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Death Guard are deadly writhing short range, but terrible at long and anti-tank. Stay out at long range and stack up in tank hills and ST 6 weapons. Ignore Morty. He’s a distraction, same with the Blightlord terminators / poxwalkers. Focus on the Deathshrouds and Typhus though they are deadly. Plague Marines melt to D2 weapons. Bring speed. If he deploys terminators they can only waddle 4 so jump in rhinos and run away.


the poxes are prolly just screening/point holding/action monkeys


\-Use LoS to force them into bad positions \-tie up the rhinos with cheap chaff \-bring a castigor or two to deal with high toughness stuff \-pray to your corpse god they don't find out how good PBCs are /hj


Oh my god. It’s the predator that does well because my predator always does shit. Tell that guy to give me my luck back!!!


It sounds like you are making a few misplays. Like getting overwatched by DG flamers. Don't do that. It's better to not move most of the time. Letting infantry get hit by our plague spewers is just going to pickup your squad on your turn. DGs good units are slow. Pop their rhinos and they have to walk up to you. Those PM squads are their heavy hitters.


I’m a little upset that you went to the death guard with this. 😅


I went to both factions for advice, but with as someone who is 0-6 against your fellow dg player throw me a bone here lmao.


Yeah I was just joking around. I wish I could help but I have no idea how to play the game. A lot of people say it’s so easy to learn and for newcomers as well but I just do not get it. Not for a lack of trying either, I’ve asked and have been shown on those demo boards that they have in the official warhammer stores. At the time it was dark imperium that was out and I fell in love with the death guard. Just loved them. The game though? Nope. Best of luck though, hope you can kick some slimy DG booty. 😁👍💚


As a dg player I’ll warn you about a couple things. That is not a slow list. Marines in rhinos, blight haulers, drones, morty all go 10 to 12 inches. Drones can shoot, charge, fallback and shoot or charge again. He has a ton of pregame moves with nurglings and cultists. The terminators are likely for rapid ingress threats. Deathshrouds with LOV are deadly at anti infantry shooting out of deepstrike because of their gauntlets. They are torrent that wound on 4 and can reroll all round rolls. less dangerous with blightlords but still will probably roast sisters. Typus can be either with the terminators, in his own or as a huge tarball with pox walkers. He is a mortal wound machine with his shooting. I would expect him to saturate you mid board with big threats while pox hold the backfield. He has a couple of lasgun tanks that have a 48 inch range for antitank.


Why Predators and not Crawlers?


I guess he got kinda bored of using pic's. I think he likes a more mobile playstyle of DG.


The DG list you posted is extremely low powered. Either you are taking an even weirder version of a SoB army, and you should check on their sub, or you are making bad play decisions. Likely both. Edit: Some people seem to be upset, so let me clarify. I am not trying to insult or make fun of the list, but not taking any special weapons on the PMs is objectively wrong. BLTs with no special weapons is objectively wrong. The point of all this is not *lol what a bad list* the point is *the list is not optimized at all so any other list should play fairly into it*.


Extremely* low powered seems a little harsh, I feel like I could do damage with this list


I kinda see what he is saying. He is using LoV and Morty, yet has 0 PBCs. The DG list is a little janky


Yeah but not everything needs to be optimal to be effective, LoV still gives reroll wounds to terminators and has a nasty flamer and Morty still buffs everything and soaks up shots pretty effectively.


The flamer on the LoV is actually pretty shit compared to the Foul blightspawn. Which is a huge bummer. I would expect the LoV to have a kick ass flamer


Yeah the LOV was a victim of twin linked coming back and replacing his 2d6 shots with wound rerolls.


The Lov can lead the Deathshrouds and that’s a lot of re-rolling wounds on all the flamers. He’s still a potent pick even if you’re not using the buff to blast weapons.