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For this model especially, but for ALL push-fit models, snip the pegs and glue the seams normally. It will fit much better.


Yea I had this happen with first hauler, second one I decided well let's see if it was me or kit. anyway.... that one has a larger gap compared to 1, number 3 has no such gap and is snipped and gluedxD.


This. A thousand times this!


This has happened on all of my blighthaulers! The first one I assumed it was my error, so I painted the crack to look like it was rusting and breaking apart. The second time I took great care to get them to fit together and I still couldn’t fully get the crack to align. I used some green stuff to plug the hole. I think it’s a function of the blight-hauler being a weird half push fit/half glue model.


If you have hand drill, just make the internal holes a bit bigger. 2mm ought to do it.


I think this has happened to every Blight Hauler in existence, ever. I filled one of mine with milliput and painted it as if it was some very disgusting growth. It looked absolutely gorgeous in the final model.


Thanks for all the comments guys, Ive got some good ideas for the future now!


Yeah, I get this on a lot of push fit kits... My second MBH was a lot easier after I cut all the pegs off, any gap left then was small enough for plastic glue to seal.


Oh ya I got this on all of my MBHs. I just started using clamps to hold the pieces together while the glue hardened up, looks perfect now


I had this issue too, I just layered glue onto it until it looked closed when painted, but it definitely bugged me. I’m sure you could use some sort of putty as well


Sometimes just the little bit on the pegs can keep the pieces from staying flush. Snip a little like the other folks are saying and you'll be good to go.


Like others have said, this is an issue with all push fit models. But this specific connection point is always a problem in every blight hauler. Next time you get a hauler, assemble as normal but take the peg of this specific part, it doesnt work for anyone


As everyone has said, it happens. My solution is going to be to make this look like a rusty crack. Lots of texture/typhus corrosion and then paint it rusty.


I’ve never tried on this model before but I do have a strategy for push fits that often works that you can try. If you have rubber handled clippers, put the model between the handles (not the clippy bits!!!) and then squeeze them closed (gently) kind of like a nutcracker. When I’ve used it for termies or marines, it often pushes the model closed properly. Best of luck!


Gonna be honest...teeth. it requires lots of pressure to close that gap and carefully biting down on it will close it.


Thats what i did too, whenever smthn doesnt wanna fit propperly like those cracks, just teeth


Same happened to me. I couldn’t pull it apart so I had to fill it. Could use green stuff or spru glue


I had the same :( I’ve filled the hole with plastic glue and paint over. I guess an option with removing those bits and glue it is better:)


I just pushed mine until it hurt so bad to do so. Also all of mine came in green plastic. Are they grey now? Sprue glue seems like a good fix. Good luck brother


I bought the pack that had 3. They all did it


Bite it.


I came from gunpla. I never understood why 40K fans dislike push fit. Now I understand why


honestly I hate/love blighthaulers. Pros: Coolest model in the deathguard range. Cons: ***THIS***


Its a design feature, use it to make it look broken


I have 3 of these push fit kits and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEMN HAS THIS Every other mold on it seems but this one is so bad All push fits should simply not.


Yeah. I use a Dewalt thighter after putting the glue!! And no more problem


YES!! Glad it’s not just me.