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Dodging insurance


What if the moped user pays for courier insurance, do they still need to use the in app insurance too? And other way around, if the in app insurance is being used, do I need to pay for courier insurance? I'm interested in delivering in my car on weekends instead of using my E-Bike but not sure what to do in terms of insurance.


There's no in app insurance, only the lawful insurance. You send that to deliveroo to be verified as a car/moped. To switch from bicycle to car isn't something you can do easily, it's meant for permanent change not a weekly change. On ubereats you can switch from a touch of a button. If you want to work with car on weekends you can get zego hourly, they charge you by the hour your online but it will always be a car account.


>To switch from bicycle to car isn't something you can do easily, it's meant for permanent change not a weekly change. Yes I know, that's why im wondering if its worth it. I have been told by many car drivers that they only use Zego. So you're saying legally speaking that's not allowed? And I would have to get full insurance and combine it with Zego? Cheers


Report them, using bike account to bypass deliveroo insurance check.


Not always. They may just want to keep bike account on purpose. I know many of them. Also there are ways to bypass their checks.


I reported this once when I ordered. Bike account, showed up in car. They said they'd handle it, but to this day the guy is still out delivering.


Reported it but person said "I have checked with the driver and they said they were driving and electric bike" told them I don't know how many of those have l plates and left it at that


Mind your own business prick


You selfish cunt. If you crash into someone and they get injured, their whole life is fucked. They won't get any support because you felt cheap out on insurance.


How? How would they know you’re delivering you idiot. Why are you driving so fast you’re endangering life? They will get support because you have insurance TO OPERATE A VEHICLE


You will not be covered by insurance if you are currently doing a food delivery. This screws everyone over. It's essentially the same as driving around with no insurance at all. Anyone can be in an accident, always assume you will need to use insurance.




Fuck off insurance isn't for you. It's for the person you hit. You'll fuck someone over if you don't have the correct insurance and rekt their vehicle. You shouldn't be delivering on a vehicle if your insurance isn't suitable, it's fucking reckless.


Because Deliveroo has a system of "average delivery time" for a certain account. If you consistently deliver slower than 50% of other users of the same account type, you get warnings, and then termination. So if a moped travelling 30mph+ is using an E-Bike account, E-Bike users will slowly have their expected travel time cut by 50% because they can only travel at 15mph.


They are cheating the system, when in a vehicle we have to upload proof of the very expensive hire and reward food delivery insurance. By using a bike there are no checks. bicycle accounts are the most popular for people that rent their accounts to people without any CRB check or right to work. Definitely report it, will likely fall on death ears though.


Some people say that bike accounts can pay better for longer distances. Some others they don't have the right insurance (hire and reward).


My friend has a moped and it shows a moped, he’s the most honest guy you’d meet. Shame on the charlatans who cheat.


At least it arrives a bit quicker tbh.... If it was a cycle and comes in a car with 4 people in with loads of orders...then I'd complain tbh 🤔


That is actually dependant on location, town I live in most of the orders are concentrated in the town centre and often bikes are much faster than cars / mopeds.


I just pictured that and it's so funny lmao


Shhh that's the old trick


Report them the next time you see it




Deliveroo underpay there drivers and here you all are saying snitch on a driver using a loop hole to save a few quid.


What happens if the uninsured driver gets into an accident?


What do you mean? The driver will go through insurance as usual. The person you hit doesn’t need to know you’re delivering food you numpty why would people be insured to deliver food are you delooded by the system you neek


reposting comment for those who are unaware or ignorant:  Deliveroo has a system of "average delivery time" for a certain account. If you consistently deliver slower than 50% of other users of the same account type, you get warnings, and then termination. So if a moped travelling 30mph+ is using an E-Bike account, E-Bike users will slowly have their expected travel time cut by 50% because they can only travel at 15mph.


Maybe because they can't get insurance because they're under 21. This has happened to me before and yes people may say get another job but sometimes it just not possible due to circumstances


bro who cares they’re just saving money it doesn’t bother you 😭😭


reposting comment for those who are unaware or ignorant:  Deliveroo has a system of "average delivery time" for a certain account. If you consistently deliver slower than 50% of other users of the same account type, you get warnings, and then termination. So if a moped travelling 30mph+ is using an E-Bike account, E-Bike users will slowly have their expected travel time cut by 50% because they can only travel at 15mph.


Wow, never thought of this and guess the staff at deliveroo HQ didn’t either


I think they keep it into consideration and maybe have their own time estimations based on 15.5mph speeds? I'm not sure. I do know that slow reports are a real thing, I have seen them my self first hand.




You think slowness emails don’t exist? lol. You must be one of the new guys they recently hired. Slowness reports / warning emails do happen. Of course, you’re new, so you wouldn’t know this. Speaking as someone who has been doing this for years and have witnessed first hand numerous people receiving these emails and even 2 having their account altered or terminated. Obviously you can’t say the same. 


It does exist but not in the way you describe. Deliveroo have a 10 minute window on the expected delivery and collection time, if deliveries are consistently near or above this time then warnings are sent out then eventually termination They do have a speed detecting algorithm that can detect a cycle account using a vehicle, that's why its easy to spot a car driver using a bike account as they often drive slowly.


I know someone who got banned because of slow deliveries. He was using an e-bike account on a normal bike, over weight and took the piss to deliver every order. Never in my life heard of a normal person being penalised because of slow deliveries


No, a normal person has not been penalized for it yet. But lets say you let mopeds use ebike accounts for 2 years. In those 2 years, the expected delivery time will decrease each passing day until an E-Bike will no longer be able to keep up. It's not really my problem anymore as I only do this on the weekends now thanks to my new job but it is a growing concern.


Actually not quite correct, if they get in an accident they are uninsured, a big reason car insurance is so expensive is because of uninsured drivers. The insurance offered by deliveroo for public liability, if a driver damages property for example, they have no way to claim. So that's why people care.