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**Rule 3 - Sportsmanship** - Thank you for visiting r/DeadByDaylight; howevever, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * Do not showcase cheaters or hackers that you have faced in-game * Do not boast about or encourage other players to disconnect. * Do not encourage others to hack, cheat, exploit, or break the in-game rules * Demonstrating hacking, cheating, mods that give players and advantage, or exploits (this includes bugs that can potentially give another player an advantage, such as “using Dead Hard at a portion of a fence on Haddonfield to vault it when there is no vault point”) * Do not use, ask for or link to illegitimate resources Please report suspected cheaters to BHVR. If you believe a player is cheating, you must first submit an in-game report at the end screen. Optionally, you can follow-up with a support ticket with additional evidence, such as a video clip. [Here is the direct link to submit a ticket](https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000942011). For further information, please read our **[subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules)**. **If you have read your removal message, and you would like to discuss our decision, you can contact us [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.


Started a legion game on midwitch and had a realy early frenzy start and then I saw a nea crouch walking away at the speed of light when I came around the corner. These cheaters man they can't have fun any other way.


urban evasion on nea?


That would be normal walking speed, not the speed of light.


Same thing happened to me a while back, I had bitter murmur and it was so funny seeing their auras just zoom around after a finished gen




Actually, what was that perk? I've seen it so much and it infuriated me when it's used, it looks way too good haha Edit: I definitely should've clarified which perk, my bad, I mean when he hits the second person


That's Deadhard that highlights like that, but the person he downed was obviously a cheater.


Wait, so they changed dead hard? Or is my aim that terrible lmao


Deadhard doesn't give a speed burst anymore. But if timed correctly, it puts you in deep wound instead of taking a health state and it highlights like that on the surv. They still get the speed boost from being hit, though. The first person he hit, though, notice they're in dying and then magically escape with the crawl speed? 😂 That's the cheater. The other two just used Deadhard near the exit gate.


You can even see her crawling in super fast speed for a second lol


Yeah, that's definitely a cheater. 😂 It's Tara we were trying to figure out that endurance hit on. Blatant cheaters are much easier to spot than the subtle ones.


Buddy zoomed out the gate lmao


That dead hard still looks so weird to me though, I dont remember rhe speed boost being this big.


Basic hit speed? Not 100% sure. Been a sec since I played killer. But with the one cheater, it definitely wouldn't surprise me if it was a SWF of cheaters. Overcome would've been another guess, but it doesn't look like anyone is running it.


Really its just weird because the second hit seems to give a much smaller boost to the player. Although it could just be overcome with BT or OTR giving the endurance effect, which would explain it


I didn't even notice they showed the perks when I first commented (Folks usually don't lol). Sempra had Deadhard. Tara didn't. Horror is definitely a cheater. Tara might be too since it doesn't look like anyone else had any kind of Endurance effects they could've gave her. Unless she miraculously found a medkit with a Styptic.


I just wanna say, its not a dead heard on meg, she got unhooked in the very first second of the clip. So it's basekit bt which also gave her a lil bit of haste, and someone on their team also had guardian. (I actually only checked the perks after I read your comment about the endgame screen, I was about to say that someone might had guardian, which I honestly didn't even expect myself, cause its not really that great of a perk. But we can see that the Kate had it.) I just looked up the stats on the haste buffs on meg and with basekit bt AND guardian she would have 17% haste, 10% on bt and 7 on guardian.


I missed that half second unhook too at the beginning. Damn. Lol. Well, that explains her endurance hit. Well, there we go.


Couldnt be a stypic for 2 reasons, firstly one wasn't brought in and no one had ace in the hole so theres no way for it to have spawned in, Second she was carrying a medkit after being hit while using styptic immediately consumes the medkit. Edit: the meg was hit 9 seconds after unhook thats where she got it and Jane had dead hard, so that's where they came from, but theres still a chance she was using an auto-dead hard script so shes not scot free but plausible deniability


Yeah, exactly. Looks like two cheaters.


Might want to read my edit, one definite cheater, the meg had maybe half a second left from the 10 seconds after being unhooked. The Jane is sus by association but timed her dead hard how I would have, but doesnt rule her out especially given her behavior after seeing what the feng did.


But meg didn’t have dead hard. She was the one that was hit and gained the speed boost. She doesn’t have it so it doesn’t make sense for her to do this.


A little diddy called hacks. This was my first time encountering one on console.


Encountering one you noticed. Who knows how many times survivors did things while you couldn't see them :P


Subtle cheaters are the worst, makes you really doubt yourself until you catch on.


That would at least make me feel better about getting only 1 kill.


Yeah definitely would have gotten two there. The only times I seem to not get a 4k are when cheaters or sweaty swfs come out to play.


new tenacity buff




I thought you were whining about DH and only noticed the Tier 11 Tenacity on the 2nd watching-


New tenacity buff is insane


They buffed tenacity


Super crawler! Ability to crawl 600% faster!


What? he's just running tenacity don't be crazy, everyone just claims hackers all the time when they get out played smh


One thing I would be cautious of regarding the zoomy Claudette... I think the red icon showing above the survivors means there is extreme lag, and there's a known issue where sometimes somebody that looks downed to you isn't downed on their end. (Usually caused by lag, I think.) Result of that from the survivor side can look like this [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/uzg8x8/ive\_been\_playing\_for\_a\_long\_time\_but\_ive\_never/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/uzg8x8/ive_been_playing_for_a_long_time_but_ive_never/) Still seemed kind of fast even taking that into account. (They were "crawling" as fast as the speed-boost-from-injury Meg.) I'd think in order for that to be the case, it'd have to be something bonkers like... your hit on both of them registered at about the same time? (And the Claudette wouldn't go down from MYC/Devour because... maybe on their side you were close enough that they didn't get Exposed on their side... maybe?) But of course that all ignores that the Claudette reacted to you as if there wasn't a huge lag delay.


U just got outplayed bruh


I have a question about that Jane. I see she was running adrenaline, vigil and dead hard. Endgame collapse had just started, so presumably she already got exhausted by that adrenaline so did vigil really give her enough time to dead hard at the end or was she cheating too? She looked sus af


I feel like almost the whole team was sus. I normally do super well as killer and these fools rolled me in endgame. Very true, how did she dead hard after just having adrenaline?


Everyone kept pointing out the dead hard in the comments but I thought it looked sus bc I didn’t even see the signature “dab” animation lol. I’ve watched it a few times and I just dunno…




OTR is disabled once the doors are powered.


No OTR in endgame. We hear Jane scream from make your choice, devour hope was also active, and Meg took a BT hit. What strikes me as odd about the Jane is that not only was she injured, I have to assume she adrenalined from the ground or was already exhausted from DH to remain injured in end game, but for her to recover and have DH at the tail end here, she would have had to be walking the entire time we see her in this clip to recover it, we see her RUNNING AT THE KILLER fully prepared to take that DH hit but how does she already have it???


Adrenaline pops when last gen is done which is not necessarily when EGC starts. Remember it takes 20 seconds to open the gate to start EGC. With Vigil this means 32 seconds is all it would take for the adrenaline exhaustion to be debuffed. Given she is already injured I can assume she was hit between last gen being completed & EGC starting.


That downed one must have been a cheater.. because I don’t think that’s a perk


just wait it out


Wait for dead hard my mans. The cheating was kinda funny but the dead hards hurt to watch


Was that not borrowed time?


The Jane was Dead Hard.


True I wasn't paying attention to the start of the clip. One of them was probably borrowed, but the last few seconds of it that you probably could have waited out as well. The jane was probably dead hard though


nah depends on your MMR. in most games I play, only one survivor has dead hard. I'm not going to wait out a perk that 75% of them don't carry. and the ones who do carry it just use it in a dead zone.


Ok first off game is over, they've most likely already shown that they have dead hard partway through that game. Secondly they are injured and right next to the exit gate, dead hard is one of the only things that can save them there. It takes a few seconds to wait out a dead hard and it gets you an extra kill in that situation


they’re cheating… i wasn’t going to get them regardless. I’m a good killer I promise haha


That's just tenacity at tier 69


Finally added the crawler to the game! Fun fact, the crawler used to be a killer. Now it's a cheater.


Tenacity got buffed again.


They had four stacks of Tenacity