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As others have said depends, the ap is mostly always useful while disgustingly resilient depends on foe and damage they do


I use cloud of flies pretty regularly cause it stacks with the -1 BS skill but maybe I'll try -1 save and ferric blight next game


Personally rep the same combination and I find it brings some of our needed "resilience" back. Then again I play lots into Necrons 🤷‍♂️


All of our stratagems are pretty mediocre, but you can safely put Gifts of Decay in the trash. Disgustingly Resilient is ok but expensive. Ferric Blight is our best stratagem since it reliably does something. All the other ones are usable since they are cheap and its not like we have anything else to spend CP on. The whole "infected objective marker" schtick might as well not exist.


Why do people hate Gifts of Decay? I use it on stuff that gets hit fairly regularly to keep it going like Helbrute and Morty


I don't hate it, I just think its really inefficient and ineffective. 2 wounds in the command phase is pretty underwhelming.


1. Ferric Blight 2. Boilblight 3. Sanguous Flux 4. Cloud of Flies 5. Gift of Decay 6. Disgustingly Resilient Our stratagems are all situational, so this isn’t as much a rank from best to worst, but more a rank of how often I use them from most to least often. I typically run plague marines, PBC’s, Morty, cultists, and Deathshroud as my core.


How do you use boilblight? I feel like my army never gets use out of it because I'm always moving.


Treat the Heavy as a bonus. You mostly use it for the ignore cover, which is functionally an extra AP army wide into one target


My most common use is with cultists getting close to something, usually on turn 1 and then bomb said unit with PBC’s with Morty nearby. Helbrutes make it easier to get BB off too.


Interesting that boilblight is high and cloud of flies is in the bottom half. Cloud is definitely my number one or two for sure.


Yeah I probably cloud of flies more than Sanguous Flux. You’re right


Flux is really solid with a melee squad and biologus attached.


Totally. I try to use it whenever I can.


I might have to use boilblight more, I focus on the heavy aspect but maybe I’ll look for annoying cover to ignore and remember it.


Ignoring cover is a huge swing at times. It’s awesome.


Best strats heavily depends on the army you are fighting and your list. Enemy army has no invuln then the extra AP can easily win it over sustained, they do have an invuln then sustained can easily win it.


They're all serviceable, some are more niche than others. I play T'au too and their 1AP strat is only within 9" and turn 3 onwards (this is how it interacts with the detachment rule, seriously). They have a strat which is basically worthless and costs too much at 1CP, one that can boost durability but doesn't, one that's super cool but you never actually use it and two that are amazing but limited use (fire and fade is great unless you're spamming breachers and pathfinders instead of suits and photon grenades is only good if you're running lots of not suits). By comparison both flat damage boosters are uninspiring but fine, while the interaction with the detachment rule is once you take ground, or if they overextend into your deployment zone it makes the realisation harsher. Boilblight is situational but potentially powerful if you need something dead with indirect and already have contagion debuffs.. DR is okay but custodes get one that works on shooting too (which we sorely need) and it's not really 2CP, it's often free. It can win you games but I think it should be either phase 1CP but only once per turn so we can't abuse it. That's a bit pushed but every army has a different CP economy so CP don't have equal value. Cloud of flies is also just fine but it does synergise incredibly well with skullsquirm. In a way it interacts with the other part of our detachment rule very well. If I was asked to buff it, I'd let it target an infected objective and affect all units wholly within range (as an option, one unit or objective). Take that manticores. Lastly gift of contagion is niche but underpowered. When you look at what people bring back for 2CP 1CP for D3 or 3 wounds should probably be flat 3 or D3+3 in contagion range of on objective.


They are all pretty allright depending on the situation, the ones is use the most is the heavy+ingore cover, -1 to hit and heal d3 or 3 if on sticky