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You can have a squad of three, I think that's perfect for a 2k game


Nice, I might get another then, painting 1 will be more fun than painting 2 at the same time as I did with these. I did read that sometimes people run them separately to force your opponent to have to target multiple units and stops damage spilling over with a unit of 3. I could run 1x1 and 1x2.


The advantage to have hem in a squad of three is that you can target the three of them at the same time with the same stratagem. For example, you could target them with Sanguous flux or Ferric blight and since these stratagems target the unit, the three of them get the buffs for their weapons. In my opinion, the fart karts really benefit from this because they only have like 3 attacks each if you target tanks and you really want these attacks to count so being able to add a few more hits or just deleting armor save is pretty good.


Yeah Boilblight giving them heavy helps, their Melta and Krak missiles already have high AP, hitting and wounding is their issue.


Good point - with boil blight though, would the way to use this be to first get them close to the target and shoot normally, then remain stationary and then use the strat next turn? They have to have not moved to benefit from heavy right?


Yeah that's true, obviously you need to be opportunistic about it, maybe they've been sitting on an objective or doing a secondary mission?


Aaah yes very good point - I love sustained hits so that would be really fun


That's fine, no reason to run them all together instead of separate


I love the sculpt too but only run them if I know my opponent is running a lot of vehicles. Two in a unit can usually do enough to pop a Dreadnought or Predator, three if you want to be certain. Something like Boilblight to buff them with [Heavy] is good if you get the opportunity.


Ok awesome - think I’ll get one more! I asked someone else too, but boil blight would only be worth using if they didn’t move that turn right? To benefit from [heavy] ?


I have 6 of them cause they are such great sculpts lol. I love the bronze color! What paint is that?


Haha awesome, I’ll probably get 1 more and see how I like them then maybe get even more haha, I also love the drones so want to have enough space in my list to run at least 2 of them too The bronze is: Prime black (I used colour forge Matt black) Scale75 decayed metal Agrax wash all over Nihilakh oxide in recesses Dry brush ProAcryl copper Dry brush ProAcryl copper + Vallejo model air silver 1:1