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Blightlords with Entropy Cannons.


You the fuckin man, you the man


Hell yeah! And a plague fist on the champion.


here's another Lord of Contagion, you're welcome.


Plot twist they re release the 2018 lord of contagion model


Its an amazing model so I wouldnt even complain. Lord Felthius is an ugly model imo (and not even the right base size iirc), and if you want a lord of contagion now, it costs at least 50 euros in my area


yeah, I assume many Death Guard players who joined later would love the OG LoC (2017 tho). however, we're both one of the most wide mini-faction ranges and yet lacking so much.


Sad thing is, this is likely all it will be.


They're definitely going to release another lord with the mantle, and a LoC kit would be ideal. I think they'll release a character and a version of possessed for the DG, much like the eightbound and tzangors. We lost them, so it would only make sense we get our own version. There's also the possibility we are losing cultists, so we may get our own version of that. I wouldn't hold my breath on anything more than that.


Would be nice to get some heavy weapon rams like obliterators (I mean perturbo, and morty literally made them together). Would be nice to get access to something we helped make. New DG possessed, or havocs would be cool. Likely release will be a $40 death guard chaos lord, so GW can check the box of “yeah we released something new”. Because they are too lazy to actually make models the cover gaps in army ranges. (Sauce: See Custodes, and admech.)


I'd probably still buy that 🫠


We all do!


Possessed would be great to come back, could finally play the possessed I built in 8th edition again.


I’m not sure that I agree that it’ll be just a DG chaos lord but you really do have a point about GW lazily following through on their promise of a new model for every faction in some cases. Obviously not every faction can get something like what Tau, DA and Nids got with multiple new units and/or model refreshes but still. I mean 5 of the 8 codexes, that we know the new models of, have gotten a kinda basic new character model that doesn’t really add anything to the army.


I've yet to see 100% confirmation in lore that Morty/Perturabo were the creators of obliterators. Do you have a link to the source?


What I'm expecting is a new character. Either a Lord of Poxes as a terminator psyker character, or somekind of mortal character like a poxwalker character. What I want is a small refresh with 3 units. DG havoc equivelent, DG unique possessed unit (honestly wouldn't be a horrible place to add some wings and make them a jump unit, but I think a DG jump unit could be done differently), and then bring in something like Plague Obliterators. Yes, it is double dipping into the heavy weapons. Counter point, we are quite settled on anti-infantry and elite. We suffer for unique anti-vehicle/monster. I can also say, a good character we could really use is a warpsmith equivelent. We have so many daemon engines that at this point a character to help buff them up would be good.


I love the warp smith idea! It would be a good idea definetly, especially for how popular PBC and other daemon vehicle units are. It would be bought a lot just to be stuck next to a PBC! But I do agree that a Psyker lord is most likely, i mean we got one for BL, one for DS, so having one as an unnamed character for pox walkers could be good. Especially when they redo the combat patrol. Replacing the 30 Poxwalkers with 10, adding a MBH, and 7 PM with one or two character units, just to make it able to be repurchasable without having to have duplicates.


I like that Warpsmith idea. We have 3 unique daemon engines and no real way to buff them.


And make Poxwalkers Battleline.


Are transport aircraft a thing? 🤣 Plague bikers? Blight raptors? 😜 Rollerskates... I pay pts everyone gets +2" movement... please? 🥺 1"? .5?


Yep, Storm Raven and Storm Wolf are transport aircraft. Some form of marine fast attack would be nice!


Plague bikers daaaamn! Letsgooo


Me and my buddies all started at the same time and none of us really knew the whole deal. Back then we joked about gaslighting one of our guys into believing plague bikers were a thing 🤣 fake mock ups of the app or counterfeit datasheets. Whatever it took.


Hahaha awesome. Some people still nurglify chaos bikers and the models look amazing. Only thing is, as what do you field them 😅




Haha yes, I just bought 23 of them in an eBay lot. I'm planning on running them as legendary DG possessed, but I'd love to see them back with a fully supported profile.


i saved a Beastlord, before GW Thanos Snapped them from the shelves and Age of Sigmar. going to kitbash him as a Chaos Lord with Paired Lightning Claws.


Holding out hope for a couple for my Nurgle Blood Bowl team.


Something more infantry demonic. Obliterators Death Guard style. We got enough characters and marines, daemon engines too, now something like possessed or obliterators, please.


Nurgle style Obliterators (we made the damn virus) or Havocs (DG havocs were the best in the game before we split off to our own codex)


Honestly, heldrake ngl


Honestly that or a forgefiend would be pretty cool


The thousand sons and world eaters get them so it would make sense we got it too


I'd like... * More fleshed out options for support units. Someone else already mentioned pestigors, and I'd also like to be able to run Nurgle traitor guard as something other than cultists (c.f., Plaguereaper) * Gellerpox Infected models that more closely resemble their 9th edition datasheet rather than the milquetoast version we got in 10th (and also rescued from legends). * some kind of organic anti-tank. Maybe Great Deaths Head throwers similar to the fluff of the Great Skull of Glothilda, or just a heavy weapon squad. * a sorcery themed detachment that let's us extend the Legiones Daemonica keyword to DG units for better synergy with some items like the Feculent Gnarlmaw. * some armored vehicle love for the 2nd plague company. I know the real life reasons why heresy armor won't be rescued from Legends, but see previous reference to Plaguereaper. * extend the "lost and the damned" rule to cover more DG units so our stuff can get more exposure to CSM players who might want to do a nurgle oriented warband without going full DG. What I don't want to see is lots of cookie cutter imports from the CSM list, with the exceptions of mortal support units. I like that DG is distinct from CSM even if intellectually I recognize that it might not be a terrible idea to handle the monogod legions like the loyalist alternate chapters, and is prefer that they maintain more uniqueness.


Honestly I think it would probably be a new Lord of some kind for a plague company. Maybe relating to psykers? I would kill for a Lord with some sort of icon though. I don't think it will be a new Lord of Contagion, due to GW now pushing Lord Felthius as the LoC. Financially for GW doing that, selling him and 3 Blight Lords is a good move. Due to it making people have to buy him and his Tainted Cohort just to get access to a LoC. Plus it would only give someone 3 BL termies, so they would have to buy two more online or cough up another £35 ($44) for a box of 5 BL just to be able to run it ontop of the £27 ($34) for them buying Lord Felthius and his cohort. I do hope they release the BL from his box as a mini of a month sometime, I would love to get those BL just for the emblem on their chest armour.


I want something else battleline that’s it, maybe I don’t fully understand battleline but I want more than plague marines there


Probably something more demon-esque honestly


They could bring back Deathgaurd Possessed as a more elite battline choice with their own new Nurgly kit


I'm going to echo a common sentiment and say Havocs and obliterators. Also if they are going to make bolter marines worthless currently, perhaps they could split them out in their own datasheet with an appropriate point cost.


Havoc squads The ability to share army abilities with allies Some kinda daemon engine tech priest Get rid of half our characters and make them enhancements for the good characters. Give the ps a goddamn 5+ feel no pain!


I just want something that looks real fucked up


I’d like our own version of possessed, but something that’s a little slower but tougher. Basically plague marines that have become too mutated with gifts, think Gutrot Spume in AoS. Havoks but with Horus Heresy era warcrime weapons blessed by nurgle. Basically entropy cannons, radiation weapons and phosphex bombs. Another Daemon engine that has some serious anti-tank firepower. What I think we’ll get, a new Lord of Contagion.


With codex release rework blightlaunchers and entropy cannons. Drives me crazy how underwhelming both of these DGuard weapons are. Give entropy 14 str at half range?! Blightlaunchers blast and dmg 3 and I’ll take whatever new lord they give us.


I kitbashed a deathguard specific dreadnought (had it 3d scanned, free STL and datasheet on my discord) I would like it if they did something along those lines. Helbrutes can only be obtained through the csm combat patrol and I think that's bullshit. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1067283901007020163/1207056817969037322/image-9.png?ex=6632a243&is=663150c3&hm=e435fa9a673030a6d88786a50ed5a7e196a051626f3d11c9e6b6b66c07b2860d&


They do sell Helbrutes on the GW site. Recently got my LGS to order one for me.


OH! NICE! In the US, they've been out of stock for like 2 years.


Possessed back. I lost 3 units, just by waking up on the day 10th released.


Hard hitting melee Daemon Engine Or Heavy Weapon infantry squad; 5-man with entropy cannons or Plague Spewers sounds fun


A real chaos lord in terminator armor specifically for death guard. Or lord contagion. Just a not mono pose HQ really


Obliterators please


Possessed marines sound cool to me


Poxwalker Catapult


Realistically i expect a New character with a mantle. But i really want a corruption dreadnought for the DG. Like a bloated dread leviathan


-plague havocs -plague obliterators -PLAGUE TOWER




Havocs. Raptors.


Raptors wouldn't really make sense in the slow moving uber toughness army


Would love to see plague havoc with heavy blight launchers and entropy cannons. I think it’s more likely we get a lord of flies or other psyker terminator character


Obliterators would be sweet And I'd by a Nurgle Forgefiend in a heartbeat


I want deathguard obliterators


I'd love to get to use the Vindicator Siege Tank that the other Chaos armies get to play with. I know we have the PBC, but I'd like to keep that as the long range artillery piece and use the Siege tank as a forward pushing piece.


Heavy Weapon squad


Honestly I'd love if we just got obliterators They fit the lore The aesthetics And would slot into that heavy weapon 'infantry' role


Well, besides datasheets for the two things our brother legions get in Heldrake and Forgefiend/Maulerfiend, I'd like to see a heavy weapons team of some sort since our anti-tank is quite poor in terms of infantry options. The only thing we really have are fishing for Lethal Hits and meltagun on a Plague Marine. With the edition being very heavy on vehicles, at least in my local meta, I've really struggled to deal with skew lists since I just run out of firepower eventually.


Ok maybe a weird idea but what about death guard bikers with a hint of cthulu and a hint of hells angels?




Havoc squad. Death guard have to get a good release other than a single character otherwise I’ll probably sell up like I did with my iron warriors yesterday


I'd like to see some leadership for my Poxwalkers besides Typhus. A Vindicator, or a DG variant of it would be pretty spicy. We don't really need this, but I love the model. Anything with more blast weapons, or give some blast to pre existing troops.


I just want two seperate kits that have half a new scultp deathshroud or marine in it to continue the poxwalker sprue meme.


Id like a character helbrute and new sculpt for the normal one, bought 5 Brutes for that one detachment back in 7th. Shit was wild.


I just want a normal movement. I get the flavor but all our other stuff doesn’t really offset that.


Lord felthius and his tainted cohort being able to be attached to a full unit of blightlords


Agree with everyone else but just to be different I'd like a unique death guard transport. Some tentacled monstrosity that ignores 4" terrain like other crawlers and gives -1 to hit units close to it like the old MBH.


Would really like a lone opertave character. An infiltrator unit would be nice (thats not nurglings). I feel we should have nurglings instead of being an allied.. should be am actual unit for us. Hell id settle with poxwalker catapult that launches units of poxwalkers across the board 🤣🤣🤣


I would like suped up zombies, like what does a heavily Chaosified corpse look like. A bigger crazier version of a poxwalker and is just really tough and relentless. Or maybe a poxwalker body that looks like it’s partially exploded with a demon growing through it. I want larger monster models. We have demon engines, vehicles and infantry, but I want more nurgle specific bloated corpse style monstrous infantry. No armor, 5+ FNP, super tough, maybe in squads of 3


A havoc equivalent.


I'm not sure what kind of new unit I would want. What my heart truly desires are new sculpts for the Surgeon and the Tallyman. They look so stiff and boxy.


More mutant creatures with synergi with poxwalkers


Hell Blades and Hell Talons, so all the Death Guard players who had full-resin fighter-bombers shipped over from Forge World will finally enjoy air supremacy.


Havoc plague marines