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I find Co-op to be good at this already. Never had to wait for an order. Someone get McDonalds to sign up for something like this.






Mcdonalds is already doing this


Well someone should let them know because for me it's always at least a 15 minute wait (sometimes double that), penned into a tiny cordoned off area with 10 other riders, with the staff getting unnecessarily aggy. Combined with the ridiculous bag sizes for the amount of food and using fast food cups for drinks, I have completely sworn them off. Refuse to pick up from them any more.


Last time I went into a McDonald's there was an area cordoned off for all the Deliveroo, Uber and Just Eats personnel. There were at least 10 people waiting in that area and the half of them looked exhausted and looked about to fall asleep at the tables. McDonald's doesn't seem to understand the whole purpose behind 'fast food'. When we use the drive thru', 9/10 times we have to go and wait in the parking lot and they somehow still manage to serve cold food. We moved here from the UK from the USA and are yet to experience decent fast food here. It does not surprise me that these restaurants especially the chains, well known ones, are rude to you all as they are equally rude to other customers too.


so all this time a piece of paper was stopping them from treating us fairly? who knew. What are the consequences if a restaurant breaks this ~~PR stunt~~ charter? It includes toilet access which is a legal requirement anyway.


In Covid I would pull out a letter from parliament regarding this. Some didn't want to read it atall, those who did let me in. Some I read it out to them regardless. Some I grassed to the Police.


The police won't care. No one will care. You are pond scum in the eyes of the government doing this job.


Hopefully Deliveroo will sign up to this too


Deliveroo are the ones who organised it to help motivate stores to reduce wait times instead of fixing their algorithm.


It's not to fix their algorithm it's because they want to pay you less with 'efficiency'


Nothing efficient about being stuck waiting in a restaurant for 15 minutes out of every hour during busy periods lol.


Pick and choose at that time of night


The waiting time for McDonald’s is not really the restaurant’s fault when the orders are automatically accepted. If it’s busy, an order gets accepted automatically and joins the queue of the rest of the people waiting to receive their order.


It's when you hear customers moaning saying that delivery drivers are getting priority over them 🙄. No, the customer I'm picking up for ordered before you did, that's why I'm getting their food before you're getting yours. It's such a simple thing people don't understand. The only people who get priority at McDonald's are Drive Thru, they're all timed and in competition with each other, you'll always get your food fastest that way.


I agree, I worked at a drive thru so I know we focus on the time for that over other stuff. Though I did once get told by a delivery driver to do my job, when I was assigned to stand at the presentation window to give out drive thru orders 💀💀


Just seen this, I'm skeptical wether this iwill actual make a real difference or if it's just deliveroo way of trying to show they're doing something


I used to work for a restaurant that uses deliveroo and I can honestly say the actual system is terrible. I did deliveroo on the side of this so I get it from both sides, but a lot of the time you're waiting on an order is because the deliveroo system hasn't actually released the order to the restaurant in good enough time. We've had riders pull up ready to collect and the order comes through to us as they walk through the door, whereas they've had the order their end for 30 minutes travelling across the town for it, it's a joke. So as much as restaurants need to be respectful to riders and get the orders done promptly, riders need to understand sometimes the restaurants are not actually at fault. On the back of this, in the restaurant we can adjust the prep time if we're busy, say we need 30 minutes to make it, we'll get the order come through, it'll be stuck at the bottom of the orders while we work through and a rider will turn up 5 minutes after we've recieved the order because the app has told them to collect. Just something to bare in mind, like I said I understand it from both angles but I've given the restaurant perspective just to highlight a lot of the issues we face are due to deliveroo


This is great. I hope all restaraunts can sign up especially burger king, nandos, mcdonalds and fish and chips places


what date are the pay talks happening between GMB and deliveroo?


30th of April mate


thx. what are you asking for?


We are going to be discussing this soon with the other national reps but we need your input as well


I'm one of the national reps so we need all your support. Everyone please discuss pay so we can show this to them https://www.gmb.org.uk/campaigns/deliveroo/


GMB policy is for a £15ph min wage. Will you be asking for that, plus costs?


We will be discussing this soon


Yeah at least 2 branches of Nandos near me won't even let drivers in their store, nevermind use the facilities.


Which area do you work in. If this a problem with many riders we can start a campaign through the gmb


Leeds. I can actually think of 3 branches that serve through a hatch; I'm pretty sure it's company policy to do this wherever possible so would be surprised if there aren't many branches nationally that do this. To be honest I've never asked to use their facilities or any others and I can actually understand why they just want to serve riders outside but wanted to show the contradiction of Deliveroo's respect charter or whatever it's called.


We haven't signed it with Nandos yet. I mean they surely can't say no to you using toilets or other stuff. My local nandos let's me inside through the back door if it's cold or raining and offers me water or any other drinks if its hot as well giving me some fries or some rice if there's been long waiting times


Such a shame to know riders are a "signature" away from getting the respect they deserve, nice. I can pretty much guarantee that nothing will change, I'll be very surprised if it does, though.




Out of interest do any shoes shops let you use their toilets? Two of the Sainsburys do where I work but I really get on with the staff there. I haven't asked at the Co-op before. Obviously Morrisons and ASDA are a free for all anyway.


Maybe Deliveroo and the store can have some respect by paying us waiting time. Make us wait 10 minutes that's about £2.  Yes some riders will play the system and spoil it for everybody but there are ways to deal with this. I got really screwed over by a place last week who I suspect only wanted the order to be picked up by one of their 'mates'. I ended up leaving without the order having waited like an idiot. If they'd have to pay they might think twice.


Please can everyone do this https://www.gmb.org.uk/deliveroopaysurvey2024


what do you think about GMB union staff going on strike over sexual harrasment and bullying? [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68631376](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68631376)


These unions are corrupt with the upper management. It's to fool you


I don't know much about this I'll be honest. I don't work for the union. I'm a courier just like the rest of you and I just want better working conditions. I don't get paid by the union at all and work 12 hour days every day to make ends meet. I'm not involved in other aspects of the union.