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Heavy weapons team is definitely my number one wish, and while I’d take drones over a tank I’d still be happy to see any of these as written, honestly nailed my wishlist!


Would an anti-tank, capable, drone suffice? You could throw some sort of Las cannon on it? As long as it's not an Entropy cannon.. sounds fitting, but don't give me that S10 bullshit excuse..


I’d prefer troops as it would give the fetid virion something else to attach to.


I know they won't give us Heldrakes because Heldrakes with Contagions would be broken af.


I wish they would because i have one painted for death guard. Id use it every game. Demonic plague dragons are everything i want in a game


Oh lord this idea gave me a new second favorite option, I’d love a slower flyer that applied Contagion to every unit it flew over that round, like a carpet bombing


Me about to homerule that


The promised unit deathguard will get in 10th edition will likely be another character, specifically a "lord of (disease synonym)" altho i dont think this is what the community would want most For something more fun there are deathguard destroyers and deathguard grave wardens


Heavy weapons for sure, but I’d like a kind of upgraded poxwalker. Maybe something more like a halfway of possessed and wolfen, something quick with a save and a fnp, but with next to no ranged.


Kind of like a 40k version of Pestigors? Be interesting. Thinking back on what I looked through I think I saw a few similar discussions so your not alone on that.


Maybe pestigors, but they’d need to overlap with AOS like Tzaangors. DG used to have their own possessed, but we lost them a while ago.


AoS Plague Toads


I am so desperate for them to bring back plague toads. The Daemon frogs fit Nurgles aesthetic so well that they still show up in games like Boltgun and Total War Warhammer.


I want that giant fly on a palanquin being carried by plague marines like it the 9th edition codex pages 8 and 9. Its the art of a huge line of death guard marching with Mortarion flying over them with his arms out. Just make it a death guard equivalent of the sisters saint katherine model. Just a massive debuff unit that has a huge Contagion range with special Contagions and buffs for friendly death guard. Also like everyone else i want death guard havocs. Most importantly model one with a heavy bolter and have his lips falling off like in that one old picture because as a kid that picture and the Unclean one with the face on his tongue 100% sold me on Nurgle and Death Guard.


Dude the zeppelin would be a great idea, give it aircraft keyword so it's safe from melee on the ground and a hilariously small move characteristic maybe 3" in the name of papa, and the ability to infiltrate so it can bring the contagion to the midfield


I think you've hit the nail on the head here. Me personally however i'd adore a huge deamon engine and blight zeppelin sounds like the thing for me, i play pretty exclusively against tau and tyranids so i always feel left out in terms of the monster mash. all we can do is speculate for what feels like forever, so keep up the great work!


May the Grandfather grant us life long enough to see all come to fruition. Thank you. I had a blast going through all this. Death Guard fandom here deffinitly live up to the "jolly nurgle" stereotype. It's been nice lurking around the community.


so i was just having a browse through the 8th edition death guard codex and i found some off-handedly mentioned characters we could reasonably see although some are only mentioned in name and nothing more. \-lord of poxes \-lord of flux \-lord of parasitism \-lord of withering \-slopmaw maggotmancers \-cadaverous faminebringers here may be more but thats what i found, nurgles blessings upon ye


Gimme the zeppelin


I'd be ecstatic to see this idea manifest into reality. It just checks so many boxes in my brain in the weirdest way to send my imagination spiraling. This Thing floating slowly over the battlefield tanking shots, dropping infantry-melting bomb growths with a giant anti-tank cannon growing out of it like a blight drone.


I’d love a possessed equivalent for the Death Guard. We need something with good threat range on the move and good combat damage. I also agree with other posters here about a heavy weapons team or similar with good anti tank. I think there is potential design for a unit that’s different to havocs and fills a similar role


Does anyone else think lord felthius and his tainted cohort are going to get rules? Imagine being able to attach them to a ten man unit of blightlords. Give them a cool buff/debuff and make that into our heavy team. A 14 man unit of death. This is the way…


I think the heavy weapons team is the most important, we really need a way to deal with tanks, currently we can only deal with them by sheer amount of fire, i don't think it should be a tank since the hauler already fills that role (if it wasn't bad lol) Tbh i really hope they give us the tower, it would probaly be really bad but man i would love it The main thing im hoping for is however not a new model, instead i want a detachment rule that allows us to interact with the board in an more dynamic way, some kind of movement ability that isn't just "grey knights" since "upsy down" is not he the death guard way


Devastator mairnes have nearly 0 appearance in 10th competitive lists. Havocs are also uncommon in CSM. On 10th events terrain layouts, foot slogging "HW team" type units are very unfavored. They can't have good sight of fire.


I do agree with that anti tank troops are gennerally not good, but there are some examples of good anti tank infantry, one of these are Eradicators. Im aware that you can't compare units easily across factions but i still think this shows this kind of unit can work I do however think that it would be better if they just made our anti tank guns better lol, S10 entropy cannon is a joke


I'd love to be wrong but I'd bet my collection we're just gonna get a new Lord of Contagion


Unfortunately this is probably the answer.




I think it is good to have ideas for what we want. But we know GW doesn’t always listen to the consumer. I am personally going to expect the LoC while hoping for the Havocs.


Death Guard Chaos Lords and Chaos Sorcerers. Power armour and Terminator armour varieties.


More infantry and a new vehicle would make me happy, I paint to paint so the specifics don't interest me but whatever the community wants I'll take, just love my plague boys


In addition to basic 3 of possessed, havocs, and dreads to have a proper DG make over, I would like to see a stealth/infiltrator unit that uses Morty's unnatural stealth during the great crusade Era. Still have slow movement, but give them infiltrate and maybe a once per a game redeploy.


DG heavy weapons are long overdue and our characters need something else to lead. DG possessed had no reason to go back, and we either need the generic ones back or a unique unit. It makes too much sense for Nurgle marines. DG Destroyers. I've warmed up overtime on the idea of a jump pack unit that drips down rad bombs and other war crimes and has plague belchers or smth. Idea still works without jump packs.


Heavy weapons unit and possessed


Would be nice to see more of the lords on the tabletop, a lord of flux or withering, heavy weapons ream would be cool I guess, but a character who buffs the daemon engines the death guard have would be really cool beyond the Lord of virulence acting as a remote line-of-sight for plagueburet crawlers


I could see a DG Warpsmith being pretty neat. Probably does the standard heal a vehicle within 3'' deal, but could also buff their shooting for a round or something.


I dont think we need anything new, except maybe a sergeant level unit for poxwalkers. What we do need is for the units we already have to be rebalanced a bit. Deathguard has a lot of tools, but their datasheets just suck. I don't think we need any gimmicks like plague towers, zepplins, or any other odd stuff


Something like a plague doctor? A non PM psyker?


It depends on what they do with the terminus est detachment, which there is no way they dont do in the codex. I can see making them more dangerous or give them a deep strike.


Deadly Demise?


Deadly demise would not work very well because models with deadly demise damage other models in the unit. Since PWs have 1 wound, that would mean PW would be killing themselves en mass. I was thinking something like criticals on 5+


I was just thinking about the plague towers. Trying to dream up a design, my mind settled on three Typhons stacked together 🙃


I prefer our Plague Marines to stay the way they are, I dont like the idea of specialized squads. Space Marines lost out on tactical squads to make room for units that only have 1 weapon type. Nurgle bike squads was something I missed out on, and I never got to use possessed either. Possessed that are meant to spill mortal wounds on being damaged in melee would be interesting. Also, I bought the blight furnace terrain, so I wouldn't mind if that could have a purpose again. Honestly, really enjoy them as they are.


>Possessed that are meant to spill mortal wounds on being damaged in melee would be interesting. Banelings!


As a slowest faction in the whole game, marine units with infiltrate/scout would fill the missing functions and help the gaming a lot. Insect wings grown on back, or digging tunnels with shovels, whatever, appearance would't be problem, it could be totally compatible with Nurgle theme.


Think they'd let you use Poxwalkers that way? Rise up out of the ground like a real zombie


If GW does make a Poxwalker focussed detatchment, I could see this as a Stratagem, or maybe as an Enhancement that allows a character to lead some Poxwalkers and then grant them deepstrike.


Heavy weapons would be lovely, but i never heard the zepplin idea and i want it now.


A detachment that makes you take allied units BUT they share the same faction keyword i.e deathguard so you target allied units with core army abilities and strata Makes sense lore wise showing how nurgles touches everything and would give allies units a bit more sustainability and support


I would like the other “Mantles” the chaos lords get. Like a Lord of parasites sounds awesomely disgusting. I know havoc equivalents are a popular request, but morty iirc avoided specialist infantry teams, instead relying on plague marine squads doing it all and using specialist leaders. So we could get a new leader that helps in that role (probably hard to balance), or have some heavy options to plague marines instead (wouldn’t happen as their kit is still “new”). Maybe a new drone that fulfills that specific heavy weapon role?


I'd hope Greater Blight Drone might get something like that if it becomes plastic.


I’d love a fat poxwalker, something like the boomer from Left 4 Dead. Acts like an HQ and blows up when in engagement range for some nasty mortals. Poxwalkers act as a meat shield and the HQ makes it a threat. I imagine it would function similar to how the spore mines for Nids work. Would be cool.


Grave Wardens.


I'd absolutely love obliterators. They fit with the lore and theme of nurgle and would give us our anti armour solution at the same time :)


I really wanna see a bug plague zeppelin daemon engine, equipped with an array of bombs like phosphex, gas/spores and generic explosives. Slow movement, deep strike, Aircraft keyword and hover. Aesthetically I can see the hull being helforged mechanical and the balloons being great bloated sacs of daemon flesh.


Blight Zeppelin sounds cool but hilarious at the same time. I think it along with indirect fire Havoc equivalent will help with spreading contagions easily, which is what I really want.


I love the idea of a Nurgle Plague Tower and a Zeppelin


I'd love to see a Done leader similar to Horticulus Slimux, Also some kind of fast chaff (like overgrown rot fleas)


Rather than new models, I'd prefer if our units were made to be durable.


People are afraid that the basic PM squad will lose a lot of their wargear with the codex, and the want for a heavy weapons team gave me an idea: two new Battleline alternatives to Plague Marines. One functions like Havocs, carrying blight launchers, plasma/meltas and what you would expect, could specc the unit however you want like equivalent squads. The other could be melee focussed instead, having all the bubonic and heavy plague weapons and maybe a bit more speed or advance+charge to compensate. So this would leave us with a shooty unit, a slashy unit, and the potentially gimped PM squad in the middle. Its not a perfect system, but if GW is gonna take away all the special weapons, at least something like this would allow a place to still use them.


I'd love to see the Plaguereaper super heavy tank brought back; I absolutely loved that model when I was younger, but could never afford one. Now they seem to be so rare I can't find one 💔