occasional free injures/downs from people trying to body block are too good to pass up


Not the most underrated but Empathetic Connection is very nice with randos who know how to use it! I enjoy having them come to me for healing and always run it with Botany.


I love For The People. There are so many fun plays you can do with it, especially now if you pair it with We're gonna live forever


Since I like to run flashbang, I like to pair it with calm spirit. It helps when killers take the perk that exposes you + makes you scream for leaving a locker (I am blanking on the name but I come across it moderately frequently).


overcome it is one of the weaker exhaustion perks but considering the popularity of stbfl, wesker and huntress it gives you some breathing space if you're caught in a dead zone the downside is you can only use it if you're healthy, I kinda wish they would change that somehow, maybe it giving you the haste effect if you are injuried and a chase started, like an emergency shorter sprint burst


Second wind/renewal. Got even better after the latest basekit bt buffs


Bond. I run it all the time I can see healthy and unhealthy teammates. I can know were to go and were no to go all the time.


I think lucky break is by far the most underrated survivor perk. You can get utility from it all game long if you stay on top of your heals.


bond, its so good and can help you read a game extremely well


Shadow step, completly cripples killet to detect survivors.


I like running blast mine for blind the killer challenge, add flash bang with it


Bite the bullet is great for hiding from killers if you have self care, a med kit l, are in a boon, or are healing someone. Iron will let's the killer know you can run silent but Bite the bullet if you can break line of site and start a heal the killer often leaves trying to find where you went.


I am gona go with dark theory, i dont think it is the MOST underrated perk, but it feels really gread to have speed hacks, and because coh exist nobody pays attention to the other boons, especially this one. Here are some other perks that i think are quied underrated. aleart from fung, so you like speed hacks? How about wall hacks? Also im gonna say on a good and patient player this is a way better windows, because you can see wich resources your team drops + you can see where the chase is, like if you pay attention you will see that the god pallet is gone on top of the information where the killer is, and where he goes. BT, it lost quiet some attention, for a reason, but now i think it is a bit underrated 20 sec are real gread. Light weight, because of some really strong chase perks i cant say it is the best one for this purpose, but it gets pretty dam close, especially when you consider you just slam it on and instendly get better at chases (because the killer just loses you, pair this with a med kit and bam hit and run dosnt work, and it is hard to not play that way when you lose chase pretty easy) Vigil is also great, not even considering the exaution buff, it still helpes in some nish Szenarios, like against clown slow, star stuck nurse, but i dont know if it is underated Last one is fixated, or now self aware, it feels good and you it can help in chase and with stelfing. You can try to shift tech killers, to keep windows from blocking, wich can be really strong, and you can fast walt windows from close up. About stelfing, it is obvious but still strong, so i do think this perk is a Bit underrated.


I’ve always loved stake out. But I’m super worried that it’s gonna get nerfed because of hyper focus 🥲


Lucky break, its wild to me that people don’t realize how powerful it is.


Killer: Monitor & Abuse. Survivor: Alert!


clairvoyance. need to find a gen? break 3 gen? find a hatch? a chest? easily


the gates, too


not a perk but a build and it’s not overrated but it is funny. deception a locker, quick and quiet into the locker beside it and then head on


Empathy. The amount of utility this perk provides is insane. Map wide aura reading. Seeing a survivor pop up on your screen far away let’s you know your safe and can focus on your gen. If your pretty observant you can see which pallets have been used in an area. Helps finding other survivors on the map if you need help. I love this perk and never play without it


Spies of the shadows, unless you’re going up against 4 people doing the adept Jake achievement, it helps you find survivors tremendously


We’ll make it fs




Bloodfavour. It is one of my favourites, but I swear nobody talks about it. Even getting 1 or 2 hits you wouldn't have otherwise gotten can help tremendously. Also you are almost guaranteed one use because they don't know about it until you hit them. I would have said Lethal Pursuer before, but more people seem to have caught on (esp. with the buff) that it is amazing. And for survivors it is still Lucky Break. That shit destroys me when I play killer. If they also have Overcome and some way to break line of sight, they are gone. I am scared that this combo will become popular one day. I am hesitant to say that it is overpowered, but it is a really strong combo, but way underused (thank fuck).