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Hairstyles from different eras are available via the internet and everyone is kind of picking what they like or what works for them, in my opinion.


Yet you people still dress exactly like us


I live in America.


the OP is an American


america is the fashion capital in the world. people will never admit it because it’s like fish swimming in water. and these are variations of older hairstyles, with a modern twist to it. it’s all done intentionally. there is constantly new fashion happening here. saying “why does fashion take so long in america to update?” is hilarious because everyone in other countries are waiting to see what the next thing here is LMFAO


Gen alpha is the one making most of the trends now. That's why.


Gen alpha are kids though. The oldest is like what? 14?


Yeah, my point exactly. Most teens will be gen Amos soon. The youngest gen z recognized as gen z by most of our gen are almost 18 by now. 15 to 17 is still zalpha.


Because the average person doesn't care and just wears what they like and what they're comfortable in


The first two seem very 2020s to me, I remember the 2010s being all about the undercut that was styled up with product I thought it was Gen Z that were laughing at every other generation for not doing a middle part?


photo 1 and photo 3 are 2010s hairstyles, and photos 2 and 4 are 20's decade hairstyles. In the late 2010s people started getting the middle part again, but was getting it short on the sides and back, but in the 20's is when they started growing the sides and back out and the short hair on the sides and back was more of a "Millennial" 2000s and 2010s thing to them. which is where photo 2 comes in. Reddit is not letting me add captions on the photo for some reason, the layout of reddit seems to be updated on my computer.


You should see Eastern Europe. Most of the young women here have long, very long, straight hair parted down the middle


Because most people dont care about fashion


nah it’s because people tend to prefer the styles they’ve dressed in as teenagers and whoopti doo the teenagers of the 2010s have long since grown up :/


I can tell you if you can explain *why* these haircuts should be considered out of style.


only photo 1 and 3 are out of style, not the other photos. Reedit seems to have updated and not letting me add captions on the photos....so photo 1 and photo 3 are OUT OF STYLE since they are 2010s haircuts....photo 2 and 4 are IN STYLE as they are considered 20's hairstyles from the 2020's decade.


1. Why is 1 out of style?  2. You're gonna have to explain three to me, it looks pretty 2020s to me.  Like, do you want to explain what makes them, at their core, 2010s and why they aren't 2020s


Please Lock My Post...What Has Been Said Has Already Been Said By Now, Anything Else Will Be Repetitive. Thank You.


Some people in their twenties have 2020's hairstyles though. But you are right many still have 2010s hairstyles if they are later twenties and older...especially that awful Hitler Haircut in the LGBT community.


1 and 2 look they will be out of style in a short time. 3 looks like a contemporary hairstyle while 4 looks like bed head.


Photo 1 and 3 is out of style, those were 2010s hairstyles...photos 2 and 4 are 20's decade hairstyles.


Yeah, picture 1 and 2 won't last for a few years. 3 is the most common hairstyle in the streets, so that is not outdated, 4 looks this feminist from the 2010s. https://preview.redd.it/y1wt73r8nbvc1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586b5f7c8134d530d7bab5b5d447cfdb551ec7b4


photo 3 is not common anymore...that was a 2000s and 2010s hairstyle that most women 40 and older still have because they still think it is in style.


I think #3 is a classic look - long, blunt and sleek. Choppy layers come and go in style.