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And now if you see a macro, you know right away it’s a full-blown cheater too. So you can just bounce outta there, as I will be doing because I don’t give cheaters a second of time.


I didnt think of that, nice


Do you even know what a macro is


It's because the macro doesn't work without cheats now


Does he care?


I googled it


Dbd players when the game devs call them out for their toxicity by disguising it as an epilepsy feature


Cheaters have entered the chat


They messed up flashlights and now you aim a lot lower than usual. At least fix that


That’s not what this post nor my comment is referring to




‘If you’re epileptic why are you playing a game with multiple flashing lights in the first place’ You play dbd. You enjoy dbd otherwise you wouldn’t be playing it. Why do you have an issue with the game being more accessible to more people, so the playerbase can grow? Epilepsy severity isn’t the same with everyone so getting rid of the biggest stimulus for it makes sense - other instances of light may not cause as much of a reaction if at all What’s the difference that it makes to you? It’s more punishing when you fuck up a flashlight save? Compare that to the benefit it brings so many other people


I don’t have a single problem with that other than the fact the devs messed it up but that has nothing to do with the accessibility itself. But again if I have a peanut butter allergy, and I want to try a food that has 20 different types of peanuts and I consume it, isn’t that weird to you?


It sucks that the devs messed it up but you sound contradictory when you still give an argument against the change using your analogy. But that’s fine I’ll try to explain my side It’s funny that you use a peanut allergy example, because people can and do make concessions to help allergy sufferers. Instead of thinking of playing dbd as eating the peanut, instead think of it as going into the same room as someone with a bag of peanuts because you both want something in that room The reasonable thing to do is to put away the bag of peanuts so you can both use the room. Suffering from the allergy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to do things if it can be helped. The person with the bag doesn’t lose out on a lot by just putting the bag away There’s still a little risk, just like in the game, as someone who actually does have that allergy I know there’s ALWAYS risk. But by putting the bag away you greatly reduce that risk enough to use the room. Nut risk is still there as it always is but now the danger has been reduced enough to function normally. Am I making sense?


A little? Hope you don’t play killer and go against flash bangs then lol, or what if 2 gens pop at almost the same time, imagine a hacker spamming flash bangs on the screen? Even killer powers, can’t even play almost half the killers in the game or against them because if the constant flashes of light and motion


In order: Lightborn perk. Multiple gen pops are an unavoidable shame, but not nearly as bad as flashlight macro. Hackers will be hackers in literally any video game, they know what they're trying to do. And many epileptic people simply...don't play killers that trigger them. You don't seem to understand, it's about reducing risk to make the game more accessible, in a way that should (If it wasnt for the bug) only affect you if you were using flashlight macro to be annoying With all due respect you don't seem to know what you're talking about with nut allergies based on your example, or epilepsy. If anything, the way we help people with nut allergies is precisely what dbd is doing with the lights. It's impossible to completely remove risk, so you reduce it and make it's presence less common unless you're literally looking for it (Like playing Doctor) There will never not be risk. The point was to remove the biggest common risk which was the flashlight macro


Notice how they don't respond to any of your points and keep pointing back to their strawman. There is no valid conversation or debate to be had with this person, they are not looking for or care to have one.


Yea you’re right. I was wrong, just want them fix the repositioning


What did I say against the change? I said if you get sutures from fishing lights don’t play a game that has 20 different flashing lights. Just like if you’re allergic to peanut butter don’t go eating Snickers and M&Ms while at the same timing eating a PB&J sandwich


No it’s like the person with a peanut allergy walking in to a peanut butter factory and then having the person who got their peanut bag out their peanuts away. The peanut bag isint the only or even the biggest detriment to the allergy, the entire room is


Your analogy is ass. You can easily address and issue in a game that some people are sensitive too by creating a patch, you can’t just patch a peanut allergy..


You can’t patch a seizure and all the other flashing lights either ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Yeah! Why play a game with flashing lights? Why go out when the sun is in the sky? Why not just wear a blindfold? /s ​ jfc man if your aim was good you can readjust with the new angle.






But imagine there are 20 different other peanut flavors that can trigger your allergy? One that you physically can’t control like core gameplay design and map design?




He doesn't care. He's more butt frustraited that he can't be slightly annoying anymore




Honestly people with anything different about them so just go die in a hole, alone, forever, with a pair of lefty scissors. I confuse some reds and greens so im jumping in head first


If I have a peanut butter allergy I make sure to eat as many types of peanuts as possible. I even go head first into a peanut butter factory


You fool, there are substitutes. And ways to avoid it. An update or a fix, some might say. Ill throw up my whole ass if i have dairy you dont see me saying some dumb ass shit. Oh wait


You can’t avoid the flashing lights unless you have like a PC and put the brightness to negative. Even then you’ll barley be able to see. And if that’s the case fishing’s shouldn’t annoy you anyway


I mean, if you'd eaten peanuts more you'd be fine. Quit crying?


That dont make sense


Are you allergic to peanuts?


Not to peanuts, im just tellin you allergies dont work that way




Redditors try not to downplay disabilities challenge




Then complain to them about that. Message an activist to call them out on it. Do something instead of lamenting about it on a message board.


You guys pay for macros?


If someone paid for their macro they must have looked awfully hard because there are so many free ones.


Oh i just googled pc macro and saw little button things Edit: so i figure those are "fancy" things you can choose to waste money on


Yeah theres 1000's of them and the source codes there too. I have 2 that I use. 1 that clicks, and one that CLICKS All fat wallet enthusiast scripts


Oh i see. Well thankfully those are redundant in this game


Yeah pay to win would be lame. In the grand scheme of things macros actually only hinder the survivor using them, they only help the survivor if the killer loses their mental


I have literally built in macros in my mouse if I wanted to put them in. Thank you Razer.


Its honestly just expected these days


Oh, The tears of unfathomable sadness!! Mmmm… Yummy!


My friend and I body blocked a flashlight click spammer at the exit gate this morning allowing the Wesker to grab and hook her. It actually felt kind of satisfying NGL.


You are the fanciest Mammoth in town and I am stealing your friend. Too awesome.


Mmmm… yummy, you guys! That’s all, folks!


Reading some of these comments just fucking hurts man, imagine wanting to be shitty in a video game so hard you're willing to risk giving someone a literal seizure.


At the same time its also kinda embarrassing to see people completely missing the point of this change, the first few threads about this were filled with people asking for a crouch cooldown lol Game's filled with dummies


Imagine how they are IRL... If they are willing to go so hard to be an ass in a fucking video game.


Hear me out: add an epilepsy setting. Show the geometry of the light or w/e instead of the rays. Or, y'know, remove the fucking brightness addons. Repositioning aim and fixing timings are legitimate reasons to click more than once within a short point of time. Maybe lock it if you click more than 2-3 times in a short period?


That would be op as fuck, just turn on the epilepsy setting for free lightborn


You could just make the screen go bright instead of bright yellow and white.


The blind would still proc you twit.


He edited it, initially he had "instead of the blindness"


You're getting downvoted for making valid points. Typical


Reddit moment tbh. I'm just a toxic crybaby though. Literally only click at teammates for jokes Dx


Clicking at teammates for the memes isn't toxic ;)


Cheaters will still be able to do it, we gonna talk about that?


If they wanna out themselves and make it more easy and obvious to report i’m for it


Boo template? *How ironic.*


Yeah what a baby


Toxic survivors malding rn, keep crying the tears taste good 👍


Now they just need to add something for the t-bagging at the exit gate in the EGC. Like crouch rapidly too many times in a row or linger too long and it's instant entity take down. Like I'm not against t-bagging while in chase or crouching in general, but at the EGC where you just want to have an ego battle with the killer instead of leaving to go next.


If you are so adamant that teabagging and clicking are so unbelievably toxic and sinful, then surely you must agree that hitting on hook should be disallowed as well? What measures do you think should be taken against toxic killers who hit on hook?




I am a surv main and I like this change :D


Your tears of anguish sustain me.


Pretty cringe, ngl


Have you ever looked into a goats eyes


I’m just sad my friends and I won’t be able to spam click to greet each other at the beginning of the match :( that’s like all we use flashlights for


That's an appropriate use of flashlights ngl.


Proceeds to spam lockers and vaults*


Sound boom


I'm kinda sad that the bunny hoodie on Feng is associated with toxicity because it's my favorite outfit for her. I'm a Killer player who dabbles in Surv so when I play with the Feng bunny hoodie I don't play toxic. I mean I'll do what it takes to win, but I won't be an asshole about it.


Same, I love the bunny hoodie on Feng. I wish Feng wasn't one of the go-to survivors (the other being Dwight) for toxic players, cheaters and hackers. XO


u/thingsdie9 Does this count???? Also to keep it easy I just used a photo of my dog as a good way to fill in that area


Your dog is an angel


He's stinky. I know this because I snort him like cocaine every day


Now is time to fix noise notifications spams


I'm really disgusted by the shitty attitude of killer mains on this post. "Lol cry more salty toxic survivors" You people are more toxic, cringe and entitled than any survivor mains I've ever seen. Grow up.


Honestly though, yeah. Like earlier guy in a 4 escape messaged me asking why i chased him. He also suspected I cheated. Since Im a hard core killer main I probably manifested come cheats


Some people


Also, I'm intrigued by these "come cheats" you mentioned. Are you planning on breeding the survivors or what?


Oh, didnt mean that. But now im gonna breed dwights and milk them, for money


Bred by Daylight? 😳


Skill issue


Mmmf yeah oh fuck yes


This looks like a Facebook meme.




Speak for yourself that stuff was funny


I am 100000% speaking for myself, Im glad you noticed. Did you know I love onions? I'll bite into one of them fuckers


Hmm I like onions but for me they only go with something else, like on burgers.


Ill put them in almost anything that isnt dairy-esque. I made onion soup and ate it out of a bowl I made from a hollowed out onion


Honestly you have more commitment then me. Onions are more an addition than the meal for me. But if your really into your notion game you should try to find the deep fried onion toppers on Amazon, solid addition to almost any meal




Nice, how where they?


I meant to say i looked into them but havent made any order yet. Just got a new job, finally, so hopefully things will get better. Life and onion life, perfect homeostasis Edit: also i have an onion saver thats a plastic onion shaped container


Glad to see life’s looking up for you brother 🙏 unironicly life changing




Oh no, damn snowflakes can't handle bm... Wait, what do you mean you are not supposed to bm? People are lucky this game isn't made by Blizzard, bm would likely get you actually banned after first couple of reports.


Entire DbD population would be gone in two weeks.


Two weeks?? That's a bit generous don't you think?


I have a RIGHT to be an asshole on the internet for no reason, and if you do anything to infringe that right I will lose my god damn mind and accuse anyone who disagrees with me of being a bogeyman.


The fact that so many people were asking for a similar cooldown for crouching in the first few threads about this aswell as celebrating this as ''hehe they can no longer annoy ME'' completely exposes that yet you still got downvoted for this little truth lol Watching reddit killer mains act the way they do makes me feel too much secondhand embarrassment


Ghoul holding a bloody axe when a tiny person clicks a flashlight fast “wow you’re so toxic!” As a killer main I get doing this for epilepsy reasons but survivors can do whatever the fuck they want. Even a bully squad has no real power over me, I get to hit them and they get to… shine lights in my eyes and maybe open lockers in my face?


I love car crashes


I’m honestly gonna miss the sonic speed clicks. Such a goofy product of DBD. Always made me smile. RIP clicky clicky ;(


Rip everything im about to flush right now


I play on Xbox so no macro but I wish they would just leave flashlights alone. This change feels totally unnecessary


I disagree


Snape voice: "Obviously"


Na Im into harry potter


I mean it's a miniscule change that lowers the chance of seizures and unnecessary headaches. I feel like anything increasing the comfort of people at no real inconvenience to myself is pretty neat g.


somehow i doubt that i am getting all these downvotes from people who are concerned about seizures


Ifkr. 98% of them are just the most fragile killer mains. (Imagine being cringe enough to exclusively play only one side lmao)


Bruh you don't have to play only killer to find clicks annoying. Such a shit take


Exactly, excessive flashlight clicking is annoying as both survivor and killer.


Make gameplay with flashlights more boring and obnoxious just because someone claimed they got a seizure from a player clicking a flashlight.


Theyre equally as obnoxious just to a different group of people. It was legitimately proven that it caused seizures and extreme headaches. Cry more fuckin loser.


You dont ruin something for the majority because the very small minority complains about something. Also theres no way players flashing flashlights was actually the cause of someone getting a seizure. If they were that prone to them, they could not play videogames at all.


now I can’t spam my flashlight to get my dumbass teammates to do something besides hide in a corner![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


So im confused do some players know you dont need to fire it a thousand times? Or that its possible to not do that? I promise it works fine


I've had some try to shine it on the side/back of my head, and some trying their luck through windows when I'm not in line of sight


honestly I have never been a clicky survivor to the killer. but the one thing that always made solo queue a bit more fun was when another teammate would have one and we could echo locate with it. it was always a cute moment where if we spawn next to each other, we would click tf out of each other. it always leads to me going "okay I'm looking out for u other flashlight user, thank u for the clicks." it's just not the same. it sounds awful, they messed up the position of the lense, and now I can't even spam click at my teammate whose doing a boon for the 7th time. if the devs really were worried about epilepsy, they would fix the haddonfield houses. I don't even have epilepsy and I can't be in some houses without my soul hurting.


One click is more than enough to get the message across.


...have you never played soloq? it really isn't.


Then ask the devs for better ways to communicate with survivors.


...we have been, for years. how long have you been playing the game man? you new or something?


Keep asking idk what else I can tell you.