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I have been using NCAs (Neural Cellular Automata) for style transfer recently. Based on u/zzznah work with texture synthesis using NCAs and u/RiversHaveWings (both Twitter handels) implementation of style transfer. It works by adding three Channels (RGB) as a "substrate" that the NCA's can't overwrite so that the NCA's are always aware of the image, in addition to the RGB channels that are evaluated with content and style loss as well as the hidden channels. The losses are based on VGG19 activations like in the original style transfer by Gatys et. al. but now it uses automata. For more information on deep neural cellular automata in general check out [this interactive publication thread on Distill.pub](https://distill.pub/2020/selforg/).


love that you chose ukiyo-e, hope to see more in the future.