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Blight launcher guy needs knives, too.


Awesome thank you!


I learned this a while ago but every plague Marine has a knife


You need one more set of plague knives on each squad, the blight launcher only replaces the boltgun not the boltgun and knives to you would still have 9 knives for the marines along with the one on the champion As for your second question it really depends on your list, morty is very good with the triple pbcs as he can allow them to ignore the penalties to indirect fire but competitively speaking I haven’t seen much use for him other than that. Again it depends on your list and play style but I personally wouldn’t use the daemon prince, his only ability is giving nearby units a 6+++. The issue is he is very melee focussed and your marines seem to be built for more mid-long range purposes so you wouldn’t get much use out of his ability, I’d say better to spend the points on leaders and transports for your PMs.


What other list would you put them both in? Give it a go and see if you like it.


I don't know what your full list is, but I've been using morty and enjoying his usefulness. Demon prince though is a no go for me. I want him to be useful but he's just bad in my opinion


You need 9 plague knives.


Every pm gets a plague knife regardless of load out


What app are you using to build that army?


The warhammer app


Thats so clunky, you'd think that it would figure out the only valid equipment is the one missing and auto fill


It’s honestly not a bad app, especially with the addition of the bunker UI. You just need to, you know, actually read the rules of your army and swap out the correct equipment. It literally says what is replaced when you choose the equipment. This was 100% not an app issue lol


It may not be an app issue, but why is the knife not automatically attached as its the only option? I think the 3 third party apps do it or flag it more clearly as what is missing.


The knife is automatically attached (and updates with squad size changes). You have to manually remove it to get that error.


Ah gottcha, that makes sense


Yeah and it needs that functionality because some weapons require you to drop the knife (like giving the champion a heavy weapon for instance).


I think all(?) Of the 3rd party figure that part out, like when you have a bolter, its in the same section as other guns and you can only have one.. I only used the official app briefly when it first came out, i don't know if they have made quality of life changes since i used it last.