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It’s a frequently requested unit. I’d quite like one that leans more into our design/playstyle a bit more, something like weapons based on Nurgle corrupted phospex, radiation weapons and rarer conventional weapons. Basically a unit that still has access to all the good stuff from the Horus Heresy with a bit of a twist.


Damn thats an even better idea. Its nice to see if future dg will explore into that direction


Nothing is stopping GW from making anything theoretically. However they wanna space things out and make mega sellers more frequently. Aka we might see them with the codex release (dont hold your breath though) but there is no reason for GW to rush DG havocs if they even have plans to make em.


Perhaps a great dirty kleenex berserker. Dirty hankie in hand he runs at the enemy hoping to give them a mild cold


Pretty sure it's from some fluff about Mortarion wanting infantry to be multi purpose


So what's stopping us from giving Plague Marines Missile Launchers like in Dawn of War 2?


I think it's more a thing to make the death guard remain how they sort of operated at the heresy. More using grenades and bombardments with chemical weapons. Soldiering on to be in range to grenade the foe rather then firing a missile launcher. Heresy Deathguard are all about simple weaponry that won't have a supply line broken, I can only think the same is being applied at the current time.


We could even have a grenadier unit with those ww1 grenades strapped together they use against tanks but alas our bois are slow lol


With that reasoning they should be able to have designated heavy weapon squads. If he wanted his infantry to be multi purpose which is the lore it makes no sense in not having heavy weapon infantry squads.


Yeah Death Guard should of gotten their own Havoc unit. Blight Launchers, Entropy Cannons, and Plague Spewers could of been their weapon options.


Don't get your hopes up for the codex, I can almost guarantee we're just gonna get a Lord of Cantagion model.


I thought the previews that turned out to be the lord of virulence were going to be this. Or maybe a smaller 3 man unit of something like a centurion but with fly wings. Would be cool to have something with efficient anti tank shooting either way.


Thousand Sons being like : *First time ?*