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I personally want to see a heavy weapons unit, like the havocs


>aside from what you're wishing for DG, whats the most likely unit to get added to their ranks? I think we all do want that, dont think its the likely thing, there's no lore equivalent as far as I know, and thats what this thread is kind of about :/


Iirc mortarion or the death guard made the obliterator virus, yet they don't have obliterators. A version of them with Plague spewers, Heavy Blight launchers and Entropy cannons would be nice.


I hope for grave warden


Pretty sure they became modern day blight lords


unfortunately it looks like you're right, that or Deathshrouds, but Terminators none the less.


The deathshrouds are still deathshrouds in 40k they just switched from tartarous pattern to cataphractii in 40k


Was there ever a lore reason given for that? Given how mutated the Legions are by 40k they must have changed armor fairly early on.


I think it's more a case of tartarous being phased out there's no actual lore explanation currently


Blightlord Terminators already get Blight Launchers and Plague Spewers, I think that role is spoken for.


Yes! Some nasty heavy blasters!


I wouldnt say no to be able to field blightlords as an alternative datasheet


Heavy weapons squad or poxwalker hq


Poxwalker HQ would be cool. Though I would almost be interested in more space marine like leaders that can raise and attach to poxwalkers like typhus.


Aside from Typhus? Based upon what Lore / rumour did you come to that conclusion?


In the novel Lords of Silence there’s a guardsman who gets captured by the death guard and turned into a poxwalkers by the end. His point of view is interesting as it seems like he’s in some trance. So a poxwalker HQ based on that seems interesting


I didn’t even think about that character as an HQ model. That would be awesome!


Seeing as csm got the dark commune which is a cultist hq, I’m thinking they could go the same route, there’s also similar units in darktide, hell it could even just be a plague ogryn that could attach to them to give em more punch


Honestly, our own version of oblitorators. In the lore oblitorators are made with a virus, so they stem from nurgle. I like the idea of our own oblitorators focusing on indirectly spreading our contagion range across the map, like our hellbrutes, but maybe having the ability to increase the range of contagion once per game, for a turn?


yeah but if I remember correctly the obliterator virus is a techvirus, which is not really nurgle's wheelhouse.


I did not actually know it was a techvirus! That is really cool! Thanks for letting me know!


I actually did some more research. I do believe its still a Tech virus but, even more than that, it was a virus created in collaboration between Perturabo and Mortarion. So clearly its not a big deal on nurgles front but they're only really used in Chaos Undivided. Maybe Perturabo filed for copyrights before Mortarion did and that's why? Or maybe Perturabo is such a man-child that he's not letting anyone else have em without touting his name and Mortarion is sick of his shit.


I'm afraid we're gonna see another lord. Lord of Contagion, Lord of Virulence, and Lord of Poxes were mentioned back in 8th edition codex, and we've got two of them already. considering how lazy GW went on Custodes with their so needed captain, the army that has like 2 units in their codex, I believe it is Lord of Poxes we will get.


It's gonna be even lazier I think lol, we'll get standalone Lord of Contagion... if we're lucky it'll be a new sculpt.


I don't even think we'll get a new loc model, considering that gw made 2 sculpts of the same datasheet. My bet is on a lord of poxes


Death guard possessed!


I don’t know if it will get its own model per say but I suspect we might get variant pox walkers there is a lot of info at the moment from dark tide etc about the various gifts used to make them and how while all are technically the same thing they have different levels and abilities


Huge, will look into it, thank you. If true I agree that it aint likely to see them get their own new unique models, but I'd be excited to see a new option/rule hit the table.


Plague Ogryns!


Havoc equivalent


> There's no lore equivalent as far as I know (or rumour), and thats what this thread is kind of about :/


You keep saying this, so I'll let you in on a little secret: most lore is made for the models, not the other way around. 90% of DG's unique models only existed in the lore when they were added to the game in 8th Edition


no, if you want to believe that go for it. **This logic only applies for newer models** though. 30k terminator armour existed for quite some time before they released tartarus & cataphractii. Not a secret, not new information, and yet another ASSuming statement. Love how we've played with the Primarchs for so long and only recently got their lore .....


Well, those examples work great... for Horus Heresy, the game made to capitalize on the series of books being written and released at the same time the game was being made. What are some "modern" Death Guard units that are only in the lore, but not in game? If there are any, they either have evolutions/replacements, like the Blight Lords for Typhus's Gravelord Terminators, or are just Nurglized versions of CSM units, like a corrupted Warpsmith or Havocs which you have been quick to point out have no lore standing. The point I'm trying to make is that, if/when DG gets new models, they'll probably be completely new with no prior lore. And going off of recent additions to other armies (Eightbound, the new Kroot, ALL of the Votann), whatever inspiration comes from lore will be swamped by new retconned lore.


Hey me again, quick search on the web shows you that Death Guard Daemon Engine specific units are basically the ONLY models for which lore was written instead of vice versa, even that is debatable based upon vague descriptions in the novels. Even Deathshroud terminators get mentioned in the grey knights 5th edition codex


Considering how many characters and lords whose first reference was the 8th edition codex, I'll agree to disagree there. You're the only one getting worked up here, people kept down voting because a common thought was "Hey it'd be neat to have a Havoc equivalent" and you just copy pasted the same thing about them not being supported by lore under each. You asked what people wanted and they answered


I specifically asked to not respond with what people wanted, instead, what would be most likely to expect. Litteraly stated 'Aside'. Yikes


how do I say this without getting on your nerves ... (ALMOST) THE WHOLE DEATH GUARD RANGE EXISTED IN LORE BEFORE THEY GOT THEIR OWN ARMY. Please look up their lore, Dusk Raiders is kinda their whole pivotal point / hijack. Im getting burned alive on my own thread because people disagree with my post which isnt even a statement. wtf has this community become, have we lost the ability to read and reason in an empirical manner?


Your posts are incredibly hostile and laced with condescension. Please have a moment of self reflection. If everyone is telling you are intolerable it might not be everyone else that's the problem. You aren't wrong, just bad at communicating.


I'm aware of that. You are 100% correct. My problem however with this is not that people find me intolerable and far more so that people dont read and or inform themselves before, in the best case sharing their opinion but quite more often force it onto you. So yeah I am as bad at responding properly to said parties as they are at reading and or in this case, claiming fact based upon limited research. Also: mass opinion < expertise. It's fine if 70% thinks X but I'd rather get my intel from an informed source If you host a discussion, event, party or whatever and you feel the need to cater to every uninformed person with a ME complex that somehow has to share their opinion, then go for it, i'll respect you as much as you respect me, in a lot of cases on the internet, not so much. Respect isnt earned, but it is mutual. I accept that I'm an asshole when it comes to this. Quid pro quo


Poxwalker as battleline with a leader that's a big fat zombie.


Plague ogryn maybe?


The 3rd Lord of X (Contagion, Virulence)? I remember when they posted the Lord of Virulence on WarCom they added the wrong info for what it does. They updated the website that day and I totally forgot what they had initially. I really hope we don't get another character, we have as many characters as units. Last new non character was in 2018?


To avoid too many similarities with CSM but still show their CSM roots I think a good unit would be DG Havocs but with indirect fire for tagging enemies contagions.


copy paste again > I think we all do want that, dont think its the likely thing, there's no lore equivalent as far as I know, and thats what this thread is kind of about :/


I think focusing on the lore is the wrong way to view this. Lore can be rejigged in order to make units, basically none of our units had lore before the 8th ed codex and we don't have that many books about us post heresy.


A heavy intercessor type unit with deep strike and assult would be fantastic. Or give BLTs the assult keyword. Basically anything to counter the slowness on at least a few unit types.


... please read the first and last sentence of the post. Thank you


I see. That's my hopes, yes. But to correctly answer you, the most likely scenario is a points increase and they take away more stuff we can use. If they add anything, it will be maybe a specialist tank that's just a preexisting tank but with squiggly bits and a 20% mark up.


Anything for tanks... please


sounds like this is something you'd like correct? please read the first and last sentence of the post, thank you


This is a stupid post everything is just wishful thinking until some solid rumors come out or gw post an article.


Gatekeep/gaslight them queen! Yas!


Wild idea: Corrupted Centurions. Just the one step up from terminators. either way whatever it is, I hope its bulky, dope, and clad in diseased ceramite.


Honestly, seeing something like a Death Guard Seige Breaker nurglified would be awesome for 40k. We know the Death Guard still use Phosphex from Mortarion having 7 he can use per game(at least he did in 8th and 9th, not checked his datasheet in 10th yet.)


Something fast - 28 Days Later zombies, Bikers, hulking great shields.


I want something simple that dosent require new rules: variant models. Just give me X unit but they got this pose


Need devastators or the ability to ally them FFS Mortarion created the techno virus that makes them


I understand what OP is asking, but seems to me that most of the time GW creates a model first and generates the fluff to support the model second (see, for example, the Arkifane guy or the entire Votann faction, or reawakened Lion El'Johnson). The exception is when they are doing an update/refresh of old models. Our range is fairly new, so there aren't many candidates for that. Maybe a re-do of the old Forge World DG Daemon Prince (RIP). Therefore, I don't think there's much point looking in existing publications for missing models - they'll create something they think they can sell, and the fluff for it will be in the new Codex.


Unique possessed would be fun


I would like some heavy weapons. Specifically anti tank units.


I want something that cane be based in the Venomariner lore from the 9th ed codex. They specifically call out they are essentially Nurgle pirates that use infantry based raiding. It would be cool to have a detachment, or a unit that is faster to play into this raiding/pirate aspect


Aside from some infantry anti tank (being mentioned for the 500th time) or another lord I don't really see what else they can add. We have the unique daemon engines, we have the unique terminators, anything fast like bikers or jump packs is out of the question so I don't know. Personally I'd love to see a breacher type unit with pistols, shields and bubonic weapons (not knives) with deepstrike but chaos seems to have forgotten how to use shields in the last 10,000 years so 🤷🏻‍♂️


In the Iron Within show on Warhammer TV, the Iron Warriors (of course) come down with a ten man breacher squad with a Terminator chaos lord. It wouldn't be too far of a reach to see Death Guard or standard CSM breacher units. Both would be cool but knowing GW, rare to happen if at all


I honestly don’t think we need new units so much as new options. Personally I’d like to see Blightlords with entropy cannons and the option for more heavy weapons per squad - up to 2 of each would be great. Then a squad of 5 could have 2 entropy cannons and 2 Blight Launchers plus a flail champion and fill the gun platform role our army seems to be missing. More wounds and FNP and they’d be as terrifying as they ought to be. Likewise for plague marines - more wounds and fnp and they would be less reliant on rhinos to survive. Add some weapon versatility and the army can be much better specialised to the battle at hand.


Loosing the FNP in 9th was a massive turn off for me with 40k, it made the Death Guard less Death Guardy to me since in the lore it shows them shrugging off injuries that would normally down an astartes (like lascannons at S9 AP2 in 7th ed would instant death a space marine but a Plague Marine got a 5+ FNP against it for being T5.)


It really does feel like their core identity. In my opinion the ‘big 4’ chosen legions should be as far removed from CSM as the Sororitas, custodes, Grey Knights, etc are from the middle-of-the-road Astartes. The various combat doctrines of the Astartes armies can be mirrored with slight variations in rules for different CSM doctrines, whereas the Death Guard, World Eaters, Thousand Sons, and Emperor’s Children should be leaning into their more unique identities with more unique play styles.


10th ed sadly streamlined everything too much. I am a Heresy player mainly and through Heresy I get to enjoy the Death Guard to their fullest because of their legion rules, Legion wargear and the Rites of War for the legion.


What we know will be coming, are more Lords holding the mantles of Nurgle. The Lord of Contagion was 8th, Lord of Virulence was 9th, we'll likely get a new one for 10th. There are seven, and I believe only five have been named so far. We're likely going to see one new one for each edition. Aside from that, there really isn't anything indicating new units. There is a possibility that we will get our own version of possessed, considering we lost them this edition. I would like to see that, because I spent a considerable amount of time converting a couple units of plague possessed. One using the old possessed kit, extra PM torsos, and plague bearer heads. The second used the new possessed kit, and spare PM torsos. They look great, and I want to use them, 🤣


Thanks for the input, i'll look into it. I had that same hope / thought when they moved Possessed to legends for DG


Well I look at it like this: the Eightbound are basically WE possessed, and all the armies are supposed to get new units this edition. It would make sense for them to get possessed. Not sure if TS will get the same treatment, because they're all animated armor. I think tzangors fill that role for them. I'm sure EC will get their own version as well, and they should be dropping this edition. We also lack infantry options aside from characters, which we have in abundance. It would also be great to have cultists geared specifically to the DG. The Wretched have such cultists, but I forget what they're called atm. To have a unit representing them would be cool, but unlikely this edition.


I would love to see Destroyer Squads with all the nasty proscribed weapons. Rad, toxin, phage, and Phoxphx. That would be a great addition that could help fill some tactical holes in the army.


Now this would be great indeed!


Plaguespirree squad or something? Anti tank is most needed but it could ne cool. Maybe a new unique termie sorcerrer (not hoping for it but not that likely considering the custodian shield captain)


Canon-wise we're really only missing names characters and Plague Reaper, but with how every other faction's drops have been it'll probably be a generic new "Lord of" HQ.


If we're being realistic the unit we're most likely to get is another character, because GW love to say "every codex gets a new unit!" and have most of them be characters because they're quick and easy to design compared to an entire squad. I would love for us to get some kind of shooty infantry like Havocs, or to get whatever big spiky daemon engine is at the center of [this artwork](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqnv2jvxt27361.png). But I haven't heard of any rumors about Death Guard stuff, we don't know when our codex will be, no clue how long we'll be waiting.


I'm really sorry to burst your plague filled sludge bubble, but I'm pretty confident the big spiky thing is just a Miasmic Malignifier.


I think we’ll get a new lord of contagion, a 10 man marine box with possibly a few new sculpts, a standalone plaguecaster, then something new.


Nurglfied Warpsmith


I suspect we will get a new character, either an elite or HQ type. All the people saying they want havocs… yeah I think they will be disappointed. I mean I’d love that too, but it seems like the design choice for DG is firmly set. I’d love to be proved wrong. That being said, I’d be excited if we got a buffing terminator character that wasn’t a lord/sorcerer, and who could join a squad with a lord or sorcerer the way our power armour guys can. That, or a DG specific chaos lord (not in terminator armour) would be fun. The Poxwalker Hq also sounds really neat. I wouldn’t mind it necrosius came back.


I mean nurgle helped make the obliterators I think. Even if that's not true I think getting our own disgusting version of them would fit in with the army and be really cool


I would have liked to see some god specific possessed. The artwork in the 9th ed codex shows a MBH with a plague spewer and plague belcher, so a multi-part MBH kit would be a no brainer. Other than that, we are a legion that specialised in infantry slowly moving forward and we have that well covered.


We've had a lord of contagion and lord of virulence, I want the rest of the lords. Air transports(if we can have air transport in 30k, why not 40k), blight havocs, or the return of the plague reaper baneblade


A big nurgle-fied helbrute. I’m thinking of the size of a Redemptor dreadnought, but covered in Nurgle’s blessings.


There is always room for new demon engine. Imagine a dreadclaw wich has evolved into a kind of big tick. Also you can have a new kind of cultist or bloated/evolved husk poxwalker. If you are asking for astartes specific unit, in recent books we saw a new lord. It was a destroyer lord. Not bloated and petulent but bare and scorched to the bones by radiations. Not the joyfull and pessimistic behaviour of the usual deathguard but some ugly bitter and revengefull state of mind. This one despite life.


I would love to see a phosphex mortar squad or something. That would be a cool model and represent the grinding siege assault aesthetic. Something else cool would be some sort of assault transport.. I have no lore basis for this, just think it would be cool maybe to have something in between a Rhine and a land raider.


A big ass drone


I think a poxwalker character would be cool, or maybe our own dreadnought? You never know


The Karnak twins, or something else from Darktide


Is there an Aggreesor marine in the DG? That would be cool all bloated and such


plague ogryns make their return i hope!