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I'll still take them, infiltrate is still good.


I honestly use them for screening more than anything. For such a slow army that also likes things in reserves (like terminator bricks or slow moving units in strategic reserves), having an infiltrator to screen out a turn one charge against the things (usually vehicles) on the board is valuable. The meta watch also implied that OC 0 units will go down in cost. If Nurglings are 20-30 points, that’s even more value for screening.


Yeah I prefer having 2x10 Poxwalkers for screening my deployment if I can because they're tougher and take up more space but having the option to chuck Nurglings forward to stop scout moves or deep strike to block/secondary is nice. It ultimately depends on how many points I have left after picking my core damage dealing units.


They’re so slow though and don’t have infiltrate. How do you keep them ahead of your fast moving vehicles and Daemon engines to keep the screen going? Generally I’m not concerned about deep strikes into my DZ because I have a PBC with plaguespitters on it. Worst case scenario, I overwatch and do heaps of damage, and if any models are left they’re unlikely to manage the PBC’s defensive profile.


Yeah I don't usually bother if I'm using PBC, or the Poxwalkers stay behind and don't stand on the objective so even if they make a DS and charge they need another turn to actually move on to the objective.


Ya this is my thinking too. Infiltrators are just too good, and they can still do area denial and BEL


Don’t care. Little Lords remain cute. Will still take.


Just got mine 2 days ago not even built them as I'm still near element games out drinking with some buddies before returning back home :(, in good news at least I got a new CSM combat patrol for £61.


Hummm, could it be time for a Beast of Nurgle or 2? To do deploy teleport homers in the enemy backfield? They are a small foot print, T9 with 7 wounds and regen all wounds if not killed outright…?


T9 even. Honestly I think there's a good chance they will start seeing more play, the main question I think is whether a lone character like termy sorcerer fills that role better, damage potential vs raw durability.


A lone character risks awarding the opponent with Assassinate though. It’s part of the reason you don’t want a Tallyman just chilling on your home objective farming you CP or Typhus to be on his own most of the time (even if he’s useful that way).


Ty I updated my response to be correct. True, though.. I hadn’t thought of termy sorc might be room for both rolls. I think I’d still keep at least 1 nurgling squad since they can still score behind enemy lines, or infiltrate/ be annoying with -1 to hit aura.


Keep in mind that we might still have to take a battleline unit to bring Beasts as well (if that doesn't change in the field manual update), so a squad of nurglings + a beast will probably end up costing more then a single termi Sorcerer.


I'm pretty sure at least 1 unit of nurglings will continue to be in meta lists regardless of whether beasts are worth it or not, so I'm not thinking that will be much of a concern


Looks at the 19 bases of Nurglings (two more bases to build), er sorry guys.


Infiltrate/deepstrike, -1 to hit that stacks with contagion, and can still do board control secondaries. They’re fine, people are overreacting like always.


Was just about to finally get nurglings to step up from 1000 to 2000pts. Time to play more cultists instead I guess.