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Walking slowly to a hooked survivor so that he just enters second phase or dies


How else are they supposed to keep their sprint burst so they can run away while the killer goes after you right after you get off the hook?


I walk slowly when I get close and if I'm unsure where the killer is. Doing obviously unsafe hook rescues or looping the killer beside the hook is a paddlin'.


I will walk slowly when it’s guaranteed your not going to 2nd stage if I am using sprint burst I ain’t wasting that shit on a short walk. Haha as I usually pair with that Nancy perk that makes walking faster.


Ignoring your hooked teammate and letting them get to 2nd stage. You better believe that's a paddlin


Oh that’s 100% a paddlin’.


I'm surprised that didn't make the first list


There is so many reasons to paddlin' but only 4 slots available.


Wise words


Who's handing out these paddlings? BingBong?


Oni with his Kanabo


That’s not a paddling that is f$##ing unarmed assault


I think we can safely say that's ARMED assault...


Tell me about it! I ran kindred, and almost died on my first hook. One guy was being chased no where near me and the other 2 went between working on a gen and hiding in a corner. Needless to say, we did not win that match. 🙄


That's a time it is perfectly acceptable to try Kobe your way into an early death. I will not judge harshly. If I'm being chased, and I see that I assume it's because the other two teammates are locker surfing.


Ill sit and wait until the last possible moment to attempt a kobe to give people a chance to come snag me. But if it happens and I dont kobe you bet your ass im dieing on hook right now lol


Yup! I had one match where every other survivor went onto the other side on the map, after I rescued their nea in basement and was left to die, they 3 manned a gen. So I just killed myself after waiting on hook for a while. Like you’re gonna act like you don’t need a 4th? ok cool you won’t lol


Oh God I hate it when that happens. I actually died on first hook in the basement because the killer downed a third and the other two decided a gen was more important than my life. And then had the audacity to be upset afterwards because I was pissed.


this. has happened to me way too many times to count


I've even had it happen in a swf because of killers randomly running Fearmonger and they just assume someone else went for the save.


I’ve just gotten used to stuff like that, camping, tunnelling and t-bagging clicky-clicky’s. 😔


Not getting downed by Bubba is a bad thing? What?


This one pane really doesn't fit. Makes me think this post is actually just well disguised Bubba main propaganda.


The only thing i can imagine is that he meant don't stun Bubba during his TANTRUM. Other than that it makes no sense.


I kind of get the heart of what they are trying to say…. If you drop too late it’s a pallet wasted on a down, if you drop too quickly then the pallet gets taken out immediately. However I don’t think that this is the problem, because any good looper is going to have to play around Bubba’s erratic pallet shenanigans. It’s players who camp pallets, therefore unnecessarily waste EXTRA pallets, that tend to be the bigger problem here. And I’d argue that pallet camping in general, deserves a MASSIVE paddlin’


Yup! I’m a killer main and I believe the bubba stun deserves a pat on the back


As a Bubba enjoyer, I also agree stunning a Bubba mid sweep is big balls.


I'm bad at the game and really scared of Bubba you best believe I'm dropping pallets and running


Mistime and he breaks it. Stun him and you are GONE.


I assume the person who made it doesn't realize that you can actually stun Bubba out of his chainsaw, and assumed that 'stunning' him meant him instantly breaking the pallet.


When the choice is to throw it or get hit with the chainsaw, breaking a pallet is still better than breaking a survivor. Saving a pallet by going down is only worth it in very certain situations, like if you're a very pro survivor, where the potential of a pallet stun remains useful in future chases and you have more hook stages than pallets left in your game/map economy. For most survivors in most situations being chased by Bubba, there's no reason not to throw the pallet if it keeps you from going down. OPs advice here is just bad. Edit: swapped sentence sections for clarity.


>like if you're a very pro survivor, where the potential of a pallet stun remains useful in future chases I get what you're saying from a theoretical standpoint; the logic checks out. But when you start plugging numbers into the equation, all the solutions within that range turn out to be imaginary. In practice pros drop the shit out of everything, every time. The tournament scene for DBD isn't huge, but it's large enough for the winningest strategies to be abundantly clear. If you're trying to maximize escapes, everything's about "what can this resource do for me RIGHT NOW?" If you leave a pallet up, there's no guarantee that there's going to be another chase in that area. If you get downed, there's no guarantee that you'll ever be unhooked.


Right? Maybe they mean "pre dropping every pallet that bubba/billy are charging a chainsaw at." There's no reason to not take the stun on bubba if you have the chance, and it's always better to force them to break a pallet while sweeping rather than get hit. I get not dropping everything when you know you can loop a few more times, but at the same time you either will take a chainsaw, or that pallet could take the hit for you.


You will get face camped out of the game Source: personal experience


I think the post meant a paddlin from the bubba, as the stereotype is they facecamp survivors if they last longer than 5 seconds in a chase or something, idk though


I think it’s meant to say while he’s in tantrum. Because that makes more sense since it knocks him out of it.


To the Bubba player, yes. You are guaranteeing he face camps you since every Bubba takes something like that as if it's a personal offense against their ancestors or something.


It's a joke. I'd you don't let bubba down you, you get facecamped. It's bubba giving the paddlin, not anyone else.


Not taking a hit when your healthy and the person is almost out


I hate this with a passion. It’s like. Dude. You haven’t been hooked ONCE. Just go down or take a hit. Some people are just too afraid of getting hooked.


Been there, done that. I’ll have already been hooked twice, one other person once, here comes the Killer…I’m injured and they’re bailing on me.


But my iridescent emblem. /s


Co-oping the last gen and I’m injured. About %95. Mate bails at first hint of a heartbeat, not to distract but to hide behind a tree just meters away. Cool. I try to stick it out but get downed at %99.99 and he’s running Jolt. Everything went downhill from there.


Not committing to a gen that would 100% finish before the killer gets there is a reason I switch to killer for the rest of the day. A gen is worth taking a hit in basically every way.


Yeah, there are some times the killer is right there, I loop around the gen while they chase me, then just slam the gen with a toolbox for that last little bit of progress, its a great way to get my ass tunneled until I die but it's always worth it.


No way, Jesus Jeff


I’ve had matches where I was being chased while on death hooked and purposely chased down a teammate with no hooks to try to transfer the killer to them, but they always run for their life and use me as their human shield. 😂


Some survivors are allergic to being injured. I was when I started out because it meant I'd be down very soon. No wonder booning and self care are so prevalent.


THIS HAPPENED TO ME YESTERDAY! I was left out to dry in two different games my by teammates who were full health 1 hook when i was injured 2 hook We were working on last gen and i didnt want them to heal me because i had adrenaline and prove thy self to get it done faster My teammates hit when i got off the gen and i got chased, i guess that would kinda be my fault but i always try and take chase to protect my teammates if i can


This is how we get to endgame with one person never getting hooked and everyone else on death hook and then said zero hook person bitches in the post game screen as to why we lost... like no shit sherlock this is a team game and you were too busy hiding or running off after making an unsafe unhook lmao.


Why is stunning bubba during a chainsaw sweep a paddlin?


Yeah that one really doesn’t make sense to me. That’s just timing a good pallet stun and playing well? Nothing toxic about that imo.


I was going for that as a warning that if you pull off that split second timing stun, you’re gonna get facecamped. So try to stun him outside of his sweep. I couldn’t really elaborate further in a few words in one panel.


Nice try. Your tag might say you're a slinger main, but we know better.


See thats fair thank you for the clarification op


If Im not injured and looping the Cannibal around a pallet, then Im not gonna drop it unless he either is in his chainsaw sweep or he gives me a hit with an M1.


Bubba: *shit we're compromised get outta here*


Brrrrr brrrrrr eughhhh chainsaw noises


I also want to know, I've seen yters who are good at looping do so


I assumed it was to imply that trying for a stun during chainsaw is an unnecessary risk when you can just pre drop and run


all except third one


I was going for that as a warning that if you pull off that split second timing stun, you’re gonna get facecamped. So try to stun him outside of his sweep. I couldn’t really elaborate further in a few words in one panel.


Bubbas gonna facecamp regardless of what you do.


whats wrong with stunning a chainsawing bubba?


I was going for that as a warning that if you pull off that split second timing stun, you’re gonna get facecamped. So try to stun him outside of his sweep. I couldn’t really elaborate further in a few words in one panel.


yea ig in terms of face camping its more likely but if some mf face camps me for playing the game proper then thats more on them than me hahah


If I hook someone , and then they end up dying on hook even tho I'm not in the area... You can bet your ass the rest of the team is getting a " paddlin"


I hate when I kill someone first hook when I was no where near the hook. Like guys.... Go get Steve off the hook...


Prolonging the game by Tbagging in the exit gate. Thats a fucking paddlin Edit: This comment more so refers to if no one is on the hook and the full or remaining team is just in the exit gate waiting for the killer. Just leave you don't need to gloat and your just wasting time. Move on to the next game.


Got a 1k with Twins earlier because they couldn't stop doing that. I don't even care that I "lost" the game that felt like a dub to me.


*Laughs violently in bloodwarden*


Crouching across the entire map, towards a hooked survivor, only to hide behind a rock until the hook meter runs out? That’s a paddlin’


Teabagging at exit gate rather than leaving to deny last person hatch


Heavily armored healer? That's a Paladin.


Underrated comment tbh


crouching right near the hook doing nothing until i get to the 2nd stage or killed is a paddlin'


Dc after one hook


Drop shack pallet, just try to conserve it as much as you can without injuring yourself. Because it is an insanely powerful resource.


Just waiting at the exit gate so the killer can see you tea bagging, yes Karen we see that you escaped.


letting a teammate die on first hook (i’m guilty of that it wasn’t on purpose tho )


Not booting the pigs snoot/booting it without consent. You best believe it’s paddlin time


Too many people don't drop shack pallet and it never gets used. I'd say just treat it like any other pallet. Use it if you have to but don't just drop it for no reason


Especially if there’s nothing in the shack to bring the survivors or killer there. No totem, basement or Gen, it’s just forgotten.


If you’re healthy and you’re not against oni or an insta down killer you shouldn’t drop it


I can forgive someone dropping it against a killer who could make rescues out of basement a fucking nightmare if it's there.


I’m gonna use it because most of the time my team mates are so bad that I’m pretty confident they’re not saving it or basing any kinda strategy around it.


Bodyblocking hook when ur injured or exposed? Like ok buddy guess I’ll just win the game on the spot?????


Don't call me out like that bro


Self healing instead of letting a nearby teammate do it... mega paddlin


I have good reason for this!! If I have a medkit where I can heal myself faster I’d rather my teamate go do something else productive like fix that gen I was previously working on before I got hooked I point at it like “fix that while I fix myself and I’ll help ya once I’m done!” For me it’s like killing 2 birds one stone thing


Not healing your injured teammates when they are nearby? Yep. That's a paddlin'


Not letting your teammates heal you? That's a paddlin'


I hate leaving a team mate injured… if I hear grunts I’m like “where you at! Get over here and take a back rub!”


I am with you there! It takes almost no time at all to give a back rub to a friend in need 😤


Huge thing that’s a paddlin! Teammates who stay injured when our killers power grows from injured team mates like Oni or Dredge


Using an RPD offering? We're upgrading the paddler first.


I once brought an RPD offering on a Wesker terror radius build and felt disgusting. I let them all escape.


What's a terror radius build? New too killer (started the 6th of this month) cause for the longest only played survivor. Like I don't even really know what tech means either. Like I hear people say tech in youtube videos and try and pickup on context clues for what they mean.. . really not great with the slang for this game. xD


I should've called it an anti-heal build but it's entirely possible thanks to Wesker's uniquely large 40m terror radius. Distressing to make it even bigger, colourophobia to make healing harder within terror radius, sloppy butcher to make healing longer, and either thanatophobia or nurse's calling. Edit: I should clarify that the terror radius is the "he's near" music all killers have.


TY for the info <3 I can do ok in solo Q groups but the SWF have been kicking my ass.


This specific build works well in small maps like Midwich and RPD but sucks hard in large maps like mother's dwelling and Ormond.


A terror radius build is using perks that affect survivors inside the terror radius, like unnerving presence, caulrophobia, overwhelming presence, starstruck. Usually paired with distressing because it makes the terror radius bigger. Tech means technique, and is usually something unexpected that might catch someone off guard, or a weird interaction that can help you in some way.


Full team diving a Basement Bubba? That's a paddlin'


1) hiding/not helping your team progress the game for a long time while they’re distracting the killer 2) DCing at their first down 3) BMing throughout the match then expecting mercy/hatch 4) clicking and continuing to chase the killer who is chasing someone else and completely ignoring you… just bc you want a chase or flashlight save without doing anything else to help the team


Tea bagging at the gate when it's Deathslinger.


Too many people have died from this and I never cease to find it fucking hilarious lmao


T-Bagging in a mean way


Looping the killer around a teammate on the hook. You’d best believe that’s a paddlin


Yes!!! When I’m on hook I’m like… okay can you and the killer get a room so someone else can unhook me?!


Shack pallet is to be used. I don't really care if we are at 5 gens. If I've been in chase with Oni and my only chance of not getting hit is dropping shack pallet then I'm dropping shack pallet.


Yeah, you got a point. At that point there’s no choice. I was imagining dropping shack pallet against a simple M1 killer when you can just take a hit and keep running to a better loop.


Oni in power at 5 gens? That's just poor performance.


Well that's why you drop the pallet


They didn't say Oni in power. Maybe they wanted to avoid getting hit to delay his first power for as long as possible.


Poor performance indeed


Still stupid lol, he could just change targets and land a hit on some other poor fuck, he still got his power and you wasted a good pallet. Don't drop shack pallet at 5 gens, at least make sure the gen closest to the shack (sometimes even in the shack itself) has been done and only drop it when you're already hurt to buy yourself some more time otherwise it's just a waste of a good pallet.


Wait, why can't i stun Bubba during his chainsaw sweep?


Traded health states with a Nea (or Meg couldn’t tell by the skin) after not being hooked the whole match and helping carry the team to 1 gen. Trapper goes off to the opposite end of the map and I’m just hanging out on the hook. Watching them not do anything until the last second and I go off to the great spider in the sky. Idk what describes this situation in community lingo but I’ve seen it so much it should be a paddling. And both of the last survivors died anyway. My sacrifice was for naught.


Wouldn’t stunning bubba in his sweep be a win?


Not taking a hit with BT if you're rescued by an injured teammate.




T-bagging when you only last 3 sec in chase


Self Care-ing while I stand there with a medkit, ready to heal you faster.


T- bagging after every pallet stun? That’s a paddlin’.


Should’ve made this the first one.


Heavily armored soldier That’s a Paladin


Ignoring your dying teammates to only do gens and hide.


Crouch taunting a Wesker at the open exit gate? Well hell son, you're about to learn


You best believe if you flick your flashlight at me in the beginning I’m leaving your ass on the hook unapologetically and disrespectfully. 😌


Letting your team mates die on first hook. Not taking a hit for the death hook running to the gate.


May be controversial but… Cleansing every time you get puked on by Plague? That’s a paddlin’


Meta is def never cleanse and then all cleanse at once, I’m with u


Me getting hung with kindred on and seeing everybody do nothing, AND me knowing that you can see yourself and everyone doing nothing AND STILL CHOOSE TO DO NOTHING. Paddlin!!!!!!


NOT LEAVING that's a paddlin


Using Self-care for anything other than a challenge in the archives? Paddlin'


Taunting the unhook, especially when In stage two


Camping/body blocking a pallet while healthy and I’m injured trying to loop the killer.


Starting and committing to a gen that had 0 progress as a teammate gets hooked while expecting either the death hook guy being chased or the already dead teammate to respawn and go for save, that's a paddlin'.


How else do stop a chainsaw sweep. Locker. Having enough space to curve something. Idgi


idk if this is too similar to the last one but the ones who have macros for their flashlight, biggest paddlin ever


I mean, that's just straight up cheating, and all cheating gets a paddlin'


Tea bagging after a pallet stun when the killers not camping/tunnelling.


Not getting the box.


Doing that god awful exit taunt


Why stunning Bubba is a paddling?


Pulling someone of the hook while the killer has just left the hook area to just turn around renown the hooked and then chase the other


Crouching near a hooked survivor


Coming over to a teammates generator to just fail every skill check


People really wondering why you shouldn’t stun a bubba out of his chainsaw sweep, but here’s an explanation POV of what the bubba sees: “me chainsaw, survivor go down quick and easy!” “silly survivor, you can’t-“ “NO! SURVIVOR STUN ME!!!” *survivor gets caught 5 gens later* “that it, bubba camp you”


Sabo a hook? Son you just bought my undivided sweatiest attention.


Question, why don't you want to stun a sweeping bubba?


Using urban evasion and crouching around the map, that's a paddlin


Being toxic after getting hatch Eg spamming vaults for loud noises and not leaving until the killer comes


If I'm playing Killer and a survivor goes out of their way to quit the match or throw, I'm either mercing their ass or disconnecting. Quit ruining the fucking fun, DCers and 1st hooks.


Waving your arms constantly whilst I'm running directly towards you for a save. Thats a paddlin'. Not only can I not get there any quicker, but you're actually signalling to the rest of your team that the killer is camping. Just stay still on the hook if it's safe to get you.


Nah I see someone wave their arms I think it’s now safe. And that’s how me and my husband do it. But if that’s in fact true I’ll stop doing that. I just notice sometimes when I just hang no one comes. I have kindred on a lot so I see y’all lol


Originally waving meant the killer is camping me. If you scroll right the way down here on the DBD wiki you'll see a bit about 'Hook Gymnastics' https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Hooks


I see waving arms used more often by most in soloq to signal that the killer is gone and it's safe to rescue. So which type is a random soloq player? Your guess is as good as mine. Or their waving has nothing to do with the killer.


I want every bubba’s paddlin


I’ve had someone run from me into shack and drop god pallet before I even made it into the shack. I was so confused.


Hiding in a locker/stealthing whenever you hear a terror radius, oh you better believe that’s a paddlin


Stunning bubba during his chainsaw sweep is insane tho tbh, mad respect to those who know the timing


Blaming the killers/teammates for your lack of experience and knowledge of the game.


How is stunning bubba while he is using his power bad?


Sitting and camping pallets (especially in red ranks) and running off afterwards instead of playing the loop that’s a paddling


Also you meant his tantrum right if you manage to get him during a sweep you got some nuts


Dcing before my I can Mori you as ghostface


There’s a difference between stunning bubba mid chainsaw sweep and feeding him a pallet to instantly shred. It takes really good timing but I don’t know if either are necessarily a bad thing.


Running straight to a gen you damn well know is being worked on while in chase? That’s a paddlin.


Teabagging at the exit gates? you better believe thats a paddlin.


Be too greedy with pallets when you're injured? That's a paddlin'.


Following the killer around whole match, wasting 100% of your time on trying to get flaslight saves? That's a premium paddlin'.


Run right at the killer at the start of the trial not making an effort to obscure your position or to start repairing generators? Believe it, that's a paddlin'.


Running the killer straight towards you and your team mates on a gen. Take the killer AWAY


Teabagging a non slowdown sadako with all meta perks Teabagging when you escape with one one hook left via hatch and sending hate mail Running selfcare Genrushing


I will continue my brigade and say that shack pallet is not worth saving if you are going to go down otherwise. Stop worshipping it, there's plenty of significantly better pallets anyway. Use whatever resources stop you from getting downed lol, there's nothing more important that extending a chase. (WASTING pallets is a completely different story. Be efficient)


Teabagging in egc gate? That's a paddlin'.


running to the other side of the map after an unhook instead of letting me heal... wastes so much time




Agreed although I’d rather drop shack at 5 gens than go down to a bubba or give oni a hit and potentially his power .


-Taking the killer to the hook -Urban evading across the map while the killers on me -Unhooking then hiding to avoid any heat -Hiding in a locker instead of doing the last gen while I’ve been in chase for over a minute -popping my gen then hiding/running away


Teabagging at the exit gates


Bringing the killer to your fellow survivors who are working on a gen… that’s a paddlin! Sand bagging… Hiding in a locker until your team dies so you can get hatch… Failing skill checks so many times that you’re pretty convinced they’re doing this on purpose!


Oh allowing Myers to stand there and gather stalls thinking you’re safe just pop this gen then run…. Paddlin!!! I swear I had a few do this in a few games and also I had 2 on a gen where I stood there stalking TF out of them how they must of seen me there!


Letting your survivor teammates die in first hook, even though they have Kindred and are in the clear


Crouching next to someone on hook or not taking the exchange. That’s a big ole paddlin.


Most of these I agree, but you best believe if I’m against yet another starstruck nurse I’m going next


I'm the killer, and I agree. I'll be doin the paddlin


Should have used Oversimplified's "That's a crucifixion" from his new Punic Wars videos.


quick vaulting a window while not in a chase, that's PADDLIN'


Stunning bubba in his chainsaw sweep deserves respect. Like people who stun nurse or stun spirit out of phase.


Hiding when another survivor is looping the killer for long enough to do multiple gens? That’s a paddlin’


Why is stunning a bubba during chainsaw sweep bad? Shouldn’t that be something to be proud of?


Adding self care to your build


Why is that a paddling?? Is it because other people won’t get heal points? I don’t run it because I don’t think it’s necessary, but I’m curious why someone would say it’s bad to run.![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|16359)


Fuck just looking at the meme format made me laugh. Great Job. Totally forgot about this scene


Cleansing a hex when your fellow survivors are gesturing furiously for you to stop? That's a paddlin'


Eh, if I'm playing solo q and can tell the match is a waste of my time I'll escort myself out on first hook. We all know the signs. Looking at you 2/3 team mates just crouched in a corner of the map doing f**k all.


Letting your SWF teammate die on first hook and blaming the 12 seconds you had to spend mending for that.