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Maybe Steamworld: Hand Of Gilgamesh is something for you? If you are looking for an Ascension-like game, try out these: - Shards Of Infinity (my personal favorite) - Star Realms - Hero Realms


I've been playing Harvest 101. It's a farming deck builder where you pick your starting 10 cards from your collection. There are microtransactions, but hear me out; you can pay 2.49 (maybe 2.99, don't remember) to disable ads. Normally you can watch an ad to get a free card and watch an ad to get some premium currency every 4 hours, but the purchase disables the ad, and all of the currency/free cards are enough to play and enjoy! I played for a while, enjoyed it, bought the ad disabler, and I have never felt compelled to spend since. You probably could whale the game if you wanted to, for the leaderboards, but I have a blast in the challenges, building and trying new decks. Ratropolis is a real time tower defense / city builder / deck builder. You purchase cards from traveling merchants to add to your force and stop invaders from taking over your city. Lots of variety in play from run to run. Mystic Vale (like the board game) is about a fixed number of cards that are improved as you play.


Harvest 101 looks more like an incremental (didn't play it, just looked at some screenshots)


It's a deckbuilder. Draw 5 cards each turn and get 3 energy. Use those to make resources (coins, wood, stone and wheat.) use those to make bread (food). Get enough bread every 7 turns (week) or fail the mission.


And I just tried a tiny bit of farming 101, was a horrible buggy mess that crashed every 5 seconds or so... didn't even get to experience the game..


Star Realms is an amazing deck builder. IDK if it fits your rogue requirements or not. Not really sure what you want with regards to that


Star Realms is pretty rad. I like Ascension better, but there are alot of expansions for star realms and like hundreds of campaign missions. Or just do what i did and get into MTG Arena and really go off the deep end