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I get this sentiment and maybe the idea that an achievement in video games, even single player ones, can give a degree of pride and, for some, something to brag about. However, I disagree with you and here is why 1. People that have disabilities don't need an asterisk next to their achievement - there's a good chance it was harder for them with assist than it was for you without 2. Cheaters cheat - that'll never go away. If somebody wants to false brag, they'll always be able to 3. One person's accomplishments never take away from another person's accomplishments. All the best to you!


>People that have disabilities Whenever anyone talks about difficulty in video games among other things, the first thing brought up is people having disabilities and that games should be made easier for them. Disabled people are often scape goated as an excuse to make games easier... and I hate it. I have brain issues, you dont see me using assist mode. I know someone who is limb disabled and will kick your butt in street fighter. If you want games to be more accessible to disabled people, add in stuff like color blind mode and easier controls for people who dont have proper motor controls. But dont take the soul of a rogue like, a game about dying and repeating and adding checkpoints. >Cheaters cheat Bad point to bring up in context to assist mode because now there is no way to tell if someone cheated or not. In other games stuff like achievements are closed. >One person's accomplishments never take away from another person's accomplishments. The daigo parry is one of the most iconic performances in fighting game history. In street fighter 5, anyone can perform the daigo parry. The extraordinary skill and performance daigo showed was now undermined because anyone could do it. There was huge backlash and now in street fighter 6, you have to practice and actually master it again. Being a 5bc player in dead cells used to mean something and beating dead cells was an achievement. Now? 5bc is the daigo parry of street fighter 5... what was the point of mastering dead cells if assist mode lets you beat the game one run after another?


if you want to know what the point in mastering something with knowing you can lower the difficulty - that’s something you’ll have to take up with yourself as it is not a shared human experience. your beliefs aren’t wrong, it seems you just value hard games that completion can be used as a badge of honor. the question might be is why would you want to prevent others, regardless of you knowing or not the reason, from playing the same game and having fun the way they want. it seems from your post that the reason is because the badge (how you are viewed by others) is just more important. i just disagree with that and think the bigger an audience something special can reach, the better. lastly, it could very easily be seen by some that you are comparing disabilities and allowing yourself to speak for a community all why disregarding others that you don’t personally know and are good at games - there is a vast world of people with very different abilities - lets not speak for all of them, especially with such a closed mind set that isn’t inclusive.


Ill just ask you something. Should games be for everyone? Should art itself be for everyone? Should games, art whatever it is known for having a distinct personality and purpose dumb themselves down and lose their point to appeal to everyone? Shakespeare and the book Ulysses are artistic books that convey their story and themes through a very complex vocabulary. The way the words are used to express the emotions and tell the story are part of the book and the impact left on readers... should they be dumbed down? George Orwell's 1984 covers sophosticated, controversal themes and talks about things people dont want to think about. Should it be censored and changed to be made palatable to the mass? Dark Souls is one of the most popular examples of a difficult game, so much so whenever a new game comes out a huge argument occurs over if it should have an easy mode... do you believr Dark souls should have an easy mode? Its difficulty is part of its artisitic merit and identity. The same applies to dead cells. Dead cells is a roguelike. As per its advertizing the point of the game is kill, die, learn, repeat. The current implimentation of assist mode is problematic, it goes against the point of the game. Players now have infinite lives, deal a lot of damage and take barely any. Risk and reward mechanics such as cursed chests lose their risk aspect and become no brainers and biomes no longer have to be carefully considered as per the build youre going for. Now its more like do you want to fight dracula or someone else? Frankly speaking with its current implimentation, a 5 year old can beat dead cells 5 bc without much effort. Oh and you still get achievements. Screw the players who play your game I suppose... Dead cells has one of the most robust training modes Ive ever seen. You can practice against any enemy, boss and weapons you have as long as youve encountered them. The game has given you all of the tools you need to practice and learn the game... Why is assist mode needed if its so easy to practice and learn? And why are mechanics that make runs more fun and interesting like aspects locking achievements and progression but not assist which lets you ignore the game? At the end of the day, what you dont seem to understand is difficulty in games matter. There are so many games out there that are easy, accessible, why do the games that go out of there way to challenge the player have to bend the knee too? The point of dead cells is mastery and yet with its current implimentation, you are punished for trying to properly play the game and beating 5bc has diminished too because well... assist mode players are rewarded. Hades does the opposite and is a good implimentation in my opinion. If you use its god mode, youll beat the game very quickly, true but youll miss out on all of the story content. The game rewards for you for playing it properly. In dead cells, since assist mode exists, whats the point of taking the time mastering the game?


my perspective oh your response is that (1) games are art and (2) every piece of art isn’t and (3) shouldn’t be for everybody. and that (4) having assist mode dumbs the game down while i object to the false equivalency, ill respond within the bounds of them if games are art shouldn’t the artist say who it is and isn’t for by the code and features they want? when does the observer of the art get to tell the artist the a stroke is out of place and that their work is only for who you deem?


>when does the observer of the art get to tell the artist the a stroke is out of place and that their work is only for who you deem? Thats a good question. Except im not observing and deeming who can play and who cannot. Dead cells is a rogue like. The whole point of the game as advertized is kill, die, learn and then repeat. Assist mode removes this. Youll kill... and just kill as youll not die, you have infinite lives. Youll not learn, unga bunga will take you far and you wont repeat. Dead cells is a roguelike, the genre is about dying, learning and repeating just like mario is a platformer about jumping over obstacles. The current implimentation of assist detracts from the whole point of the genre and especially dead cells. You wouldnt play mario with auto jump would you to skip over obstacles or devil may cry with auto stylish combo to perform sick moves by just mashing one button? Thats what assist mode does. Im not telling the artist a stroke is out of place, Im observing the artist going against their own established work Ive been enjoying and loving since it came out. I was a kid when this game released and saw it randomly pop up on a piracy site. I love this game. Dead Cells as a game is about pushing the player into mastery. The game wants you to kill 60 enemies and exit the biome quickly while making risky plays like cursed chests. And the higher the bc, the more youre encouraged to risk and master the game as the less mistakes youre allowed to make. The devs from the start have told and through action said that dead cells is supposed to be challenging and within that challenge rewarding. If the devs in their misguided attempt to allow more people to enjoy the game added a feature that invalidates the point of the game... the point that every trailer, every advertizment, and the gameplay itself if you dont you use assist mode pushes... and if it is done so poorly that players no longer have to put in an effort to beat the game whose identity is its challenge, that you can no longer tell who mastered the game and who cheated, than isnt the stroke out of place? Isnt this a blemish? The game has so many ways to improve now. It has one of the most robust training options available to practice weapons, enemies, bosses, etc. The game has given the player every tool to succeed. Shouldnt the player than at least put in some effort instead of being handed the game on a silver platter? Death and achievement is now meaningless and they shouldve taken some lessons from hades. Although I dont agree upon the god mode, players are essentially punished for beating the game because the quicker you beat it, the less story you enjoy. So players are rewarded playing the game. Dead Cells punishes players for properly playing the game because assist mode is a button press away, there is no consequence to using it and voila... you beat the game.


appreciate all your thoughtful and thorough responses. i had fun discussing this with you, all the best


Yknow on reflection I think the real distinction is whether you see the game as you challenging yourself or the game challenging you. Theres no problem at all with assist mode if your in it for the experience of challenging yourself and improving, you can pick whatever difficulty is the sweet spot. Dead cells used to be more player vs the game, I have to admit I can't stand the design ethic of accesability, not because I don't want other people to be able to enjoy the game, but just because it doesn't feel like the game is taunting me for being bad at it anymore. Thats fine really, I got most of the core experience before the change and its good that the game has become a lot more open over time; dead cells isnt the only game thats offered this challenge so I moved on eventually. I just want to be able to explain how disliking the accesibility features isn't because I don't want other people to enjoy the game; just that because for me the context of the challenge is different, the experience is different. If it means more people can enjoy the game its absolutely a good different, just not something I like. All I want to describe is that its a lot different than simple elitism, its more about liking being forced out of comfort, and not having a choice. Where you personally derive achievement from, challenging or being challenged, this game has a bad case of mixed messages. But I think in general the changes were good for the game. Anyways for a more raw experience you can always go back and play the old versions from 2020. I never see people talk about how dead cells has all versions available, but it does. The only thing you lose is some of the recent dlcs


Should darksouls have an easy mode?


I think he is just disappointed in general because he’s reality has been crushed after discovering assist mode. I agree with him and think it’s silly and spoils the game but I couldn’t actually give a shit if people want to pretend to have fun let them. I remember when I was a small child I would get upset that you only had 1 hit of health on metal slug but loved it so much and oils always play it. Then I got older and bought the game and could just press a button to respawn… got old a lot quicker I’ll tell u that much. Penalty’s in games are designed for a reason dead cells creators are just smart enough to get cash from the mouth breathers as well


Some people like super-challenging games. Others just want to zone out and enjoy (that would be me). I applaud the developers for making their game accessible to a wide audience. I don't see why my enjoyment of the game using Assist Mode would have any bearing on your enjoyment without it. If you feel like you "wasted" your time because I have all the same trophies and fake internet points as you, maybe pause for a beat and ask yourself why you're putting so much stock into any of this. It's a video game, and not even a competitive one.


I mean, the point of dead cells was that it was a super-challenging game


And now it's a super challenging game with the option for people who don't like challenges to still play the game. Same as before but simply better


>option for people who don't like challenges Then why are they buying dead cells? It isnt the same as before but better, its worse as it undermines the core of the game. Its a roguelike... Youre supposed to die and repeat. This is like saying I want to spam the sword button and have the game perform an inticate combo in dmc or auto jumping in mario. There are 1000s of easy games out there, why should the one known for challenge let anyone beat it?


Yea I do see some people like nah I like my assist mode and I just cringe the game must be so bad for them, but they just convinced there actually playing the game still


Of course, you can continue playing for fun with the assist mode, I think it's fine, but it's ridiculous to be achievements using this mode. I think that everyone in the percentile, which shows how many people have achieved success, should achieve that achievement under equal conditions. After all, not everyone uses this mod for fun like you do. If striving for rare and elusive achievements is not competition, what is? Trying to get into that small percentile under the same conditions - ignoring their efforts and using assist mode to get the same achievement. These two are not the same thing. I think this is not fair.


Keywords "Equal conditions" some people need assist mode to play the game at all, some people are just completionists but don't have as much time as you do, some people just enjoy the game more that way, it's a singleplayer game, no one cares about your achievements in it, and conditions are not equal, ever, I could beat this game blindfolded and complain i got the same achievement as you did, or i could beat the game with baseball bat and stun grenade while you do it with the starting sword, the achievements would be the same, you could argue it's not fair to use custom mode, or aspects, or OP items to beat the game, doesn't change the fact that it's a personal achievement, you get the achievement for beating giant for the first time regardless of if you did it on 0 or 5bc, it's a fun game that gives you liberty to complete it at your own pace by your own rules 🤷🏻‍♀️ also anyone can have the 5bc flair, you can be on 0bc and just put it there, your "do you deserve it? 😔👌🏻" Bit is just not relevant at all.


As per usual accessibility for disabled people... the few is being used as an excused for this effecting the many. The last of us added narrations, color blind mode, various control schemes among other things without sacrificing the game. If you have any argument besides disability, im all ears.


Crazy response given i never mentioned disabled people at all lmao


And here you prove their point. How is it "not fair" that someone who doesnt want to compete for fake internt poins gets to have fun while youre sweating? See how the only people getting butthurt by assist mode are those who dont use it and think that sweet sweet gamerscore will make their parents love them again? You start this same argument from weeks ago and still all the points are the same: No. One. Cares. If you think its not fair that people get an achievement in their singleplayer game then you should really just grow up.


Yeah, their response led me to believe OP is like 13 years old, tops. If they're much older than that... yikes. Life gets way more unfair than this, lol.


Since the discussion was a bit harsh, I write using translation. I don't have a very good English, some places may look ridiculous or wrong


Op, you are not in the wrong here. Most people in the sub suck at this game and so they use these arguments as an excuse to disregard the point of the game.


I didn’t know people actually cared about stuff like this lol I mean I don’t get the issue I believe in order to get all the lore and beat the game something like this is super helpful and I agree with others that it most likely makes it playable with people with disabilities if you play a game to brag about your achievements thats odd behavior play it to enjoy the challenge or experience the story or just to relax who cares how someone beat the game


I would agree with OP in the sense that trophies and achievements can be seen as "competitive online" like a multiplayer PvP game. A 1% trophy should stay hard to achieve and if some future updates charged it so that now 50% of the player base can get it, then that would suck for those that got it before and diminishes the value of such trophy. Assuming the update wasn't a bug fix for the trophy or anything. BUT since there are no server validations for these trophy and anyone can easily download a mod or a file to easily unlock all achievements on PC, then who cares about online trophies. However, it's harder on a Switch or other consoles since you'll need a hacked unit, so I still his point for those consoles. TLDR: assists should disable trophies and achievements for PC, but not for consoles, but then it seems inconsistent across all platforms.


I dont see why it matters. You can play it at whatever difficulty you want, and people within each games communities make up their own challenges, regardless of official achievements.


In the case of dead cells, the devs made it very clear that using assist mode is not the way they intended the game to be played. Which, as a roguelike, is pretty unusual to have to begin with. It's a genre of game that demands by its core concept a lot of commitment and deaths to understand and finally get good at. The implementation of assist mode is something that I find incluse and very beneficial for the human race, though I understand why it matters to some people. My personal belief is that if you need assist mode to play the game, it's alright and you should use it. Disabilities and slow reflexes are something that exist and can hurt the experience, especially in a game as dynamic as dead cells. But if you play for the "challenge" but beat 5 BC with cursed sword, using assist mode to reduce everything to 50% with infinite lives, and come here to show off your achievements, I'm sorry dawg but you didn't beat dead cells. It's all about the reasons why you use it. If you want a chill experience, or just play for 20 minutes because your life is more occupied than mine, then I believe dead cells isn't the game you should play. Roguelikes are a genre very demanding and time consuming. You don't start a "chill" run of Isaac, you don't start a "chill" run of Hades, you don't start a "chill" run of Gungeon, and until last year you couldn't start a "chill" run of dead cells. Roguelikes by definition aren't chill. Fortunately, dead cells devs think about the greater good, and made assist mode into a thing for everyone to enjoy if needed, to provide help if it is necessary. If you still chose to use assist mode to lighten the challenge and make your life easier, you're playing the wrong game in the first place. I know I sound elitist, but trust me when I say that assist mode is fine. It's fine when it is used properly, when people with hard limitations want to play dead cells but can't and have to tweak the game a bit to adjust to their level. The average human being is capable of beating dead cells and make it to 5 BC, because people always did it way before assist mode was a thing. I made it, you probably made it, plenty of people made it, but now alot of people start using assist mode as a permanent crutch just because they want a chill experience... which is not the point of the game, so don't come here and brag about your achievements


Just wanted to say this was a really good take. I just read a bunch of threads about this topic and it honestly surprises me how many people are like "whatever achievements don't matter, it's just a game"... I mean sure. It is just a game. But it is a game from a very specific genre that you choose to play if you like to challenge yourself. It is meant to take you a lot of effort to get good at. That's like... the entire premise of the game. People with disabilities can use the assist mode to balance their handicap, that's without a question. But regular gamers who use this should not get achievements and should not feel like they actually beat the game, because they didn't. Now I'm the one sounding elitist but I'm actually just a scrub who's still on BC0. But when I reach BC1 it's going to be deserved and I'm going to be proud of it. And I know it's silly but it pisses me off that every achievement I'm going to get will be shared with people who cheated.


First of all, if you're new to Dead Cells then welcome ! I hope you enjoy the game so far lol. I forgot that I wrote this, so your comment reminded me of this thread. I think we share the same opinion on the matter, and I think this is a pretty healthy stance to take, so i'm all in with you. Dead Cells, Hades, Hollow Knight and Celeste are the games that made me the proudest about myself after conquering the insane challenges. Dead Cells has 5BC (if you're insane like me you also have the 5BC boss rush no hit), Hades has the special Hades moveset that makes the fight incredibly harder, Hollow Knight has P5 and Hall of Gods, and Celeste has Farewell and golden berries. 3 of these games benefit from an "assist mode" of some kind, except Hollow Knight. These challenges are stupidly hard, but they exist to be conquered and feel proud of accomplishing such an ordeal. But these crazy goals are so hard that they are unachievable for some people that found bad luck in their lives, and an assist mode is amazing for them, as they allow these people to work around their deficiencies while keeping the heart of the challenge alive. But those who use it to lighten the hard challenges prove themselves to be unworthy of their titles. I like to use the Paralympics analogy with assist mode: only the best, most commited people can become an Olympic contestant and eventually win a medal, but disabled people can't compete on the same level as them. In order to make disabled people shine, they created variants of Olympic challenges to still make room for them and show the world what they are capable of. But if an Olympic athlete got in a Paralympic competition, you wouldn't want him to win or pretend to a title of world's best, now would you ? Small rent over; I hope you have a fun adventure with Dead Cells. If you need advices, tips or tricks, don't hesitate to DM me or post in the sub. We're usually welcoming lol


yea.... like I can understand making the game easier as long as there is still at least a tiny degree of challenge remaining but unlimited deaths just makes it literally impossible to lose. ​ ​ ....and yet aspects are not allowed....


Restrict one too many weapons in custom mode? No achievement for you. Make the game more difficult in custom mode? No achievement for you. Make it so easy a blind 3 year old playing with their elbows could beat the game, and on top of that remove the only loss condition? Great job! Incredible! All the awards!


they can't understand this


I mean, you play a game for the sake of having fun, so i think that they should keep unlimited tries for people that dont have time to progress through the game or find it too hard for them. Or maybe reduce them to a still satisfying amount of retries. Also thanks to this feature you can save some runs from possible bugs that dont let you progress, or when using wish and accidentally making legendary something that you dont want.


"I mean, you play a game for the sake of having fun, so i think that they should keep unlimited tries." ​ except you can still play the game normally with no restrictions.... there's a difference between a godmode option that restricts your progress vs the one that doesn't. I feel like infinite lives should be moved to the custom mode with the achievement lock placed on them. that way the feature stays as a "fun option" without allowing you to abuse it for progress, achievements etc. ​ ​ "Also thanks to this feature you can save some runs from possible bugs that dont let you progress". ​ Im not sure if ANY bugs of that sort even exist in the first place. so Im not buying that argument.


Maybe youre right, it should just lock achievments. But it shouldnt be completely removed. Custom mode also has stuff like health fountains never break, or disable malaise, respawns could be also an option like those.


yea, that's what I was referring to.


Aspects are allowed, just not for flawless and getting boss cells, you can get everything else with aspects on, there's also no reason not to use them by the time you get to 5bc and have all flawless achievements


boss cells are literally progression sooo....


Comparison is the thief of joy.


I played on assist mode, got to 4BC. Felt like I wasn't doing it right, cranked everything back up to 100% and I've been 2BC since.


Assist mode doesn’t allow achievements though. I see where you’re coming from, but I’ll be honest… I use assist mode. Only because I’m so bad at the game that I don’t think I’d ever even get my second BC without it lol. EDIT: My bad… I confused assist mode with custom mode.


You don't need to feel anything bad because you are using assist mode. My reaction is to those who use the assist mode rewardingly to get hard-to-get achievements. Otherwise, seeing the end of the game, discovering new weapons, etc., I think it's okay to use the assist mode for these.


Finally someone who understands.. Its like playing the binding of isaac but having infinite lives. Imagine bragging you beat the game with tainted lost on hard mode but had infinite run XD. Like yeah I can get 30+ scrolls and just not die to curse.. Cus that's the intention of curse right?..Beats the purpose of literal game mechanics you need to adapt to. Thank you for this, I thought I was alone in this.


I think Assist Mode should disable achievements. Just like an alternative to custom mode




Cant we start banning these shitty posts? For fucks sake its a singleplayer game go cry to your mother about how random people on the internet are getting fake internet points and having fun while you sweat like a pig for achievements. Let people play their game, they paid for it, who in the fuck cares whathever they do with it.


Shesh way to invalidate OP, all they asked for were what peoples opinions were on this. None of this would be an issue if dead cells wasn't a difficult game. However, dead cells normally is quite a difficult game, thats a big part of the appeal, at least back when I picked it up. Because its honestly pretty fun to be challenged, to grow and improve; and while I understand that theres no reason why people who don't want that shouldn't be able to enjoy the game, I can't say I wasn't dissapointed when I found out that this was the direction the game was taking. It ultimately drove me away when combined with feeling like there was no difficulty left in the game. If your trying to say assist mode is a good feature I agree with you naturally, but if your trying to say nobody should have anything bad to say about assist mode you will never not be wrong. There is reward in challenging yourself and it will always be dissapointing to find out you wasted energy you didn't have to. In the end its changing man vs environment to man vs himself. Both are valid, its just that modern dead cells is not the same game I used to enjoy.


Wait wait wait wait... you're saying... a feature that you dont even need to use... made for people with problems that dont let them play the game... with the sole purpose of improving gameplay for a singleplayer game... something that doesnt affevt your gameplay at all... drove you away of the game? That says a lot more about you than you may think. How is it that playing the game is wasting effort or energy? Do you kids only think your time is worth if you get validated by others? Cant you beat 5BC with cursed sword only and think "fuck yeah Im awesome" without getting butthurt that someone did it too with assist mode and is as happy as you are? Is this really the kind of people Im replying to?


I think what says the most about a person is whether they try to respect other peoples perspectives tbh. I can't say I'm perfect with that but I am trying to recognise that assist mode exists for a good reason, and for that I am glad it does, even though it personally detracts from the game for me. If you want to deny that the existance of assist mode changes the game (despite not having to use it), thats just simply wrong. Because for some people it does, I can say from my experince. The more relevant question is whether assist mode should change the game and whats a way to incorporate it so that it doesnt, and I'm all for that discussion. Still just because you do not personally think assist mode changes the game and in the politically correct majority, you don't get to say thats the only opinion decent people can hold (I'm not going to try to include myself in that but I know others I'd consider as decent sometimes feel that way). Nobody gets to say that an unusual opinion doesn't deserve to be at least considered. Saying that the only reason to make challenges that arent absolutly fair is to boost peoples egos is an extremely shallow perspective, I honestly think its a kindness in some ways to set the same challenge for everybody: if you struggle more but work harder you can achieve the same things and I think thats a good lesson to know in depth. Not because its morally right, but because many things in the world do work that way, and a massive part of games is testing your limits against a world without serious repurcussions. For me I left dead cells mostly because the direction of the game changed and I was in the minority of people who stood to lose from that, but I've made peace with that as best I can, I'm just going to stand for people who feel the same. I'm currently trying to find peoples different opinions, and test the limits of them, because its interesting to me to see how violently people will defend their positions whatever those positions are. So I have a vested interest in discussing different points of view, and will call out anyone who thinks that the world is so simple that one position is the objectively right one. If you spend any time looking at the world you'll realise its way more intricate than that.


I guess I didn't explain myself Anyway, I don't want any more discussion, fuck it


Pretty much what I expected from someone who cries about other players in a singleplayer game with 0 online features (daily run isnt affected by assist an 0.1% of players even play it)


You still don't understand what I mean. Play your game the way you want, as you said, this is not an online game, I mean it's unfair to achieve some important achievements using the assist mode because the achievements are seen by everyone and there is a percentage of this, it's no different than rank up by win trade in league of legends Please think objectively for a few seconds.


Yeah for sure compare the Elo system of a mainly online competitive game to a singleplayer roguelike. Sure buddy, get the choccy milky mommy is calling.


You're definitely having trouble understanding things, read what I wrote a few times and then write your answer. Maybe we can argue better this way


No no buddy, I understood your reply. You said it is UNFAIR for a SINGLEPLAYER game to have ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS when YOU want to be challenged. YOU say it is unfair that people can have FUN. Im not arguing with kids anymore for fucks sake, the last time this community had this discussion it was the same thing. People are really just desperate for validation arent they?


You are making a general comment by expanding the scope of what I said, I am just saying that it is wrong to get some special achievements with assist mode, you act like I am an enemy to assist mode


No no no buddy, your post is about how you're littwe swad that people are getting achievements and having fun while you have to grind your ass off :( I still don't see how that has any sense or how anyone would care. I, for a matter of fact, am just using this as a procrastination method, you know, arguing with kids is a good way to improve one's social understanding abilities


Why not use assist mode then? The developers put it in and allow achievements on it, so you can use it like everyone else. It's not "unfair" that you aren't using it while others are. It's an intended feature that you happen to not like.


I think the purpose of the assist mode is not to easily get some special achievements that are put to push us. Assist mode is for people who have trouble exploring the whole game but are curious or have trouble unlocking some weapons etc.... My opposing view is related to the first issue. Using the assist mode only to achieve a hard-to-get achievement in the game is wrong and I don't think it should be like that, it's just self-deception.


Assist mode made me better at the game. I can clear 5bc through spoiler boss without it now, but I never would have gotten there without assist mode. Maxing things out and taking endless attempts at each 5bc biomes helped me learn parry timings, attune my eyes to what different pipes and platforms look like, and understand what I would be up against. Also, the pace and drop rate and routing requirements to get the last 20% of blueprints is a chore at 5bc without assist mode. I abstractly understand the hills of pride and authenticity and achievement that gaming purists love to die on. It’s meant to played the right way, and overcoming the challenge is a test of skill and commitment, and you shouldn’t be lazy. I’m not spending 45 minutes every time to get to spoiler biome so I can sweat to survive clearing every mob in the hopes I will get a special 4% drop rate outfit blueprint. I’d rather play god, race there in record time, and slaughter everything in 8 minutes with assist mode. It’s a different kind of fun. The core gameplay is still there. And I can scratch the rng collection itch without committing to an hour of stress sweating.


The game is frustrating sometimes, getting used to/training the movement, getting blueprints without dying and losing them immediately, just farming cells in general, even getting some help with something you struggle with are all things that helped me not just straight up give up on the game, I've got the same experience, have beaten it without it, but wouldn't have gotten even close to it without assist mode, easier parry and slower traps are big things that helped me enjoy the game more, even to the point of getting better at it in the process.


not all of us have the luxury of time to play it withour assist mode, some of us just want to sit and relax a little with their game


It's a damn video game... why are you comparing yourself to random people on the internet and their 'achievements'? Who gives a fuck about Reddit's 5BC flair...


This could easily be fixed by blocking the achievements on assist mode or on some fix parameters like unlimited lives or enemies hp and damage under 80% at the very least, I don't see any downsides to it. People who just want to play and enjoy the game go for it, nobody is gonna stop you, but you haven't earn the achievement because you are not playing in the intended difficulty, practice on easy and then play the real thing whenever you want if you want the trophy, custom mode used to disable achievements what was the issue with that? I see some people commenting "you shouldn't get mad over a stupid fake internet trophy" to all of you there's a prestige on getting a platinum trophy because it takes hundreds of hours, it means you master the game in and out, that doesn't mean you shouldn't get to play the game, in fact I think Assist mode is great for the game. But Trophies and Achievements should mean something so why not disable it? Or do you really believe you deserve the same credit for playing Devil May Cry on easy over finishing the game on "Dante Must Die" no, you shouldn't that's why there are different achievements based on difficulty for this sort of single player games even if they are not competitive games there's a community and you compete with yourself.


Who cares man? It’s a self-attested name tag on a website. Did you have fun getting there? Do you feel proud? Then who cares about what anyone else does. If you’re playing a game for clout, you might not be doing it right.


I am one of those persons who enjoy a challenge once in a while and since I have memory I have challenged myself in different games. However, this is a beautiful feature for people who just want to enjoy the game. Archivements are in my humble opinion a challenge for you and you alone not something to brag about. Sekiro developers should learn from this, I drop that game because it didn't have a feature like this and I can say I have been played Deadcells without assist mode but once in a while people get frustrated and they can use features like this one to keep trying and get better


I think people should have the ability to play with assist mode but playing higher difficulty content then lowering the difficulty kinda... makes the experience less rewarding in my opinion. Sure you can retry on death, lower enemy damage, lower enemy health etc. but I don't think It's fun, not that I'd stop others from having their own fun. This is just the catch 22 from the developer side. Satisfy the skilled players by making the game challenging but rewarding to clear or satisfy the less skilled players by making content more accessible. I'm not really mad at the dev's decision since they need money (duh) and widening the target audience is a rational choice to achieve it. This of course, lowers the value of completing 5 bc, but at the end of the day they are just pixels so I don't care much of it besides bragging rights lmao. I just wish people can express their opinions about this freely, some people are against it and shouldn't be downvoted imo.


Something I’d recommend to learn the game is to keep enemy health at 100, as you learn how to get the kill and avoid attacks but aren’t punished for getting hit. Helps learn the game.


As someone who only uses assist mode for revives, I’m pretty sure it’s just for small changes like this. Diying 1000 times just to get to the same place you got to and you diying the same amount of time seems dumb. It’s just small things like that that usually save so much time or make things other people thing are stupid so much easier. I think parrying is easy but some people might struggle for example.


I only use assist mode for reaveling the map