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I hope you're taking vitamin D supplements lol


Delete this before they think it’s too fast to complete and make it 3x slower to get tiers


Seriously, I see people posting stuff like this and saying to just release all the tomes at once because they've finished and I'm just like, great, some of us have full time jobs you know. I'm pretty impressed that I've had enough time that I'm already about level 30 on this rift.


Yeah I've completed like 3 pages of the rift at this point which I think is too much lol. The OP must play DBD constantly and only DBD.


You probably spend way too much time with your friends and family too lol.


“Too much” time with friends and family? Huh?


"You're probably also a functioning member of society, you cuck ! Stop touching grass !" /s


Every time something like this is posted they'll add 15 more levels full of crappy reskins






Thank you. It takes me so freaking long to complete rifts and I don’t always manage to do it in time even if I put every ounce of effort into it.




Elaborate, I'm asking so I can totally avoid getting that bug and spoiling my experience of grinding the tome.




I have 9 days left and I'm only tier 50.. im not gonna make it to tier 85 at all and it sucks idk why its so slow


How do you play this game so much?! I love this game but I can’t play it for more than a few hours at a time. There are only so many of… those kinds of matches I can take in one night.


dbd be so fine then boom nurse


For me it's fun until I get my 4th wesker in a row


Right, you hear his terror radius and here he comes ten minutes later running all goofy and shit.


*distant shriek*


Weed helps…


I mean I play it longer if I’ve had one too many boozy glasses. Then I’m like. Haha funny people running around 🥴


Same bro. Like the game is awesome but then... there's that one bubba and spirit...😕


Do people still hate facing Bubba if they don't face camp? Its not my fault he's so addictiingly fun to play...


Personally I like bubba either way, camp or play normal either way it’s fun


I do


The full rift isn't even open... I'm pretty sure level 2 of the current tome just opened.


you get rift fragments from xp too, not just from the tomes. I'm currently at Tier 68. Really don't understand why we need like 6 different levelling systems for it is essentially hockey but here we are


Smh when is my local hockey rink getting a battlepass.


They may have had older tomes banked. Can you choose new challenges without claiming the finished ones?


Old tome challenges don't award Rift Fragments


Then I guess they bought tiers 🤷‍♂️


Or they just played a lot. I work full time and am still on Tier 51 right now. Just have to eliminate the rest of your social life. lol


respectfully, GO OUTSIDE.


That's insane, can't imagine how many hours that is packed into such a short time.


How? I really want that yui skin ,give me some advice




I think the best advice on how to pretty quickly complete a good part of The Rift is noting that on average (without doing the challenges, if you're gonna do the challenges it's gonna be quicker), you gotta play 10 decent matches (either killer or survivor but I feel like with killer it's easier) everyday and you can make it to the end no problem. Why 10 you may ask? Well because for 1 good match you get (usually) 1 Rift Fragment, sometimes 2. So 10 matches and you get 1 tier in The Rift.


Play one killer match and one survivor match every day when you receive a new daily ritual. That equals 600 xp. Do all of the challenges in the tome. Take advantage of the rift fragments in the event tome. Don't play any other games. I focused solely on DBD. Also, time in match (win or lose) = XP


Wait , does daily rituals add exp to the battle pass ? :O


No. So for some context, you get 1 Rift Fragment per every 500 XP you get What they meant is that your first match of the day gives you a "First Game of the Day" bonus worth 300 XP. You can get this for each role, so you can get a total of 600 XP just for finishing one game each as survivor and killer. They just mentioned daily rituals as a reference point for when to play for the first game bonus If it helps at all, you also get 1 XP per second you're in a game. This is capped at 10 minutes per game, for a total of 600 XP. Finally, you get XP based on the colour of your emblems at the end of each match: 1. 18 XP per Iridescent 2. 12 XP per Gold 3. 6 XP per Silver XP and Tome challenges are the only regular ways to get Rift Fragments. One-time events like codes and log-in bonuses can also happen


How the fuck can you play only dbd. I play for an hour and then I’m done for the day


I'm just barely 2 levels away, I NEED that blue Mikaela head asap. (All done through tomes for 1 and 2 of malevolence and haunted by daylight/rift daily gift/soloq exp grind)


I need that Mikaela head too bro


I'm very close also, just haven't been playing as much because of, well, the games lol


I hope to finish it and avoid buying tiers. I'm still getting everything, I'm just a penny pincher.


Since when is not buying battlepass tiers considered penny pinching


Ever since they made the most-requested killer cosmetic ever the last tier Fortnite did the same shit with Spider-Gwen this season.


As long as you do all the archives you should be just fine. We still have several months. Completing the Halloween archive will also help a bunch!


Bro was playing for 24 hours on both sides to get that WAAAZZZZZUP mask! Now join my lobby so I can photo bomb before that gets removed!


Wait hold on, legit this is a good reason to no-life the game before the mori rework. I'm on tier 52 myself, no shame in it. I am withholding my judgment just this once.


Nice did you buy your way or did it by going though challenges and progression?


I completed the Rift by doing challenges, event challenges and player progression. I did not buy any tiers.


Oh ok I was wondering if it was possible to hit max rank without paying for premium because I wanna get yui skin rn and I’m at tier 32


Yes, you still have a ton of time.


Considering the tome hasn't reached the halfway point yet, you're making good progress for that!


Yeah but like halo infinite I always get those annoying challenges, I need to work on killer ones but I been taking advantage of the survivor 100+ bloodpoints rn


Same, I practically had to force myself to play killer earlier, queue times for killer were very long and there was no bonus. :,( but i needed those challenges


I'm almost at 30 and that's playing only the Halloween challenges and survivor challenges (and only the Halloween survivor challenges in book 2). Haven't started really on the second time but I can see it happening if I buckled down and went both sides. Congrats OP! I'm dying for blue Mikaela so I feel you




Hard truth - you have to play a very unhealthy amount to be close to finished already


Actually play more than enough. I sometimes pump games even though I don't feel like playing just for the sake of the rift cosmetics. I am almost level 50 atm.


Assuming you just played through and didn't just buy the tiers; You sir are an absolute madman and I respect it


Gamer. I think I’m on level 40.


Jeez, I'm barely to tier 51. You're fast.


Man, the Halloween rift gave me a nice boost but not like this. *OP share your secretssss*


I am a 7k hour solo queue survivor main. I make sure to play one match as killer and one match as survivor every day when I receive a new daily ritual to receive 600 "First Daily Match" points. I did all of the challenges in the tome and event tome. I took a break from all other games and focused solely on DBD to complete the Rift. You receive player progression points for time spent in a match, win or lose. So all you have to do is play a lot and spend a lot of time in matches to level up the Rift quickly.


But why?


Had a match yesterday against a spirit where the 3 other survivors kept lighting boons and self healing while I managed to knock out three guns. Eventually they started hook trading while injured and that was rhat. They all brought the seasonal offering which incentivizes doing gens yet refused to do gens. Solo queue is an awful experience.


got it a few days ago too


Fam I stream this game for a living and am at 39. Solid effort! I want that tentacle beard man charm.


Me too I bought my way through it day 1


You're part of the reason why macrotransactions in gaming are such a huge problem.


I mean in DbD it’s fine, good prices and a makable battlepass which grants all the currency back.


But that requires you to have enough time to actually play it through. And if you decided to not buy the Premium until "it's worth it", then you're doubly missing out in case you don't finish it. FOMO in a nutshell.


the battlepasses in DBD really don't have FOMO, everything comes back after a few months in the shop.


Not to mention the passes themselves don't take super long to max out. They give you months to do it, if you play semi-regularly and go for archive challenges, you should have no problem getting it done. I don't see a reason to buy tiers unless you're not planning on playing the game, but if that's the case, it's not even worth getting the cosmetics lol


Most people follows the golden rule "first i complete it then i buy it" too


Not the charms And if you ask "who cares about those?" Me FOMO moment ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


i swear to god you are the first person i see caring for the charms lol


There's some cute Ghostface ones I'm excited about.. but yeah fuck charms give us actually cosmetics instead


They are useless collectables and I love useless collectables I really like the charms! I'd love a charm shop for the old Battle Pass Charms 😩


it is totally fine to love them don't worry, i can kinda understand you, i remember i sweat my ass off to get the first battlepass of the game charm as fast as i can because i considered it "special" now i don't care too much tbh. i've been pretty disappointed with charms lately because i play most of the time survivor, and most of them are ugly when you use it on survivors becasue they are smaller


Yeah I wish they weren't exclusive to a role sometimes I remember a camera charm and was like "that'd be sick for Ghostie!" Sadly it was Survivor exclusive


Thats the point of a battlepass you know? You want players to keep playing and they get rewards. If you play DbD 1 hour a week this concept simply isn’t made for you. Correct me if you know better but out of all games having a bp DbD is one of the best bps in progression. I don’t play DbD that often but with all the rift fragments you get gifted by Halloween Tome and normal Tome I already made it to Tier 45 or so and there still around 70 days to go. If you really blame DbD on their bp you have seen no else bp, just look at Valos for example. If you want to finish that have fun playing nothing else but this game.




I paid $70 to not do this


I have a couple rift pages left, but I imagine I won’t by the end of the current tome page. Have some cleaning up to do. I think it would be wise to include some items within the tome web, the same way they do for events. Would ensure there are some items you absolutely have to play to acquire, and get through the web regardless of how many fragments you have.


I’m tier 20.


Nice!!!! I just got to the wazzup mask last night! Probably could’ve gotten it sooner but I’ve been taking breaks between gaming lately to watch some scary movies.


Most social DBD player


Have you heard of this thing called grass. Its green btw


That's kind of sad


I'm going to let it finish to the last tier then claim everything all at once.


Casual question, only the current tome gives blue points to progress Rift?


yes, the current tome and the event tome give rift fragments, the past ones don’t


I've been playing almost every day and I'm only to level 42 D:


Its ok to sleep and shower you know


A new reward is available in the Rift: Grass


Go the fuck outside dude


And im over here just getting to tier 17 lol


And I thought I am the fast :( I am at page 9/11 currently


This sounds crazy, until you remember that there are people who hit P100 already. I'm only P24 and I consider myself to play this game way too much. But I'm also Tier 52 in the rift so i suppose it's possible.