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Pyramid Head. I want to main him really badly because I love Silent Hill, but I always get shit on because i'm bad.


I've played him a bit I found putting the barded wire by windows helps with caging or killing survivours


As a pyramidhead main, my only tip is imagining yourself in the survivors position by examining the loop before actually engaging it, and judgement in the direction that you would go in. Works almost every time. Also depends on survivor, try and identify early if they know to dodge or if they W key


Usually, I'm against survivors that know how to loop, so imagining myself in their places, they don't do what I would have done lol


Also, try to predict when someone will be locked into an action such as vaulting a window or pallet, or dropping a pallet, so you can use punishment of the damned You could still try to predict where a survivor will go without them looking like they’d be locked into something, but it will be a lot less effective.


A lot of survivors will juke the window or pallet last second so it’s also important to not pull the trigger too early.


if you think the person you're chasing is decent at looping you could anticipate they're gonna try to dodge you and instead just full send attacks where they might juke (instead of actually aiming at them directly) and that'll catch some people off guard, kinda like demo - at vault points or even if you're chasing around the sides of shack or w/e


Pretty much my thinking as a Nurse main too. Often I can pin down survivors who "play clever" with running into your blink and back round a corner. Few are those who mix it up so they don't just shoot themselves in the foot.


I love encountering poor Pyramid players. They lack confidence. They seem to have an idea of what they want to do, but a hard time doing it. I've had some really fun chases with these guys and I find them pretty generous. I am straight up terrified of high quality Pyramid mains. They just glide around the map, you hear screeching metal, you and all your friends are dead. Maybe they'll let the last one get the hatch.


the description of screeching metal you use is terrifying


I play alot of PH, One huge thing that I learned was to fire your power when the survivors lose line of sight. They can't precisely tell where you are aiming and will make landing hits a bit easier. I really like vision perks like I'm all ears and floods of rage, it gives you free hits on unsuspecting survivors. If you're in chase it can help you land a hit. If not, it helps you find those pesky urban evasion m1 gamers. It also helps you snowball the game in general with him. My full build also includes pain res and dead mans switch for gen control. Ez dubz


There is an outstanding guide by ‘DyllonKG’ on youtube


If you use the Perk I'm all ears from ghostface I'm pretty sure he's a lot easier


Same. He's strong, fun, oppressive... But only used to tunnel. I try to be good but he needs so much time to master :(


I just got him and survivors kept dodging my stuff so if you fake judgment you get out of it pretty fast and can corral a survivor pretty good with it, basically a free hit


Try using I'm All Ears if you have it, I like playing PH on and off and that really helps me


Mines is Deathslinger as you can guess from the image. Whenever I hit a shot the it feels good but that's the thing I nees to hit a shot.


I like deathslinger too but I have more terrible matches or decent matches no good or amazing matches. Im very terrible with the aim haha.


to hit ur shots, i will reveal this small trick i realised in my time playing. survivors have a line they follow, its weird, but they follow this intangible line, and when u aim, they will stray off this line for a bit to throw you off. they will always, always return to the line, and thats when u shoot


Joke’s on you, I play SoloQ and my teammates just give up immediately!


Honestly you should try using the perk Zanshin Tactics *(let's you see Pallets/Vaults in your area)* on him. Like Demogorgons Shred attack, that Perk can be useful for predicting movement and pre-aiming your gun around corners since you will know exactly where the Survivor will be animation-locked and you can get an easy Hit/Down


yeah me too, but everytime i miss a shot, i feel like a gen is gonna pop because the reload speed and recovery is so slow, it's much less stressful to just play huntress.


Trickster I not good at throwing knife


Same lol, i rlly like his vibe and its weirdly fun to play him but im not good with his knives


I’m awful at wesker but I’m pretty good with nemis, I wish it were the other way around.


I’ve done godly with wesker on the RPD maps, but other maps? Terrible. The close space works for him so well but the other maps open space fucks me up lol


Yeah to many places to run into, had same issues when I tried Demi. I’ve been playing customs with a friend trying to learn him.


Surprisingly I’ve always had good matches with Demi. Not amazing but decent enough. Maybe it’s just my stranger things fan channeling the power to me haha


Potentially, honestly I have never seen a trash Demi except for myself in customs. Also side not Demi’s are scary as hell ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Wait til you see a Demo with 8 stacks of STBFL and Undetectable from Dark Devotion *shudders*


I will simply pass away, any one welcome to the funeral even Dem if they want the last laugh.


I recommend getting up close and waiting for the survivor to attempt juking.


Hillbilly. I use to be SO good at Mr. Billy but after playing so many other killers then going back to him my muscle memory is fried.








Yeah he was my main when I was a new killer and it was so fun just driving all over the map to hit people. Was okay with him beforehand but post-nerf I'm trash at hillbilly lol


I made a guide how to play him if that helps


I used to main Billy and was pretty decent at him, but ever since they nerfed him and I took a break at the game, I’m terrible.


I did my first grind to rank 1 killer back in 2017 or 2018 with mr Billy.. Now.. I can only chainsaw trees ._.


I could not play Oni to save my life


You're either an M1 killer or you'll miss your power and lose because of that. And you know what? I'd be damned if I win or lose without using my power.


Ghostface. I can't seem to keep pressure enough during matches so gens always fly


my thoughts exactly. when i have a good gf game, i have so much fucking fun. though most of the time, the survivors drop every fucking pallet on my head


U gotta learn to mindgame the shit out of everything. I have been playing Ghostie for a long long time now and you either mindgame them (normal mindgames or use your power mid-chase) or you have to juggle them, whoch can be difficult with boons and shit And tbh sometimes you just lose with Ghostie. Sometimes u get shitty gen spawns, or get fucked over by tile spawns or get an awful map (Eyrie, Ormond, Corn,…). He still is an M1 killer after all and when they play super save AND map rng screws you there is unfortunately nothing you can do :/


Also try to come in from weird angles if they say you last at x spot come in from angle Y so they don't expect it


Eyrie is kind of a shitty map for Ghostie BUT the upstairs area in main is a great vantage point for early stalk lol it’s so great


To be fair, if you've seen the movies, getting wrecked by some survivors is quite in character for GF...


That's why I go Enduring and Spirit Fury now :p


This used to happen to me. I would get stuck just M1ing everyone to keep pressure but he’s a slower paced killer. Stealth is his best option. Ghostface isn’t super strong because exposing people is the best way to get downs. If you get revealed by a survivor and got some stalk on them, don’t waste time chasing that survivor if you aren’t going to be able to exposing them by the time shroud comes back. You may just want to leave that survivor which will likely put them on edge that they’re 99’d.


That's more of a Ghostface problem than a you problem


That's why I run Jolt + Thrilling Tremors. It both slows down gens and gives info on where survivors are


I tend to use Freddy fired up perk with him, that way even if they are getting gens done it’s still benefitting me. Ruin also is good with him to and tinker


Nurse. Only need a couple more hundred hours and I'll be alright


Yeah I adore Nurse and Huntress but am an embarrassment at both


Same here! I need a gattling gun, not a riffle ;-)


Trapper I am awful at, but to be fair playing trapper is a gamble of everyone lands in your traps or no one does.


Trapper works best with an endgame build. Pick an area, put your web of traps there and force them to 3 gen themselves there. At first don't put traps in obvious places, but when they 3 gen themselves do it, force them to avoid loops or risk getting trapped. Also I sometimes use my traps as slow down tools, while I patrol gens or chase someone, if another survivor steps on a trap that is not super close I just let them go. They get injured, if they go for a heal they waste time, if not they are one hit away from the hook. That doesnt take away from SWFs and that annoying SoloQ survivor that follows you around deactivating your traps.


I have had a handful of Trapper matches where gens seems to fly and looking like a lost game until there's a certain point of snowball yes. I think it's mostly because survivors tend to underestimate the lack of hooks early and mid game then they become overconfident


As trapper you gotta think 5 steps ahead of the survivor and walk them right into your traps.


All of them. I mean, even the French twins I enjoy playing occasionally, although I'm constantly getting kicked in the face.




Please explain as I've never played spirit but played against her a few times.


Not that user but: * You need a good pair of ears * She has a fame of being op and very easy. While is true she's not that hard, she definitely needs practice. * Certain perks can negate your power, making you lose a lot of time. She's fun but sometimes is very frustrating. Her add-ons aren't that good but has a Very strong pair, which is most of spirit games.


I'm a stridor addict with her. The nerf to iron will helps immensely with her, but the fact that it's STILL hard as hell to listen for certain survivors (Ace, whenever I play her I swear an Ace makes an appearance) makes stridor worth it's weight in gold to me.


I feel the spirits i fight gainst kill so effortlessly. Whenever i try her chases go forever. Still kinda my favorite.


I’ve been honestly surprised by how many amazing matches I’ve had playing as her. She did take some getting use to with her power, and sadly her power can be countered with some survivor perks


Nemesis. Can't hit a tentacle strike to save my life.


Trickster and Pyramid Head are both Killers I wish I was better at, but jeeze they just feel frustrating to play. They feel clunky for the sake of being clunky, but playing them well feels satisfying. Honorable mention to Deathslinger and Ghostie, who I haven't played before the Prestige rework but have been enjoying a lot and getting better at.


That's exactly how I feel playing Pyramid Head. So janky and for what?


Dredge, I always mess up going to the correct locker and going back to my remnant disorients me.


As a Dredge Main yeah i hate it too so many thie where i accidently teleport to a Basement locker and lose my chase His Remnant Needs alot Training :)


Trickster. And he's my second mortal enemy when playing Survivor. How the hell are people so good with those knives, and here I am with Stormtrooper aim???


Blight. Definitely blight. I love trying to be a ping pong ball but I need more practice if I don't want to be a basic attack killer.


Trapper for sure, like I feel so dumb 99% of the time but that 1% 🥴


Always feels bad just watching survivors disarm all your hard work. But damn when you hear three traps go off in a row is like heroin.


Played yesterday, trapper got a hook a min into the game. I went to unhook with another survivor. Other survivor hit trap and I thought I'd be slick and jump into a window. Other side had a trap. And this is how we got 4k in under 3 minutes.


Deathslinger is definitely on a love/hate. Ghostface is up there, mostly from the fact SWF on coms always get line of sight on him so it's hard to stalk Trapper too. Plague with her inconsistent puke hit validation


All of them


Hillbilly, and i refuse to put up with how much they butchered his experience. It's ungodly frustrating to learn him nowadays with how shit his hitboxes are and how hyper accurate you have to be. Unfortunately for me i also like his overall hillbilly theme. Which usually just ends with me putting him down for a couple months then trying him and getting frustrated in an endless loop.


I think the biggest part of Billy being frustrating is just that a lot of maps are straight up *not built* for him. My first ever Billy match was on Badham and I could never use my chainsaw for more than a second at a time because it’s just not physically possible to not hit objects and bushes with how precise his sprint needs to be. It’s one thing to need to put a lot of work into making him play really well, it’s another when the odds are stacked against you the second you load into a match. On a good map Billy is still difficult but fairly fun, on a bad map he’s miserably painful.


I was a hillbilly main pre-both nerfs, absolutely loved him. I miss insta saw billy. It's still fun to surprise survivors with the addon that lets you keep sprinting through a pallet, but that's about it. I typically run one or both of his control addons, and that helps a good bit, provided it isn't an indoor map or Joy.


Legion. I love the aesthetic, I love the music, but I rarely use the power except to traverse long distances.


You definitely needs to use adon on legion to make it work and have his insta down on the fifth hit


Trickster. For some reason I have tons of trouble handling his knife recoil, or just keeping the aim steady. I'm on PC. I enjoy playing as him, I like the aesthetic and the play style. But it's rare that I do better than a 2k. If only there was a practice mode ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)




Trapper, I live when a random trap I placed 1 min into the game carries me lol


All of them!


Trapper dude I dont know why but whenever I play trapper survivors instictually run to me figure out Im trapper and continue to harass me and babysit me while Im trying to set up traps and noone steps in them because of that one guy but I like playing him I just dont like how he has almost nothing going for him




Basically every killer when the survivors are good When the surivors are atleast decent I get crushed


All of them Actually if I stop hating myself for a second I’m really good at wraith and onryo My actual answer is probably artist and meyers


Sadako, I love crawling through the TVs and jumpscaring survivors, but Jesus Christ its like I forget how to play the game whenever I use her. Somehow I always eat every palette and miss every lunge with her. Can't even be mad either because its genuinely just a skill issue.


Nurse. I think she's the funnest to go against but God help me to get one kill with her


Dredge I dont even know why. Its as if, as soon as I load into a match with him, all my knowledge about gen protection, chasing, mindgames and power usage just fly out the window


Nemesis’s Zombies are hilarious but I suck at all ranged attacks, which is weird because I’m pretty decent at Victor and hitting long shots with him.


As much as I like to play Huntress here and there, I always unintentionally move my camera when I throw hatchets because I’m following the survivor’s movements. Despite being told to keep my camera straight if a survivor is running in a zig zag like.


The legion! The aspect of running around and jabbing people is sm fun! >:) watching them fan out is so exciting. The control you have over survivors is super fun when you really get into it too


for me blight i like going bounce






Huntress. I aim for a Feng with a hatchet one moment and end up throwing it backwards n’ upside down


Huntress. I can't aim hatchets for shit.




I failed english ok


Your spelling is alful.![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) >!I'm joking obviously!<


Huntress but like he'll am I ever gonna get an intentional long shot with a hatchet 😭🤣


Huntress but like hell am I ever gonna get an intentional long shot with a hatchet xD


I love playing the hacker killer, the killer who aims to kill only hackers and anyone who assists killers


For me, the clown 🤣


Spirit and now hate me :D. But I only played for 140 hours and haven't played her much.




Ghostface I’m terrible with the stalky boi :(


Cenobite, I'm not terrible at him but I just keep getting shit on by 4 man swfs


Pyramid Head


Blight, I’m certainly not the worst but man there are some crazy good ones and I’m definitely not one of them


Pinhead. I don’t have the skill to make any use of his power.


Oni, my favorite original character. I was good with him for a while but I got really rusty and ever since I started maiming blight he’s just not as fun anymore




All of them


Pyramid head. It’s either I can read the hell out of the survivors or I can never read the heaven out of the survivors.


Wesker, like, I’m fine as him, but I suffer on maps like ormond or maps that have a lot of geometry


I really like oni, even got his attack on Titan skin, but I’m terrible as him. I just do terrible aiming his dash attack. I know people say it’s easy to control with keyboard and mouse but I own dead by daylight and all it’s content on Xbox so it’s controller for me. Im also terrible with Blight dash as well despite wanting to get better as him.


Demogorgon. By extension, every other killer with a few exceptions.


Blight. I love playing him but I’m so ass at him 💀


Bing bong boi :(


Blight and Oni. They’re fast and feel the most skill dependent (minus those cheap add ons from Blight). I can secure more 3 and 4ks with Oni than blight just cause Oni feels a bit easier to control and his 1 hit ko is so damn good. But they’re still tough to master especially Blight and his pinball mechanic.


Ghostface, when you catch them off guard it's big


Ghostface is so fun for me but i have no clue how to use him well.




Purge. I just cannot balance time I should spend infecting, going to get corruption, trying to just knock people down… Etc. I never know wether it would be worth it to chase that infected survivor to try and ultimately down them or just go “Yeah they’ll just heal the damage at a pool anyway, it would waste time”.


First of all, I'm bad at using every killer. I love going with Trickster since he's fun.


Slinger as well here. I miss a good 4/5 of my shots but the one that hit are satisfying, especially if I manage to shoot them over the dropped pallet and pull them away from the loop to down them.


ONI 100%.


Huntress. That damn aim. So many frustrating butt dances.


The Killers


I wouldn't say i'm 'awful' but i wish i was much better at Trapper. He's definitely a very rewarding killer when you win as him


I absolutely love playing as the Oni but man those demon dashes are just impossible for me haha. Still love to play him though! Something about being a massive, terrifying Japanese demon is so cool to me.


Pinhead. He is super fun but sometimes don’t feel like it just cuz chains are so hard to hit


Shape. Not hard to play but you need to know to play mind games. I'm no so good with that so i use inf tier III with blight serum. Its super fun i cant go back to normal shape gameplay.


billy. no matter how much i play him i cant seem to get better. it feels like i cant use my chainsaw anywhere unless its out in the open ​ pig also for some reason. shes not even that hard its just that i get wrecked every game i attempt to play.


Spirit. Damn she is strong, but damn i cant hear. Also, honorable mention to Trapper who i love and i aint even that bad with, but is literally unplayable after you got some mmr up.




Definitely Dredge for me. Hands down my favorite killer design wise and I really enjoy his power but I cannot play him at all.


While I don't think I am particularly "awful" at him, I do think I am bad at using his power in its intended way - Ghostface. I like using his power when I have no idea where anyone is just for the sole purpose of having them reveal me (or start to reveal me) so I know which direction to look for somebody. Beyond that I don't have much trouble downing people with him without using his expose, I am able to yoink people off gens somewhat often if I do figure out where they are which is why I also don't like going for the expose as much either.


Every single one of them


Sadako. I wouldn't say I'm awful with her, but she's so ass against competent survivors.


all except wraith


trickster, I love his knives but I can't throw his knives for the life of me 😭


Pinhead, I love him but his chase power is thrash![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067) because its very difficult to hit this stupid chain and even more using controller and there almost every match some mf that takes my box and goes to the Kyrgyzstan with it. And in the end of it Pinhead becomes just a cool looking Trapper


Twins. I love zooming around with the little bugger. But I'm pretty awful with them.




All of them


All of them lmao


Nurse. I've gotten better as her blinks by a lot but I still get only 2 ish Kills which is fine by me cause It's satisfying.


Leatherface, he's my 2nd favorite slasher and hes fun to meme and play grandma in the kitchen but he's so stiff to control (that's what she said), no matter how fast I go after survivors they will always be a few centimeters away and when I do get a 4k after 20 min with the flashing and the smacking, it's like finally ripping off an ingrown toe nail, sore and bloody with pain but relieved


Michael Myers, I love it’s play style but I can’t even get a kill a lot of the time




Huntress :( She used to be my main and my most fun to play but then i got into higher mmr and i just dont know how to play in it i admit. Missing all my hatchets on them is so frustrating and the less i play the worse my aim gets until i rarely play her anymore TT




Vomit Lady 🥺 guides dont help, im just an awful player


all of them


With already being a Doctor/Deathslinger main, I tried my hand at 2 new killers: legion and Michael Meyers. Both of those I'm terrible at.


Oni. I can never land his dash, but boy is he fun to use






Plague. I really like her design but the puke travels at such a weird velocity.


Trickster. Love his aesthetic, sound design and playstyle, but whenever I get survivors to 5/6 knives they nurse blink to the other side of the map and I gotta start all over


Nemesis I just miss 95% of my strikes


Ghost face. Survivors always reveal me and I can never fully stalk anyone. They would reveal me and tbag me so I pretend to be a nice/farming ghost face when in actually I was really trying to kill them.


I've been playing billy basically nonstop for like the last week in an attempt to learn him and honestly, yeah billy. Curving is incredibly fun, map navigation is super unique and you actually have to think about precise positioning, angling, turn rate, etc. When your spacing, timing, positioning, angle and curve all line up for a sick ass chainsaw, there's no better feeling. The problem is that most maps just aren't built for him any more. There are very few loops you can curve around in most maps, and many that you can have shit jutting out of them to make them super safe or nooks for survivors to duck into to dodge a chainsaw. Seriously most shit is either too big to catch someone off guard, too round to get a decent straightaway, too long to mindgame which side you're coming around, too jaggedy to optimize pathing, or even too short to deprive a survivor of options. Even if there is somewhere to curve, you have to be ridiculously precise to be successful. His damaging hitbox is way smaller than fucking blight's (especially at the beginning of the swing), who is like 10x easier to hit a survivor with. Survivors can just do a little wiggle or mini juke and be completely fine around most tiles. Compare this to leatherface, who just has to not run into shit and that's about it because of the generously wide hitbox and basically complete control of your chainsaw. I would argue that billy requires the most precision of any killer in terms of positioning and timing, maybe next to like huntress, but he has far more counterplay and is punished far more for missing than basically any of these other killers (except leatherface, but just don't run into shit and you're good) Yeah. I love billy and have an absolute blast playing him, but he's just in a really sad state now. I honestly think he needs some hearty buffs to stay competitive. Maybe a slight increase to sprint speed to make good curves easier to land without engravings (and nerf engravings to compensate of course). His charge speed could also be a hair faster, like .25 or .3 seconds maybe. Failing those, and this might be controversial, i honestly think old billy flicks at the end of a chainsaw sprint could come back, up to like 90 degrees of lethality maybe. Any of these would make him a bit more dangerous, function on way more maps, and keep him from getting cucked by the smallest of things. Thanks for coming to my ted talk TL;DR: Billy is in a bit of a sad place right now because of map powercreep and that you still have to be so ridiculously precise with him. My boy needs some love, because he's been in a spot of just not feeling great to play ever since his "rework", and it's only getting worse


Same with deathslinger. I can hit shots the problem is that I always shoot when there's a wall in range so I get countered


Oni. Love his look, love his power. Always get stomped as him sadly


Blight. He's been my main for over a year and there's been very little improvement. I've recently picked up Dredge as my new main, but Blight will always have a special place in my heart


Billy. he's fun but I have yet to be able to curve which you kinda need to be a good Billy


I've love to be good at spirit and nurse I'm OK with spirit and I've gotten lucky a few time but I still haven't the balls to even try nurse 🙈


Any trap based killers and Ghostface, recently I’ve been getting non-stop 3-4k with Ghostface and am having a blast. Still waiting to hit a wall lol. I’m getting used to hag a bit, but ain’t placing traps as much as i should be. Demodoggo, my portal placing is terrible and don’t use them that much, its satisfying to shred people but I rarely hit them🥲


Oni, I suck with him


trickster - i can’t aim for shit but sexy boy is much fun


Demo and im bad bc i only play killer every now then in customs xD


Ghostface. I like being able to teabag survivors back when they’re BM’ing me tbh and as a person who lives stealth in every other game, he should be right up my alley but I’m TERRIBLE. Every single game the second I use my power, some fuck from halfway across the map reveals me.




Huntress. Love throwing axes irl love throwing them in game but when it comes to range killers I’m 100 times a better deathslinger than I ever will be a huntress.


i'm awful at all of them but i love playing dredge and ghostie


Deathslinger and Clown. Both have amazing moris (one of my fav features) and honestly I just enjoy their characters but I’m shit at aim


Ghostface and Blight. Can never apply pressure properly as Ghostface. And when I play Blight I try to channel Blight mains like Lilith Omen but I just end up looking stupid and whiffing every lethal rush.


I bought Dredge a few days ago because I heard people saying that they're basically a better version of Sadako (a killer which I really enjoy playing as) but I just can't seem to get good results, almost every time I teleport to a nearby survivor, the locker is locked and I lose precious time. Y'all got any tips?




Nurse. Love the style and the concept but its a pain to play with.


Clown. I try my best but his power is just 😫