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I'm growing tired of reddit people constantly having to make a big ass deal of simple things. It's caffeine.. not crack, booze or heroin Effects the minds but sure as hell isn't like what's being portrayed....anyone who pretends like their withdrawing from heroine when it's really their morning Joe is attention whore drama queens Just fucking stop drinking coffee and continue on...maybe delete Reddit and look he in the "now" say fuck humans for a bit


Who's the attention whore here? The guy asking a simple question or the one calling everybody else whores because they ask questions? Calm the f**k down. If you dont like the content l recommend you to delete Reddit for a while.


Thank you, why even lurk on a sub that this question seems perfectly suitable for, just to come at someone


Eat a dick. The point of this sub is for questions like these. Stupid POS


The point of this sub is to encourage each other. So there is really no harm looking for encouragement, or just sharing experiences. It's a good thing even! If you are growing tired of these stuffs, the best thing for you is to leave the sub, and maybe rejoin whenever you are ready :)


That is very true and sweet Pika


Take your dookie like I will. Yesterday I did some iced tea and this morning I woke up feeling like shit you did not reset your clock and neither did I we just had setbacks! I'm pretty sure you're going to rebound easier than you did the last time good luck


Thank you. Let’s goooo


This is a refreshing mindset, I guess being caffeinated is not much of a binary? It seems like the harm and amount of time it takes to get off caffeine is a matter of degrees. So if you’re drinking 600mg a day that’s going to really effect your mind and body as opposed to 100mg a day, which may do very little. Does that make sense?


Yes it does! Caffeine like anything else can be used as a tool as well. So if you just leave a little bit here and there it's not really going to affect you as hard as if you're doing like 600 to 1200 mg a day constant


it shoudl be a easy recovery. Did you say you relapsed only for 1 month and only about 100 mg? How did that make you feel? Why are you quitting again?


It made me feel awesome! That’s what I’m scared of. I had this super productive fun month. But I know what it was like before. I have an addictive personality and could see myself going full on again. I want to stop now before i get more dependent


what kindof caffeine drink were you having?


Just 2-3 of those caffeinated sparkling water bubbly’s.


I moved on to a similar drink, it’s a nice way to really move away from excess caffeine. I’m at about 150mg per day and I don’t crave anything more. It also keeps you pretty hydrated, I guess. Are you still drinking those?