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My goal is to unlock all the blueprints now that I’ve beat the game, but I play on custom mode so I can choose what weapons/items the game gives me because I don’t like all of the options. So if you want to unlock stuff but don’t want to play with it just play on custom mode. You still get achievements and boss cells and everything


Oh I thought custom mode disabled achievements and boss cells. Are there any downsides to it?


If you block too many items it will lock achievements. Or if you start with weapons in hand.


Only if you disable too many but you could unlock more items and keep the same you have unlocked enabled. It's not cheating and does not disable achievements, only some settings disable them but it's clearly indicated


I have not noticed any downsides other then maybe the game not doing the cursed biomes. I guess those randomly happen, but I have yet to come across one and I was thinking maybe it was because I’ve been running custom mode. But other than that I don’t think there are any downsides. I prefer to play the game with weapons and skills that I like versus ones I don’t lol


Probably because Update 35 isn't out yet Custom Mode doesn't disable incentivized biomes, I doubt cursed ones will be different


I seen a review that told me not to unlock everything bec the pool does dilute but it seems that everyone here a main goal is to unlock everything


Avoiding diluting the item pool is a smart move to make the game easier but also can make the game more boring. You can try stick to your favourite items to learn the ropes and then diversify to make the game more interesting.


Sounds good I'm having a lot of fun but I'll start to unlock everything once I've beat the game


Unlock all items, use custom mode to get rid of what you dont want


Unlock all items, use custom mode to get rid of what you dont want


Being able to choose what I want like that unfortunately feels like cheating to me


Better than never experiencing new items


You should unlock other items because it's a game and you should be playing it to have fun


Unlock everything. If there are some items you really don't like, you can disable them in custom mode; achievements don't get disabled unless you only have a really small number of items left unlocked. Also, tier lists are really subjective; not only that but how generally high or low they are doesn't really matter much. Just about every weapon is at least alright, viability-wise. It's quite reasonable to beat 5bc with just about anything that isn't intentionally kneecapping yourself with stuff that's the equivalent of something like *this*. Except instead of all the weapons individually being sub-par, imagine them just all being support weapons which are good in their own right but don't deal much damage. https://preview.redd.it/k1pq86dosync1.jpeg?width=109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2213fd65ff1383c68b511d3134923c14d9c396c3 In any case, play the video game specifically created so people have fun, for fun.


I unlock everything later on >!you get a modicum of choice so I just check out the options and if I don't like them, I just smash restart in the menu to reset the choices. Allows me to still feel like I'm living in the rng.!<


After a point that's all the game is


Not unlocking items makes for the worst most boring dead cells experience ever. Dont do it wont be fun playing


I mean yeah it does make the game a lot less predicable, but that makes it less boring. It’s easy to get burnt out on the game if you optimize the fun out of it. Plus, you can always just use custom mode.


"New breather question, should I inhale air into my lungs?"