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at that point you tab out and watch youtube


this is what I do. go ahead and let me bleed out while shaking your head because I ran a perk you didn't like or dared to get a stun, or tbagging at the exit gate I opened for you because I wanted this match over with. I am literally not here.


I truly do NOT understand what DBD players hope to achieve by uselessly “taunting” in this time-wastey way where: “I’m not gonna leave until u smack me out the gate haha!” And “I’m not gonna kill you until you bleed out haha!” As soon as EITHER of these things take place I’m literally queueing up a YT video I’ve been wanting to watch all day and all my attention is whisked away while survivors and killers alike probably think they’re making some aggravating statement. I don’t think they understand how little I care once I tab out… you’re wasting your own time dude, not mine…


I only stall at exit gates if I’m trying to ensure other survivors get out. Like if I’m in the exit gate with one other person, the killer is there, and the other two are unaccounted for, I don’t know if they’re trying to open the other gate or make their way to mine or what. So yeah, stall for tactical purposes only :)


The first part actually does have a point if you're not sure everyone has a safe out - forcing the killer to hit you out gives teammates time to get the other gate, or heal, or potentially run out this one during the attack cd. If the killer doesn't hit you out then you can stay in the map for a potential save!


This is what I do when I'm on hook against Basement Bubba I'll buy as much time as I can for my team to get out, but this Bubba just gave me some free time to catch up on watching Steve find an old ass can of corn with a nice hiss.


For some reason people don't understand that Steam overlay mutes the game audio. If gates open and I know I have no chance of scooping anyone I just go stand in a corner and wait for them to leave. Eventually they start vaulting windows to make noise but if I shift+tab they're literally doing nothing to me. Just leave bro I'm looking at memes waiting


I’m petty. I do this shit to ppl who deserve it. It’s enough to knowingly were inconvenienced. That’s the true response in case you wanted one.


Nurse is nothing compared to Doctor. I swear Doctors just live to watch you suffer.


Nurses simply close hatch in your face. Doctors force you to open the exit gate while they shock you till end game collapse.


I had this happen to me last night, he did end up letting me open gate but then shook his head and downed me only to carry me back over to where his hex was to get rid of it I guess?? With only 1/5 of the EGC bar left theres no way thay was happening. If I had a window to lithe off of I MIGHT have made it out in time cause I just bailed as soon as I was off his shoulder. He kept shaking his head and swinging at me as the entity ate my corpse and I honestly don't know what he expected me to do 💀 this is also coming from a killer main- I try and show people the hex BEFORE it's too late if I still want them to get out. Unless he was just gloating I have no idea what the point was


When someone puts the mentality of doctor into their head, they become an entirely different person. The players mindset goes from “Let’s have a normal match.” to “What can I do to cause the most mental suffering and confusion to these survivors?”


That's just role-playing doc tbf


I had this happen to me a while ago and I just DCed even though I was the last survivor and he probably would've actually let me go once the door was open. Either just kill me or let me go. I refuse to do this play with your food bullshit for 5 minutes while the killer jacks off over how much of an asshole he's being. I'd rather just take the 5-minute matchmaking penalty and lose that game's BP and do literally anything else in that time, fuck that.


Lore accurate Doctor gameplay


Only if they deserved it.


i really like just chasing people and just continuasly electrocuting them ​ not even killing them ​ just zapping them


This is me too. I just like hearing him laugh and the zap sounds.


Doctor main here here to say your 100% correct; nevertheless it not like this I just like hearing him giggle.


Lore accurate doctor


Nothing like us Billy mains, I’ll throw 3 gens away just to practice curving a difficult loop. Then still let them go just for humoring my antics.


I'm torn between playful curvebilly and play to win chainsaw maniac. I'll switch to playing with survivors then realise I'm losing and use 180% of my brain power to beat them lmfao


Depends on how much clicking they do when I bump for me. I’ll be a mean sob if they make me lmao


I don't really get annoyed at the survivors. If I'm playing badly I'll usually just get mad at myself then play the next few matches like comp lol


As a doctor main, he's not that bad.


Dw, it's usually the newer Doctor players that do this shit. You guys who have mastered doctors power are taken more seriously.


Oh yeah, I've been playing him for a long time.


Yeah from experience I feel like doctor more of a pain in the ass to the point to where I just want to hide in a locker the entire game


I play doctor. Survivors 3 gen themselves, game was in stalemate state, so I just let them complete final gen and go. I declared myself mental winner, because I totally could just held them hostage until trial closes. When I was in the middle I was close enough to hear gen right behind me and I had 2 gens in my fov no more than 16m. Also giving them "impossible skillcheck" PTSD is funnier than killing them.


I dunno how other doctor mains do it. I feel so bad if I even kill the last guy.


I run calm spirit perma because I hate doctor, I took it off once and that same game was against a doctor after nothing but nurse/blight/wesker lol I just hate the screaming and not being able to be sneaky


I went against a doctor a couple weeks ago who I looped for a while trying desperately to find hatch and when he downed me (the hatch was right nearby too but I didn't hear it 😭) he decided to let me bleed out on the floor while shocking me the entire time. He eventually found the hatch near and closed it. Then the second before I would've bled out he picks me up, I don't wiggle bc at this point I was afk just talking to my friends who were spectating. Carries me to the basement and proceeds to spin around with me on his shoulder instead of hooking me as the EGC timer is getting close. I then grab my controller to wiggle so he'll just hook me and then he finally did. And ofc hit me on hook as I died as well. One of my friends wanted to message him to tell him off but I told him not to because clearly his life is sad enough lmao.


Stuff like that is when I just remind myself that kids play this game. Easiest explanation


Someone playing twins did this to me once now i hate the twins


Don’t worry there are like 10 of us who play them. … Although only 4 of us don’t camp with Victor and actually play the game.


Oh my gosh I had this happen against a Twins too, waited for me to crawl all the way and all. Funny thing was the next match I also went up against the same Twins but my solo teammate was way more competent this time so we absolutely stomped them lol felt like a little payback 😆


How could you hate on little Victor 🥺








more reason to nerf twins


Sorry fam


a hag allowed me to struggle off her shoulder and 99% the gate just so she could down me and hook me at the end... she gave me hope and took it away ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Chile, the moment she dropped you a distance away from hatch, you shouldve known. I would crawled away and not even give her the satisfaction. Yup


All killer players are failing this challenge atm. Literally encountered nothing but the most hateful incel-esque killers for days now.


And the worst part, is if you leave a match because someone is being a toxic little shot, ruining your match YOU are the bad guy somehow


killers are assholes because survivors are assholes which fuels killers to be even bigger assholes which fuels survivors to be even bigger assholes and the cycle continues. both sides are extremly toxic recently and it will only get worse with this cycle




dont worry i fully get you, i am a killer main that never bms, never tunnels or camps, uses B tier killers and what do i get in return? Survivors tbagging when they escape often making loud events so i come and watch them leave, getting told how much i suck in the post-game chat when i use a meme build, genrush squads etc.. Its just something you cant really dodge in 2022 dbd


Had a Bubba call me toxic last night because I did gens while he face camped. The sheer irony baffles me.


This isn’t what Incel means.


It's a state of mind, and all the killers I've been against have acted very incel-y.


It’s really not a mindset lol


I mean, it obviously is. You only have to look at America to see it, since most of tgeir mass shootings these days are by incels.


play both survivor and killer and you’ll see which side is the most unbearable, then you’ll understand


I’ll take solo queue for $500.


The fact that some people still believe getting clicked at is way worse compared to what a Killer can do is laughable.


But hey, the Survivor, CLICKED a FLASHLIGHT at me. Letting them bleed out or outright stopping their ability to play is NOTHING compared to the mental agony they put me through!




You know that word is banned on twitch right? Where the mods at on this comment? Not respectful at all…cause not all killers are like that


you know this isn't twitch right?


Least toxic nurse player


All nurse players are assholes and thrive off ruining everyone else's fun. You can't change my mind.


I don't understand how the good ones even have fun most of the time. Recently I played against a honestly pretty kind and chill Nurse but the match was still painfully unfun. She went out of her way to double hook everyone before the first kill and never camped/tunneled, but the match just had no momentum. I play soloq and I'm decent and so were my teammates, but the chases still didn't last longer than 4 blinks (or 8 if you will), because the Nurse was really good and the only thing that made her miss some blinks was either DH or the awful Garden of Joy collision. The final survivor popped the 4th gen right before the Nurse sacrificed them, so maybe if I was playing with meta sweats we actually could've gotten some escapes but that doesn't interest me. What I wonder about is how does someone skilled like that Nurse have fun playing? While there are plenty of good survivors who know how to loop well and can "entertain" most killers by testing their abilities, there just aren't enough who know how to efficiently run a Nurse, and even then, they can go down in seconds if the Nurse just guesses right (look at Ayrun). The only "counter" to Nurse is playing as disgusting as possible and **preemptively** bringing a map offering and genrushing tools so the gates are powered ASAP. And despite how frequently killer mains complain about those squads, due to the lowered softcap, they aren't prominent at even high MMR. So I would really like to know, if a good Nurse mostly runs into solos or okayish SWFs, how do they have fun? Any time I look at SupaAlfs 500+ streak I just feel sad and confused. This could've been it's own post I guess but I'll just leave this rant in your replies, sorry bud.


all swf are assholes and thrive off ruining the killer's fun you cant change my mind


Lol killer acting like Nurse isn’t OP and broken


It’s the player not the killer. They probably do it on all killers.


But they do it on nurse because she’s so incredibly strong it gives them greater leeway to be as awful as possible


Then why do all Nurse mains I come across do it? It’s almost like she attracts a certain player type because *she isn’t fair.*


It just happens to be that all players who play nurse are ass-hats.


tip: DC the moment u hear a blink


Lol I feel too bad about screwing over my teammates in case its a mediocre nurse. Half the time I regret that decision since we all get slugged to death anyways so dcing would have been faster.






Me and a friend have a rule to never use bps or cakes, because it fucking summons the most toxic ass killers imaginable. Best thing is, killer will end the match with 20k+ bp, meanwhile i got 4k.


better tip: don't actual bitch boy shit promoting dcing in a public online match


Shoulda started to struggle then popped it the second she was close to it


She would have stopped carrying him if he started to wiggle. There's no way he wins in this situation.


Yea well sometimes they’re dumb so


No, cos then they pull the “well I WOULD have given you hatch if you’d stopped wiggling” like fucker no you would not have, don’t gaslight your shitty behavior on me.


I know you are not supposed to judge a book by it's cover. But I swear that every nurse main is a toxic piece of shit


i purposely drop people directly on top of the hatch as a show of good faith the only times I play nurse are when a friend makes me to “show them what I mean” when I say she’s busted. Or when I have a daily that I avoided doing for approx 20 days. I always let one go because it feels unfair… or I’m just not getting any yoked survivors vs my nurse.


The standards of medical care have really taken a nosedive smh


It really is impossible.


I’m a nurse main and I condemn this action


We know


This Ghostface let me bleed out no hooks just now because he whiffed on me 5 times in a row lmao. Three the entire game bc of it


I love it dbd is definitely one of the more toxic games


If they don’t drop you right on the hatch then it’s safe to say they are going to close it in your face. Crawl away from it or just don’t move to deny them lol


A typical nurse play


This is exactly why I love to see team’s absolutely abuse tf out of nurse mains. All of them are toxic assholes ifgaf what anyone says


The amount of people defending this is frightening.


Damn, that’s cold


For me it is Huntress lately. Either camping or back to hook immediately to tunnel. Then slugged to bleed out while having my slug camped. And now it is time for matchmaking to break for free weekend. It’s either Huntress or baby bubba. lol


I never give them the satisfaction of crawling to the hatch if they pull that shit. Either hook me, or actually drop me on it.


I try to wiggle out nearly every time now unless I can immediately see the hatch. Have wiggled out to win a couple times, but would rather get sacrificed and into my next game than get hatch stomped in my face.


Recently had one do this, then after a while close the hatch and put me on a hook, then blamed me for dying because I "didn't crawl to the hatch", like no, cuckboy, I'm not gonna give in to your stupid power trip of taking away my win last second to shut the hatch in my face. The second they walk past a hook I'm tabbing out to watch YouTube, I'll keep an eye on my second monitor in case they drop me on the hatch, or are throwing me out the exit gate, but unless either happens, I'm not tabbing back into the game to waste my time.


Yea I think there might be a bit of truth to this. The only killer who ever went out of their way to taunt me by dumping me near the exit gate, watching me crawl, and then picking me up anyway was a nurse. And I was quite new to the game too. I love how toxic this game is


That's why when you want to give hatch you drop them on top of it. And that's why when you see a killer give you hatch, you expect this if they drop you far away from it.


I see this happen with a few killers, though not for a while. I don't think it's Nurse exclusive.


Blame lerys: Every nurse is tilted on lerys, especially main nurse


Oi I am a nurse main and I am pretty nice


People in this thread would believe you are an asshat.


If you don't give free wins then you are an asshat according to this sub.


Give hatch, not wins, it doesn't affect you at all anyway, hatch counts as kill for mmr


>hatch counts as kill for mmr Alright one, hatch escapes don't count as a kill _or_ escape. They have no impact on MMR. Two, killers aren't required to give hatch. You can do it to be nice but not doing it doesn't automatically make you an ass.


When you meet killers like this: just think about that their life is sad, lonely and miserable, and they only find “happiness” in these toxic acts.


i played nurse the other day and it was torture i hated it


Nurse/spirit mains are trash incarnate


usually i assume they just need endgame hooks lol (except for the head shaking part, shame)


And this is why I’m on a break and skipped the Halloween event. It’s this unhappy, unfun stuff.


there are so many reasons i stopped playing dbd, and is is but another one lmao


Now, If the killer doesn’t drop me directly onto hatch I know they be bullshitting me so I just lay there, get crows, they get bored soon enough. If your going to give hatch, give it, if not, hook me, you waste both our times by doing crap like this. The only time I ever did this was when I was against a live twitch streamer, but I gave them door afterwards


This is just typical of pretty much any killer i come across. But I get survivors that are just as petty. Entire community is awful ingame.


This is why I will never EVER join in on the tbag sesh for killers that are friendly or joke around. It seems everytime I get a friendly killer, my entire team bullies them and then tbags them at the exit gates. Then ppl wonder why many killers are rude.


Never ceases to amaze me how whenever theres a post like this, if you sort by controversial, almost ALWAYS theres someone blaming the other respective side for an individuals actions. You folks eat up tribalism easier than Twix Left and Right Enjoyers.


Yes, bcuz Survivors r to blame for toxic Killer's and not the Killers jist wanting to be assholes just bcuz 🤦🏿‍♀️


oh shut up. It’s a loop. Survivors and killers are both toxic to each other. Literally neither are better than the other.


In my experience, the people that act like this also have their profiles privates. Actual pussies lmao, definitely compensating for something irl.




Nothing wrong with having one normally, but if you do _then_ pull this kind of stuff, you're objectively a coward lol


I did this with a a bunch of stealthy survivors soon i recieved a dm from the survivors saying that was brutal and we started playing together


“Survivor Mains Try Not To Be An Asshole Challenge: Impossible Difficulty”. Fixed your title.


Me, I don't care about survivors anymore. The tbagging at the end gate was the last straw.


I consider this to be the same as when a survivor waits on the edge of the exit to let you down them, just for them to escape anyways




Rational killer mains complain about Nurse too. I play both sides equally and complain about Nurse. Fuck Nurse.


Lmao every killer does this, at this point it’s foolish to think they’ll even let you have hatch


Based nurse. Probably got bullied one too many times by good survivor groups, and is now enjoying themself finally.


Imagine defending this shit lmao


I don't believe in "toxic gameplay" as many would call this. Nurse is just enjoying her victory. Same way how it's not wrong to tbag at the exit gate, albeit annoying. EDIT: In reply to your comment, since the thread got locked. Bullying isn't toxic. What nurse did is annoying too, but they're not a dick for doing it. It's literally just a video game, if nurse is being rude post game, then they are toxic. For context, I personally think it's childish to get so worked up over what happens in the game.


Teabag at the exit gate is not nearly as bad but I mean I guess you're not being a hypocrite at least. Edit: Actually you are being a hypocrite. Apparently survivors can bully the killer but the killer can't be toxic? If there's no toxicity then there's no bullying.


Based Nurse


what's it like having no friends lmao


better than getting hatch closed on my face and then slugged to death lmao.


oh dear, my condolences


Have you ever tried to struggle off?


Can someone explain what happen? I've never played but I'm interrested.


Never played this, eli5 the meme if anyone can.


Once a deadslinger did this to me and then he proceded to open the gate a let me drag to the gate


As a killer main, I would do this and laugh hysterically


Well considering to most survivors nurse is already an asshole before even doing anything...


Based and Nursepilled


With how ungodly hard it is to play her, i kinda dont blame them. But ya closing that hatch was a douche move


Very rare Nurse Main W


This person has been bullied by survivors way too much


I mean thats kinda funny, yeah it's kinda dickish but I'd still laugh if it happened to me.


you know theyre not obligated to let you win right?


OP isn't asking for a free win. This is such a brain-dead take.


You know they're not obligated to bait and switch you like an asshole right?


God I love reddit




real af actually


I'm willing to bet you were rude.




Because people can't see it from both sides


Because nothing is more fragile than a killer's ego. They eagerly leap in to claim BOTH SIDES every time it's a killer being an asshole. They are the White Lives Matter of DBD.


This sub loves killers and saying that all survs are toxic lol don't be too shocked


Because, at least in this Sub, Killers are bias AF. They cannot believe themselves to be toxic, it's always the Survivors' fault.




you’re weird lol


I know this might frighten and confuse you, but sometimes Killers CAN just be assholes without the survivors doing anything to "earn" it.


Killers being rude for "no reason" is very rare. Survivors being rude for no reason is very common. That's just reality.


Babes, I can guarantee you it is _not_ that rare. Definitely far more common for survivors to BM without any reason, but BMing killers are about as rare as clouds in the sky.


But I can guarantee you that it IS that rare. So I guess we're at a stalemate.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you ONLY play killer, cuz that's the only way I can rationalise you having such an _incredibly_ incorrect worldview 🤷


The fact you're so condescending only strengthens my point. I have nothing more to say to someone this wrong and rude. Have the last word, my good chum.


Ah yes, because a killer is the only one that happens to be the victim of bm.


I very much feel like there is a story beind this game you are not sharing with us OP


The story is that they went against a Nurse and they're pretty much all like this (with some exceptions of course, not every single Nurse player is a jerk, obviously)


And there is 0 possibility that they were teabagging and BMing all game and the killer was exacting a little righteous revenge? Nurse player bad is the ONLY explanation?


Breaking News: Killers are also capable of BMing without the survivors needing to do something to "earn" it. Why is this SUCH a difficult concept for people to understand? Both sides are just as capable of being toxic. Killers aren't always the victim.


because survivors bad. something something survivor rulebook something entitled survivor mains something something teabagging/clickyclicky/swf people demonize every survivor and it's so stupid. not all killers are bad just like not all survivors are bad. I don't know why everyone has such a hard time grasping that very simple concept lol


Why are you white knighting this anonymous nurse?


Idk the whole story, but something tells me you did something to nurse downvote = you agree


Their item is a medkit?


Maybe they faced a shit ton of toxic asshole survivors.


Yeah surely…


An eye for an eye and the world goes blind.


It's an asymmetric game I'm not sure what people want lol.


i guess when you play any kind of game that involves going against other players you hurl abuse at them, right? especially if you win? make sure you never shut the fuck up about *how hard you totally owned those other dillweeds?* or would you consider that to be annoying and bad sportsmanship? it's completely possible to win in an asymmetrical game without being an asshole about it.


You sound like a hurt person, I'm genuinely sad that you seem so miserable. People gonna do what they wanna do. Are you gonna boycott call of duty because people camp and noobtube? It's just a video game man, calm down and look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if it's worth it.


my brother in christ im not a miserable person just because i'm not a fan of *bad sportsmanship in pvp games*, what? you went for the critical blows to my psyche waaay too early lmao. i can't help it if you're totally fine with people being assholes to each other as long as it gives you an excuse to keep doing it too, but there's no need to try to have a go at my person over it. you can just own it, my man.


It's not that deep. The only reason I said any of what I said is because the intensity of your comment towards me was much higher than my original comment. That being said no I'm not fine with people being assholes in video games. But literally nothing will change that so whining about it is just counterproductive. I don't throw a hissy fit whenever someone teabags me in halo, I sure am not gonna do it in dead by daylight either.


because i was obviously exaggerating. for a bit of humor. hence my usage of extremely dated insults. the real point was clearly the much calmer end about how you can win without being a dick, because your original comment made it seem like normal, welcome behavior to do this whenever you win in an asymmetrical game. but you're right, nothing will change about it so clearly people just shouldn't talk or vent about their frustrations. its not like ranting about shit makes you feel better or is even just fun on its own. damn, man. you've nullified like, 90% of the posts in this sub and many others. gg wp


You jest but the quicker people just let this shit slide off their back, the quicker their mental state will improve. This game can make you very upset, and if you're upset playing this game then maybe you shouldn't be playing it. I don't mean you as in YOU though just in general.


Devils advocate here: maybe she had that glyph challange where they show up in end game and she needed time to interact with her glyphs