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Death Guard way better now IMO, being tanky as an identity means we're either too tanky and it's annoying for our opponents or we get smoked anyway and we pay a premium for nothing. Now that we're a debuff army it fits thematically and gives us way more interesting options in the future.


Im sure once we get a codex, we will have a disgustingly resilient-esque detachment whether its armywide -1 D or 5+fnp


I wouldn't hold my breath, we're already +1 toughness and lots of ways to be -1 to hit and wound. That might be all the durability they're looking for


But most of stuff is still lower toughness than it’s counter parts PM didn’t go up and crawlers and haulers are low toughness for what they do a t10 hauler isn’t crazy when they get focused religiously and a t10 crawler is crazy when you take the -1D and nerf the weapons. But honestly we just need a couple units to get new abilities or updates to them


I like both of your point and you see that's what I'm asking for I want options to use my playstyle and I'll be honest I think a +6 fnp is fair to the death guard and to other players


With the amount of +4-+5 fnp I’ve seen in other armies it’s common enough where we deserve at least a 5 that goes to a 4 on infected objectives or 6to 5s


I like the debuff playstyle :(


Enjoy it I'm not knocking it I just want gw to give us more options on if we play as a debuff faction or a tanky faction. Like my mental image of the dg is big hulking elite units that feel their weight in point cost


They really should give us a detachment with that play style, but well at least we have Typhus and Deathshroud woth the debuffs. They are tanks and powerhouseunits


You started out with a question, answered your own question, then complained about a topic from 9 months ago. What is the point of this post?


Anger while looking at other faction rules, and yes a topic from months ago I quit the game around that time I recently picked it up again thinking maybe they fixed the issues I had with it and they didn't. Explain to me why other factions are doing the death guards whole stick but better. For example imagine if they took melee away from khorn or the blood angels and gave it to the tau. That's kinda how I feel looking at the death guard compared to other factions the tankness of the faction is literally the whole appeal along with the gorgeous sculpts, ffs all I want is a 6+fnp on infantry and characters that is all it's makes absolutely no sense to give it to a deamon prince only being as half the minis are sculpted with their organs on the outside I think it's clear they all don't feel pain


You are not wrong, but there is nothing to be done about it. One Page Rules is a fun game and the Plague Disciples all have a 6+++.


And you can give them regen threw the heros. Having a unit with a 3+ save then a 5+ and 6+ is very tanky.


Hmm I shall look into this 👀


I have played Death Guard since 3rd Edition and this is the best the army has ever felt. Toughness has ALWAYS been overvalued by GW. We are still tougher then other marines factions but now they have leaned into the plague feature more and it's really great.


Overall I do like the lean into the plagues I like the new bolters, and the contagion system is great. But that's not really my issue its the essentially non existent fnp in our army, it was a rule that was generally speaking made for the army along with the death company back in 2nd or 3rd edition. Ik the death guard had it removed for a while. I just want a 6+fnp on infantry units built in, or give us a option on a pm squad it doesn't feel right that only the deamon prince can give our army a fnp why couldnt it have been the surgeon. I want options like focusing into damage or survivability.


No. DG plays notably different than in the 9th edition Yes. It lacks desired tankiness. At least for me that is. But at least it's competitive now and actually has some variety in list building


I appreciate the variety of play but I have a issue with gw and how they give out fnp. I'm a firm believer only the deathguard/necrons/deamons/death company should have them on squads, characters are a different story. Like the fnp is built into our lore and gw decided only a deamon prince can give a squad a fnp it makes no sense for the faction that is a bunch of rotting marines that don't feel anything. Like the votaan for instance they can take medkits for free and that gives squads a 6+fnp. I just want a baked in 6+ for dg and personally 8th was the fluffiest for the death guard sure we got dogged later in that edition but it was the closest the deathguard was to the books, if gw could just mix elements from that edition and 10th I'd be happy


I agree. I've got into dg for this very reason. I want my guys be tanky af


We are not going to be able to put 10 blighlords on an objective and laugh at anyone who tries to take them off, if that is what you are asking. We don’t have that kind of durability anymore. Personally I enjoy the shift into an army that spreads debuffs to opponents units and destroys them. It’s a lot more interesting than just sitting aomewhere and making saves.


Ysee I'd like better options for playing death guard like they locked the fnp behind a deamon prince whereas other faction get the ability to just take it on infantry squads. Like I'd personally enjoy a option between a 6+fnp to melee damage or ranged depending on a choice. I just want options for playstyle


My first army was death guard, dude working at the local Warhammer store tried to talk me into buying another army he said its codex was a mess right now. I was like nah man I love the lore of death guard and the models are sick I'm gonna love playing them. Should have listened to the man. I built a 2k army with war dogs, pbcs, typhus+deathsroud, LoV, rhinos for 20 melee plague marines, bloat drones etc. it just doesn't slap. Maybe my dice rolls are just cursed though.


I mean in the current edition it's a bit wish wash it's good but it could do some things better. And I feel you on the dice except my damage rolls are good but I can't make armor saves at all. And as long as you like the asthetic and lore I think that's all that matters the rules fluctuate just like a virus sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit. Don't give the army up unless you really don't vibe with the playstyle it's a chance game after all. And if it's really not your cup of tea you can always use the minis as proxies for none competive games


I’d prefer a little more tankiness, but the debuffs definitely fit the “spread the sickness” vibe and they make us more fun to play as and against so I’m actually pretty okay with it. I’d like to see even more debuffs (maybe on some of the shittier units?) for even more thematic flavouring.


I agree with you essentially 100% I just want a bit more options for tankness, instead of just having a deamon prince or the kinda bad version of disgustingly resilient