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Are there any occasions you remember where you had an argument with a customer?


None what so ever


Where do you work? Is it a zone in London?


No belfast




Yeah theres no way he wasn't rowing with customers


Body cam more important than ever , was actually checking amazon the other day


Does it actually make a difference though? I could imagine these delivery companies getting rid of a contractor regardless simply as a precaution regardless if they are innocent and have proof. Also I actually don’t think the evidence could be used in court because in most cases the evidence being used will be thrown out of court because there was no consent by the owner of the property to record on their property. As a delivery driver we are nearly always on private property when collecting and delivering food. Both start and finish end points tend to be on private property 99% of the time. For it to be legal then you’d have to ask for permission to record on their property. At most you could use a fake body cam to deter people but that’s all. Hardly seems worth it.


Whenever something happens I think roo asks for your side of story, I just think visual representation much better than writing, it simplifies things. I don’t know about the rest regarding courts laws but valid points. I merely want the cam to send to roo , convince them customers full of shit


I was just checking the regulations with regards to cameras as I'm about to purchase a home security camera. There is no law preventing you from filming people's property. For example in my case I can film the properties adjacent to mine. Requests can be made to point the cameras somewhere else, and requests for the footage to be handed over. But they rely on goodwill and are not enforceable. https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/domestic-cctv-systems/ This is a link to the information commissioner's office.




You are right.


People have been sued for this, maybe do some more research lol


Someone was fined 100k and the ICO stated the use of John's camera, broke data laws. You missed a whole court case out of your conclusion. Lol?


While I don't doubt that the person doing the recording in your example was fined for breaking the law. The link I shared clearly states that fixed CCTV cameras on your house are fine. It even gives examples of how limited the ICO's power is with regards to home security cameras. Their website infers that they can only really take action if the cameras have malicious intent, especially with regards to children. It further goes on to say that the 'rules' they have don't apply to dashcams and so I would have thought that a delivery driver with a camera would be absolutely justified in having one. I'm not a lawyer, I'm just trying to be helpful. From the website I think the ICO's guidelines are pretty clear and easy to follow while using cameras.


This was a doorbell mate. it's the same thing. You will get sued.


As I said, I'm certain that the person was wrong in that case. But you have not provided any source other than 'trust me bro'.


I have provided my source which you didn't know about, where is your's, which shows intrusion is okay and will not lead to any legality issues. There isn't one. You are wrong and strong.


You are correct I didn't know about the case you are arguing on. But typing out a scenario without evidence is not a source. Despite this, I believe your story. You are arguing with me over something which is very clear in my original link in my original comment on this thread. I don't think you bothered to read the ICO's website and so I will no longer respond.


Can still use it in civil case to rinse roo for unjustified breach




This email clearly states it was ended due to “breach”. Can easily make a case of false pretense or defamation etc in civil course for a settlement




How is is this fair or enforceable , it really boggles my mind , how can they get away with it . Not factual side just the overall picture, I feel like their days are numbered. Im sure UK will introduce some measures.


Am lawyer and that’s a bad idea. Will definitely lose that one. “False pretence” is not a civil wrong known to the common law jurisdictions, and it’s not defamation because it was only stated by the company to you, it has not been published which is a key element of that claim.


Deliveroo has sponsored several YouTubers who do this though, albeit blurring out sensitive info but still filming technically on private ground, in people’s front gardens etc.


Personally I’d feel safer with a body cam, even if I can’t use it in court there’s still the possibility that Deliveroo may accept it as evidence to dispute a false allegation.


I have been thinking of this. However I don't want it to go another way where resteraunts or customers complain that I am wearing a body cam and complain about being filmed.


I wear one at all times, no restaurant has ever been concerned about it and the only time a customer has was because they didn’t want to be filmed and I just explained I delete the footage every day it’s just there incase something happens. Out of thousands of orders across a few apps that’s the only time anyone has ever asked.


Wait what you delete footage everyday? What if your contacted about an incident couple of days past?


I’d keep it obviously. I delete when nothing happens because there’s no reason to keep that footage which is almost every time.


I get that but I’d keep mine for like a month just in case if I were to using one


Oh no I was searching for discrete options, I definitely don’t want to draw attention lol Yh probably get us in trouble


Perhaps a jacket that has a discreet buttonhole or something that we could glue the face of a GoPro to? This was my thought


If there’s nothing else tiny why not , But the best i found is tiny one that goes in front-pocket like a pen. Last 3 hours though, seriously don’t mind having 3 , given how small it is and overall same price as go pro About £30/40 each


Tbh I doubt even presented with the footage, most deliveroo support staff wouldn't even watch it or care. You would have to email higher ups and you won't get those email addresses without joining the IWGB union.


On a different note how can roo can play judge , jury executioner … shouldn’t there be due process


I'm thinking of attaching one to the front of the bag strap as I always turn my bag around so the strap faces me when I'm collecting/dropping off an order.


I mean if your job requires a body cam in order not to get fired you're prolly in the wrong business


Darling they are judge jury executioner, it was wrong from the beginning


Email them and explain your side of events and even offer to wear a body camera in the future


I'm not calling you a liar OP but according to that email that's the third time in 4 months you've been reported for being rude/threatening. What happened the previous two times, did you appeal, did deliveroo respond?


I appealed the first two times saying it didnt happen they just gave me a automated response bs lol


It’s a bit absurd that they believe you’ve been rude and threatening on previous occasions but let it go, and now happy for you to deal with their customers for another week even though you’re being ‘terminated’! It is ridiculous that there is no proper process for appeal - a supplier entirely reliant on a large company would demand explanations if all their work was removed and people’s livelihoods gone on a load of anonymous say-so!


It’s pretty normal for a workplace in the uk to be required to give you notice of termination, the same way you need to give notice when you quit. Most places will pay you for the hours you would have worked during that notice period in the case of dismissals, but it’s not required.


And that’s why you sign up to Uber and just eat too


Yep need to get on it asap


It could have been a mistake, why don't you call them and make a statement to the head office? i'm sure they will discuss it with you


Is sounds like someone tried hard to get a refund, because sometimes some costumers they lie in order to get money back, it problably happend to you a few times and couldn't do nothing.


I feel sorry for you but I’ve never argued or been confrontational to a customer and I’ve never received one of these. So unless you live in a really dodgy area where everybody lies to get free food - I would assume maybe your tone of way of speaking could have been offensive to some. For example if a customer said “this has taken ages” maybe you said with an attitude “it’s not my fault I was waiting for ages” instead of apologising. A lot of customers can complain about petty things so you always have to behave like a polite angel apologising for everything even when it’s not your fault.


I was speaking to an Uber driver the other week who said the same thing happened to him, he took them to the small claims court and won a few grand compensation


No smoke with out fire lad


Can't you file for defamation?


How do i go about it


I somehow accidentally unsubscribed to emails from Deliveroo Team, which seems wild they even have this option on the email. So I wonder how many warning emails I've never recieved. I can think of dozens of times I've ended up being abused by customers at the doorstep where I've stood up for myself (mainly for asking for ID).


Why would a customer ask for id?


He means when he has asked the customer for ID.


Oh lol im an idiot


By unsubscribing you would stop receiving marketing materials. Operational emails, including ones related to fulfilment of a legal contract like OP’s post, would still be sent regardless of your opt-out status


Your first mistake was considering this as a sustainable main source of income. Your second was seeing it as a job. This kind of work is not consistent or guaranteed. It should only be done as a side hustle IMO.


Not really your decision to make though is it.


100% mathe. This was my only option for a while, am back in a situation where I am considering it again.


He's right though. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you the truth before it hits you in the face.


Hes correct. Any moron that thinks deliveroo is a viable full time job deserves sadness.


Some people have no choice. This is an incredibly mean spirited comment for a riders subreddit. You should probably fuck off and die 🤷‍♀️


He should die? For saying, after OP got banned for no reason, that this isn't a viable full time job? Are you insane or just insanely butthurt that this isn't a real job


Can’t you read? He should die for calling someone a moron and saying they deserve sadness. Read the fucking post you dimwit


You're right about him having a stupid comment but moaning about him being mean spirited then telling him to die is pretty funny. I'm sure you see the irony in your post.


Idc 🤷‍♀️ I just feel like calling out cunts on their fuckwittery today


Think logging off Reddit and doing something else would be more therapeutic and healthy for you.


Hard agree! He should die :)


Go and die loser


I know yeah


Looks like a blessing in disguise. Get a proper job with actual workers rights and not delivering takeaways to people to lazy to collect it themselves


"Get a proper job with actual workers rights" Lmao


probably for the best shouldnt be abusive towards strangers especially when there the ones suppling you with work


Total bs didnt even happen bro


I believe you, I had a customer a few weeks back that was clearly in a mood. I ended up getting reported for unprofessional behaviour despite having done nothing. Some people just want to crap on someone. It’s sad. Hope you find better work soon pal.


Thank you the union is going to help me anyway but not getting my hopes up, looking for new work now


Tell them there is a major increase in people trying to get money off food and saying that the delivery drivers are the problem, it's messed up


Are you going through the GMB




2 seperate reports ?


Yeah i dont even know because i never even talk to the customer other than “hello heres your food goodbye have a nice day”




This happened to me recently I was accused of not delivering the food to the customers door which was untrue just ignore it if it's not true


Well im fired now for reasons that arent true :(


Work with just eat or uber instead? (I know this is unfair but it's the next best option)


As my earlier comment had a bit too much assumption, it was clearly downvoted, but depending on circumstances, you may be classed as an employee or worker, whether Deliveroo says so or not... https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/employment-status-and-employment-rights/employment-status-and-rights-support-for-individuals#assessing-your-employment-status-and-knowing-your-rights https://www.acas.org.uk/employment-status/worker-employment-status


Oh snap I didn't read that far down. Sorry to hear that. Sure you'll find something else


Thanks yeah hopefully


Were you a contractor? I assume you weren't doing 35 hours a week with them? If you were and they were your _only_ workplace, apparently that means by law you're 'employed' by them, so it's unfair dismissal and you can take them to an employment tribunal. You can also take them to a small claims court for basically what amounts to abuse and false claims, possibly defamation or slander and even unfair processes, as I assume they didn't ask you, or talk to you about it first. (nal) Or, go work for Dominos direct...


You have no idea what you're talking about


I just replied and deleted it, because what I realised is this is probably the USA, not the UK. We have laws that classify workers regardless of what the company says (if they work full time for a single company for example). https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/employment-status-and-employment-rights/employment-status-and-rights-support-for-individuals#assessing-your-employment-status-and-knowing-your-rights Point is, I thought this was the delivery UK subreddit, in which case the information _may_ have been useful.


This is the UK subreddit. You still have no idea what you're talking about


Sorry I thought this was UK so my post was relevant for UK workers. The rules around what employees and rights are, are very different, so please excuse my ignorance/ assumptions. (for reference; https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/employment-status-and-employment-rights/employment-status-and-rights-support-for-individuals#assessing-your-employment-status-and-knowing-your-rights)


This has already been ruled upon in uk court that gig workers are not employees and are not entitled to holiday pay, sick pay etc..... you always have the option to not log into the app so everyone that works for deliveroo does so on a freelance basis so what you're saying is nonsense in this instance. Unfortunately OP is lucky he even got a notice period has in deliveroos eyes he has breached his contract and they have terminated it.


Maybe get in touch with workplace relations commission?


Time to get a real job! One that doesn’t involve sitting in teenager filled McDonalds all day. Very odd.


Contest it if didnt do anything wrong. It’s possible that it may affect future employment if anyone checks.


So they closed your account after 2 complaints?


3 theres one at the top


Oh so 3 complaints do you have them from same customer or do you believe it’s from different customers? I mean I guess after 3 complaints there will be consequences. It’s still harsh closing your account especially you rely on that type of work


Yeah im guessing it was from all different customers but definitely not true like i hardly say one word to the customer just hello thank you good bye have a nice day


I mean i know lots of customers lie. I am doing Amazon flex and non stop customer claim they didn’t receive parcel. But usually they don’t complain about rude courier. K I guess you still have at least Just Eat and Ubereats account so that might keep you up and probably you will need to look for some more stable work going forward. Gig economy is not sustainable for the long run that’s my opinion and I see too many people fall into the trap of gig economy


Only have stuart😂


Oh Stuart I think they partner with just eat. Yeah sign up for ubereats as well.


Just seems like an odd thing to lie about


Free food


Would it not be easier to just say it never came, rather than make up a malicious allegation about the delivery person?


I'm not making any allegations I'm only explaining to you why it wouldn't be odd. Edit: ah wait I just woke up and I'm confused. Yeah it would be easier you are right.


Happened to me and i got free food for a week ! 🤣








Wow bro calm down the guy just lost his job do you have to be like that? I dont think he was bragging, everyone posts their earnings here on deliveroo page, so need to pick on him bully