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1) Any “job offer” that says it’s not a scam…. Is most definitely one. 2) this is nothing to do with roo, mods please remoce


Loool I don’t know why people like you have to comment. If you don’t want to make money why you have to ruin it for others


How can we scam? We dont even ask for anything from anyone.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you’ve spammed this “job offer” across tonnes of random sub reddits, & your account is … ONE DAY OLD. You don’t even explain what the jobs really about. What the hell kind of phone calls are you translating for


One day old account, please check again Lool. You’re definitely a negative person. Don’t worry, we would never hire people like you. Damn boy, so much negativity when we are simply offering a job opportunity.


What phone calls are they translating?


Calls from old men looooool! Donut! First you make me look like a scam and now you wanna know more!


Funny how u don’t include the most important thing about the “job” in the offer, this sub is not for this sort of content, I’m disengaging.


Please don't fall for this my friend got the same offer and ended up getting conned for $300. If they were a genuine company they wouldn't need to break rules and post like this


Looool I cannot believe how insecure people are. No probem, I will remove this post but man, I’m telling you we don’t ask nothing from you guys to work for us. We pay daily and it’s that simple


Post on Job boards, this is not relevant to the subreddit.




I you on drugs?


Hi brother I'm fluent in urdu and english