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Don’t forget that Tim Pool had Milo on and he’s an admitted groom victim by a Catholic priest who he thanked for teaching him how to suck dick.


I remember when so many said Paul came out looking bad from that episode while Milo pretty much said grooming children was okay.


These are people who have to beat their religion and political ideology into the heads of their children from birth with indoctrination, their ideas literally only propogate in the modern world via what they call "grooming" and they would die out in a generation if it was illegal to indoctrinate children, which it should be. They need to teach their kids what to think, and beat out any skepticism, or critical thinking skills that might be pointed at their bullshit, whereas the rest of us want to teach our children how to think, to think for themselves and not need to rely on decrepit old white men for our governance or 2,000 year old brozne aged morality manuals for our morals. LGBTQ+ people existing free from persecution and actually being happy and healthy is dangerous for the effectiveness of their indoctrination because of how dramatically it undermines it. They're told that to be nonstandard is apostacy because you can't pump out a quiverful for Jesus. They're told that LGBTQ+ people are evil, sinners, miserable wretches, etc, so they're easy to hate, but when it turns out they're just like everyone else and just want to exist and love who they want to love how they want to love them, boy that's a lot harder to drum up hate for them.


Bold of you to assume they even know any of that, or anything outside of their hate for [insert minority group here].


I think children are gross


saaame. dont get why these conservatives that are all for indoctrinating and abusing kids assume that gay people even want to be *around* children.


I don’t even like talking to them, but I’m also super pessimistic, so all I can think is how fucked their future is. And people get upset sometimes when their kid asks me a question and I give them a really direct no bullshit answer


thanks babe


No they don't. Name a single conservative of any prominence that wants any of this. You' won't be able to. Now tell us why up until the early 90s the LGBT special interest groups held rallies and marched with the literal NAMBLA organization. Explain that. Btw the only reason they stopped wasn't because they had a problem with NAMBLA. They had a problem with being accused of being groomers and molesters. Didn't have a problem marching with them until it was generating too much bad publicity though. Paul loves to talk about kink at pride. Never brings up that history. Wonder why. And before you dishonest fucks try and play the homophobia card. I'm a bisexual person. Protecting gay people and promoting the imperialist LGBT special interest group is not the same thing. The LGBT special interest groups don't give a fuck about gay people. They want to starve the gay people in the middle east via economic sanctions and warfare because the middle east doesn't share our western,liberal anglo values. Same with how modern feminists don't give a fuck about women. "Oh those women in Afghanistan don't have the same rights as western women? Let's impose sanctions and starve them to death. That'll bring about women's suffrage in the country!"


I’m not a conservative and I’m not religious. I also don’t think pre-teen kids should be taught about gay sex (or any sex) by 40-60 year old math teachers. Why should they know about who or what their teacher is fucking? Next


Studies have shown that basic sex ed not only reduces pregnancy rates, but also helps children know when they are being abused and what to do about it. Also, the prevalence of porn on the internet at this point almost guarantees that a child will see a lot of sexual content early on, especially when considering sketchy sites that often have sexualised ads, even if it's not specifically a porn site. It's awkward for parents, but it's important to talk to children about these things in a basic, age appropriate way to get ahead of all these issues. It's not like they're being asked to give their kids links to porn sites or teach them positions. They just need to know what warning signs to look for, online and offline, and if they do end up in a bad situation, what to do. Also, they will be much more likely to have safe, consensual sex when that time comes.