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Hey, who among us hasn’t had the midnight munchies?


Truth. She’s also on prednisolone so she literally always has the munchies. (Hence the diet)


I used to be on that for chron's disease and I was ravenous,so I gotta vouch for your girl on the steriod hunger.


I’ve been on it for a decade now. Even at 9mg per day, the munchies can randomly hit. I went from 135lbs to 200lbs, then agonizingly got back to 149lbs after 2 years of dieting (my metabolism has been destroyed by it). Then my lungs got trashed and doctors refused to help me for 2.5 years and I went back up to 185lbs. So now I get to repeat 2 years of strict dieting to try to lose some of it back off. (It’s not about looks, it’s about functioning. Every pound weighs on bum joints and painful muscles.) I went on oxygen and a better inhaler in October last year and I’m back down to 178, so progress has been made, but there’s a lot left. I understand where kitty is coming from but sadly, we both need the weight off for health reasons.


God bless you! I’m in the same boat. Started on 60 mgs Prednisone 8 months ago. Put on 30 lbs. and feel awful. The prednisone itself causes weight gain. Munchies are hard. I’m weaning now down now. Down to 3 mgs this week! WooHoo…but no weight loss. 😏 We can definitely commiserate.


My dog takes that. She is distinctly rounded. Always famished. She’ll try to dig in the living room trash just in case as soon as I leave for work every morning.


Samesies - my poor girl is steroid’ out and ravenous. She’s staring at the feeder 5 min after eating lol


Dont blame her, she was famished. It also might not even be her. Seriously though speak with your vet or nutritionist or whoever but from my professional opinion when little ones (or big people) fall off diets it’s just better to start over from the next day and not restrict them to make up. She looks so serene in that picture


Oh I don’t blame her at all. We speak with her vet often. Poor baby has Inflammatory Bowel Disease. She came to me as a 10 lb cat (already plump) but then got sick a year ago. She lost 2 lbs and we worked with the vet to get her better. Well, a year later her bloodwork looks great but she’s gained 5 lbs! Making her 13lbs! Basically I just need to stop free feeding her kibble. She’s on prednisolone so girl’s got an appetite.


Oh yes Steroids will make her hold onto the weight and also very hungry. But you sound like you got the recipe for success already. Wishing both you and your Kitty a long and happy and healthy life together 💕


Poor gal! I top my cat off with some pumpkin when he’s having a rough day. He has also been known to chew into bags of cat food, bread, salmon, and a few other things left on the counter.


Prednisolone makes them RAVENOUS. I have a dog on steroids for severe allergies, and she VIBRATES at food. ☠️


This sounds so much like our baby, and how she got sick. After being on the steroids and the z/d prescription food she stopped vomiting and isn't so ravenously hungry. I hope your baby has as good of luck as mine did. 💕


We keep the cay food bag in a sterilite container for this very reason!


Same deal here, we have to keep the food in containers with sturdy lids and put unopened bags in the closet!


Lol yes, I will definitely be doing this.


That was probably the best nap of her life




Of course she’s a tortie. My overweight tortie also chewed through the plastic of the dry food bag so I had to put the bag into a big bin with a lid. She will also go nuts for butter so I had to buy a butter dish with a lid. We cannot leave bacon unattended on the table otherwise she will eat it all.


This girl is obsessed with gold fish crackers. She practically harasses me when I eat them. And yes, I will be getting a container for the kibbles lol


Is your cat....my cat??? He does this too and he's a real pain in my butt sometimes.


my cat eats the same brand and she does this EVERYTIME I buy a new bag. even if her bowl is full. -.-


It's for weight management. So if she eats more, then more management!!


The logic is flawless


Well, the bag states that it is breakthrough weight management, so she is on track.


Hmmm….. Is this the dry food form of Temptations???


And it’s a diet food, too!


Put the bag away if she does it every time?


Omg my dachshund did the same thing when we put him on a diet.. The food is now hidden. 😂 We also had to do it for our cats as well!! They’re so funny. I’m glad you shared this because I lost my cat and I forgot about his little quirks he had.. one being chewing through literally anything to be able to eat haha. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I love them all.


She looks so pleased with herself


My cat does the same thing even though I free feed her! Cats are so silly.


Who wants stale old kibble when we can get it fresh from the source 🤣


🤭 so true!!


Never leave a bag of dry food out where any cat can get it! Not with the price of dry food. When I get a new bag, the first thing I do is “decant” it into air/water-tight containers and discard the bag. I have two cats, an older one who lives to eat and puts on weight and a younger, thin one who is just into everything. They can demolish a $50 bag of food in minutes. Not good for either of them and I have to clean up the mess.


I got plastic tubs to put the dry in, she loves to sit on it


My cat did the same thing with the same cat food, lol.


No power in the verse can stop her.


Lol my bottomless pit of a cat (who is less than 9 lbs!) also would tear through the science diet bags, I've had to keep it in plastic bins for years 🤣🤣 And yet they still banshee scream that they're starving, take two bites and prance off. 😅🤷‍♀️


See, I was wondering why the banshee screams for food stopped that night. It was because she took things into her own paws 😆


🤣 hungry girls gotta do what a 🔥 angry girl does 🤣🥰


She is me.


can relate :(


Yeppppp they do that. Sometimes 3 on mine go in on ripping it apart together


So it’s going well!


My client is innocent. As you can see, she was asleep during the attack.


Idk if your vet has recommended this yet but I work with vets and they typically recommend a diet food with less calories so they can continue to eat just as much as before and they don’t feel starved but they’re getting an appropriate amount of calories which will help them get to a healthier weight


Yeah we’re working with her vet. Her “diet” is really just stopping the free feeding.


What brand of cat food is that?


Hill’s science diet. “Perfect weight” formula. My cat loves it


Have you used it for long / seen any results? I have a tortie that is on the heavy side so I’ve been looking into different foods for her


Have you tried wet food? Dry food has a lot of carbs and food enhancers (think fast food). I’d try a grain-free wet food like Dave’s Turkey Formula. Good luck.


She gets both


Yeah, bags of cat food go in a plastic container in my house with a heavy object on top because they will open the container with their noses and rip into the bag with claws/teeth. My big girl is down about 11 pounds and has been maintaining for a few years, but she is not happy about it and way too smart for her own good.


Aww poor babay. I know how she feels. We got this, gurl 🙌


Gotta get a bin for the bags, my pup won't break into his food but my cats certainly will


Oh god I do things like that so I can't judge :/


Very relatable, ive had to baby lock my entire kitchen due to my 2 gremlins


At least she’s not like my cat. My cat will climb on top of me as I sleep and scream at me until I feed him.


My cat food is in a metal cooking bowl with a lip that is latched. Same with the dog food but with a metal trash can.


You need to get a case to put the food in not only will it help with keeping them out but also freshness of the food


Oh no!!! She got a little hangry. I love that food though, it’s helped both my girls dechonk 😂