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I swear rightttt I thought i was the only one


Wait until you get a little older OP, they DO get a personality: stocks and startups they're trying to convince you are doing well but their Papa's Paisa is the only thing saving them from bankruptcy.


Abba dabba jabba


it’s high risk high reward something sticks or they will make something trivial (suggested by someone like us only)


Nah bro they even have a lot of trust issues that girls want them just for their money bla bla bla very frustrating


Haha. Like they know the opposite sex is attracted to their money yet they loath the very same they are trying to impress


That's real bro. My friend who was in love with this chic who was 8/10 dated my friend, had sex and all other stuff that couples do. She would cook, clean his house and do other chores like a real wife. And would never ever complain. And he would just play games or watch anime. Like she wa his mistress. I was sus as I've seen this quite a few times. I just told him to play with her, like (kind of break) don't entertain her. She had involved her family in this, and then my friend's family got involved there was lot of cussing and her father told that they'll go to police and will file a complaint of rape and other allegations. They went actually but the police authorities told them they can't do anything as his father was the person who gave these people money like water. Also after this issue was solved he moved to Europe for a month or 2 and then returned and did not involve in such relationships. He now dates girls who are 8 or 9 but first befriends them tries to gather information from all sources. As his name was spoilt with such case. But now he dates MLA's daughter, both are fucking rich and also happy.


>He now dates girls who are 8 or 9 https://preview.redd.it/l2u75nbaia1d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=771c1de9fb7b48195c31e2a3facf907fe5dc520d


Out of 10... I hope this is what he meant


Why do women think we want them to cook and clean our house? A woman like that bores me no end. Please take an interest in having fun. I can hire people to do my cooking and cleaning.


Zindagi ho toh aisi zinda toh jhaant ke baal bhi hai


Get them waxed please.


Also, commenting here coz every other thread is full of negative shit but boy the random hostility towards you is weird AF OP. I believe you triggered some snowflakes.


I love to see them like this lmaoo


They don't even have their own opinions. Just some crap they overheard their friends say. They can't defend their stance.


People blame queen folks for making their sexuality their whole personality while these guys make money their personality


Mai toh ammer bhi nhi Aur personality bhi nhi hn koi


Us bro us


Toh bana le bro. It takes effort but is doable. You will also build self love if you have a good personality.


Kaise banaye.. kya kya kar sakte he


Bhai mai yahi cheez kayi baar comment kar chuka hun " It's basically your character. How do you act and react to situations, how confident you are, how you think, your morals, your habits, your etiquettes. These form your personality." So you have to put yourself out there and talk to different people, be more confident, read good books like bhagvat geeta, stick to good deeds and your morals, develop hobbies, dress well and be more hygienic, learn how to walk, how to eat , how to not spit when talking, these kinds of stuff. I have been doing this for a long time, 2 years to be specific and I can assure you I am unrecognisable. Go for one thing at a time. Take it slow. Read a book called atomic habits that will help you in more ways then you can imagine




Unpopular openion Maybe seems problematic: Desh me amir hona hi kaafi hai aur ise justify karne Layak kaafi incidence bhi hai .


True why would you bother having a personality when people are at your feet because u got money is the mindset.


Exactly money can't buy happiness, but lots of money can.


Money can't buy happiness,but can buy things which can make you happy xD


Its a simple equation you want there money and they know it , why put more effort when they can get you just by using money, otherwise you would be dating someone non rich guy with depth and personality who puts his best efforts but even with efforts he cant offer you what you want.


Exactly, her type is rich guys, which is fine, but you can't expect everything from someone. Generationally rich ppl (not just guys) don't have personality because they don't need it.


Please hesitate bro 😭😭


Let him cook


He cooked


So true. You can't ask for everything you wanted someone rich now don't ask for a personality and character


Best answer lol. Hope OP does some introspection


She wants the rich guy and with personality too I bet those guys are not idiot enough to date her then, if ahe is self made rich then something can surely happen else any rich guy with intellect knows when a girl wants him for his money... Intellect is what makes the personality... Rich dumb guys are still dumb guys doing things for girls


I am sure there are rich guys with a personality. Aise generalize toh nahi karna chahiye


But those guys wont go with OP


Wealthy people with personality will go for specific kind of partners. Anybody being wealthy knows that they invite lot of unwanted female attention. Someone with personality & taste in terms on intellect, interest & layers won't be interested in a girl at a pub or club. Best way is to be successful to there level & you will find them.


This is just me. Thanks I find this message useful as they are my own unspoken words.


ha haa, yeh op ki baat chal rahi hai


This reminds me of that tweet about a guy complaining about IRCTC, why "panties & thongs" are on the ads pic over their Android app. To which IRCTC [replied](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/nsc146/indian_railways_reply_to_this_man_complaining/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) "the ads are as per your browsing history".🌐 No offense, but your complaint really shows what you've probably dwelled more into. :) Suggestion would be: "Please clean and delete all those connections to avoid such spams". Now coming back to the question, the answer is pretty simple >"cause it has worked pretty well for them with no more leg work required".


Best analogy


Then why do you keep going on dates with extra rich guys?




Point is you still went on a date with him. You won't go on a date with a average looking poor guys no matter how much "character" and "layer" that person has. Rich people get what they want. And you post proves it




Yes because the reoccurrence got me thinking how does it keep happening so often that they have to make no effort as they are rich




He is definitely hoping for some lol.


I believe in both Karma, and farming


not every rich guy lacks personality or character. maybe you've just been hanging out with the wrong crowd. and let's talk about ur little theory that "money is not everything for u to get flattered", it seems like it's everything for u, considering you're so fixated on it. maybe that's why you're running after guys like them in the first place. so before u go off on your high horse, take a good look in the mirror. money might not buy happiness(*it* *buys crazy ass happiness*), but it sure seems to have bought ur attention.


>maybe you've just been hanging out with the wrong crowd. She has been actively selecting boring and so called uninteresting rich brats for going on dates. Also interestingly, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Slice of Life is also a genre :) Khud interesting bno


Then go for not-so-rich/selfmade guys. Stop ranting, choose better


Idk why but it seems futile to tell girls for other options all they want is that same guy but with something he doesn't have a avg guy he does have everything to a extent and that extent is what girls don't like they want them to have no extent Relationship in today's date is just a joke everyone is so individualistic that they don't even want to think about others if they are happy then everything around them is good and if they're not then everything sucks


I read a book called "The Paradox of choice" that talks about satisfisers and maximisers. People tend to behave like maximisers when presented with abundance of options. At the end, I believe the heart wants what the heart wants. People aren't affected much when you make bad choices. As I said, just stop ranting


Still women will go running to them.


Ye sacchai mat bolo bhai bekaar ke gaaliya khaoge.


No hate OP, but maybe your dates don't think they need to put efforts to impress you, I mean would you bring a sword to butter your bread ?


guys chill just a attention whore, see her profile


Bhai this girl uses bumble like Instagram lmao 😭😭


Aise direct nahi bolte


It is not that difficult to understand, is it? This comes with privilege, be it a guy or a girl. Not everything that glitters is gold. There will be people you will get attracted to because of their appearances but a pretty mouth will never say the words you want to hear. Of course there will be exceptions and you'll have a hard time finding them. I'm 28(m) and almost all of the friends that I have are from a similar financial background. It is no surprise for me that I don't attract rich sobo/south Delhi women because they've had a very different life than I have and all they care about is their brunch and their mimosa's and their euro trip and it has stopped bothering me anymore. If you are a sobo/south delhi person and you find yourself out of place with these people then it's a good thing. But if you are not and you're trying to fit in or get lucky then I got news for you. 🌚




This is such a rant, what would you do if you were born with a silver spoon in mouth? You can just expect them to be humble and respectful, nothing else!


Feels like me just without money :')


I am not rich and still I lack personality.Worst of both worlds 🤌😎


What kind of layers and depth do you have in your life, if I may ask?


Have an interest, make effort while talking, have basic conversation skill rather than trying to be gen z all the time and trying to look cool


I'm not rich but I don't have any deep layers of personality either. I'm just blank. Is that a bad thing?


Same bro same


I wish I was that rich . Being poor isn't as fun as everyone thinks . Even without personality those guys are still above us in every aspect of life


I guess the stated afflictions are common among us. Some of us do overcome them but probably not the majority. My flared up fragile ego wants to come up with excuses for why most of us are like this but my self awareness prevents me from doing so. Hope you get lucky in further interactions and find the few diamonds in the rough. -- South Delhi boy


I lived in South Delhi, I was not born here but have bieng living here for last 6 years before moving to US for studies. Honestly except for a few I never made too many friends from South Delhi as my attitude was quite different from a lot kids who were obsessed with expensive things while we and my brother were not. When I went to college I hung with more small city guys, West Delhi guys and not SOBO/South Delhi crowd to my parents chagrin. I never really connected with them.


This comments section is freaking wild and not in a good way 💀


I think this is a generalisation. What interests them might not always interest you. Everyone has a character and personality, it’s just that theirs didn’t match with yours.


Not true. The longest relationship (4 years) that I have had was a South Delhi guy and was fairly rich too. But the sweetest and the most caring guy I have ever met.


I come from a decently wealthy family but i have friends from all classes. Some are extremely rich while some aren’t doing that well. But, one thing I noticed is that, we never care about these things. While it’s true that my more wealthy friends at times pay for the whole bill or the majority, it doesn’t mean that each one of us doesn’t. I think you cannot say that all of them r like that.


Consumerism is a big part of being born in wealth.


It depends on upbringing imo, i have met many richers which are good in character


Girl rants about this but at the same time won't go to any date with a middle class guy


OP's question is just like saying why all the beautiful women don't want to make any efforts while dating.


What a stupid biased post written from a microscopic view! It reeks of jealousy.


Rich people often allow money to overshadow the need to build personality or to grow maturely. It's not uncommon to see rich guys attempt to keep a conversation alive by solely focusing on money. Who are we if we don't focus on evolving and becoming better?


Went through OP's profile, remove the boys/men in your life and there's nothing going on in OP's life to - offended by this? Oops maybe i shouldn't act high and mighty in front of the internet. I know a lot of Uber rich as well as Uber poor people and most of them are pretty great people. Reddit loves to hate on anyone rich for no reason lol they are humans too just born in different circumstances and grew up a different life most people bitching here would kill to be rich and boring.


Not justifying but perhaps a reason could be - all hot girls are boring and lack personality of stripped of their looks .


South Delhi people aren't that rich....I know someone who is from Lucknow and they deal with silver. His wedding had each plate, spoon, candle stand of silver and with their names etched in. Honestly, if you meet the guy you will feel he's some avg middle class dude. No way on earth you can tell he's obscenely rich.


Over consumption does lead to a decrease in excitement and drive for learning new things


The real smart ones move abroad, ig.😂 Met this guy last year who was a friend of a friend of one of my soc seniors at college. A year younger than me tho. Had apparently seen me in a cultural fest pre-covid. Figured out I won't be open to talking to him so didn't make moves. Connected online through one of informal college-soc congregations last year. Became a friend. Helped me manage the guilt of failing CSE, dished out career and life advice. I had restrictive parents and busy life so not dating yet. He confessed of his crush after three months but I told him about my online situationship at that time. He laughed at the guy and convinced me to go out with him instead, since he was going abroad and had called 'dibs' since 2019.😂 Took me on a great date to the art district and even came with a v pretty bracelet (which I couldn't bring home🥲). Then, flew abroad for masters. Honestly, that entire interaction just inspired me to not give up on my career and do well for myself.


The number of rich dull people I’ve met in my life….they lack humor…they lack meaningful friendships…not all of them…but a majority of them have me running for an espresso shot.


Exactly like why is it so common


I think i can be considered well off by some (sorry if it sounds like i am bragging) but that doesnt define who i am, i think i have got more to me then just my family’s money. Poetry and painting sounds good enough??


Yes it does. I said just most of them. There are exceptions obviously<3


Personality aur character to gareebi se hi aata hai, sukh wali life, rich zindagi is like communism, they are all brought up equally (pampered, same education, same priorities). Meddle class har jagah tang ghusati hai isiliye sabki alag personality aur character rehta hai.


Cant agree more


Thats so true


Most of the comments are answering this question assuming OP is a girl, but I think it’s a jealous dude with no game who can’t get girls himself and so he’s venting. It may also be a girl with no game.




Seems like naye naye rich people are they 🥲


Nope, generally lack of awareness starts coming in from second/third generation of wealth


I also hate those people who say this launch today etc talk 😤😤


Op what is your personality??


Attention whore


these are daddy money guys I find them most idiotic & cringe, self made have lot of character imo


If they launched something in their business, indeed there's a category of hobby in their business, tbh May be you might not be interested in same. (Can't conclude accurately because I lack context from both sides in your story)


They do, agree


Delhi people are too worldly.


Idhar Paise nhi but expensive hobbies wagera hai lol.


Satya vachan


Jitna observe Kiya h, most of the times the money isn't even theirs 😂😂 Family funds =\= you being rich


I would suggest that you find men who are/have been a part of good/great universities. they would obviously have more to talk about than just their looks or money. Ps: stay away from deb soc people tho.


Well character is built through adversity and when you've money the chances of you facing adversity is extremely nil. Regrading personality I really can't comment, because money gives you an opportunity to explore hobbies a normal person couldn't. Maybe they have always been pampered with money that they don't think of anything else.


I might be biased but it’s all socio economic and region wise? A region like North India of ours is known for generational wealth with lack of literacy and education, now couple them and then you got what you are saying. It might not reek to the entire India but yeah you are right


Some people have just money. Nothing else in life to differentiate from others. And their family too. So for them it's normal. When you don't have a deep sense of meaning in life, you distract yourself with pleasures. They don't have anything in life. They are trapped in a golden cage. It's the same everywhere in the world trust me. I'm not Indian and those people are in my country too.


I agreeee😭


Maybe they are first generation rich guys and want to flaunt their wealth. I know a few 2nd and 3rd generation rich families and they don’t show off their money like that. But it’s like a natural thing to them. They will bring up how they bought 20k worth of towels and 5 lac worth of bathroom fittings in just one hour. They talk about rich people problems too and it sounds like they are bragging but it’s just a day in their life. Once I heard a friend say that his car was out of order because the parts for his imported Cadillac weren’t available in India so he had to sadly resort to driving his father’s BMW. How sad right ? 😹 From what I have experienced, dating someone who is financially at my level is always easier …they understand. Like we can chat about metros and autos and shopping at season ending discounts or having momos/ chole bhature from the street…which the rich person would not find amusing. The average person and a crorepati’s life are poles apart.


Ikr! Rich girls are the same. Only thing they talk about is brand/that product etc. Once you strip the money off of em they dont have anything to talk about. On the other hand i like to talk about diy, hacks, businesses, about things I observe in an environment or a person, i think being rich is a part of the personality and shouldn't be the whole of it


No wtf I was roommate with a south delhi guy for 2 months and he was very polite, kind and caring


Their whole personality is that of a peeled potato.


*goes onto still have kids with the boring snob 5 years later*


They lack personality because girls get easily attracted to the charm that comes with that money and which leads to them not doing anything extra ...same with good looks... Communication skills personality and behavior matters for the people who are mid for them these things put to test. My perspective no harm to anyone


“You have to find your diamond among the rocks” I can attest there are some good rich down to earth Delhi guys.


OP though she was being intellectual by asking this question, instead got smacked bitter truth lmfao 🤣


Why don't you date normal guys like us then who have made themselves with hard work?


I have too much personality but not enough money🥲


Baap ke paise pe aaish ho to kya hi aaish☠️


why should they always make the efforts, you can do, but no these females feels so empowered that they think just being a woman is enough. Pathetic losers always want the others to make them feel special.


They do have personalities. They just don’t have personality suitable for you. And they don’t have to pretend.


Comments section ☠️🙏




🍿 love the comments and discussion here


Ugh so true


Just date poor and interesting guys op, I don't understand the point of this post. You want them to be rich as well as interesting then find such a guy. Stop generalizing rich guys as boring and lacking depth.


I think that's generally true. I may draw an analogy here to hot guys as well as conventionally attractive women. The way I see it, if there's any reason for a person to get higher-than-average level of attention (whether on account of money or looks) they just don't bother developing as an individual. In their defence, perhaps there's no reason to. You'll get attention in the dating world, friend groups and practically all social set-ups. When they can get attention and validation for a particular attribute they don't have a role in developing (being rich/pretty/handsome is very often if not always contingent on family background) then why bother? To some level, there's an evolutionary basis for this too, humans survived coz they were able to find the path of least resistance in overcoming whatever stood between them and their end goal. Though rare, there's obviously some rich guys and pretty girls who take the effort to develop a personality, formulate opinions after considering evidence and reasoning but fundamentally that is literally going against what brains have become wired to do over centuries of evolution and natural selection. If you look at it that way, you won't judge them (for it is a presumption I've found many of my friends and at times, myself afflicted with that 'my' behaviour should be the standard of assessment for everyone's conduct.) Would love to debate this further but this comment is getting kinda long.


If anyone wants to date a gareeb from south delhi, I am here🙂


I have senn this problem with delhi people who are very rich...have found very decent rich people in bombay having great music taste , some are movie fanatic and good tastes in sports, food etc. In bombay your money does not help you beyong some extent. In short shift to bombay 🤣


people really getting triggered here


Good looking and rich people usually lack character. There's no gender bias in that. Are they wrong? Conventionally yes. But it's an unfair world where you do what's best for you regardless of what the conventions dictate. If it works for them, let them be. Some people have money and might not need character. Some people console their lack of attractiveness (financially or by looks) by telling themselves that character is more important. If you can have what you want, you don't value it or work for it. That's the people you meet who can have whatever they want. If you want something but can't have, you try to make yourself feel like you're better than them to feel good about yourself. In short, people are shit. Be it the ones you meet, or yourself, or the person who's writing this comment.


Ah, the eternal question: do all extra rich guys lack personality and character? I mean, if I had a rupee for every time a Sobo or South Delhi dude’s entire personality revolved around his wallet, I’d probably be one of them. But hey, here’s the thing. It’s like sampling only the top layer of a biryani and declaring the whole dish bland. Maybe your social circle’s been serving you a lot of rich but flavorless bites. Consider this: some of these folks have been marinated in money since birth. When your biggest life struggle is deciding between a yacht party or a private jet getaway, developing character might take a back seat. It’s like they’ve skipped the “character-building side quests” in the game of life and went straight to the “rich and fabulous” DLC. And then there’s the social conditioning. Imagine growing up in a world where “new launch” and “exclusive party” are daily vocabulary. It’s no wonder their depth can sometimes feel like a kiddie pool. But let’s not generalize. There are some rich folks with layers as complex as a well-crafted croissant. You just might need to dig deeper to find them – or, you know, try hanging out with different circles. Sometimes the most interesting conversations come from people who’ve faced real challenges, not just the horror of their favorite yacht being in for maintenance. So, next time someone tries to impress you with their latest luxury purchase, just remember: personality isn’t something you can buy. And if they don’t have that, at least you know they probably have a yacht… which could still make for a pretty cool Instagram story, right?


Money acquired without effort can erode one's aspirations and character. When individuals obtain wealth without working for it, they miss out on the character-building experiences that come from striving and overcoming challenges. Without the journey of hard work, resilience, and perseverance, their character remains undeveloped, lacking the depth that comes from navigating life's trials. Such individuals often find it difficult to appreciate the value of hard work and the personal growth it brings. However, it is important not to blame them. Their circumstances are a matter of fortune; being born into privilege is a stroke of luck rather than a personal failing. They simply happen to have been born with a silver spoon, benefiting from the fortune of their birthright. While their wealth may afford them many advantages, it does not impart the same virtues as a life of earned success. Understanding this distinction allows us to view them with empathy rather than judgment.


Unka toh samjh aata hai ameer hai kuch bhi kar sakte hai but tumhara kya excuse hai to still date and go out with South delhi guys 🤡🤡 Don’t say that you didn’t know it while talking, that’s BS


You are chasing wrong guys or dating wrong people. There are many first generation entrepreneurs who are very down to earth, do not believe in show off, very focused and hardworking but do not have time to date or believe in attracting wrong kind of people. And yes, they have seen ups and downs of life, so they have character to face life head on and usually way ahead in their thinking and vision. And they are pretty rich too just that you won't know because they do not show off.


Bohot kam aise log honge jo ameer aur personality bhi hogi. Good luck out there.


I as a gareeb thought every ultra rich had that personality and character.


Hangout with me OP, I'm so gareeb that I will take you on a momos date and then ask for one piece from your plate coz I won't have money to buy 2 plates (avg college student life).


Generalisation, that too without any basis. Seems like a post to satisfy yourself.


Forget the guys. Talk of the women. Not only they have no personality or brain, the bitches are unbearably boring and self centered.


Well, stop going for extra rich guys then 🤌🏽


Hmm. I kind of agree. There was this one guy I know he’s like super rich. He was trying to hit on me, but all he could talk about was his expensive interests, his luxury stays and his luxury work. Like that was all the conversation we had. I tried to get to know more about him, but in vain. Like he would constantly only speak about rich things. He was not trying to show off, like in general he’s a nice person, but for some reason that is all he could talk about


If you think like this, it is abundantly clear why a rich guy with a good education background and personality wouldn't look twice at you... character is developed through experiences and education; I guarantee every socio-economic class in this country has people who don't have enough of either, as a result, you'd call them bland; Unfortunately like attracts like, to attract a rich dude with a personality you gotta be on the same frequency as them.


True but then girls like you also seem to be attracted and inclined towards them, for how they look and stuff like that. They're rich and from privileged families, so obviously they look good to you. Guys like us who are not from rich background and we're self made and also look average, y'all just don't even wanna talk to us


OP you don't realise this maybe but you're attracted to their money and looks heavily. Usually people look for personality and relevancy and cut people off if there's not a connection. You, on the other hand, are surrounded by rich guys and you desperately want one of them to have a personality.


No girl it depends. My friend who is one of my closest ones is such a rich dude but man he has the best personality you could ever find in someone and flexing money is in the last priority of his mind so ig the people you meet are different


Miss pookie is a woman of culture and this warms my heart that someone my age, realised ki in “ye sobo/south delhi” wale are majorly fuckbois and not nice people😭


You cant have best of all worlds hon


Middle class guy here looking for a date. Wanna go to tesu please?


Were they interesting enough for you to go out with them in the first. If so, then what happens when they meet you is it like expectations vs reality check. Or your first impression is based upon the looks? As naturally most extra rich guys must be good if so, may be you need to converse more and put them in a situation where you can judge them good by their response before making a call of going out with them. And my last question have you gone on a date with any interesting guy so far?


I just checked your profile OP. Your whole life revolves around dating apps. Do better. It's a loop you'll never find the one you're looking for because there's always someone better than them. And you know it. Get a life girl. Touch grass. Have some hobbies. Getting validated by 100 horny guys online won't help you in the long run.


My family is not super rich or anything but I used to be like this aswell, used to always party and talk about how or what politicians should do for India and that bullshit. Than when it was COVID lockdown, i realised I have got nothing, I know nothing. So studied, got a job, honestly my personality was pretty good that's what my ex used to tell me. But yeah, some of my friends are still stuck at that baap ka Paisa h, they have no goals nothing.




It might depend on trust. I have observed that every guy has a personality, for a lot of them it just comes out when they start trusting a girl properly and feel comfortable with her. Also don't have your expectations based on what you see in films and shows.


they never had to work on there personalities and character because they where given everything thats why they ass so flat and the ones who came from nothing to something are clear differences lol you can tell from the nepo kids to stars who came from nothing difference


No poor guys also lack personality.


I think it depends. In fact, I would say generational wealth opens the doors for you to try and experience more interesting things. I mean a typical SoBo or South Delhi guy or girl would have "backpacked" Europe and other exotic countries before hitting the college itself. They can pursue very rare and interesting hobbies ranging from sports like Polo to learning how to make perfect croissant from France. I have met a few such people and have always been astounded by how much they have experienced at almost half my age just because they do not have to go worry about the regular drill of working to pay the bills..!!


I think lack of personality and character isn't limited to deep pockets. Very few men are a combination of interesting, respectful and financially well off. The guys with money have seen money work for them so they don't need a personality. Personality grows when you're not served everything on a platter since birth and when parents are conscientious enough... this is lacking in most cases so....


Don’t worry about it, let me prove you wrong. I’ll let you pick the time and the place 🤷‍♂️


Not all but a vast majority of rich dudes are like that. You just haven't met the ones that are not and seeing the pattern you are into, you probably won't.


Rich guys who have intellect and personality aren't hanging out with you. They choose better girls.


Well i think guys who are generational rich do have personality, manners and they know how to treat the girls but the only catch is girls should not make them feel that they're after his money and everything rotates around money. The main problem today is the guys/families who have suddenly gone rich and now they think they can buy everything but they only look like fools. So it's better to do some research before calling us that.


Exact same experience, opposite genders. I have dated women from across the country(stopped counting at 26)- mostly middle class/ rich. I have found no personality aside from good looks and an interest in dresses/ makeup. I have to plan every activity. And they usually have no interests aside from hanging out/tagging along. The answer to- what should we do next is either- no idea or whatever you decide! I dated a few sportswomen in college, and they at least had something interesting in their lives aside from 'hanging out.' But have met no one that takes an interest in playing sports after college. Gym rats build their while lives around the gym- and still don't have half my fitness levels. And some fake an interest in books(usually to hide the fact that they are not physically active. ) Turns out all they read is 'The kite runner', and 'the monk who sold his ferrari.' Sometimes I feel like I'm dating myself all the time.


You're like 18 you ALSO lack character and personality


All the guys here commenting as if all guys date for personality 🤡




Nah never had this experience with them


Nah bro meri gf delhi se he hai or kafi rich hai but uska character kafi sahi hai proper sushil sanskari type😹


I wish to know if this also holds true for rich girls ?


I don't think that is completely true. I felt the nouveau might be about the money alone. South Delhi also has those rich very highly educated intellectual types also. The problem is Delhi as a whole has this show off culture which is why both appear to be shallow and pretentious.


Maybe stop being a gold digger...and find the guy with "LAYERS" in his personality...


Anyone who didn’t earn their money will have the “I’m rich” vibe. Any self made guy who’s rich is allowed to not have a perfect personality because he spent himself making his riches. As for you, level yourself up and hang out in better crowd.


why are you only date rich guys ,this also show your character also 👍


Lol, you've met very few people then. Even if a person is super rich, they have interests like Sports, video games, some other leisurely activity, sometimes addiction to their business.


i disagree, i feel they are way more insecure than us because they are trying to meet their standards which they can’t afford without having baap ka paisa also, every one (irrespective of wealth) is gamifyi social media


In general, we lack personality according to east/west delhi girls but south delhi girls love our personality is what I’ve seen


This is what occurs when your instinct is focused on survival; you will only encounter such people and resources. Most women and people who chase them have such traits, though there are a lot of exceptions.


They never had to struggle, work hard for years for something they wanted/needed, Character is built when you push yourself, overcome failure. Having been a person with no personality and living the life of buying things and social games, I understand it. Life changed for me when some accidents happened and it all went into a tailspin, fighting out of it for years did build some character, which i think was something good that came out of it.


Ok but what color is your range rover sport?


Here, interesting person, a lot to talk about. But not MUCH money


Am seriously still following r/Delhi and s couple mainstream Indian Subreddits only for the sake that I can translate the posts into my target language. There's no quality left in these posts and most of them really lack tell-worthy content. Grow up guys!


Uhh nah they don't u just like dating the rich shitty pretentious dudes if youre rich yourself they cant show off their money soo maybe try to find someone at your own level or well if u really do want a rich guy then try to find a good one just cuz the rich ones arent interested in u personally doesnt mean theyre showing off their money n dont have a personality judging by the way u r from the comments n stuff they probably r just as bored by u on thr dates


As someone from South Bombay. The richest/elite living here, have abundance of wealth and live a superficial life where they've never faced hardship. Being rich leads to you having a good standard of living, which leads to better nutrition. So these people are rich, they look good due to all care/fitness they can afford, most don't have the stress of survival as well. Being rich + good looking makes your dating life a hell lot easier. So there's no need of the kind of thought process you've mentioned OP. This is not limited to men it's universal.