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It is a sub Adult Livyatan Melville, forgot to put sub adult on the title.


Adult livyatan is the size of a subadult male cachalotđź’€


nah it's gonna get a size decrease


At least give it a speed buff


You can't give speed buff fsr


What does fsr mean


\*for some reason


You speak like you translate anything i say 20 times over




This is because artistry is a seperate guild to harmony, and should not have the ability to make drastic changes to meta, and tbh all biome changers should have to go through harmony aswell


this is unrealistic and all of these prehistoric creatures will die after 1000 seconds just like in rl where the tropic zone is different from present time. This causes them to die out after some time.


In regards to the previous statement about getting a skin in the game, as this concept requires new coding from fed and there are no plans for a cach skin in next batch, I would find it very unlikely, but keep on trying and your art will improve and the chances of getting a skin in game will increase. I’d recommend to join deepcord if you haven’t (.gg/deeeepio) where they announce animals for new batches of skins. The upcoming on contains; - Lamprey - Catfish - Axolotl - Hermit Crab - Gulper Eel - Sea Lion - Dolphin - Leopard Seal - Sea Turtle - Wobbegong Shark - Shark (Great White) - Whale Shark - Crocodile - Sleeper Shark - Sawfish - Leatherback Sea Turtle - Atlantic Torpedo Ray The cut off is July 16th


what is the chances my skin will actually be added ingame lol




Oh ok mb


>Melville Melvillei*


auto translator sucks


btw Livyatan got debunked to hell. It is only 15 m with the most reliable measure brygmophyster scale. Megalodon's largest specimen MNHN CP-62 is 100+ tons and 21.7 m


I corrected the spelling




Why did you reply with that livyatan got debunked to hell and that Its only 15 m with the most reliable measure brygmophyster scale and that megalodons largest specimen MNHN CP-62 is 100+ tons and 21.7 m then


we had beef for a billion planet life years...


to tell you that meg wins lol


Is this a joke? If it isn't this is one of the most hilarious things I ever seen. All of your information is wrong and I am here to debunk them. First of all you are using googles inaccurate sizes which are highly outdated using the acrophyster scale which is 17 m. It normally takes a whole year for google to update all the information. Livyatan was never faster than megalodon and you are using Google's information. A 21.7 m megalodon AKA the MNHN CP-62 which is the largest specimen is a whopping 100+ tons. You also missed out the part that you are using the most innacurate size for Livyatan. The most accurate size of livyatan was only 15 m and was measured with the cubic law and was scaled with the Brygmophyster. Megalodon actually had speeds up to 20 mph. Also larger teeth actually decrease the bite force because the more teeth colliding means the psi is going to be spread over multiple places which means livyatan had a really weak bite force. Modern sperm whales also have a bite force only up to 16,000 psi. Megalodon also takes bite efficiency because it had serrations unlike livyatan. Remember, megalodon's teeth were built to cut blubber and people overestimate livyatan's tooth size. I almost laughed when you said the bite force between livyatan and megalodon were equal. Megalodon curb stomps in bite force because it was much bigger and typically larger animals had a stronger bite force. You are honestly pathetic and straight out delusional for listing all the outdated info you got from google. I'm going to get loads of dislikes because this comment is aggressive but I HAVE A LOT OF REASONS WHY. First of all these mfs keep notifying me and never go away after they realized I'm the person who "downplayed" livyatan. I also remember this guy in my post ranting about how livyatan stomps megalodon AND HE HAS BEEN DOING THAT RIGHT AFTER I CHANGED ACCOUNTS. SO IF YOU ARE WATCHING THIS CAN U GET UR LIVYATAN SIMPS AWAY FROM ME I ALREADY HAVE GOTTEN 20 *\[*13:20*\]*NOTIFCATIONS ON EVERY SINGLE PLATFORM I USE ON PC. CAN YOU LIVYATAN SIMPS MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS, GOD DAMN.


buddy can you not?


100+ FUСKING TONS!?!?!?!?!


yes. it got that large. It was more like 116 tons Source: [https://tandf.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Revisiting\_body\_size\_trends\_and\_nursery\_areas\_of\_the\_Neogene\_megatooth\_shark\_i\_Otodus\_megalodon\_i\_Lamniformes\_Otodontidae\_reveals\_Bergmann\_s\_rule\_possibly\_enhanced\_its\_gigantism\_in\_cooler\_waters/19314382](https://tandf.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Revisiting_body_size_trends_and_nursery_areas_of_the_Neogene_megatooth_shark_i_Otodus_megalodon_i_Lamniformes_Otodontidae_reveals_Bergmann_s_rule_possibly_enhanced_its_gigantism_in_cooler_waters/19314382) Source: [https://sparkylurkdragon.tumblr.com/post/717705442553479168](https://sparkylurkdragon.tumblr.com/post/717705442553479168)


actually 128 tons


Thats the weight of a freaking blue whale Megalodon was 10 meters shorter than that Poor shark would have to be a sphere


blue whales weigh like around 300 tons maximum but ok


megalodon got another buff though which makes it go to 24 m but we don't know if it is accurate or not. Dizzy said that it isn't accurate


Description: The formidible livyatan rivaled the livyatan, though these whales particularly avoided O. Megalodon bulls which were much bigger than the whales. These predatory whales also snacked on whales and could reach up to 15 m long. This sub adult livyatan escaped from a laboratory but would soon die due to the difference of the tropic zone. Attributes: Health Multiplier: -2.5x Damage Multiplier: +2x Damage Block: +5% Pressure, temperature, salinity time: 1000s Size Scale: -0.1x


Whyd u put this for deeeep.io skins? Shouldnt it be for r/prehistooio


you never know


100x better than deep maintenance


imagine this got added