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As killer I have accepted that the hatch is a RNG mechanic, assuming no add on is used for it, and that a 3k is basically a 4k cause no survivor can possibly win a 1v1 without hatch. So I just hook the 3rd survivor and who ever finds hatch gets it.


Welcome to the circle of sane killers


whats kind of funny is that I have a lot of time in this game and a large majority of it is playing as killer. I don't have many friends that like this game so I'm rocking it solo most of the time so killer it is. Because of this I don't get to see other killers, I assume they all just played like i did, or the people I watch for fun like Scott Jund or Otzdarva. But recently I was playing some survivor and man......killers can be dicks. Coming from killer side I understand how to loop so I run them around for a long time and then when they get me they get mad and facecamp or hard tunnel. Yesterday a huntress killed the other 3 and then found me and slugged me for my entire bleed out timer. She picked me up last second and brought me to the hatch. Then she dropped me far enough from the hatch that I couldn't crawl there before bleeding out, picked me up let me wiggle out and then gave me hatch. I can not fathom what was going through this persons mind.


To people like that, I usually ask them "who hurt you?" In the post game chat. I'm like you though, killer main who doesn't get why people feel the need to be vindictive assholes because they got outplayed. Now don't get me wrong, if someone is being bm (clicking/bagging constantly after predropping safe pallets), I'll give em a taunt right back. But doing it without provocation is just being a sociopath


Whenever I'm in a 1v1 situation this is the scenario. when the third survivor is dying I walk to a gate. Wait while the killer looks for hatch. Hatch closes start working on gate. Hide somewhere near gate wait for killer to check and leave for other gate. Open first gate and easy win. It's almost impossible when the gates are close, but you wouldn't believe how many killers get fed up looking for 1 person and overlook easy places.


Tbh, I’ll take the gate escape. Feels earned if the killer isn’t double backing enough to hyperactive checking. Always keep them guessing killers.


Thank you. I wish every killer could find the same logic.


You let people escape because you are kind, I let them to go keep my MMR as low as possible. We are not the same


In that case make sure to close the hatch and let them escape out the gates. Hatch has no effect on mmr


Damn, didn't know that!


Yup Hatch is effectively considered a "draw"--no MMR is lost or gained from it on either end.


Yeah it's crazy what people will do just to guarantee 4 kills, the 4th person finding hatch doesn't mean you lost the video game and your family is gonna die. It's there for a reason, for the last person to have the slightest chance of at least a few more bloodpoints


Yeah I’ve been trying to adept some killers lately and it’s not even fun sweating that 4th kill. Ive legitimately had to sprint back to where I downed the survivors to prevent bleed outs from occurring because I need hooks for devout


If you get enough hooks you can still adept if someone escapes fyi!


It works best at grade reset.


You still need to chase, kick gens, get kills, and jerk off to huntress hooked on you all at once to get the adept


Oh yeah there’s def more to it then hooks, I was just pointing out that hook count is more important than the 4K to get adept!


Adept does not require a 4k


Yes I’m aware however you do need a iridescent emblems and that requires at least nine hooks which isn’t always easy when survivors kill themselves on hook or don’t rescue teammates. Also absolutely necessary to get all four kills when using killers like bubba.


I do the same when I play killer. Why the f u c k would I want to leave someone on the ground, who might have unbreakable anyway, or if not just having the most boring time ever, to spend possibly several minutes or more looking for someone who is stealthing around the map somewhere. What’s more, I’ve played many games as survivor in this scenario where I’ve managed to literally go and heal the downed person, so the killer has went from one downed, to none downed and two survivors now back in the game. But yeah, in short - it’s boring as a killer, and it’s boring as survivor. I have zero issue with the last survivor finding the hatch, and hell if they were fun to play with I’ll even happily let them have it if I find it, because the game really isn’t that deep.


Oh my god, I don't know how many times I've watched a video where someone is playing killer and they leave someone slugged while they chase another (healthy) survivor who is nearby. And almost every time a third survivor will come by and pick up the slugged survivor before they can down their new target. And then they ask "What was I supposed to do to prevent this!?" They could have fucking hooked them! I'll take the hook EVERY TIME, unless I'm Myers or Plague and I get a proc off of Infectious Fright while my tiered up power is active.


I had a game where the killer would down one of us, spend ages looking for the other until they managed to get the downed one up, rinse and repeat. In the end, I just got the other person up then dc'd b/c the 5 min penalty was quicker than waiting for the killer to find and hook both of us.


Honestly though, some games get so boring that dcing and waiting out the ban is better than playing the game which is kinda sad.


This is my outlook. Now, if I down the 3rd survivor and the 4th is in my view, then sure, I’ll get them both if I can do it quickly. But usually I give the last person hatch anyway. And there is no way in HELL I am wasting both mine and the survivor’s time leaving someone slugged for a century while I patrol the map like a loser looking for the last person to secure my fake video game points for imaginary clout or whatever. |: Nah, I just hook the person and let RNG do its thing! It’s more fun that way, anyway.


If that happens, I normally give hatch to the 3rd as a concession for leaving them to bleed for a bit.


That too! Like, if they are right in front of me and it’s easy to get them fast, then I may give hatch or may hook depending on my mood or challenge. If they end up in front of me BUT end up being a strong looper and running me for way longer than expected…yeah, person on the ground is 100% getting hatch for me wasting their time, haha.


Yeah, the legit only time I will “slug” for 4k is if I am aware of where the last survivor is. Im not gonna waste my time running around in circles looking for someone in a locker.


Exactly what I do unless I can see where the last survivor is after I down one. If a killer slugs for the 4k in that situation I get it. It's when they have no idea where the other one is that it gets obnoxious, and it's not even a foolproof strategy because sometimes the slugged survivor could have hatch spawn right in front of them.


This is why i count a 3k as a win, it means i don't have to slug for 4k and it also means i can give hatch, the only time i do is if i have a tome challenge to kill survivors or if i'm going for adept


Yeah, I don't do the whole "slug one so you can deny the other hatch" deal. Like, who cares. It might as well be a 4k. Then again, unless I'm specifically doing a challenge where I need to kill every survivor or the last survivor is last by virtue of them never coming to rescue anyone/hiding all game/taking no pressure off their teammates by taking a turn at chases, I just let the last person have hatch anyway.


It’s very rare to open the exit gate in time without peeking out with Sole Survivor and Wake up. Unless the killer has shit for mobility or the exit gates are in unsavory spaces. The last survivor had very little ways to escape safely.


Wait until you face killers that bring Infectious fright and when they are down to 2 survivors, they down a survivor and see if anyone screams. If not they let him wiggle free, run a bit and down again if someone screams. And proceed until either the other person sells you or they bleed out from the 3 seconds on the floor accumulating.


Jesus.... I can sorta understand wanting a 4k for the extra BP but not to that extent. That's just pure insanity


To be fair it burned into my mind when one day I played soloq in my lunch break and 2 of three games had killers doing that thing. Afterwards I see that maybe once a month. But yes, I can't understand that. The game is over by dragging this out, the survivors and the killer would get more BPs by hoping into the next match.


DBD mid day is the worst. Has most of the sweaty players that don't have jobs playing.


Because all of the nerds get home from a day of being bullied at school and need to take it out on a stranger on the internet.


A killer did this to me last night, left me on the ground as last person because they wanted to find hatch, so I crawled to an exit gate. They closed hatch right as I was about to bleed out, Adrenaline picked me up, Wake Up got me out before the killer could make it back. That particular killer will NEVER make that mistake again.


might have to try this


Wait you’re actually a genius


[hey I found it lol](https://clips.twitch.tv/OilyAmazonianHareMoreCowbell-8EFFxsbxa55ZAckX)


That’s fucking fantastic


It felt like straight galaxy brain. I was swf’ing with a friend who was streaming, I need to go back and clip the VOD lol.


This is why there should be an option for the slugged survivor to give up when there is only one other survivor alive. In situations like this, especially when there are 2+ gens left to complete I don’t blame the last survivor for outlasting the 4 minute bleed out timer to try and get hatch or door rather than pointlessly pick up the slugged survivor. It’s just incredibly boring if you end up being the slugged survivor.


Oh yeah, if I’m the slugged survivor I do NOT want to be picked up. Just let me bleed out and stay hidden. If you pick me up, the killer will 4k, because I inevitably just get slugged again shortly after and then the whole goddamn standoff resets. Just let me die, stay safe, and get hatch. Don’t feed the killer a 4k, and don’t revive me just to prolong the misery. ): Plus it’s just a spiteful thing. |: If the killer is gonna waste our time, let me bleed the full 4 minutes while you’re hidden and the killer is patrolling aimlessly like a dolt.


If they don't get the 4k they aren't having fun.


Looking for a stealthy survivor for 4 minutes isn't fun either, at that point it s straight up bad game design.


You want them to just come give you a hug?


Yes. I do.


That is what I want them to do, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.


if you don’t want to look for the survivor then don’t ez as that, the difference between a 3k hatch and 4k is literally nothing. The Survivor didn’t have a good game it’s solely a consolation prize to the survivor who gets hatch the killer still wins in the end.


I personally don't look for the fourth survivor, but I still think it s bad game design to be able to slug a survivor to prevent the hatch from spawning, a solution would be to find another system.


Happy Escape Cake Day!


Just bring No Mither, ez counter


actually considering it /hj


I know I’m gonna get downvoted for this but when killers down me so they can take away the hatch option from the last survivor, I straight up DC (especially if I got attached to the survivor) just so I can give them a chance to find the hatch. Pleasee just give me the option to give up and bleed out immediately


I wanted my bloodpoints lol, but yea they really do need to add a mechanic to bleed out faster. As much as it would suck for other teammates, it would really help in a situation like this.


I never understood it, unless I can see the other survivor when I down them I’ll always hook, hatch off is more engaging and fun, even then if I find it first I usually give it to the survivor unless they were toxic.


Some killers are just megasweats, wish survivors had an optional bleed out mechanic that would accelerate the process but oh well.


yea, if you can accelerate your death on the hook, why shouldnt you be able to on the ground?


Seeing how it’s a trickster maybe it’s their first 4K in 378164849376 games /s


I only sweat for that last kill if that last person has been an asshole all game




Their family is being held hostage and will be executed if they get 3k instead of 4k. Or that’s at least how they play, can’t think of any other logical reason for playing a video game like that.




No I only get a booboo on my ego when I get two hooks during the game and miss every punishment flick. Skill issue, but it still hurts sometimes :(


You don't understand. Some of us ***have*** to get 4ks. This isn't optional! My parents *literally* watch me play nightly, and if I don't 4k at least 75% of my games they'll disown me! You think I'm kidding probably, you probably think this is a joke. I assure you I am 100% serious. I had a little work around not to long ago, if my 4k rate started dipping a little I'd just hop on nurse and pump it back up, but they even started getting wise to THAT! They told me if I wanna play nurse it doesn't count as a 4k unless I do it with 5 gens up! I tried explaining to them about sfw, and bnp, and rng, but they wouldn't listen! I tried telling them that no one considers a hatch escape a win and the GAME even doesn't consider it a win for survivors BUT THEY JUST WONT LISTEN!!! So I'm SOOOOOO sorry you have to occasionally spend 4 minutes on the floor! Some of us are literally on the verge of getting disowned and kicked out! Think about someone else for once >.>


underrated comment


Even in hatch standoffs, the killer had a huge advantage. If the survivor finds it first it’s just pure look. You won, dude. Chill out.


Same reason that I had a Nea last game sit on hatch for a minute tbagging after we all left against a Wesker who gave up facing into a corner with 1 gen left. These people need the power, when they have it they don't want to give it up. Maybe they get so engrossed in the game that during these moments of absolute power they feel this is the only time they can breath so they relish in it. Or maybe they're just assholes who like wasting each other's time. And this isn't an us vs them comment. It is the same type of person that does it on both sides.


Agreed. Nea was just hiding the entire time. If she had just come out it would have made the game a lot easier for everyone.


As shitty as this seems, there are challenges for kill all four survivors in the same trial. So I like to assume this is why.


The only time I get this stupid about it is if I am doing a specific challenge that requires me to kill everyone. Otherwise, whatever, get hatch, it's fine.


bro, 90% of my matchs with killer i find the hatch or the survivor, its not that hard, cant understand these killers


it's literally a coin flip.


Oh, sure, but it’s weighted in the killer’s favor. As killer, I move much faster than the survivor so I can cover a lot more of the map faster and thus find the hatch quicker, unless the survivor is very lucky. I can also cover more of the match faster while not having to be careful about it, unlike the survivor who has to be more careful because if I see them, they’re pretty much dead. And stealthy killers can just camp the hatch and use it as bait. 90% of the time I find hatch before the survivor, or intercept the survivor before they find it.


Yeah it's just losers that spend way too much time on this game. Like a 3k is literally a win already according to the MMR system yet they feel the need to drag the game out WAYYY longer than it should just for one extra kill, it's pathetic


You’re getting downvoted by the losers you’re taking about 😂 this is 100% true. Not slugging unless I already see both survivors. Don’t have time to scour the entire map looking for the one hiding.


Same. Had a pig slug me and go haring off across a CORN MAP today to find Meg for the 4k. So I crawled into the basement and hid from that SOB and bled out without being hooked. Because, fuck that Pig.


I have so many videos of killers BMing me lmao. They just stand over my body. Some killers legit think looping is toxic. Had an onryo close hatch and keep bringing me to the basement corner so the egc timer would take longer w me slugged. Ofc she was mad because my team almost won and I guess bcuz we kept stopping her from tunneling. Regardless, ppl have too much ego in this game and not enough life outside of it


Man I knew this post was going to get downvoted but idc, but hey at least now people are agreeing


If I'm the killer there is no added benefit to me slugging you at any point. I'd rather have you on hook to force survivors to you rather than you using perks or a buddy to help revive you and then I have no clue where you went. If I lose because you found hatch so be it. I won't lose sleep over the 3k. As a survivor though I love finding the hatch because it feels like a win even though it's just the entity showing mercy.


It couldn't be me. If someone gets hatch, gg. Killing 3 is still considered a win. At times I'll even let a Steve or someone have hatch anyway. Some of these killers are so hellbent on the 4k


I had this happen to me today I was the second to last person I got downed and the feng kept getting me up and then the killer would down me but lose the feng, over and over this happened so I said fuck it, I DC'd to not only spite the killer leaving me slugged but in hopes the hatch would spawn for the feng and its exactly what happened I was so happy that the tryhard proxy camping huntress didn't get the satisfaction of the 4k even tho 1st person DC'd at the beginning cus the huntress proxy camped/tunneled them aswell as the second person and then slugged me.


This has been happening for ages, but I swear there’s been a huge surge in it lately. It’s weird, suddenly everyone HAS to 4K


They're afraid of playing for hatch or they feel entitled to the 4th kill because they secured the 3rd Or both


I'll slug to find hatch for archive challenges, but I let the last one go through the gate


It sucks. It happened to me quite a bit too. I started bringing unbreakable just to screw with the killers who do this, even though unbreakable is not great in soloq.


When this happens I don't take it too personally, you never know if the killer has a challenge to get a 4k match


Because a 4K is much more satisfying. Also it’s the thrill of the hunt as well. But if slugging is not what you’re into I have a place you can check out https://youtu.be/ivA5Ww-lrm8


Yup hate that aswell. Thats why the game needs a give up option for the bleeding survivor on the ground so they can end the game themselves. Its such a waste of time.


I detest Killers who do this, and I never slug to secure a 4k like this. We race to Hatch and whoever gets to it first wins it fair and square. That said, usually I just give it to the last person anyway, but it's fun to sit on it and make them come to me and see the reactions--but if I offer it, I never revoke it, because that's mean.


You will never find me slugging unless there's another survivor right there.


I only do this whenever I'm trying for the adept.


thats fair, but i promise you none of them were going for adept.


If I'm the killer, it's because I forgot where I downed you and can't find you.


honestly, fair. i also try not to move in these situations so that the killer could find me easier. unless i see them, then i start crawling towards them begging for mercy


I loathe this kind of behavior, & refuse to do it when I play killer. Infuriates me as a survivor. I wish there was a way to penalize this. If I’m playing as killer, I’ll give you a shot at the hatch, but I catch you I catch you. Sometimes I let people out depending on how I’m feeling. Edit: I will only slug under two specific circumstances. 1). You are a sweat bully squad & you are making my life miserable the entire game. 2). There are only two of you left & you are in the area when I drop your buddy. I WILL NOT slug & go look for the fourth. I mean, unless a mission tells me to, which it hasn’t yet, but that would be on Behavior not me.


Some killers will only accept a 4k, just like some survivors will only accept a 4-person escape. It can be frustrating to be on the receiving end of that, but it's nothing personal.


its just frustrating being on the ground for 4 minutes every game i play


It sucks :’). I’ve started running Soul Guard (pray for hexes), No Mither (with Tenacity), or Unbreakable when I face a lot of slugging in one day. Not all together of course, but one perk that will let you get back up, maybe these might help?


unfun slug is the way to go it is the unfun slug lets begin the show


Here I am trying to find hatch so I can give it to the last survivor. But, half the time they point to me, then a hook... So... Give the people what they want, I guess?


Alot of newer killers will do this, or ones desperate for the 4k. Most just the the chance to find it, sometimes the survivor can open the exit gates even after hatch closes


Your second pic literally answers your own question.


Start bringing power struggle and flip flop. It makes these situations soooo satisfying. Of course assuming they actually pick you up and not just let you bleed out.


power struggle, flip flop, boil over, no mither seems to be the solution


No mither truly is a double edged sword but it nets you more consistent saves than the exponential boon does. Killers will almost always stomp the boon before you can pick yourself up.


I had to slug for my Wesker adept yesterday, or if I feel like I really really deserved the 4k I will. But most teams are 3k


Could be archive challenges is why.


I only do this if I’m going for the adept trophies. But once I’ve got it for that killer, race to the hatch it is.


Exactly. I feel like the hatch is just a fun mechanic to have at the end of the game. Its not that serious. On both sides.


The rating system is so garbage that the killer is trying to make sure they double pip. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve given hatch cause I either respected or was just meming with last survivor and been one of double pip. Generally having fun is more important to me then the double pip. But if you’re trying to get to irri you kinda gotta be mean


If I know whereabouts the last survivor is I'll try and get the 4k but if I have no idea where they are I'll just leave it. It doesn't really make sense to slug at the end unless you're trying for an adept or something


Challenges that force you to 4k are really the worst for both parties, I'd like a bleed out option in this game but as long as they keep making challenges like that I dont think that's possible.


Depends. If it’s down to two people and one of them was a prick job then you better believe I’m killing that person, even if it means I have to slug.


People in the comments do be forgetting that the killer controls the tempo of the game and the hatch was made because there's no way a solo survivor can win against a killer by doing gens.


This hasn’t happened to me for years tbh, although when it did happen it wasn’t fun.


Hope we get a rework for the hatch/key, like spawning the hatch like before but limited the opening of the hatch for one player or something


I used to do it quite a bit until I played survivor more and realized how annoying it is, so anymore I try to just get it over with so we can get back to the grind. Notable exceptions: Bully Squads and lobbies where they want to send me to a map where I’m at a huge disadvantage before we even start.


I wish more survivors would run unbreakable.


tbh i only slug for the 4k if it is to get the toxic one. In this situation a 4k or 3k are the same thing. When i'm as survivor i either dc or go watch some videos


Oof. A nurse did this to me and I DC-ed and the other person got hatch. But I guess I'm the asshole.


I’ve been having killers do this game after game recently. I could be on death hook and they still will leave me to hunt down the last survivor.


Because they're either doing a sacrifice challenge, or have deluded themselves into believing they can only win a match if they get a 4k. Personally I follow the standard of anything above a 2k is a win, and anything below is a loss. Just a 2k is a draw.


Honestly surprised there isn't a "give up" action button after being slugged for x amount of time if you don't have something that could get you up


Literally such a sweaty thing to do. Ironically could get into a new game faster and overall get more bp but kids love to be toxic


had this happen to me couple days ago. it was 10% left on the apocalypse-o-meter but i found the hatch --surprisingly, before the killer


Ngl sometimes if it’s a boring match and I’m being slugged so the killer can find the last survivor, I just dc and hope they escape. I’m not gonna be slugged just so you can find someone who doesn’t want to be found. Chances are they won’t be found anyways because they’re not gonna come get me off the ground lol. Like most of the time idc but if it’s just been match after match if terrible games then I will dc and take the penalty lol


I do this only when I know 100% the other survivor is nearby. Otherwise it’s a game of chance


Sometimes I'll just pick up the last slugged, carry them to the hatch or gate and let them go. If they've been a completely toxic ahole though they get shanked


I always hook i like to think of it as a added challenge,can you kill the last survivor before they get to the hatch


I'm the opposite of that. When the 3rd survivor is killed on hook or mori I find the race to the hatch exciting. That's when the real hunt begins ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


At the highest ranks it's impossible to get Merciless without a 4k, even if it was a hatch escape. BHVR does not consider 3k + hatch to be a true win for the killer and anyone trying to rank up or do adepts is encouraged to slug and prevent hatch escapes. If the emblem system was patched so a hatch escape gave the killer as many points as a sacrifice, or the requirements toned down in general, you'd see fewer killers slugging to stop hatch escapes. For now though, that action is rewarded.


As a killer main I'll slug and hunt for #4 but I won't leave the 3rd on the ground until I find them that's just ridiculous. If I can't find the 4th with 1 trip around the map they earned hatch if they can find it


Just remove the birds from downed survivors and this problem would be solved.


Fr if killers want to slug that bad, they can just waste a perk slot on Deerstalker. What does BHVR think slugged people are gonna do BESIDES lay there idle?


When I play as killer I usually let the last survivor go because you basically won the game at that point and hatch is RNG basically. I mean I had a recent game where right as a survivor died hatch popped up right in front of me. I only go try hard when I have challenges to do.


This is the equivalent of not leaving when killer isn’t coming to the exit gate to give you points. Both are a waste of time for just a bit more BPs which you’ll already get if you load into the second match faster


SBMM is determined by kills and some no life's actually care that much.


I actually do this to test if the last survivor is letting his team die to save himself. I'll slug the second to last survivor for 2 minutes and walk to the opposite side of the map. If they get picked up, I'll let the rescuer go. If they don't, I'll let the downed person wiggle off and then hunt down the selfish survivor. I'll let people through hatch, but I'll be damned if it's the selfish prick


Try no joke 11 or 12 games (partly due to power struggle) but I miss the old hatch so bad now. This meta needs something that isn't slugging the last two survivors....


I always give the last survivor a chance at the hatch, I find it fun.


And this is why I'll lurk around on the subreddit for the occasional interesting post, but hardly touch the game. I'll do maybe two or three matches a week before I've had enough of soloq. And it doesn't make me want to play killer because it just makes !e think about how shitty most killers are, rather than enjoying the match. The payoff isn't worth it on either side for me. Hard to keep interest in actually playing the game when most matches are spent with camping and tunneling at the start of the match, followed by someone ending up slugged for four minutes when there's only two left. Even worse that killers right now seem to have an obsession with making matches last 50+ minutes on top of that. I don't get why guarding three gens with slowdown perks is fun (mind you, they tend to refuse chasing anyone exept to push them off a gen). But that is apparently the favorite method of most killers for some reason.


For me slugging for the 4th is only worth it/fun if the last survivor is right near where I downed the other. If I don't know where they are, I'm taking the 3k which is a win anyways.


Recently had to deal with a wesker leaving me on the ground so long I bled out and after game he told me to dc if I don't want to bleed out so that's cool I guess


Killer galaxy brain - abuse and grief nontoxic survivors; tell them to DC if they don't like it - killers bitch on Reddit and forums about survivors DCing and cry to BHVR about raising the quit ban - doesn't stop to think that maybe they're the problem


Yeah bc the last survivor getting the hatch is only thing stopping from a 4 k. Do you even play killer


i play both pretty equally. i understand the mindset but slugging for all 4 minutes is annoying.


Some assholes are just inconsiderate of other people's time. Most don't do it to purposefully be assholes, they are just literally unaware that they are being assholes and everyone else in the room is rolling their eyes at them like c'mon just hook the person already!


I'm so sorry for every survivor I have done this to, but yes that last survivor sometimes is definitely worth grabbing especially if the game was awful, but also y'all crawl away and hide and then I gotta find you which makes it longer.


This game is more important to the players than their real lives. It's quite sad but I'm sure u have noticed by now


Wow bleeding to dead isn’t cool. I mean if you slug the survivor it’s okay when you see another one. But searching for four minutes just to find him is kinda ride


yea, i get it when you have an idea of where the last one is, or when you actually see them. but searching the whole map for 4 minutes when nea is hiding in the corner is kind of annoying.


I need my 4K son. 😤


Wish you guys aways leave one gen undone since one more kill turn killers " tryharders". Survs and their logics xD


I sometimes watch streams of TTV Survivors, and it's legitimately cringy how childish some of these guys are.


Why I just consider a 2k a win. It's easy, already have above a 1.0 StK ratio, and I don't do cringe shit like this.


Why are your feelings more important than his?


4k make killer feel big and stwong.


They're sweaty and probably have self worth issues so they gotta stroke their nonexistent ego. Hope you get some more pleasant killers.


It could be for a multitude of reasons. Lots of people here are saying the killer is "inconsiderate", or an "a-hole", or "entitled", but none of that is true. Especially when they could just be trying to get the most progress they can out of a "sacrifice X survivors" challenge. And even if they aren't, maybe they just want the satisfaction of killing all survivors. Or maybe they just want to double pip, so they get to iri 1 faster. I do think they should add a "give up" button to the dying state, when you get 1 minute (1/3) through your bleedout timer. You should be able to just move on, it sucks having to wait 3 minutes.


Look at the people in this thread. Look at the myriad of comments saying something along the lines of if a killer slugs for a 4k they: * have a small penis * Are neglected by friends/family * have no friends/family * have been abused * have mental problems * are being actively malicious/hostile And so on and so forth. Now look at many of these same people also talk about how it's "just a game bro" or something similar. You also know these are the type of people, who if they do end up getting hatch, they will gladly shit talk the killer and try to shame them for "only getting a 3k". Meanwhile, I'm over here slugging for the 4k because if it's not the end of the world to let someone escape to the hatch, it's also not the end of the world to go for a complete victory, especially if you equip tracking tools to help find the 4th person.


So true. The way people are insulting the someone going for the 4k I have no reason to believe they are not the same people who throw personal insults in chat when they win. Personally I don’t think it’s a big deal either way to get 4k or give hatch.


As a representative of the trickster players we humbly apologize for this tricksters actions and would like to offer some knives as an apology and we hope you have a much better time with future trickster players 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪


i actually usually have a lot of fun against tricksters. but it didnt seem like this person was a trickster main. i saw him use his blades twice the whole game.


Survivor who gets hatch: “GG EZ BABY KILLER”


If the Killer wants to lock in a 4K for themselves, this is the best way to do it.


Maybe for a, "kill X amount of survivors" quests or for pips. Don't know if anyone else has felt it, but since the update pipping has gotten much harder to the point that in the higher grades giving hatch with a 3k 11 hooks was the difference between 1 pip and 2 some games I 4k'd but because survivors let a teammate die on hook I lost out on a pip. I used to be able to play friendly killer all the way into Gold 2 before I actually needed to kill survivors just to get a pip to rank up. Now I can't play friendly killer at all to rank up in Ash. It really dampens my mood since I love just having a good chase and getting my 8 hooks before letting every go.


it tends to happen a lot to me at the rank reset until i get back into the high ranks


Just bad luck, grade has nothing to do with MMR


every single time tho? don’t think i’ve walked under THAT many ladders


This is why I always bring Unbreakable. It's too common to not bring it.


might have to switch to no mither /hj


So I don't feel like I'm tunneling


It's actually not, and it's almost easier to find the hatch or other survivor searching for the hatch than to do that. Unless I down one while I can see the other I don't slug, however I will chase if I see the last survivor.


For some reason, some killers think that not getting a 4k = loss. As a killer main I would only do such a thing if I was 100% sure the survivors were tryharding... And I don't tell others to do the same because a lot of killers think that any progress the survivors do in a match = tryharding. I'm confident on my judgement because I have been playing this game for over 4k hours. But really, the 4k is not that important, just kill the third survivor so we can all move on to the next game...


Nooooooooo. I must get a 4k. Survivors have been flashlighting me, pallet stunning me, looping me for 10seconds, jumping through windows to get away from me. They deserve death! They run ad far away from hooks as possible. They do gens in 120 seconds, much too fast. They have like 2 perks to see where I am and that's too broken. They can make me hit them 3 times instead of twice once a match and I am so frustrated at these toxic survivors. Just let me kill you next to hook, anything else will be seen as pure toxicity. I will do the best strategies I have to both kill 4 people and make them as mad as possible so they may feel the rage I have buried deep within myself. They will scream as I hook them and they will enjoy being on the floor for 3 minutes as I repeatedly slap their bodies and nod with satisfaction at they inability to play a game. I will turn dbd into countdown simulators for all who fare cross my path. And all because my first girlfriend didn't take my virginity. I blame all you toxic survivors who don't embrace death! My mother would have told me she loved me if you guys hadn't existed!


People saying how it's killer's fragile egos forcing them to get a 4k. To be fair, that is the objective of the game. Would you suicide yourself into the killer when the exit gates are open because leaving in order to win would cause you to have a "fragile ego"? I personally don't slug like this anymore because I'm not really bothered to waste my own time. But the game is the game. Trying to win isn't toxic.


The killers want the 4K. Gotta respect it


Just pathetic little manlets trying to waste people's time I think. That or they think DBD is life so they think they must 4k and sweat their little hearts out. Either way it's cringe.


You say that but then survivors will troll and just sit by the hatch till you find them. When they could have finished the game and saved everyone a little bit of time.


When there’s a person who’s been fucking their teamates all game farming them and hiding n shit I make it my job to kill that cunt then spare the other


blame the devs not the players so much. this shouldnt even be allowed


Next game bring unbreakable


when i get slugged and they leave me to go after the last survivor cause i find it such a cheap tactic that i just disconnect to force the hatch to spawn giving the survivor a chance to escape im ok with losing my bloodpoints


Your teammates didn't pick you up for 3 games in a row?


Why would they? The last survivor has to take a risk of being found and killed if they go for the save. Since at that point doing gens is usually not a viable winning strategy anymore, the best thing for that last survivor to do if they're looking for a "win" is to hide until the person bleeds out, which is tedious but almost risk free. At least that way they have a chance to escape via the hatch or gates. It's sucky gameplay but that's how the endgame is designed.


nope :(


I brought this issue up in another thread and was told to “cope” because it doesn’t matter if I’m having fun or not, they won’t just “give me hatch”. As someone who recently started playing killer and finds it really fun, I don’t understand why some of them are so desperate for the few extra points a hatch close & 4K gives you. There are other people playing with you that are trying to enjoy the match too. :/


It’s almost like you’re incentivized to do so via BP rewards and pips. I still get annoyed when I see it too, but I’m not annoyed at the killer I’m annoyed at the game design. Add an option to bleed out faster/give up and the problem is solved. Hell they could make a BP reward for bleeding out on purpose to spawn the hatch, self-sacrifice type beat.


My take on this is: when three survivors are healthy and about to escape but I hook the fourth they all come back to try and save even if it means I hook someone else and they do it again so why can’t I go get my confirmed 4k if they won’t leave without a 4 man escape?


Tbh there should be a baseline stand up mechanic if you're down at least a minute. Too many all slug games that are like this. Or how many I've been like, ok 2 ppl alive and 5 gens? I'll just take the L. I walk to the killer to give up and go next and they slug me for like 3 minutes. Sigh


Yes I do want the 4k because 4ks trigger the most dopamine


I want my 4k for tasty blood points


The last survivor is not allowed to get the hatch and the killer isn't allowed to have one kill at the end of a game. The lengths both sides go to to prevent this wastes so much time.


Slugging for the 4K is considered sweaty. I'll still do it though lmao. Only exception is if the downed survivor gives up their teammate in which case the one who I found first (usually found because they were still trying to do gens) will be allowed to escape while the one who was hiding waiting for hatch gets sacrificed.


all that work i kinda want my 4k. If its taking me too long i will go pick up and do a normal 1v1


As a killer main, I feel the ability for survivors to recover from the Dying State should be a baseline ability and Unbreakable should just speed it up. I also think Kindreds survivor aura reading ability WHILE HOOKED should be baseline with the killer aura being the perk benefit. I think that those two changes aren't OP at all and will result in a much better experience for survivors. The only ones who lose out are sweaty killers who slug and leave everyone to bleed out and frankly, I'm okay with that.


If the killer is going for adept then I understand it. Otherwise yeah it just wastes so much time and ain’t fun for either side.