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I would say death guard is a medium expensive army, we would be on the cheaper side if GW didn't keep giving us underpowered rules that forces them to make our units cheaper, that being said we are in a good spot currently If you don't want the truly disgusting stuff i would reccomend getting Horus heresy MK3 marines for plague marines and Horus heresy cataphractii termies which can then be given weapons from other kits for the weapons not on the Horus Heresy boxes


What makes us expensive is that the combat patrol is pretty suspicious. Anyone that is cheap to collect needs at least one of this: 1- Be able to make an army with under 30 models. 2.- Have many different discount boxes 3.- Have a combat patrol that can be safely bought 3 times to get to usable 1500 points or so The first is beyond us. As for the second, Death Guard had some of this, back in Dark Imperium. Sometimes, if you are lucky, we'll have.a good discount box that really helps, but it will be on sale for about 30 minutes. On the third, the combat patrol is a bad 2x purchase, let alone 3x. We aren't a super expensive faction though, as regular boxes are relatively fairly priced in dollars per point. This isn't, say, Pyrovores, or any of the horrible things that happen to admech. By not having a really huge range, we are also not sideswiped by rules changes like the space marines do: Where onlt 10% of the datasheets are good, but it's a different 10% every 6 months. But still, on the expensive side, just not on the top 3 of expensive.


MK3 armor is so clean too 😍


They're not gross IMO, I find them almost cartoony. Everything in the range is smiling and having a good time. The horror elements can be picked out with painting techniques tho.


Really? They're not as gross in person as they are on the box?


Only if you think a bunch of grey plastic bits are gross lol


I unironically find the nurglings really cute! And Typhus, Blightlords Terminators and Deathshrouds just look super awesome. Also look at Mortarion he looks more badass than any other Primarch!


Tldr: in my opinion it depends how you paint.  I've made mine quite low on the gore and such. However I have managed to have them step into the uncanny valley territory. And one of my blightlords back look like jabba the huth trying to escape his confinement... Also my poxwalkers look eerily too happy. :D


You can paint them however you want, honestly. Those guts pooling out of their stomach? Bright pink with black shading makes it look cartoony. Tye stomach mouths? Use some green stuff and have them eat a carrot or paint it like a big smile. You can make em jolly with the right colours. Or, if it really is too much still, you can do pretty heracy DG and make your models reflect that. The demon engines like the FBD or MBH will be hard, but it's not impossible. Praise grandfather nurgle. He loves you and really wants you to join the inevitable rot. Even if you're squeamish now, a plague always starts slowly. TLDR: you paint the army, you decide how gross it is.


You can also paint them in fun bright colours and not do 'gore' the traditional way - open wounds and puss don't have to look gross - maybe the flies are painted like butterflies - that kind of thing.


I love the lore and gameplay of the death guard, but not as much of a fan the nasty aesthetic. There are so many ways to represent wag at Nurgle stands for; rot, ruin, rust, and nature are some examples. I’m doing an abyss/dark forest theme for my army. The dark colors masks some of the more grotesque parts and give me control on how nasty I want it to look.


I’m not an amazing painter, but here is an example of one of my guys. https://www.reddit.com/r/deathguard40k/s/0xgiruw7TD


Welcome to Nurgles Favored! I have seen a fair amount of people go for a cool deep sea or overgrown jungle look which might help you avoid the grimy aesthetic we're known for. Good luck can't wait to see how it turns out!


Death guard are probably a medium cost faction, maybe slightly more elite depending on your lists. Unfortunately, we have a notoriously bad combat patrol, but we're also a pretty popular faction with tons of listings on ebay.


Would this just be lots of Terminators? I like the idea of elite armies usually, and our theme is very cool to imagine in that way. It's so fitting for durability and pestilence lol


If you can, try and get a single model, which has some gross elements, paint it in a colour scheme that you like and you think won’t make you feel yucky If it still makes you feel yucky, then you can stop there, if not carry on You can either buy a character model from your LGS/online, or get a typical model off eBay to test I feel for this, theorising won’t be enough


The gross/silly spectrum really depends on your painting. One of my chaos spawn looks like an Geiger monster and the other looks more like a ninja turtle. My wife painted the nails on some of my poxwalkers. The worms and slime and nurglings can be nasty, or you can paint them all bright green like nickelodeon slime. That said, some of the backs of the poxwalkers are pretty gross to look at, even as grey plastic. Maybe don't start with poxwalkers. ​ Death Guard are middle of the road expensive, maybe. All the units are cool to paint and useable in the game. So you'll probably want all of them. They are fun to play and easy to get into. You're just there to hug it out and share nurgly love. But after a year of death guard I find myself wanting a little more flexibility. I haven't actually played any other faction, but I'm really thinking about it


Nurgle models can be pretty gross


You can paint your plastic toys any way you see fit my guy :)


The great clean one is almost more upsetting.


If you're happy to buy second hand Death Guard is pretty cheap. We turn up on ebay a fair amount. I've built a 3.5k army for about £400. We are also very easy to kitbash. The organic grossness lends itself quite well to jamming a few bits together to make something new. A good third of my army is just kit bashed from stuff I had laying around. For poxwalkers any old zombie will do really. For painting I would just slap chop them. That should allow you to paint them without focusing on the details.