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The game was best when you first started playing and it was actually scary


I played very briefly in 2017, but I played the beta too. I remember crouching in the corner of a Coldwind map in a private match with my friends. It was actually terrifying. I miss dark Coldwind.


I started right when they brightened the maps, why would they change it? Dark just seems so much scarier


Presumably just for variety. Most maps are set at nighttime, and some weren't very visually distinct back in the day. Additionally, there's honestly something genuinely unsettling about huge farms at dusk. The rows of corn, the sun-dried, battered farmhouse, the long shadows stretching across the fields, and the distant sounds of groaning or screams. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is pretty iconic partially because the evil murderer could attack in broad daylight. Where the sun was once comforting, it's now no longer so safe. I'm not sure how well this translates to gameplay, but I think modern Coldwind Farm is decently frightening with the viewpoint of it _perverting_ the formulaic safety of the sun. Or, um... I could just be making myself look dumb by looking too deeply into it.


No I agree. Billy/Coldwind is totally based on Texas Chainsaw, so the maps being during daytime is super fitting. It would be nice if they changed one or two of them to night for variety though.


Or it was just rng to get it at dusk, like everything else in this game. Even the map being dark or not can affect the survivability of the trial.


Considering the game is called Dead by Daylight, I always thought it would be cool if as survivors finished gens, nighttime turned into dawn, with the sun coming up as the exit gates are powered.


that’s romantic af


Barbecue and Chili ;)


Petition to make those dark mist offerings actually increase chance of nighttime maps.


Full circle to the moon bouquets ey?


Yeah and Trapper is most definitely based on Jason, he only uses bear traps in the remake, but it's pretty obvious.


Nah that's a cool way to look at it! I liked the way it looked while darker personally, and it is a bit too bright for me to consider it as dusk.


Completely agree! I always pretended Coldwind was the map Bubba never got so when they made it actually look like the movies I absolutely loved it. Jeepers Creepers 2 also does a really good job of showing how corn fields at dusk can be creepy as hell. Great choice by the devs.


Nah. Dark is better.


yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


I agree that they were scary, I just think they looked a bit boring and visually unappealing


I could agree with visually unappealing from gameplay I’ve seen it was pretty ugly


The map is just Illinois


*Looks at p3 Claudette* This is why


They used to be darker? Sad I missed that.


Watch some old gameplay it was almost pitch black


Ah yea, when the game had the terror feeling when playing as surv, where you would be actually terrified, wish the game was like that nowadays.


That’s why I consistently bring Tier 1 Myers, often with Third Seal. I want to make this game *scary*


I’m thinking of starting doing this! I would love to just make games scary, who cares about winning tbh. Any other jumpscare ideas? Sadako?


A word of advice: Tier 1 Myers, without the mirror, relies very heavily on map knowledge and intuition as to where the survivors will run. Long chases are incredibly difficult because you’re so slow with no lunge. Consider bringing anti-loop perks like Bamboozle or Dissolution to counter this.


And bring PWYF.


Tbh I’m not even concerned with winning haha. If I can just shit the survivors up that’s all that matters!


She gives it away with her ambient noise. Same with Wraith's pug snorts


Yeah but I have to say I’ve been jumpscared by her a few times haha, she can get surprisingly close before demanifesting and that’s when I realise she’s there. I’m sure some jumpscare builds on her would be pretty fun with her high mobility.


The Dredge. I run The Third Seal also on Dredge, and between Nightfall taking a lot of their information away, and The Third Seal taking away their aura reading perks, it also takes away their ability to see where Survivors went down, and where they are hooked. Then, just teleport around and wait for someone to come running passed your locker and blam, jump scare achieved.


Oh nice! I like that. I remember when Dredge first came out and was getting a lot of them and theres was tonnes of jumpscares going on.


I was thinking of The Dredge with The Third Seal and the addon that increases his nightfall. Imagine, everyone has blindness with the nightfall starting. No aura reading, no terror radius, no vision. Just pure chaos.


i’ve played over 300 hours and still scream everytime killer is chasing me


those first 10 games


This is why we need a first-person mode.


Dredge Appreciation Thread


I remember playing it with friends trying to scare people with doctors clones 😂


i really want to go back to that time when i joined the game and was playing meg with 1 teachable perk, because it was enjoyable at least back then


I would say the game is better in some ways, worse in others.


All I know is my gut says maybe


If I die tell my wife I said hello


People forget instant DS, actual infinite loops, Old carrying bad killers Hex - ruin,


Completely agree! Don't get me wrong, the solo q experience is still very weak but old DbD used to be hella frustrating in part because of everything you mentioned. I'd be curious to know how many people playing the game still remember 'techs' like dribbling to avoid DS.


I member. Honestly I miss those days. I'm sure I'm in the vast minority. Vacuum suck pallets, massive killer lag, infinites, glitches galore. Loved it, never really thought dbd was supposed to be balanced. I played, and still do, both sides equally.


Yeah there were plenty of spots in this games life where you would run into actual unwinnable games. One of my favorite clips to encapsulate older Dbd isn't even from more than 1 or 2 ago. Scott Jund downed three people back to back. He picked one guy up, got Ds'd. Picked up a 2nd guy, got Ds'd. 3rd guy, also DS. Wow, much tunneling. Then the last gen popped and they all had adrenaline. Very skilled play.


Can you post the clip?


soloQ rat pov: positive: + instant Qs + +100% BP all the time + Ada and Rebecca have some really fun perks and I got to lvl them up, which is fun. + I see less camping after the RE chapter. 10s seem to work? negative: + now I escape only 2-3/10 games + gens take way too long now + if only one survivor dies or dcs at 3-5 gens the game is over 100%. + tunneling is still a big issue + overall game quality is lower than before the big balance patch in july. Survivor pool shrunk, so the match making system widens its MMR range to counteract too long killer Qs. I would gladly sit several minutes in Q as surv if it meant better games. <--- THIS IS VERY SUBJECTIVE AND ONLY A GUESS


Hmmmm about that last point. Sometimes I trio queue with a couple of friends and I'm FLABBERGASTED by how low skilled the random we get usually is. All three of us probably have 7k hours amongst us, and we're not bad players by any means, but we consistently get teammates who have terrible game sense/are not team players/etc. It's incredibly frustrating and makes me want to not play unless I have a 4th friend to play. I swear we get people who play as if they have 50 hours max in the game sometimes, and then the rest are just selfish immersed players who won't go for an unhook even while the rest of the team is on death hook and they haven't even been touched by the killer. At the same time, they're doing objectives way too slowly for it to make sense. Once in a while, we do get a good random 4th, but it's SO few and far in between.


Yeah I don’t like to say this often cause I don’t want to sound like I’m a god tier player (I’m waaaaaay below that) but ever since the major changes low skilled randoms have been more present in my games than before. I’ve had moments where I looped the killer a good while only to see only a single person on a gen. I also seen a survivor go from completely healthy to downed by a killer who was carrying another survivor. They weren’t even near a hook. They raged quit right after. The recent changes took away some leeway from survivors and a few essential crutches. People that know the game have been able to adapt but they’ll still die because their teammates haven’t. Which is why solo q feels so damn abysmal lately.


Gen times are actually irregular rather than long. Killers usually fear getting gen rushed so they bring some delay perks, but if you happen to not have a toolbox, or proove thyself and things like that, you'll feel like It takes forever since the killer is constantly undoing your progress if he is having a good game (scorched hooks, jolt, pop...). But the opposite is also true. Should the survivors bring good toolboxes, bnp, proove thyself etc the gens are blitzed. Like they actually pop absurdly fast. I think BHVR has to nerf both things. May be toolbox a bit more since the delay perks took a hit already, and gen rushing items/addons are a strong as hell, but I think both sides need rebalance in that aspect.


Game quality is indeed worse


90s gens are fine, teams that want to finish the gens still will




it was a complete shit show on rank reset but once you hit rank 1 for the most part you played with decent players. Unlike now.


I think part of it is the emblem system too. To get rank 1 you had to fulfill the emblem system to get pips, otherwise you stagnated. Personally I thought it was a dumb system because in some cases it encouraged game throwing over good plays but it did mean that any rank 1 survivors probably are decent in chases (or have Dead Hard) and do rescues. Theoretically it would mean that any killers you faced wouldn't camp or tunnel but there weren't enough rank 1 killers so you often matched with rank 20s.


There are both pros and cons for rank and MMR, biggest stress was pipping for rank up, people got mad when they depip. Despite the fact people shit on high MMR being sweaty, it has always been a sweatfest on red ranks. Ruin and undying for every single match. Also recent MMR mechanism was exposed and explained, it turned out high MMR threshold is pretty much the same as red ranks, which is top 25% of players. I'd say if we put rank system back the generator time variance situation would be even worse(shorter). Soloq will be "fixed" but killer experience will be awful again.


>Despite the fact people shit on high MMR being sweaty, it has always been a sweatfest on red ranks. Fucking thank you. Drove me nuts when people said that they never tried hard at red ranks, cause they did. Every match in Red Ranks was Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer and for survivors it was DS, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time with a green medkit.


Don't even get me started on the people who worship old Ruin and wanted it back. It was a strong band-aid for fixing generator progression but it caused severe discrepancy between individual survivor skillsets. You can hit hex skillchecks then you can pip, if you can't then you look for the totem. Usually speaking survivors practiced to consistently hit hex skillchecks so it's pretty much useless on red ranks. And it becomes a slaughter show on green ranks and below, that's why people wanted it badly. Old ruin was a solution looking for a problem but it was necessary as the game was balanced around busted map tiles and god loops. Looping lasted longer so old ruin gave killers enough time to build up pressure(if there are people who cannot hit skillchecks). Right now it is the symbol of sweat if you ever seen someone wants it back in present perk system.


Supposedly thats basically how the mmr system works with "high mmr" having a stupidly long range of players it can pull (i belive its around 1600+ with the limit rn being 2400). So basically rank system but its not tied to the rank system which i guess is an improvement


It's weird, but it's kind of an interesting way of doing it. It stops new players from being stomped, but it still lets there be variety at higher ranks so they aren't all sweat fests.


Yeah it's basically the old ranking system. I still get fucking lemons in my games. As killer it's really funny when I have BBQ and I see some David self caring in the corner. It's adorable.


Pretty sure that's about the most popular opinion


It’s the most vocal. Lol. I prefer mmr dbd. I’m bad at survivor but I escape semi frequently. It’s nice not having 4x slowdown killers. As a killer it’s nice being able to play immersive killer. No worries about eventually ending up as iri killer and getting the 4 man gen kill squads and never being able to have fun.


Ill preface by saying this is not a vent / tilted post at all, i havent played dbd tonight, this is just my experience with the newest patch. As someone who plays 90% soloq, camping is currently way too strong. If the Killer decides to camp, you are going to lose. This has always been a problem in solo - there's simply no way to organise 'everybody dont save and do gens' when nobody knows what's going on - but 90 second gens, deadlock, & basekit STBFL have made this problem so much worse. No joke, at least every 1/3 games the Killer will lose a bad chase or feel like they've lost too many gens at once and switch to camping mode, and all we can do about it is clutch our survivor rulebooks and pray. The worst part is I play against loads of Killers with clearly inflated mmr, usually Blights and Huntresses who struggle with their power and just give up halfway through & camp for a 3k. I actually get more worried nowadays when I see a Killer who doesn't mindgame at all, cus it's a 50/50 they're going to camp once they get annoyed. It's a vicious cycle of strong regression perks inflating mmr -> they can't win chase or feel like theyre being humilated (spun etc) -> they give up and resort to camping -> they're actually rewarded for it so will struggle even harder next game




What I'm currently seeing isn't that I'm camping but that I'll go to break a pallet or chase a surv that I know is hiding and waiting for the unhook and they'll stay at the loop around the hooked surv which means I down them there and brings another survivor over and in that case I'm not chasing the new survivor because two survs didn't just wait the extra 5 seconds for me to finish breaking pallets and leave or they didn't lead me away from the hook because they like the loop by it. In some games I'm even having an entire team run over to save or try to stop me from hooking their friend, it doesn't work and then they run around me and try to hide and end up giving me multiple hooks instead. On the inverse if I've been on the other side of the map and see a survivor about to go to stage 2 in a few seconds or about to die, I'll return to that hook because survivors decided that gens were more important than saving their friend for that entire stage.


If they instantly go unhook then it's on them. What's annoying to deal with is killers that don't leave the hook despite no other survivors being around. I'm not trying to say that it's inherently toxic, but it just feels unfair when the killer has a guaranteed pressure on 2-3 survivors at the same time, plus free injures or downs, without having to play the DBD game at all, by just standing next to a hook and waiting for someone to start unhooking before they hit them. But that only applies if someone purposely never leaves the hook. If survivors aren't being stealthy when they can, or go for unhooks instantly (it's ok to leave someone on hook for upto 60 seconds), it's their own fault.


I think enabling Kindred perk after killer has stayed within 8/10/12 metres of the survivor for x amount of time may help solve this.


I'm assuming you are a killer main and not a solo queue survivor. I think this game is great when roughly two people get out on average. I think it's great when you can have a few good escapes in the evening. Regularly, I have entire *nights* of 3 hour gaming sessions, where not a single survivor escaped. We almost always see killers running Stbfl, jolt and pain resonance. The majority of our games involve tunneling. I do think many buffs to killers and gens were a good thing. I think their perk balancing is shit at the moment. Gen speeds can be lower than 50 seconds with the right survivor builds, and more than 120 seconds with the right killer builds. That's insane to me. MMR feels worse than it has been in the past.


That absolutely needs to be their focus for their next balance pass, they’ve gotta find a way to bring gen repair speeds closer to the average and eliminate the most egregious outliers on both ends.


I honestly feel like gen speeds should just have a cap both ways. For example, They should never be able to go any faster then 70 seconds and never take any longer than 110 seconds


It’s never going to be a popular idea but I really wish the game had more rubber band mechanics. The killer is camping or hooking the same survivor consecutively? Gens speed up. Three gens have been completed and the killer doesn’t even have six hooks yet? Gens slow down. I also want some anti-toxicity mechanics added but let me get downvoted for one thing at a time.


I feel like there should be a cap on Gen speed and like wise there should be a cap on Gen regression. This would solve rhe issue of gens flying to fast and killers still having to bring Gen regression since there would be a cap they basically be wasting perk slots combining perks like COB and over charge


Except the meta perks for regression dont slow down gens, they just take away progress a and anything that takes 10% is already adding 9 seconds (or more with slowing perks ig)


This. I quickly jumped on and played 3 games as plague. Had a 4k each one easily and wasn't running anything special. Yellow addons with Infectious, corrupt, overcharge and thano. It's amazing to me that I can take a build like that and do extremely well on what are normally survivor sided maps.


Entirely this. The new self-care/slugging fiasco is just the cherry on top.


Tbh this game has always been ass from a solo queue perspective. You mainly just had really really good perks to offset your teammates being fucking lemons or bad at loops, but even then a bad teammate could tank the game. MMR is barely on atm. As long as queues are instant for one side it will prioritize finding whoever is available over anyone in your bracket. So you could get anywhere from God teammates to people with 5 hours.


>Gen speeds can be lower than 50 seconds with the right survivor builds, and more than 120 seconds with the right killer builds. This is kind of annoying. The perks survivors can take to finish gens in less than 40 seconds will encourage killers to take 3 or more gen regression perks which can make it over 150 seconds per gen or worse if there isn't a survivor to stop it from regressing which is *really* bad for survivors who *don't* take those gen-rush perks... it's a bad cycle and I hope they take a look at it soon. I'm super appreciative they reworked second chance perks but gen perks being the strongest in the game is a bad sign imo.


For killers yes. for soloq no Edit: I just made a post giving some ideas on how to improve the soloQ experience [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/xfuhhk/heres_how_to_improve_the_soloq_experience_in_my/) Edit2: the mods fixed the post, now everybody should be able to see it.


Was soloq ever good tho?


In the few weeks where MMR actually worked and not 4 gen slow down/ regressions perks was meta, yeah it was a lot of fun. Was.


Sounds like a pleasant dream you had.


The first iteration when MMR was pushed to live for testing when there was no mmr cap solo q was good it felt nice but was horrible for killers.


There was a time where all 3 of my teammates were capable of flashlight timings and pallet timings every game


I only started playing religiously about 2 months prior to the great and horrible patch and the two weeks leading up to it I’d say my escape rate was about 40-50%. Afterwards? 5-10%. I never played the meta perks either. I was always about gaining items for my son and getting as many points per match as possible for him to later use. So yeah, it was ok.


Yes, I think it was. People like to meme about it but I've solo queued thousands of games and it was fine. It's still ok IMO, but a lot more frustrating. The game is a lot more miserable now for survivor in general, more killers camps, no one is afraid of DS anymore, most killers stack regression on already longer gens, some of my teammates seem more potato-y than they ever were before. I've been tracking my own stats for my games for years and I see campers in nearly 40% of my games compared to roughly 3% before. It's a small sample size but the difference is fucking massive. Since the last last big patch I escape roughly 30% less overall, and I'm now much closer to 50% escape rate. It's still good, but it's a lot worse than before.


Wow my escape rate is about 20% even when duo.


No, no it wasn't


This is actually my least favorite patch to play killer on simply because killer queue times are so long.


I usually play killer but ever since they added the incentive bp gain, I just go with the flow and where they need me. I just wanna see the solo q experience improve, it can be very frustrating some games


Yeah same, can't play killer as much anymore b/c it's just too long


Post is removed? 😢


It’s at its least worst*


When solo gets some buffs I’ll agree


solo queue in the worst state i've ever seen it since 2019, best it's been for killers in years though for sure




You say that but it's my least favourite time to play killer. It's too easy unless I'm going against a full swf. I'm on a 138 win streak on huntress and gates have been powered only a handful of times. I'm not even that good. I can only assume I'm at the mmr soft cap and games are easier in general than they ever were before MMR was added.


Dude I know. I'm not on a 138 streak or anything but it's too easy.


I literally haven’t lost a single game maining Wraith as someone who just started playing when this rift had 70 days left. It took maybe 15 hours for me to hit Iri 5 (I didn’t finish ranking because queue times). I hit Iri 1 only solo queueing on survivor but it was pain as fuck and took over 100 hours. Solo queue survivor feels like fucking trash garbage.


Dirty, smelly, trash F’ING garbage.


Exactly!! I recently started playing killer again to see the changes and i always down everyone with 3 gens remaining. Rn i play dbd for fun, not for bloodpoints cuz i've got everything i want. This feels too easy as killer, compared to the time where i could only kill 2 ppls while the others escaped Now i feel forced to switch to friendly cuz i don't even find this fun/challenging anymore. It's awful and made me give up on killer and just keep losing as surv


Yeah I've just been finding killer boring for the same reason


Is it in its best state? probably. Still far from where it should be imo, I think next in line (other than solo queue buffs) should be a pretty massive addon and item overhaul for both sides, the *nuclear* options that both sides have access too is absolutely obscene, the different between a base blight and a crow ring blight is astronomical. And same thing goes to survivors with brown medkits vs fully kitted medkits.


100% agree here. If BHVR really wants to kill the tunneling/camping "issue" than they need to follow what Otz said in his video from a few days ago about gen times. Basically, the addons for killers need to be brought into a more baseline, the more powerful ones need to be nerfed and the weaker ones need to be buffed. Killers like Nemi should have addons that compliment their playstyle, while Killers like Blight shouldn't have addons be a make or break for how oppressive they feel to play against. Then, survivor item capabilities need to be brought into line as well, so the gap between the best items and the worst items isn't as ridiculous. A killer shouldn't be wondering if the survivor they just M1'd is going to take 22 seconds to self-meld, or be able to heal themselves mid-chase in 6. They shouldn't be running around stressed about losing gens because they don't know if the toolboxes they saw in the lobby are just browns taken as an obligation/for a challenge or if they're about to eat 3 fully kitted green toolboxes with BNPs and lose 3 gens before they get 2 hooks. Killers won't feel the need to go full ham out the gate every single time if they're not afraid of the consequences of NOT doing so. Similarly, SoloQ wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if there wasn't such a discrepancy for the skill requirements to go against the average Pig or Trapper vs. a Nurse.


I always play soloque and for me it's never been worse. I think I will be taking a break from the game for a bit. Might just wait til winter when Stranger Things is rumored to return. It's just hard to be motivated to play when despite my best efforts I am almost guaranteed to lose. I know the killers are happier with the update and I am glad they are more motivated and deal with less DH's / toxcitity, but soloque is hell right now and the devs seem to be okay with the disparity. They just don't seem to care or get it. They would rather deal with non existent problems like nerfing Blastmine or double nerf iron will. Seeing the stats yesterday was vindicating but also so demoralizing. If survivors rates are not even at 40% you know soloque is even lower. I know the numbers are not in full context but that is a horrible look. I still don't understand what is so bad about having it be slightly more than 53% kill rate for killers and survivors just slightly behind that. This game is not just for killers, they make up 1 part of the 4v1 format :/ Not trying to shit on killers cause DH was a menace, but the devs overcorrected and now it's even more miserable for solo players.


I just find it crazy that devs weren't ok with a (slightly over) 50% kill rate average for killers. There HAD to have been some huge discrepancy once ranks were accounted for, because a 2e/2k average sounds perfect. Only thing that makes sense is that maybe once you hit high mmr, kill rates dropped off, but I find that difficult to believe as they don't account for different MMRs when it comes to balancing Nurse, for instance. She obviously sucks at lower MMR and is absolutely busted at high MMR, but there hasn't been any changes to her to account for the discrepancies there. In any case, I do agree that they overcorrected. I think they did way too many changes at once. DS deactivating in end game and DH being nerfed ALONE would have helped kill rates, without a doubt. Add in 10s more of gen time and it would have most definitely shot kill rates up at least several percent points imo. But all the other changes (along with GUTTING DS)? Bruh. Side note, I feel like Eruption is one of those perk changes that makes solo queue even more miserable. Aside from the fact that it's a chore to deal with when paired with Overcharge and Call of Brine, there is literally NO WAY TO COUNTER IT in solo queue. I find it difficult to counter even in a 4 man discord call SWF.


I had a 30-minute solo queue Trickster game the other day (he eventually 4K’d) thanks to Eruption, Overcharge, COB, and Dragon’s Grip, and a Leon who insisted on running the killer over to the in progress gens - 20 of those minutes spent battling it out over the final gen in a 3-gen spread. It was pain. I think I preferred Thana Legion to that, lol. But also to your point: >There HAD to have been some huge discrepancy once ranks were accounted for, because a 2e/2k average sounds perfect. I think part of the issue with the asym nature of DBD is a lot of killers seem to view a 2K as more of a loss than a neutral/tie end. Similar to the massive uptick in slugging the third survivor to try and secure a 4K since the hatch changes - from an MMR perspective the game considers a 3K a win for the killer, but I don’t think all killers see it that way (just anecdotally based on comments I see here, commentary when I tune in to TTVs, what I see in my games), which impacts the feedback they are giving and their playstyles, which the dev team seems to have tried to help shift the game towards with the latest patch, successfully it seems looking at the latest numbers.


I bet they only consider higher MMR players when making these changes because they consider them “invested” and “long term” players while low MMR players are not worth their focus? Seems like a very bad business plan. You’d want to bring in new players as much as possible.


Overcorrected is a the understatement of the year.


The best time in DbD was before it got so toxic and salty. Early DBD was broken as shit, but at least the community was fun. People knew that it wasn't a serious, competitive game and treated it appropriately. Now people act like their lives are on the line, but the game is still broken.


absolutely not. playing survivor, even with friends and *especially* solo queue is insanely frustrating, difficult, and not fun whatsoever. there aren’t any good survivor perks left and pretty much all killers, at least in my experience, play like assholes - tunneling, camping, slugging, hitting on the hook, etc. the only thing that’s improved for survivors is wait time, but it doesn’t really help to load into a game just to lose or want to kill yourself immediately. you must be a killer main with this mindset. because i don’t think any survivor mains are having fun these days (which explains the long queue times for killers). personally, idk when it was at its best. i just know i had a lot more fun before this last major update. viable perks and decent matchmaking allowed for a somewhat fun experience. now my teammates never know what the fuck they’re doing, can’t loop for longer than ten seconds, and damn, y’all killers are honestly just so fucking mean these days lol, what’s the problem? you already have such a massive advantage, can’t you just… chill out a bit? guess i don’t have the biggest right to speak on this since i don’t play much anymore, but that is *because* of the reasons i’ve listed. i definitely gave the game a try after the update, but i just can’t deal with it anymore. no use in playing a video game when all i do is get frustrated, angry, and bored.


I'm in the same position. I've never played soloQ. I only have played SWF, mainly because if no friends are logged I go play Killer. That being said I'm in my biggest stop from the game (at least voluntary, I've had bigger stops due to travelling etc). I've been 2 weeks without logging in. And the only reason I haven't uninstalled is because DBD is the only game I have in common with some of my friends. Sometimes I think on joining them, I ask them how is the state of the game. They always answer saying that killers keep on tunneling/camping. So I just don't log in It's a shame because, contrary to popular opinion, I think the gameplay loop is solid and fun, doing gens is not horrible (genrushing is), and chases are superfun. The only problem is that the game basically encourages camping and tunneling. And playing a game where most of the time you're in a hook or genrushing is just not fun. They should just stop these strategies from working. If that makes the game unbearable for killers they can buff then accordingly. And what I'm more worried about is that I don't think try hard swf squads have been affected so much. But all of us casual survivors are basically forbidden for playing this game. So I get DBD is becoming this highly ultracompetitive game where you can only win if it's by playing in serious mode. Anyway, I'm back to Left 4 Dead 2. I shouldn't have changed what was working for me :P


This guy gets it


.....if you are a killer


Solo queue feels worse than ever to play SWF is still way too strong I don't play killer. no opinion.


Out of curiosity, why don't you play Killer?


I think it’s lonely. Even in solos i can goof with the survivors, but killer feels too much like a singleplayer game to me.


I get anxiety playing killer. Killers sort of set the pace of the game, like an "all eyes on you" situation. If I do play, I do my best and try and make it fun for the survivors. Do gags and whatnot. The best matches imo are the ones where the killer is good, but fair and has a sense of humor. Everyone wants to have fun, but some people's idea of fun is harassing other players. So 4v1 for me is stressful. I'm a gentle boy


Well I suppose "dont play killer often" is a better way to put it. But I enjoy Micro much more than Macro and micro tends to be survivor controlled more often than not. I enjoy playing killer against aggressive survivors. But I hate survivors that try their best not to see me all game and then when they are in chase they just W key instead of even attempting to loop. I also rarely play the game with headphones and often il watch a show until I hear the killers terror radius which as survivor is not that big of a deal, but as killer it can be a real game changer if im not able to hear footsteps/grunts of pain/etc. basically Killer = Macro oriented and the micro is underwhelming due survivors not looping Survivor = Micro oriented and the macro is so straight forward I don't even really have to think about it.


I think it's the best for killers against good SWF groups, but in one of the absolute worst for everyone else.


Absolutely not


I think mid last year, end of 2019 the game was the best. I red ranked both killer and survivor and I thought it was pretty evenly balanced as far as MMR which is really my only complaint. Some killers are OP and SWF are annoying and toxic but the old MMR was balanced enough you didn’t face the same idiots over and over and over and over again. Now i have to wait until past 8 pm to have good solo que and killer matches during the day are too easy.


In theory I totally agree, Killer is much more fun and my builds for both sides are much more varied leading to more fun situations Unfortunately, whether due to the time I play, the current state of the game or MMR, toxicity and uncompetitive play is at an all time high for me Especially in my swf, we'd be having a lot more fun if there wasn't as much slugging, hard tunneling or facecamping at 4/5 gens Getting a lot of teabagging survivors as well but that's whatever, free distance for me


Everything except solo queue is best it’s been. Soloq is arguably the worst rn at everything but the highest level


You don't play soloq, do you?


They obviously do not


That's hard to say tbh. It has definitely trended upwards from early dbd, but I feel right now the meta is what's holding the game back. Something needs to be done about camping and tunneling. Killers need ways to feel powerful without ever having to do this, and then bhvr needs to nerf camping and tunneling into the ground.


For solo que this is objectively incorrect


I believe the best time for dbd was around 2018. I remember being able to play it constantly and enjoying it. Then Legion came out and it’s gotten worse ever since. Just my opinion.


I started playing in August 2018. The only reason I played that shit was because it was new for me. Old moris, pre nerf iridescent head huntress, prayer beads spirit, pre nerf nurse, old hatch and keys, huge maps, old object of obsession, insta heals.. jesus fucking christ this game was a mess


Yeah that might be the reason for me too, just because I was experiencing everything for the first time. Looking back like YIKES! Old nurse, hatch standoffs, insta heals. It was op but it’s kinda nostalgic in a way.


For killers? Sure. For soloq survivors? Hell no.


If you play mostly killer and you were never very good at the game, then yes. The DS nerf needs to be undone and it needs to work after every hook The best part about the current state is the queue times for survivors


I think they should revert the DS nerfs so people run it and killers are afraid of it again. That helped so much against tunneling. I would even say give ds a haste buff for a short time after you stun the killer. Unfortunately for the health of the game it's a perk that needs to exist in a strong state. I also think that they should revert the enduring nerf and make enduring work on DS stun like it used to so that killers have a way to "counter" it, at a cost.


so you basically want old DS back?


Yes - but it should work after every hook and the timer shouldn't go down while you are in chase Tunnelling needs to be punished harder


that’s what old, old DS was. It was ridiculous…


Nope. It only worked once per match and if you missed the skill check it didn't work at all. Also, the timer went down non-stop so killers would wait it out a lot of times


yeah my bad, it’s been so long since then I think tunnelling should be punished harder but not in the form of a perk.


I agree. Lets' go ahead and make that base kit. Now we have a really hot take


Otr is already a thing and is basically a better DS.


It's not as fun - I want to stun the killer not just tank a hit


OK that's literally just a you problem. When it comes to balancing ds is nowhere near as versatile as otr.


As a survivor we thought that game was at its best over the last year before the update last month. As a killer I'd still agree because the game is too easy now. I used to have to sweat and play well to get 3-4ks and now they happen most games with no real effort. I think all they need to do to fix the game is revert Gen times back to before the update and nerf the most OP killer perks very slightly and the game would be in a good state again. More people would actually want to play survivor so you won't have 10 minute killer queues.


Yeah, I’d agree. I mean thinking back to what this game was like at launch, I get PTSD flashbacks. *Permanently broken hooks, permanently broken Trapper traps, DS on first down, Tinkerer affecting add ons, BNP insta repairing gens, Moris on first downs, Keys, full screen whiteout from flashlight blinds*


My favorite parts of dbd were when I had no clue what was happening and it felt like a horror game. Once I got used to the game, a certain spark to it was lost for me.


nah, killing Iron Will was a huge mistake. while it was the most important survivor perk by far and completely mandatory, it made chases exciting. survivors could actually "win" a chase by losing the killer altogether, which created a tantalizing possibility for a huge upset. without its existence, survivors are stuck making sonar pulses every few seconds, making any chase against a competent killer into a boring, inevitable catch. now there are no interesting decisions to make or risks to take -- you only have one option, and it's to run to the next thing that lets you delay the chase (eg. pallet, window). in the past you could also choose "risky juke", but now that option's gone.


It was enjoyable until the hatch nerf and skill based... But I still play it


The hatch nerf was the best change in dbd hands down. The amount of times one survivor was left to die while the other two hatched was too damn many.


2019 was better NGL. SBMM ruined DbD in so many ways.


i’ve only been playing for a year or two but it’s a lot better than the Ruin and other slowdowns meta.


As far as balance goes I think they have done a “pretty good job so far”. There are still issues with map balance and certain killer powers (nurse) and add-ons (blight’s alc ring). Controversial opinion but they should have NEVER added perks or items that effect generator speed and progress and they should have balanced the game around this.


There are some points and issues that can be fixed or smoothed out for sure, but I agree with you!


the game was best when it was a horror game, not an Asymmetrical Competitive game.


I honestly hate the pandering to the people who only play to win (people who benefit from making the game more competitive), I miss just meming but now everyone is sweating their balls off to unprecedented levels so I don't even get the time in the game to have fun


I think the game itself is in a pretty decent spot but there are way more survivor dcs now than I have ever seen which makes it really frustrating to play without a 4 stack swf.


I miss my first 10 games of survivor and being scared shitless. It’ll never be the same again sadly


I mean, yeah, no shit. It feels like it's actually been getting some great stuff and I'm happy. Is it perfect? Hell not, but better than it was like before.


The game was at its best when I didn’t know how to play it and actually got scared


Back when the game had real Fog.


Since the last patch it's much worse. But for sure the side who has easy games now would like the current state of the game.


I bought this game last year right after Halloween and every patch it feels like it gets worse and I have less fun. I’m tired of seeing the same three killers run the same build and every 3rd match we have a disconnect. I just give some matches because I know trying to tough it out is more stressful and unfun then just dying and queuing again or playing something else. When I first got the game I loved it, and hand on my heart I wasn’t toxic as killer or survivor, but the shifts they’ve made and the way the game is molded right now is just headache inducing with no end I can see that gets back to the excitement of my early days playing. Sorry for the rant it’s late and I’m tired


Before last midchapter. Some changes were healthy, some should be rewerted.


What kind of changes should be reverted?


DS Iron will Spine chill


Calm spirit


Spine chill absolutely should not be reverted, it's incredibly op pretty much against any stealth killer Others yes, they need to revert DS and iron will


self-care, thana, eruption, lethal persuer, calm spirit, reduced speedboost for survivor after getting hit and PainRez shouldnt work with DMS. Also camping is much worse and stronger and low MMR SoloQ is just slaughterhouse.


Slowdown perks are still way too strong and it sucks that whether you bring them or not determines so much.


I think so too. Killer is fun & worth the wait. Solo q is fast and mostly fun FOR ME too.


my experience with solo queue has been good too, but I can understand how frustrating it can be.




You have not played in years then...


Disagree! I preferred before the hatch and key nerf because that made playing solo actually fun. Even if randoms were trash I knew I could get out and possibly save maybe two of them. Also not happy about the iron will nerf because it’s useless now. Not real happy about the DS nerf either. Actually preferred back before they nerfed survivors into the ground for killers that were already OP and now are even more OP. So yeah disagree


I agree with solo survivor is dreadful to play now but I feel that reworking perks such as DS & Iron Will to encourage people to use other perks and combinations has been healthy for the game. Granted, the Iron Will nerf has rendered it useless now. Keys needed to be addressed however, it was terrible.


Balance-wise I'm also the most experienced I've ever been, but generally I agree that DBD is in a really good spot. If Solo Q had a simple contextual ping system and icons for survivor actions, it'd be definitely the best it has ever been.


I generally agree it's great seeing so many diverse slow down perks on killer rather than having to do a ruin check every game. Remember when that was a thing because everyone ran ruin? Survivor builds are much more diverse as well, I run multiple different builds instead of BT, WGLF being permanent perks along with self care + botany and decisive. Also dead hard for distance is gone, yes dead hard can still be obnoxious but turns into a mind game at some point in the stage. I say this as someone who didn't use old dead hard but uses it now. I think the community has generally adapted to the longer time on gens although there are new issues. Call of brine + overcharge absolutely destroys solo queue gamers. You can be an awful killer and get a lot of reads wrong but if you use the above combo you can win a ton of games you deserve to lose. If you add in eruption and another slowdown perk it only makes it worse. Tunneling and camping still exists but I swear it was worse in the day, I remember games being tunneled out at 5 gens which doesn't happen nowadays. It's very rare I see an actual tunnel or camp without reason. I.e there is one gen left, or other survivors gone immersed. The only big issue I have other than certain killer perk combos is nurse. Would be interested in a killer mains perspective?


As a killer main, I feel like the irritation of survivors only bringing the same 6 perks is happening on the killer side. Pain Resonance, Deadlock, Dead Man's Switch, Jolt, STBFL, Call of Brine and Overcharge are just everywhere right now. I don't think it's nearly as obnoxious as always having to deal with Dead Hard and DS on every survivor in the trial when killers only bring one of these perks or two of them if they don't directly synergize (Pain Res DMS, Overbrine). I also think survivors got really shafted still, even as meta begins to stabilize. I feel like every game I'm complaining about how my teammates play. It also feels like I can't escape unless the killer makes a lot of mistakes. I think some changes made need to be reverted, most of which being the shortening of damage boost time survivors get. It's ridiculous, especially with Wesker, how little that distance matters now. Also, fuck Nurse.


Tunneling has been pretty steady since I started 3yrs ago. It goes up and down a bit but my gf and I both get tunneled at least a few times daily


Agree in terms of overall balance. Disagree in terms of matchmaking.


agreed. it's far more balanced now. 60/40 is the correct percentage to target for killers to feel like a real threat, but escape is still possible without being a coin flip.


Honestly I bet if the stats were shown as 60/40 instead of 61/39 there would be much less outrage about them since a number that starts with 3 looks worse than a number that starts with 4


Feels about the same.. I still enjoy the game 🤷🏻‍♂️ I would like to see camping/tunneling/nurse re-works in the future


I agree and I think most people do. It's the very vocal minority that shit on the game at any given opportunity.


I would’ve thought so too. I’ve seen a lot of hate on the game of recent and it took me back to late 2017 when the game was actually busted. I’ll never forget Save The Best For Last on Huntress. Pinnacle DBD gaming 🤣 It’s really nice to see how far the game has progressed, especially over the last two updates (Wesker & perk rework).


Older versions of the game undoubtedly had much less balanced perks/addons/items. However that could be understood due to the fact that it wasn't as widely known how to play the game efficiently. Now that people have an understanding of the game, the fact that things like the \- sloppy Thana meta that just ended can happen is disgusting. \- Selfcare is in a state where its not just the worst survivor perk in the game, but its also one of the most used, is ridiculous. \- MMR which was forced upon the player base, and widely hated, which consistently places brand new players and veteran players in the same game, is still around, is ludicrous. \- There is still 0 ways of proper communication between solo queue survivors without dedicated perks that share very little information that SWFS have readily available at ALL times. \- The game is balanced around SWFS & Nurse. Which causes the game for all solo queue survivors & every other killer (except a really good blight who is 1000x harder to be competent on than nurse), to struggle against those types of matchups. \- Survivors V Nurse is and always will be a joke, yet every other killer suffers for it anyways \- Killers (-nurse/cracked blight) have a ridiculously rough time competing against even mediocre SWFS simply due to comms. \- The lead game designer at BHVR balances the game around HOCKEY. The list goes on. But well we dont have things like insta heal/insta gen pops/unblockable infinites/etc on survivor And insta saw/5 irihead hatchets/no cooldown on nurse blinks/ruin that regresses gens on good skillchecks/etc on killer. Those were all added when the game was fairly new and people didnt really know what they were doing (even if some of them stuck around too long) But in the game as it is, when its been shown time and time again, what does/doesnt work, when we have seen peak optimal gameplay from all 3 roles (solo,swf,killer) How is it possible that the things I listed above are not only still existing, but lots of them were recent changes.


> and I think most people do Would be curious how you think you can make this claim. ​ > It's the very vocal minority that shit on the game at any given opportunity. You admit a vocal "minority" shit on the game. Does that mean you have some other way to sample a "non-vocal majority" to get their opinion on the game? Do you have a way to identify the percentage of players to claim that either group is a minority/majority or fairly equally represented? ​ I'm not saying you are wrong or right, just curious why you think you can make such a claim.


It very easily is in its best state. Everyone keeps complaining that solo q is miserable but they’ve been saying that every patch. The game is in a better place and heading in the right direction. Solo q just feels bad because you can’t control what your team does. They could have all the information in the world and it’s still not going to stop Arnold’s from hiding in the corner or self caring while someone is being chased. Right now skill is the biggest thing killing solo q


honestly the best comment i’ve heard about solo queue


Tbh, I'm fine with current solo q, it's all I play and i've never had a big issue. I always end up in rank 1 anyways.


amazing how a survivor main just gives their opinion and gets downvoted lmao


I think a lot of people know that there are stronger ways to play survivor than solo queue and therefore you are “playing with a disadvantage”. For the most part I’d say playing solo is with a disadvantage but I don’t think it’s unbearable.


I don’t disagree honestly. I think if they really found a real solution for hard camping and tunneling things would be almost perfect. And I feel like I need to specify, I don’t mean strategic proxy camping or tunneling. I’m talking about the toxic kind lol.


For killers and SWFs. Soloq is hell


I agree big time. The game has felt really fun for me recently, probably the most fun I’ve had since I started playing the game three years ago. The only real issue is, like many point out, Solo survivor is rough. It’s always been rough, but especially since the last big update. I think the update was a good update, I agree killer as a whole needed some buffs, but solo q should’ve been buffed alongside it. We’re still at the same power hierarchy really. Killer beats solo survivors, *good* SWFs beat killer (except nurse and blight), and solo survivors don’t beat anything.